Recreation Resource Management

You charge $100 to fix a broken window. You are thrilled to have new business. |

You have a $100 saved up. You were planning to buy a new pair of shoes before your window was broken | |

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|We have work and enough to eat. For the first time in years, I make a |Business is kind of slow. It sure would be nice to sell some more shoes |

|good income. But with rationing there is nothing to buy. We can’t drive | |

|anywhere, we eat almost no meat, and we have not been able to buy any new | |

|clothes. I lost a son on some Pacific island and I am worried about my | |

|two others who are fighting in Europe. | |

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|You took out a big loan to build your recreation park. You financed it |Your team wants a dedicated stadium built at taxpayer expense. You argue |

|all yourself and get no help from the government. You have to compete |that sports teams bring a lot of business to the area, including |

|with sports teams for people's recreation time -- if a kids party goes to |restaurants and stores and they hire a lot of people. You have a study |

|the Diamondbacks game, that means they are not coming to your business. |from a professor at ASU that says due to a multiplier effect, your team |

| |and new stadium would generate hundreds of millions of dollars of economic|

| |activity, and thousands of new jobs. |

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|As GM heads for bankruptcy, your members' jobs are on the line. |You and your backers had a plan for buying parts of GM out of bankruptcy |

|Bankruptcy could lead to layoffs and likely will lead to a lowering of |and using the people and assets to manufacture cars in new and innovative |

|wage rates. Your message to the public is that a bankruptcy would mean |ways. Instead, you had to back off when the government spent billions to |

|the end of tens of thousands of jobs. By a multiplier, more will be lost |keep GM in the hands of the same managers who had bankrupted it in the |

|in other local businesses and supplier industries. You want a bailout for|first place |

|the company and protection of your contracts | |

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|We have been in business for 30 years and never once received a subsidy |You believe that Arizona should become a world leader in solar |

|from the state. Why do we pay taxes to support another business, just |manufacturing. You support subsidies to relocate companies here, and |

|because that business is sexier? |special tax breaks and tax incentives for solar manufacturers. As a |

| |desert state and one of the primary solar markets, it only makes sense for|

| |Arizona to focus on manufacturing solar panels. This will make Phoenix a |

| |leader in the emerging green industry and creates lots of jobs. |

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|We have had to raise prices of many of our products due to the rising |The farmers of this country need to be protected against unfair |

|price of sugar in the US. We have also been forced to substitute High |competition from low-wage countries with poor environmental and worker |

|Fructose Corn Syrup, which many people think is inferior and may have |protections. The US needs to continue its limits on sugar imports, along |

|health issues, for sugar in our drinks |with price supports for domestic sugar. This protects American farmers |

| |and jobs in the sugar processing business. |

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|You grew up poor and barely graduated high school. But you are great at |We need to protect the consumer from the danger of untrained |

|braiding hair - everyone says so. But to open a hair braiding business, |cosmetologists by maintaining strict licensing of all cosmetologists and |

|you have to get a cosmetology license. The schooling for that takes over |nail technicians in this state. All new cosmetologists will be approved |

|a year and costs $20,000. Not one minute of the standard cosmetology |by our board only after 1600 hours of training from an Arizona licensed |

|training covers hair braiding. |cosmetology instructor |

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|I’ve got an Uber app on my smartphone. It lets me see exactly where the |Without taxicab licensing, Phoenix consumers and out of town visitors |

|nearest driver is, shows me all his or her ratings, and gives me an |would be at the mercy of, even in danger from, unscrupulous unlicensed |

|immediate price quote for services. The driver shows up faster than I |drivers. By enforcing a consistent set of rates, consumers are protected |

|could get a taxi in a nicer car and most trips are much cheaper than |from price-gouging and get complete transparency in pricing. Without |

|riding in a taxi, and I know right at the beginning how much it will cost |licensing, both quality and pricing would suffer. |

|(rather than watching the meter spin and worrying if my money will run | |

|out). | |

| |Laborers do not have any bargaining power with large corporations and so |

|You dropped out of high school at 17, and are having trouble finding a |are paid lower wages than companies can or should pay. Everyone should be|

|job. Teen unemployment in AZ is near 30%. You know you could be a |paid a living wage, so minimum wages should be increased substantially to |

|reliable worker, but you need to prove it., and no one will give you a |$10 an hour or more. Companies like Wal-Mart who pay below a living wage |

|chance. You offered to work for free to prove yourself, but businesses |get corporate welfare when government services have to take care of their |

|tell you they can't do that. If you can’t find work at $7.80 an hour, who|underpaid workers. A higher minimum wage would also provide a Keynesian |

|are you going to find it at $10? |stimulus. |

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|You live in Florida. After the hurricane, you heard gas was in short |After the last hurricane, there was a public outcry from you citizens when|

|supply. You didn't really need to go anywhere and had half a tank, but |gas prices, due to a shortage, rose from $3 to as much as $6 in some |

|you ran out to fill up just in case. The price was about the same as your|places. Price-gouging should be banned to prevent ruthless businessmen |

|always pay. There was a line, but you did not really have any place you |from taking unfair advantage of the crisis. |

|had to be. If asked, you probably would not have topped off your tank | |

|just in case if the price had been $6 instead of $3 | |

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|You have some gasoline inventory at a large storage facility in Georgia. |Your roofing business goes crazy after a hurricane. People are begging |

|You could probably divert some trucks from their scheduled routes and get |you to get to their house to repair their roof before the next rain. Your|

|the fuel to Florida. It would probably be a positive gesture, but the |trucks are working 18 hour days, and you still can't help everyone. But |

|effort would probably cost more than you would make from it. |with the gas shortage, some of your trucks can't run at all, and others |

| |have to waste hours sitting in gas lines. You would pay $10 a gallon if |

| |you could just get the gas. Without it, roofs are not getting fixed |

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