Due January 29, 2016


STUDENT ID__________________________

GRADE___________(only current 10th or 11th grade students are eligible)

SECOND SEMESTER FIRST PD TEACHER__________________________________

EMAIL ADDRESS________________________________

HOME OR CELL NUMBER____________________________


1. Please fill out the information at the top of this page in ink.

2. You MUST have an unweighted GPA of 3.6 or a weighted GPA of 4.2 to be considered for entry to the National Honor Society. Mrs. Cresham will verify this with the registrar by obtaining copies of your transcript directly from the registrar’s office. You do NOT need to get a copy of your transcript.

3. Completely describe and obtain signatures for all activities, both in school and out of school. A MINIMUM OF TWO “IN SCHOOL” ACTIVITIES AND TWO “SERVICE ACTIVITIES” ARE REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION.

• Examples of in school activities include Wootton sports teams, clubs or school organizations (such as Stars, AOIT, or Humanities & Arts) that are registered with the SGA and are verified by the coach and/or sponsor.

• Examples of out of school activities are service activities or volunteer activities (SSL eligible) that benefit the school community, the neighborhood community, or a larger community. These can be a single event, like a “walk for the homeless” or working for Habitat for Humanity. Activities that only benefit the student are NOT acceptable. (Some examples of UNACCEPTABLE activities are jobs or internships, STARS, Humanities & Arts, private or group lessons or club organizations – such as Youth Orchestra, religion classes, sports clubs – these are not service activities.) If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Cresham.

• Please make sure to note your position in these activities, particularly if it is a leadership position, and how long you have participated.

• These activities must have been done during your high school years, and must be accompanied by signature of coach or sponsor (for in school) and a supervisor (for service activities) with a phone number and email address for verification purposes.

4. Obtain three recommendations from current or former teachers or coaches AT WOOTTON. This does NOT include counselors or administrators. Please make sure that you give the teachers or coaches adequate time to fill the recommendations out and return them to Mrs. Cresham. Under NO circumstances is the applicant to deliver the recommendations. It is the applicant’s responsibility to make sure that the recommendations are received by Mrs. Cresham on time – by January 29 , 2016. Please come and check with Mrs. Cresham to make sure your file is complete well before January 29th.

• Please list the individuals you have chosen to write your recommendations below.

1. _______________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________

Please return all completed materials to Mrs. Cresham, National Honors Society advisor, by January 29, 2016. Mrs. Cresham is in room 153. The National Honor Society Selection Committee will meet shortly thereafter to review the applications and you will receive written notification through you first period teacher. Thank you for your interest in the National Honor Society.

Student Pledge of Intention

I am aware that it is my responsibility to turn in all materials on time. This includes verifying that all of my recommendation forms have been given to Mrs. Cresham by those individuals from whom I requested recommendations. In addition, I understand that handing in all materials on time does not mean automatic acceptance into the National Honor Society.

If accepted in the National Honor Society, I promise to attend all meetings (unless previously excused through notification by email to Mrs. Cresham), pay my dues and perform a minimum of 15 hours of service each year on activities sponsored by, or sanctioned by the National Honor Society. I understand that including the National Honor Society in my college applications and receiving recognition at graduation is contingent upon my performance of these obligations.

Applicant’s signature________________________________________

Parent’s signature__________________________________________


Please describe in detail all activities in which you have had a leadership or participatory role. Please make sure that you obtain the sponsor/coaches’ signature, email and telephone number. DESCRIPTIONS WITHOUT THIS VERIFICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

1. Description:

Sponsor/Coach signature____________________________________________

Name in print______________________________Email___________________

Phone number______________________

2. Description:

Sponsor/Coach signature_____________________________________________

Name in print______________________________Email____________________

Phone number________________________


Please describe in detail all activities in which you have had a leadership or participatory role. Please make sure you obtain supervisory signature, email and phone number. DESCRIPTIONS WITHOUT THIS VERIFICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

1. Description:

Supervisor signature______________________________________________

Name in print________________________Email________________________

Phone number_____________________

2. Description:

Supervisor signature_______________________________________________

Name in print______________________Email___________________________

Phone number______________________



__________________________________________, is applying for membership in the Thomas S. Wootton chapter of the National Honor Society. Please fill out the information requested and return this form to Mrs. Cresham, National Honor Society advisor, by NO LATER THAN January 29, 2016. The above named student knows that it is their responsibility to make sure that the recommendation is returned to Mrs. Cresham ON TIME by reminding you. Please do not accept recommendations if you are not certain you can complete them in the time allotted – this will jeopardize the applicant’s chances of entry to the society.

Please circle the best answer to each question.

1. I know this student: very well moderately well slightly not well

2. This student is: a current student a former student a student I coach.

3. This student’s scholarship abilities are: excellent very good good fair not good n/a

4. This student’s leadership abilities are: excellent very good good fair not good

5. This student demonstrates academic integrity in my classroom: yes no

6. This student is trustworthy and dependable: yes no

7. I would recommend this student as a tutor for others: yes no

8. I think that this student would be good representative for our school: yes no.

9. I recommend this student: in the top 10% in the top 25% in the top 50% lower than top 50% not at all

Feel free to make any additional comments on the back of this form.

Signature_________________________________, email__________



__________________________________________, is applying for membership in the Thomas S. Wootton chapter of the National Honor Society. Please fill out the information requested and return this form to Mrs. Cresham, National Honor Society advisor, by NO LATER THAN January 29, 2016. The above named student knows that it is their responsibility to make sure that the recommendation is returned to Mrs. Cresham ON TIME by reminding you. Please do not accept recommendations if you are not certain you can complete them in the time allotted – this will jeopardize the applicant’s chances of entry to the society.

Please circle the best answer to each question.

1. I know this student: very well moderately well slightly not well

2. This student is: a current student a former student a student I coach.

3. This student’s scholarship abilities are: excellent very good good fair not good n/a

4. This student’s leadership abilities are: excellent very good good fair not good

5. This student demonstrates academic integrity in my class room: yes no.

6. This student is trustworthy and dependable: yes no

7. I would recommend this student as a tutor for others: yes no

8. I think that this student would be good representative for our school: yes no.

9. I recommend this student: in the top 10% in the top 25% in the top 50% lower than top 50% not at all

Feel free to make any additional comments on the back of this form.

Signature_________________________________, email___________



__________________________________________, is applying for membership in the Thomas S. Wootton chapter of the National Honor Society. Please fill out the information requested and return this form to Mrs. Cresham, National Honor Society advisor, by NO LATER THAN January 29, 2016. The above named student knows that it is their responsibility to make sure that the recommendation is returned to Mrs. Cresham ON TIME by reminding you. Please do not accept recommendations if you are not certain you can complete them in the time allotted – this will jeopardize the applicant’s chances of entry to the society.

Please circle the best answer to each question.

1. I know this student: very well moderately well slightly not well

2. This student is: a current student a former student a student I coach.

3. This student’s scholarship abilities are: excellent very good good fair not good n/a

4. This student’s leadership abilities are: excellent very good good fair not good

5. This student demonstrates academic integrity in my class room: yes no.

6. This student is trustworthy and dependable: yes no

7. I would recommend this student as a tutor for others: yes no

8. I think that this student would be good representative for our school: yes no.

9. I recommend this student: in the top 10% in the top 25% in the top 50% lower than top 50% not at all

Feel free to make any additional comments on the back of this form.

Signature_________________________________, email___________


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