Presentation Marking Rubric

Name(s): _________________________________

| |Presentation Marking Rubric (Group) |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |Mark |

| |Extensive knowledge of topic. |Most showed a good understanding of |Few members showed good understanding of |Presenters didn’t understand topic. | |

|Comprehension |Members showed complete understanding |topic. |some parts of topic. |Majority of questions answered by only one | |

| |of assignment. Accurately answered all|All members able to answer most of |Only some members accurately answered |member or majority of information incorrect. | |

| |questions posed. |audience questions. |questions. | | |

|Presentation |Regular/constant eye contact, The |Most members spoke to majority of |Members focused on only part of audience. |Minimal eye contact by more than one member |  |

|Skills |audience was engaged, and presenters |audience; steady eye contact. |Sporadic eye contact by more than one |focusing on small part of audience. | |

| |held the audience’s attention. |The audience was engaged by the |presenter. |The audience was not engaged. | |

| |Appropriate speaking volume & body |presentation. |The audience was distracted. |Majority of presenters spoke too quickly or | |

| |language. |Majority of presenters spoke at a |Speakers could be heard by only half of |quietly making it difficult to understand. | |

| | |suitable volume. |the audience. |Inappropriate/disinterested body language. | |

| | |Some fidgeting by member(s). |Body language was distracting. | | |

|Content |The presentation was a concise summary|The presentation was a good summary |The presentation was informative but |The presentation was a brief look at the |  |

| |of the topic with all questions |of the topic. |several elements went unanswered. |topic but many questions were left | |

| |answered. Comprehensive and complete |Most important information covered; |Much of the information irrelevant; |unanswered. | |

| |coverage of information. |little irrelevant info. |coverage of some of major points. |Majority of information irrelevant and | |

| | | | |significant points left out. | |

|Preparedness/ |All presenters knew the information, |Slight domination of one presenter. |Significant controlling by some members |Unbalanced presentation or tension resulting | |

|Participation/ |participated equally, and helped each |Members helped each other.  |with one minimally contributing. |from over-helping. | |

|Group Dynamics |other as needed. |Very well prepared. |Primarily prepared but with some |Multiple group members not participating. | |

| |Extremely prepared and rehearsed. | |dependence on just reading off slides. |Evident lack of preparation/rehearsal. | |

| | | | |Dependence on slides. | |

|  |  |  |  |Total |  /20 |

Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________








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