Planning With Kids

|Age |Tasks |

|2 – 4 year olds: |Take breakfast dishes away from table. |

|Aim is not for perfection, but to |Make bed and tidy room. |

|begin learning to do things for |Wipe and sweep up own messes through out the day. |

|themselves and to contribute to the|Packing away of toys and general tidy. |

|running of the family home. Will |Take condiments to table for evening meal. |

|need assistance. |Take own plate away from the dinner table. |

| |Placing dirty clothes in the laundry basket. |

| |Return towel to bathroom. |

|4 – 6 year olds |Return cereal boxes to cupboard after breakfast. |

|The aim is to have the kids knowing|Pack kinder or school bag. |

|their routine of jobs to help out |Unpack kinder or school bag and hand over any notices. |

|and carry them out without the need|Setting place mats for dinner. |

|for reminding. Some assistance may|As required can help match up socks when laundry is being folded. |

|still be required. |Assist in the garden with sweeping and raking. |

|6 – 8 year olds |Place milk and juice back in the fridge when breakfast has been completed. |

|The aim is to have children now |Empty rubbish bin. |

|completing these tasks |Set cutlery for dinner. |

|independently. |Put own laundered clothes away. |

| |On weekends help make morning and afternoon tea. |

| |Cook treats like scones and muffins. |

| |Help sort laundry into colour groupings. |

|8 – 10 year olds |Stack dishwasher |

|Children are now taking on tasks |Empty compost bin and clean container. |

|that require greater time |Make drinks for dinner time. |

|allocation and complete a full |Vacuum own bedroom |

|household task as opposed to part. |Cook a family meal as required. |

| |Assist with folding clean laundry. |

| |Help with weeding in the garden. |

|10 – 12 year olds |Unstack dishwasher. |

|Aim to have a variety of indoor and|Vacuum whole house as required. |

|outdoor jobs for children this age.|Regularly cook a family meal. |

| |Mow lawn. |

| |Hang out washing. |

| |Put away the groceries |


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