Jessica Sentek - Elgin

Jessica Sentek

Sarah Dye

Argument Paper

December 11, 2006

Why To Become A Teacher

Teaching has a history just like anything else. Who developed teaching? Scholars such as philosophers in Ancient Greece developed teaching. Knowledge in academic came from several sources, like Ancient Athens, Ancient China, and Africa. Each culture contributes their own studies such as China offering orient art and science. Teaching has many benefits. The pay is decent, the job outlook is excellent, and it is a very rewarding job. There are many opportunities and choices in this career. Opportunities include many extra ways of earning money. As far as choices go there are many different types of positions in the field of teaching, such as elementary school, middle school, secondary school, and preschool teaching; which applies to public and private school teaching.


When becoming a teacher the qualifications include extensive training. The United States require you to have a teaching license to teach in public schools. Requirements vary by state, but are very similar in regards to obtaining your teaching license. All states require teachers to have a bachelor’s degree and to have completed an approved teachers training program. Supervised practice teaching is also generally required. Many states also require teachers to obtain a Masters degree in education after a certain period of time. Almost all states require applicants for a license to be tested for competency in basic skills, and proficiency in the specific study they teach. Continuing education for a renewal of a teaching license is also required.

Employment Forecast

Job stability in the teaching career is very good. Statistics predict many opportunities will vary from good to excellent from 2004 to 2014. Of course that all depends on the specific area in which you would like to teach, such as math, science, English, and many more. Certain states such as California, Idaho, Hawaii, and Alaska will have the highest demand in teaching since their populations are increasing. Bilingual teachers are also becoming higher in demand due to the increase in Hispanic culture. Statistics state an increase in jobs will occur due to the improved job prospects, better pay, and greater interest. It is also said there will be a higher volume of retirement, allowing more job openings in the teaching field. The median annual earnings in 2004 ranged from $41,400 to $45,920, the lowest being $26,730 to $31,180, and the highest being $66,2740 to $71,370 for all positions, except for preschool teachers, which earned around $20,980. Research states private school teachers earn less than public school teachers. In 2004 more than 50 percent of all teachers belonged to unions. In teaching there are many opportunities to earn extra money such as coaching sports, extracurricular activities, summer school, and study halls.

Personal Satisfaction

Just like any other job teaching also has its disadvantages and stresses. Some disadvantages include heavy work loads, out-of-class responsibilities, and poor teaching facilities. One of the biggest stresses is getting along with your co-workers, which is a stress in any job. Retirement has its disadvantages and advantages also. Although the advantages out weigh the disadvantages. Generally teachers work until they are sixty-five , seventy, or until they can no longer work, with their retirement plan they will be taken care of after retirement. Satisfaction also occurs within the job of teaching. The biggest satisfaction is the fun in training. It allows you to help others and care for another in a way you could never imagine. Not only are you a teacher, you are a friend and a mentor students can look up to.

As you can see teaching can be a very rewarding job. Yes, the pay might not be the best, but the satisfaction is very rewarding. There is always room for advancement and plenty of ways to earn extra money. I recommend teaching for many of reasons. The retirement plan is phenomenal. I would have to say the biggest benefit being the vacation time, especially if you have a family. Vacation time couldn’t be much better, you always are guaranteed the same days off every year. Last but not least you, yourself will keep on learning.

Sources Consulted Page

Farr, J. Michael. The Very Quick Job Search. 1996

Fine, Janet. Opportunities in Teaching Careers. 1989

“Looking to Change Careers? Consider Teaching.” N/A. N/A

Salary Stock.” Chicago Tribune. April 28, 2002

Sarason, Seymour B. You Are Thinking of Teaching?. 1993

“Teacher Shortage Growing.” Cam Report. April 15, 2001

“Teachers Wanted.” Cam Report. June 2002

Toplikar, Dave. “Effort Under Way To Give Teachers More Time To Plan.” EBSCO Host Research Databases. ….. November 2006

U.S Department of Labor. “Teachers-Preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, and Secondary.” Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2006-07 Edition.


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