Dual-Degree Program in

Boston University MSW/MPH Program Guidelines

2008-2009 Academic Year

September 2008

Dear Interested Student:

Welcome to the Boston University MSW/MPH Program and thank you for your interest our very special dual degree program in public health and social work. We are proud to be one of the nation’s oldest MSW/MPH Programs and we believe there are many reasons why you should consider joining us.

Why should you spend additional time to obtain both an MSW and an MPH? Executive Director of NASW, Elizabeth Clark, herself an MSW/MPH, calls public health social work “leadership training for the 21st century.” Public health social work practice focuses on today’s contemporary social health issues, equipping graduates to take on the major challenges of our era.

• Public health social work is about prevention, not just intervention after problems have occurred;

• Public health social work uses multiple methods to address issues, including research, policy, advocacy, clinical interventions; and macro approaches;

• Public health social work works with individuals, groups, communities and whole populations;

• Public health social work is strengths-based, and emphasizes resilience and positive factors to promote health and reduce risk.

Public health social work is our passion at Boston University, and for more than 25 years, we have offered interested students the opportunity to obtain training in this important and powerful field of trans-disciplinary practice. Beyond an excellent program, Boston University provides national leadership on public health social work. In the last five years we have hosted Public Health Social Work in the 21st Century, a national conference of over 250 public health and social work leaders; provided support to the Group for Public Health Social Work Initiatives, an ad hoc working group promoting scholarship, advocacy and leadership in public health social work; conducted several research projects on public health social work training and practice; and launched a Public Health Social Work Training Project in our Professional Education Programs department. We have three faculty members with public health and social work degrees, and have graduated 240 alumni from this program. We hope you will join the more than forty students enrolled in the 2008-2009 academic year and we look forward to working with you. Please read on for more information on how you can get involved.


Betty J Ruth, MSW/MPH Program Director

Clinical Associate Professor

MSW/MPH Dual-Degree Program Calendar of Events

2008-2009 Academic Year


A Note to Interested Students: Please attend one of the following Information Sessions before scheduling an individual appointment with the Program Director to discuss your particular interest in the program.

Monday, September 15th 12:15 pm Lowy Lounge

Tuesday, September 16th 12:15 pm Lowy Lounge

Wednesday October 22nd 12:15 pm Lowy Lounge

Monday, November 10th 4:00 pm Lowy Lounge

Please Note: You only need to attend ONE information session. All sessions are held in the Lowy Lounge, 2nd floor of the School of Social Work, 264 Bay State Road on the Charles River Campus. All sessions will provide information on both the MSW/MPH and Behavioral Medicine programs. Students from the School of Public Health who are considering the MSW/MPH program are especially welcome to attend. For more information contact Betty J Ruth, Program Director, at 617 353 4574 or bjruth@bu.edu. Also, consult our web site: bu.edu/ssw/mswmph or visit the bulletin board outside Room 210 for more information.

❑ SSW Internal Application Deadline: Friday, March 6th, 2009

Internal application forms are located on the bulletin board outside of Betty Ruth’s office, 224 in SSW. Please return the completed form to Betty Ruth’s mailbox by 3/6/09. Please note: For those students who turn in their form during first semester, please submit an updated list of your second semester classes and professors prior to the above deadline in order to officially complete the application.

❑ Internal Approval Notification will be sent by Friday, April 23th, 2009.

Internal applications will be reviewed and an e-mail notification will be sent out to all applicants by 4/25/09. The approval notification will contain specific information on how to apply to SPH; please read it carefully and follow the directions.

❑ Deadline for Application directly to the School of Public Health: Friday, May 15th, 2009.

Guidelines for application are included in this document; additional information will be sent once you are approved for formal application to the School of Public Health. It is your responsibility to read and follow the application directions in this document along with any information sent to you by the Program Director. The application packet will be sent to you should include the completed applicant form, personal statement, as well as a minimum of one additional letter of reference (a different person than who completed your references for the SSW application). YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY A SECOND APPLICATION FEE OR RE-SUBMIT TRANSCRIPTS OR TESTING SCORES.

❑ Acceptance Letters from SPH: Expected during June 2009

Admission decisions from SPH are made on a rolling admissions basis and mailed throughout the month of June; there is no set date by which to expect to hear from the SPH Admissions Office. Please be patient!

Please Note: Dates and information contained above are for students in-residence at SSW who are planning to apply to SPH during the spring semester of their first year of study. For students in-residence at SPH during their first year of graduate study or who have been accepted simultaneously to both schools, please contact Betty J. Ruth (bjruth@bu.edu) for specifics related to your program of study.

Dual-Degree Program in Social Work and Public Health

Program Description

The Boston University dual degree program in Social Work and Public Health is an interdisciplinary course of study leading to the award of both the Master of Social Work (MSW) and the Master of Public Health (MPH) degrees.

The Boston University dual degree program in Social Work and Public Health is an interdisciplinary course of study leading to the award of both the Master of Social Work (MSW) and the Master of Public Health (MPH) degrees.

Established at Boston University in 1981, this unique program is based on the recognition that the social work profession's involvement in public health is extensive, and that new roles for social workers trained in public health continue to develop. These opportunities include a broad range of public health social work activities such as prevention and health promotion; health program planning, development and evaluation; health policy analysis; management at local, state, national and international levels; and public health advocacy. Public health and social work share a historic mission to promote social justice and to protect and enhance community well-being. Public health social workers draw from both field's research and skills to help solve social health problems such as HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, and violence.

The objective of the Boston University dual degree program in Social Work and Public Health is to make it possible for students interested in public health social work to complete both degrees over the course of three years. The graduate emerges with a rich educational background, extensive field experience, and the competencies to work in many areas of the health care system. The career options of graduates are numerous, diverse, and exciting; dual practitioners can expect to find a myriad of opportunities in trans-disciplinary practice.

Application & Admissions

There are three possible pathways into the MSW/MPH program. In all three situations, students must gain admission into both schools, either sequentially or simultaneously. Students can apply and be accepted initially into either the School of Social Work or the School of Public Health. Each school has a different set of admissions criteria, and acceptance into one program does not guarantee entry into the other. Approximately 80 percent of students begin at the School of Social Work; another 10 percent start at the School of Public Health; and the remaining 10 percent apply simultaneously to both schools prior to beginning their studies. Applicants are strongly advised to begin their coursework at the School of Social Work, regardless of the pathway into the MSW/MPH program.

All students complete the foundation or core curriculum, and are encouraged to apply during the second semester of their first year.

Note: Students who have gained simultaneous admission do not need to go through any additional admissions process. The steps outlined below pertain to students who have not yet been admitted to both schools but wish to be.

First year students considering the MSW/MPH program are required to attend one of the Informational Sessions held at SSW during the fall semester listed above.

An overview of the program, the application and admissions process, and career options are covered in these meetings. Once students have attended one of the Information Sessions and have read the program materials carefully, they are encouraged to make an appointment with the director of the program. Contact program director Betty Ruth to schedule an appointment.

Students wishing to be considered for admission to the MSW/MPH program must submit a completed Internal Pre-Application which can be obtained outside of SSW 210. This short form must be submitted by the March deadline of the current academic year. Timelines of application deadlines and meeting dates are provided at the Information Sessions held in the Fall semester.

Once a student applies, a comprehensive academic screening commences. Evaluations are solicited from all current faculty and advisers the student has had in class or in the field since beginning the program. The Program Director from SSW completes the review process and students are notified in mid-April to the results of the screening. Among the factors considered are: current and undergraduate GPA; standardized test scores; faculty recommendations; student experience; and stated career goals. Please Note: A current and undergraduate GPA of 3.0 is required for entry into this program. Students with "incompletes" on their records at the time of screening or students in the middle of a “Status Review” process will not be considered.

Once the Screening Committee has granted formal approval, the student completes the SPH or SSW application form. Students applying to SSW complete the online application on the SSW website. Students applying to SPH complete a paper application provided by the Program Director. Both schools require a professional and personal statement. It is strongly recommended that students obtain two new references (at least one is required) to indicate specific support for studying both Social Work and Public Health. The GRE IS REQUIRED BY SPH; the MAT or LSAT may be substituted. Students must arrange for their test scores to be sent to the respective schools. International students must take the GRE or MAT plus the TOEFL. The TOEFL alone is not sufficient.

Once enrolled in either SPH or SSW, students do not need to pay an additional application fee. The completed applications are due in early May and final admission decisions are made by mid-June.

Because admission occurs during the summer, students must plan academically prior to formal admission. During the spring semester of the first year, students work closely with the program director to tailor an individual program that meets the requirements and reflects student interests. Careful planning will ensure a smooth transition to the second year, when courses are taken at both schools. Detailed information is provided to students on registration, along with the formal approval letters, during the month of April.

Degree Requirements

A total of 100 credits are required to complete the MSW/MPH program. This takes approximately six semesters of full-time coursework. One degree may be granted in advance of the other, provided the student has completed all residency, course, and credit requirements at the school of origin. For example, a student wishing to obtain the MSW in the regular full-time two-year program must complete the 65 credits normally required for the MSW degree. The majority of these credits will be required MSW courses; however, the student will substitute three or four MPH courses which fulfill some of the 65 credits for the social work degree.

At the School of Social Work, students may major in either Clinical or Macro Methods. Approximately 2/3 of students in the MSW/MPH program are Clinical Majors. MSW/MPH students are not eligible to "minor" in a method or to participate in any of the specialty certificate programs due to lack of electives and tight program planning required for two degrees. Students are urged to concentrate on the larger task of developing two careers while pursuing two degrees.

At the School of Public Health, students may choose from eight different concentrations. These include Social and Behavioral Sciences, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Health Law, Health Policy and Management, Maternal and Child Health, International Health, and Environmental Health. Certain specialty and certificate programs are impractical due to the time constraints of dual degree programs. Double concentrating-having two majors at SPH-is strongly discouraged on the part of MSW/MPH students. Please be in touch with the Program Director for more details on these considerations.

Course Equivalencies or Exemptions

Students in the MSW/MPH program enjoy a number of course exchanges, exemptions and opportunities.

• SPH BS701/BS706/BS703 Biostatistics Requirement can replace Research II at SSW

• SPH EP711/EP712 Epidemiology Requirement can replace a SSW Category C elective

• SPH PM702 Health Policy MUST replace the SSW Category A elective

• SPH SB820 Assessment/Planning Health Promotion can replace a SSW Category B elective

• SPH SB721 Intro to Behavioral Sciences and Public Health is waived automatically.

• SSW SP741 Social Work Professional Ethics for Dual Degree Students is a specialty course offering for all dual degree students at SSW. ALL MSW/MPH students are expected to enroll. This is strongly recommended and exceptions will be made only under rare circumstances.

In Residence at SSW

Semester 1 Semester 2

CP759 Intro to Clinical Practice 3 Clinical or Macro Major Method 3

MP759 Intro to Macro Practice 3 Clinical or Macro Major Method 3

HB720 Human Behavior 1 3 HB721 Human Behavior 2**** 3

WP700 Welfare Policy 1 3 WP701 Welfare Policy 2 3

FE 801 Field Education 1 3 FE802 Field Education 2 3

Semester Total 15 SR743 Research I**** 3

Semester Total 18

Summer Semester

HB735 Implications of Racism 3

First Year Total Credits: 36 (15 + 18 +3=36)

Semester 3 Semester 4

Clinical or Macro Major Method 3 EP 711/712 Epidemiology (SPH) 3 or 4

BS 703/706 Biostatistics (SPH) 3 or 4 Category B Elective (SSW) 3

PM 702 Health Policy and Mgt (SPH) 3 Category C Elective (either school) 3

Category C Elective (either school) 3 SP741 Dual-degree Ethics 3

FE804 Field Education 4 Field Education 4

Semester Total 16 Semester Total 16

Total Credits after Year 2: 68-70* (36 + 32 +/- 2)

In Residence at SPH

Semester 5 Semester 6

LW751(recommended) Health Law 4 Concentration Course 4

EH703 Environmental Health 2 Concentration Course 4

Concentration course 4 Elective 4

Concentration course 4 Elective 4

PH971 Practicum Seminar ** 1 Semester Total 16

Semester Total 15

Total Credits after Year 3: 99-101***

*MSW can be awarded when 65 credits in SSW are completed; credit totals will vary depending on choice of Biostatistics and Epidemiology.

**There is a practicum requirement at BUSPH. However, in recognition of the amount of time MSW/MPH students spend in field internships, SPH has developed a seminar to assist MSW/MPH students in compliance with the requirements without having to do a third internship. It is called PH971 MSW/MPH Seminar; it meets for two sessions of two hours each with various faculty from the Office of Public Health Practice, and is offered each semester and in summer. Students are free to choose this method of meeting the practicum requirement or completing a practicum through SPH. There are many wonderful opportunities through the Office of Public Health Practice and students are strongly encouraged to consider whether a practicum in public health would strengthen their professional readiness for public health practice. Please check- in with the SPH Practicum Director, Scott Harris (scotth@bu.edu), for more information about PH971 and its alternatives.

***MPH is granted with the completion of the 100 credits

****MSW/MPH students are strongly encouraged to take the waiver exams for these foundation courses in SSW. Please review orientation materials carefully for announcements for these yearly waivers or contact the Associate Dean’s office for more information.

Please Note: This is a sample program only. Programs will differ due to courses selected, major or concentration, or full or part time status. Some concentrations at SPH require a thesis; please read the SPH bulletin carefully and consult with your adviser there. Other concentrations may require you to take different versions of basic core courses. You must be in touch with the program administrators to create a program that reflects your interests and needs. It is your responsibility to check in on a regular basis with the Program Director and to attend scheduled advising sessions. If there are discrepancies in advice, please bring them to the attention of the Program Director at bjruth@bu.edu

For More Information, check the Boston University MSW/MPH Web Site regularly!


Required Attendance at Program Advising Meetings

MSW/MPH students are required to attend four program meetings (two per semester). These meetings will consist of troubleshooting, brief advising, and more substantive topics that relate to the history and practice of public health social work, including content on professional integration, dual professionalism, and career development. Students will be informed of the dates well in advance so that they can plan with field internships and employers. Attendance is mandatory.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Tuition and financial aid are handled individually by each school. Students pay tuition at the school in which they are primarily enrolled. Generally, students spend four semesters in residence at SSW and two at SPH. Regardless of residency, students may cross-register for courses in other school.

FAQs on the MSW/MPH Program

Q. Can the program be done part time?

A. Yes, both schools can create part time options for interested students.

Q. Can I major in anything I want to?

A. Yes. At the School of Social Work, students choose from Macro or Clinical Methods. At the School of Public Health, there are eight concentrations from which to choose. Certain specialty certificate programs are not available to MSW/MPH students.

Q. Can I concentrate in more than one area at SPH?

A. It’s possible, but it is not recommended academically. Your time at SPH is shortened by participation in a dual program. If you double concentrate, you will find you have little time for electives and to enjoy the breadth of offerings available to you.

Q. Can I start my studies in either school?

A. Yes. The program works best if started at the School of Social Work. However, students occasionally begin at SPH, and with careful planning, can be adapted. Students from SPH who think they are interested in the MSW/MPH program should contact the program administrators immediately to ensure they do not take courses that are not required of MSW/MPH students.

Q. Will I finish one degree first, or do I have to “wait” for both until the end?

A. You may finish one degree first. As soon as you have completed the requirements for a degree from one of the schools, you may apply to graduate and obtain the degree from that school. Most students who start at SSW will finish the MSW after their second year. By studying full time, most students will finish the MPH degree at the end of the third year. Being able to obtain the MSW degree prior to completing the MPH requirements is especially important to clinical social workers who may wish to work part-time or full-time to earn clinical hours required for the LICSW license.

Q. What kinds of jobs do graduates of this program find?

A. It depends on what you major in, and where you choose to work initially. MSW/MPH graduates are found in all aspects of both social work and public health: program planning; development and evaluation; clinical practice in public health social work; policy analysis and advocacy; health promotion; academia and research settings. For more information, please see the Alumni Directory from each school, which will give current job descriptions of many of our alumni. Also, the MSW/MPH Directory lists over 150 graduates of the BUSSW MSW/MPH Program who are willing to speak with you.

Q. If I have an MPH or an MSW from another school, can I still be in the MSW/MPH program in order to save time and money?

No. This program is only for people who do not have either degree. If you do have another master’s degree, there are ways to test out of or waive certain courses. Explore these options when you meet with the Admissions Department of the school to which you are applying.

Q. What if I start the program, find that I do not like it, or that I cannot continue? Are there penalties?

A. No. We have deliberately created a program to meet the needs of adult learners and we recognize that there are times when personal circumstances or professional directions require change. If you apply and decide to not do the program, there is no penalty to you. If you apply, begin the program, but find you cannot continue onto the second degree, there is no penalty. You still receive the first degree as long as you complete the requirements for it. Even as late as the third year, a student may withdraw merely by filling out a form. This rarely happens though, because support, advising and planning help ensure maximum participation and success.

Q. What about financial aid? Are there special scholarships?

A. There are no special scholarships at this time. Financial aid is handled on a school basis, and awards depend on where you are in residence. Typically, students spend four full-time semesters in residence with SSW and two full-time semesters with SPH. Students frequently work as employees on research grants, in work-study positions, or full time for the university, which helps with tuition reimbursement or remission, depending on the job. Many jobs include a continuing education benefit that can be used to fund a part of the program or there are paid internships and scholarships available for students to search out and apply for.

Q. Will courses taken at other schools be accepted for transfer credit?

A. No. You must complete 100 credits at Boston University. The reason for this is that we have already reduced the number of credits you would normally be required to complete “in residence” for these two degrees. We cannot, for professional integrity’s sake, allow any more credits to be eliminated from the program.

Q. Can I do this program if I am almost finished at one of these schools?

A. No. Students may apply for a dual-degree program prior to having taken half of their existing program’s credits. This is a university regulation. For students at SSW, this means you must apply prior to having earned 33 credits. For students at SPH, this means you must apply prior to having earned 24 credits. Once you have earned more than this in either of these programs, you are not eligible to apply for the MSW/MPH program.

Q. Can I do this program if I am Advanced Standing?

A. This is handled on a case-by-case basis. Students interested in doing so are encouraged to

contact the program director as soon as possible following admission to SSW in order to

discuss options and program plans.

Q. My undergraduate GPA is under 3.0 or my tests scores are not very good; am I automatically disqualified from this program?

A. No. You must work very hard during the first semester and year to prove to the admissions department that you are capable of graduate level work simultaneously in two graduate programs. In the course of your application, you must address the reasons for previous difficulties or low test scores, and provide evidence that these will not impair your ability to participate in the program. If you are having difficulty in one part of the program, you can be certain that you will not be eligible to apply or gain admittance to the dual-degree program. If you have had academic difficulty in the past you should seriously question whether a dual degree program is appropriate for you, or whether you would benefit from concentrating in one program.

Q. Do I need to have health care experience in order to apply?

A. No. You should be able to articulate why you want to combine public health and social work, and have some ideas about how you might do that. In addition, you can choose health related field placements so that you can gain important exposure to the field in a workplace-like setting.

Q. What kind of career advising and program support is there for someone in the program?

A. You will have an advisor assigned to you at both schools at all times. In addition, the program directors serve as ongoing career and program advisers. Another valuable source of support is the cohort of people with whom you go through the program. Normally, 15-20 people are admitted each year, and approximately 35-40 people are in the program at any time. We meet as a group twice a semester, and students regularly carpool, create study groups, and choose courses together. In addition, active and invested alumni provide information about themselves and access via the alumni directory and listserv. Both schools have their own respective Career Resource Center, in addition to the Martin Luther King center at BU which provides extensive career counseling services to the university community. Please check the MSW/MPH bulletin board outside room 224 for continual information, updates, and job postings.

Q. Can I take summer classes at either school?

A. Yes. You may take courses that fit with your program needs, and students often find this is a good way to free up time in an upcoming semester in order to focus on particular interests. However, you cannot shorten the program to less than three years by trying to take a year’s worth of courses over two summers. There are residency requirements that do not allow this to occur.

Q. I’m a student at SPH and would like to enroll in the MSW/MPH program. Can I do it, and how do I get started?

A. Yes, SPH students who are at least a semester away from completing the MPH are very welcome to apply to SSW. Please complete the brief pre-application on pages 13-14; email it to the Program Director, and alert SPH Professor Leonard Glantz that you will be applying to the MSW/MPH Program. lglantz@bu.edu

Q. Where can I get more information on the program?

A. If you have additional questions about this program, start by contacting the program administrators listed below. You will receive periodic email alerts about the Information Sessions held during the year. If you are at SPH, be sure to contact the Associate Dean for further information as soon as you begin the program.

Contact Information

Betty J Ruth, Associate Clinical Professor

Director, MSW/MPH Program

Director, Clinical Social Work and Behavioral Medicine Certificate Program

Boston University School of Social Work



Leonard Glantz, JD

Professor of Health Law

Boston University School of Public Health



Pre-Application to the Boston University MSW/MPH Program for SSW Students

Note to Applicant: This is the first of two applications MSW students complete as part of application to the MSW/MPH program This short form is due on or before Friday March 6, 2009. You may send it to me electronically at bjruth@bu.edu or you can leave it in my mailbox on the second floor. Betty J Ruth, Program Director, Room 210. SPH students who wish to apply to the MSW Program should turn to the pages 13/

Name: ___________________________________________



Home Phone: ______________________________________

Work Phone: ______________________________________

Cell Phone: ________________________________________

Email Address: _____________________________________

Please mark the appropriate response to define your enrollment status:

Full Time____ Part Time ____

Clinical Major ____ Macro Major ____

Charles River ____ NEMA ____ SEMA ____

Faculty Advisor: __________________________________________________________

Please list all first and second semester courses and professors:

Note: If this form is submitted prior to the beginning of second semester, please be sure to update this information with the Program Director prior to March 6, 2009 so that your application will reflect your second semester coursework. Professors and faculty advisers who have worked with applicants will be contacted and asked to complete a standard recommendation as part of the review process.

Courses (Course #/Description) Professors




Undergraduate Institution: _____________________________________________________

Undergraduate Major/Degree: ____________________________________________

Undergraduate GPA (3.0 strongly recommended):_________________________________

GRE or MAT scores (Estimations are sufficient): ________________________________

Current Field Placement: __________________________________________________

Previous Health-Related Experience:________________________________________________


Have you earned 33 or more credits toward the MSW? Yes____ No____

Have you earned 24 or more credits toward the MPH? Yes____ No____

Do you have incompletes in any of your graduate courses? Yes____ No____

(If yes, please explain):_____________________________________________________


Have you undergone a “problem resolution” in any of your SSW courses? Yes__ No__

(If yes, please explain): ____________________________________________________


Please include any additional comments here: __________________________________



Please attach your updated CV or resume to complete the application. YOU MUST ATTEND one of the informational sessions about the MSW/MPH program that are held throughout the year AND read all of the Program Guidelines for Applicants (copies available outside of SSW 224) prior to submitting an application.

Please email or leave the completed pre-application in the mailbox of Professor Betty J. Ruth by Friday, March 6, 2009 at 5 P.M. Contact your faculty adviser and professors to let them know you are interested in this program. Also, make sure you consider the implications, as described in the program guidelines, for your choice of field placement. You will be notified of the decision of the preliminary screening committee by April 23, 2009.You will then have one full month to complete the application to the School of Public Health. You will not need to take any additional tests or pay any money. You are not obligated to enroll in the program or to continue with it. You will register as if you are NOT in the MSW/MPH program, and drop/add over the summer once you are admitted. Please consult the Program Guidelines more detailed information on all of these concerns: bu.edu/ssw/mswmph. The program director, Betty J. Ruth (bjruth@bu.edu) is available to address individual questions.

Pre-Application to the Boston University MSW/MPH Program for SPH Students

Note to Student: This is the first of a two-part application process for SPH students interested in the MSW/MPH Program. Please complete this short form, email it to Program Director Betty J Ruth at bjruth@bu.edu. Please include your resume, and alert SPH Professor Leonard Glantz, coordinator for the MSW/MPH Program at SPH, that you will be applying: lglantz@bu.edu. Please arrange for Chris Paal to send a copy of your transcript summary to the Program Director. The second application is the online application to BUSSW, which will be completed after the pre-application has been reviewed and approved. You will not need to pay additional application fees or take additional tests. The School of Social Work generally accepts applications on a rolling admissions basis from fall to late spring. Enrollment usually begins in September of the following year.

Name: ___________________________________________



Home Phone: ______________________________________

Work Phone: ______________________________________

Cell Phone: ________________________________________

Email Address: _____________________________________

Date of this application:_______________________________

Please mark the appropriate response to define your enrollment status:

Full Time____ Part Time ____

Concentration: ___________________________________________

Faculty Advisor: _________________________________________

Have you completed more than 32 credits toward the MPH degree?

Number of credits completed_____ Current GPA_______

Have you completed a practicum for your MPH degree yet?


Undergraduate Major, Degree, Institution and Year of Graduation:


Undergraduate GPA_______

Previous health or social service work or volunteer experience:


Additional comments or questions related to the MSW/MPH Program and your interests:


Please email this to Betty J Ruth at bjruth@bu.edu or mail to Betty at BUSSW, 264 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215. For more information on the MSW/MPH Program go to bu.edu/ssw/mswmph or call 617 353 4574.

For information on general SSW admissions contact sswad@bu.edu or call 617 353 3765. The school’s web site is bu.edu/ssw


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