Job Responsibilities Worksheet

Job Responsibilities Worksheet


The purpose of this Job Responsibilities Worksheet (JRW) is to document the current responsibilities of a position. It focuses on a specific position, provides details regarding the primary job duties and required competencies, and outlines the job scope and supervisory responsibility (if applicable). At Penn State, this document serves as a staff employee's job description. Unlike a static description, the JRW allows the manager and employee to collaborate on how a position functions, while allowing for regular updates.

The information provided in the JRW correlates to a staff job profile and level, therefore, it is important that the JRW accurately represent the way the position is currently functioning. All sections of the JRW must be completed. Incomplete or missing information may lead to an inaccurate reflection of the nature of the position and in the case of a job review request, may delay the process.

The employee and manager must discuss the position to ensure mutual understanding. The employee typically works with their manager to create their JRW. For newly created positions, the manager will complete the JRW to provide to their employee upon hire.

Additional JRW guidance can be found at:

Below are some points to consider when completing the JRW: ? Consider the normal day-to-day responsibilities ? Use a factual and impersonal style when writing the JRW ? Begin each task with a present tense action verb ? Base the content on the responsibilities and duties of the position with the focus on essential responsibilities critical to the position ? Use explanatory phrases telling why, how, where, or how often to add meaning and clarity ? Incorporate relevant information such as level of independent judgment, physical and mental effort, contacts, work complexity, equipment, and supervisory responsibilities ? When indicating the percentage of time spent on each duty, consider what is performed over a given period of time ? The percentages must total 100% and should not be smaller than 5% or greater than 50% ? Describe the position as it is being performed today and not as it might be in the future (this does not necessarily apply in cases where a JRW is being completed for a vacant or new position)

Do not...

? Cut and paste information from this guide, job profiles, matrices or any other reference tools

? Use narrative or first person form when writing the JRW ? Use unnecessary words that add fluff to the duty ? Base the content on what the person doing the job can or can't do ? Write the JRW based on the desired classification outcome ? Write the JRW as a procedure manual on how to do the job ? Include minor or occasional tasks

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Job Responsibilities Worksheet

Check One:

General Update (Vacant Position Review, Annual Review, New/Change in Job Responsibilities)

Initial Creation (New Hire/New Position)

Interim Position/ Temporary Assignment

General Information

Employee Name:

Current Job Title: Working Title (if different from Job Title):

Level: Unknown

Salary Band: Unknown

Work Unit: Position Number (if known):

Reporting Structure Information

Immediate Manager's Name: Current Job Title: Working Title (if different from Job Title):

Level: Unknown

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Job Responsibilities Worksheet

Position Summary Position Summary: Please describe, in 2-4 sentences, the primary purpose of this position.

Primary Duties Please list up to ten of the primary duties, based on percentage of time, from most to least. The percentages must total 100% and should not be smaller than 5% or greater than 50%.

1. Description:

New Duty 2. Description:

% of Time Select a percent

New Duty 3. Description:

% of Time Select a percent

New Duty

% of Time Select a percent

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4. Description:

Job Responsibilities Worksheet

New Duty 5. Description:

% of Time Select a percent

New Duty 6. Description:

% of Time Select a percent

New Duty 7. Description:

% of Time Select a percent

New Duty

% of Time Select a percent

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8. Description:

Job Responsibilities Worksheet

New Duty 9. Description:

% of Time Select a percent

New Duty 10. Description:

% of Time Select a percent

New Duty

% of Time Select a percent


Describe the extent or range of operation for the position. Please give examples of the size and extent of activity over which this position has control or has impact, such as size of budgets, level of fiscal responsibility (management vs. proxy), number of students, number of faculty supported, extent of impact (department-wide, college-wide, Universitywide).

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Job Responsibilities Worksheet

Position Specific Competencies

Competencies are a combination of the knowledge and skills needed to effectively perform a role in an organization. At Penn State, the following five core competencies serve as the foundation for development and performance management:

Effective Knowledge Accountability and Self Management

Teamwork and Leadership Communication

Innovation and Problem Solving

Depending on the nature of the position, staff job profiles fall under the management or non-management track. Utilize the link below for information on the competencies program, including the management or non-management core competencies matrix:

In the box below, please provide unit specific competency information for the position, not the incumbent. Utilize the competency matrix for guidance, which will especially aid in establishing the level of a position.


Effective Knowledge: requires advanced knowledge of principles, practices, and procedures of a particular field of specialization and completes complex assignments.

Accountability and Self Management: typically works independently on complex work assignments, reviews progress and evaluates results and update management as appropriate.

Note: This section of the JRW is optional for the annual JRW process, though is strongly encouraged for new positions and the job review process.

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Job Responsibilities Worksheet

Lead/Supervisory/Management Responsibility

Please indicate the number of employees reporting to this position on a regular basis. If there are five (5) or less direct reports, enter their job titles below and select the option that best describes your supervisory and "direction of work" responsibilities.

# of direct reports (Exempt/Nonexempt):

#of indirect reports (Exempt/Nonexempt):

# of part-time, student, and/or temporary employees or volunteers:

Direct Reports

Job Title


# of employees

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Please select the option that best describes your lead, supervisory, or management responsibilities.

Minimal or no supervisory responsibilities.

Supervisory responsibilities within a department or functional area. Responsibilities include coordinating, directing and assigning work and may also include participation in interviewing and selecting staff, evaluating employee performance including making recommendations regarding pay, performance, and disciplinary action.

Full management position responsible for managing employees within a department, unit, and/or subdivision. To qualify as full management, a position is responsible for at least on full-time employee in the Workday system, which includes performance management, time off approval etc. Other responsibilities may include workforce planning, authority for disciplinary action, interviewing, selecting, and training staff, making decisions regarding pay.

Additional Requirements

Provide any additional comments or information that was not covered in the prior sections that you feel are pertinent to this position, such as required licensures, accreditations, certifications, specific physical requirements, work environment, effort, skills, etc. Identify if the position primarily works remotely.

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Job Responsibilities Worksheet


By signing below or typing my name below and sending this form via email, I am confirming that the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Employee's Name or Signature (if applicable):


Immediate Manager: By signing below or typing my name below and sending this form via email, I am confirming that I have reviewed the information provided and agree that it accurately reflects the content of the position

Immediate Manager's Name or Signature:


Department/Division Head's Name or Signature: Human Resources Name or Signature:

Date: Date:

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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