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Knowledge Rating Scale Vocabulary WordI’ve never heard this word before.I’ve heard this word, but I don’t know what it means.I know this word…it has something to do with…I know the meaning of this word.acquireconfusiondevelopirritatevarietyVocabulary Words Vocabulary WordDefinition Part of SpeechSynonymAntonymacquireto get through one’s own actions; gain something as one’s ownverbobtainloseconfusiona feeling that things are mixed up and not clear at allnounmisunderstandingclaritydevelopto grow little by little; to becomeverbbuild uphaltirritateto bother or annoy someone or somethingverbaggravatevarietya number of different kindsnounassortmentExamplesWordExampleacquireWe shop at stores to acquire the things we need. We sometimes acquire things when they are given to us. Some people may have to acquire a taste for coffee. I know many people who didn’t like it at first, but now drink it daily. They have gained a liking for the taste.Have you ever had to acquire a liking for something?confusionThere was much confusion when the teacher assigned the project. At first she said it was due Monday, but at the end of the class she said it was due Wednesday. The students were unsure of the actual due date. Have you ever experienced confusion about a homework assignment?developJessica was able to develop her musical talent when she took piano lessons. She was able to learn to play the piano and her skills expanded with time. What is a skill that you have been able to develop over time?irritateMy little sister can irritate me at times. Yesterday, I was trying to finish my homework and she kept bothering me to play with her. It was very aggravating. When is a time that you were irritated with someone?varietyThe ice cream shop in town has a wide variety of flavors. During the summer time there are over 50 different kinds. Can you think of something that has a variety of colors? Fill in the Blankacquireconfusiondevelopirritate varietySlow drivers seem to ______________ people who are in a hurry.I hope to _____________ a home of my own before I am 30.One must _____________ as a child before maturing into an adult.There was _____________ in the streets when all of the stoplights went out.The teacher discussed a ________________ of topics during the class.Sentence CompletionTo acquire my GED I must ___________________________________________________.I experience confusion when _______________________________________________.It is important to develop vocabulary skills because ______________________________.I am easily irritated when people ____________________________________________.My favorite variety of car is ________________________________________________.Yes, No, Why?Do you get irritated when someone causes large amounts of confusion?Do you think it is important to develop a variety of skills for a certain job?Read and RespondA Safe Place to Sleep (Six Way Paragraphs Middle Level: 3rd Edition, page 60; ISBN 0-8442-2119-8)What does the centipede build and develop before it goes to sleep?At what point does the tarantula become irritated with the centipede?Where does the centipede safely acquire sleep? ................

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