Writing Measurable Post-Secondary

Writing Measurable Post-Secondary

Transition Goals & Activities


“How to” Examples

Measurable Post-Secondary Goals/Outcomes-Employment

Higher Education/Professional:

Examples of Compliant Goals:

✓ After completing a college program to obtain a degree in _________, student will be employed as a ________.

o Example After completing a college program to obtain a degree in history and education, student will be employed as a high school social studies teacher.

✓ After college, student will be employed in the field of ____________.

o Education

o Business

o Health care

o Food Services

o Sports

o Recreation

o ETC……..

Examples of Non-Compliant Goals:

➢ Student will attend a job fair on campus (this is an activity, not a goal)

➢ Student hopes to work with young children some day. (“hopes” is not a measurable outcome)

➢ Student would like to get a job as a carpenter. (“would like to” is not a measurable outcome)

Activity Details Examples: (these activities will steer you in the direction to meet the above goals)

← Will meet annually with guidance counselor to discuss courses as related to career pathway

← Will meet annually with guidance counselor to review graduation requirements and graduation status

← Will interview individual employees in chosen profession

← Will investigate job opportunities in area(s) of interest

← Participate in summer employment opportunities for chosen profession

← Identify people and agencies who can assist in job searches

← Investigate requirements for career interests

← Will use disability specific technology needed to access career requirements

← Attend college nights provided by the school system

← Complete resume

← Participate in mock interviews

← Will use Internet to find information about career outlooks

***Special Note: Be aware of wording when writing activities-don’t make too specific-i.e. don’t say “will visit University of Maryland” because then the school system is responsible for providing the activity**

Measurable Post-Secondary Goals/Outcomes-Employment


Examples of Compliant Goals:

✓ Student will be employed as a ___________.

o Welder

o Plumber

o Electrician

o ETC……

✓ Student will be self-employed as a ___________.

o Welder

o Plumber

o Electrician

o ETC……

✓ Student will obtain a part-time position in a community retail business, such as __________.

o Grocery store

o Department store

o Sales

o Pet store

✓ Student will continue employment at __________.

✓ Student will be employed in the field of ____________.

o Health care

o Food Services

o Sports

o Recreation

o Construction

o Manufacturing

o Maintenance

o ETC……..

Examples of Non-Compliant Goals:

➢ Student wants to work as a welder (“wants” is not an outcome)

➢ Upon graduation from high school, student hopes to improve vocational skills through work experiences (“hopes” is not an observable behavior)

➢ Student plans to be employed as a carpenter after completing an apprenticeship program. (“plans to” is not a measurable outcome)

Activity Details Examples:

← Will interview individual employee in chosen trade to learn about the job

← Will investigate job opportunities that are of interest

← Will explore summer employment opportunities

← Identify people and agencies who can assist in job searches

← Investigate requirements for jobs of interest

← Shadow CTC programs of interest

← Will use disability specific technology needed to access employment requirements

← Complete resume

← Participate in mock interviews

← Will use Internet to find information about career outlooks

***Special Note: Be aware of wording when writing activities-don’t make too specific-i.e. don’t say “will visit University of Maryland” because then the school system is responsible for providing the activity***

Measurable Post-Secondary Goals/Outcomes-Employment

Supported Employment:

Examples of Compliant Goals:

✓ Student will increase work hours at current place of employment with supports from adult service agencies.

✓ Student will be employed in the community in the field of __________, with support.

✓ The student will attend a medical day program funded by DDA that will provide ongoing activities of daily living training and contains vocational activities and employment opportunities.

Examples of Non-Compliant Goals:

➢ Student hopes to work at a store near his home part-time after high school (‘”hopes” is not observable)

➢ Student will work with DORS to ensure community employment (working with DORS is not measurable as stated, “ensure” suggests a process not an outcome)

Activity Details Examples:

← Participate in work responsibilities (chores) at home

← Investigate job opportunities and interests

← Participate in summer employment opportunities

← Identify people and agencies who can assist in job searches

← Investigate requirements for jobs of interest

← Receive vocational training within the community

← Identify and apply for day training and habilitation services

← Identify and arrange for transportation to and from work

← Will participate in vocational training on a job site or internship

← Will use disability specific technology needed

← Complete resume

← Participate in mock interviews

← Complete practice job applications

← Participate in vocational training within the community

← Will use Internet to find information about career outlooks

Measurable Post-Secondary Goals/Outcomes-Education/Training

Higher Education Bound Students:

Examples of Compliant Goals:

✓ Student will enroll in a two or four year college.

✓ Student will attend college and complete requirements for a ________ degree with a major in _________.

o 2 year degree

o 4 year degree

o Associates degree

o Bachelors

✓ Student will enroll in courses (non-degree) at a community college to become certified in __________..

✓ Student will complete a non-degree program at a community college.

✓ Student will take ___________ courses at a post-secondary school.

o Courses should reflect student’s strength-i.e. student will take math courses if strength is in math.

Examples of Non-Compliant Goals:

➢ Upon graduation , student will continue to learn about life skills and reading. (participation is the main focus of this goal-no specific program or place is identified)

➢ The fall after graduation from high school, student plans to enroll in a four year university In the Southeast. (“plans” does not indicate this will occur)

➢ Student thinks they’ll major in math in college (written as a process and not something that can be demonstrated)

Transition Activity Details Examples: (these activities will steer you in the direction to meet the above goals-make specific to your individual students)

← Will meet annually with guidance counselor to discuss courses as related to career pathway

← Will meet annually with guidance counselor to review graduation requirements and graduation status

← Will attend the annual Transition Fair that is held at Frederick Community College

← Will complete a career interest inventory

← Will contact support services for students with disabilities at colleges of his/her interest

← Will complete a DORS application (must be completed during junior year-unless specified earlier)

← Will research available scholarships, grants, or financial aid

← Will use Internet to find information about career outlooks

← Meet with guidance counselor to discuss college entrance exams (accommodations, etc)

← Will use disability specific technology needed to access educational requirements

← Attend college nights provided by the school system

← Complete a resume

← Investigate opportunities to take college courses at local colleges

← Participate in school sponsored field trips to local community college

***Special Note: Be aware of wording when writing activities-don’t make too specific-i.e. don’t say “will visit University of Maryland” because then the school system is responsible for providing the activity***

Measurable Post-Secondary Goals/Outcomes-Education/Training

Business/Trade/Professional Students

Examples of Compliant Goals:

✓ Student will enroll at a trade, professional or technical school with a focus in the area of __________.

o Electricity

o Construction


o Plumbing

o Landscaping

o Cosmetology

o ETC…..

✓ Student will complete an apprentice or internship program at trade, professional or technical school with a focus in the area of __________.

o Electricity

o Construction


o Plumbing

o Landscaping

o Cosmetology

o ETC…..

✓ Student will participate in employer sponsored training to maintain or continue employment.

✓ The student will participate in training programs provided by the employer that will lead to professional/job advancement.

✓ The student will enroll in an auto-tech training program to advance his certification.

✓ Upon completion of high school, student will enroll at a local community college to obtain certification as _________.

Examples of Non-Compliant Goals:

➢ After leaving high school, student wants to take some classes (“wants” does not indicate explicit behavior by the student)

➢ Student thinks he will major in math in college (goal is written as a process rather than outcome)

➢ Student plans to go to college (does not indicate goal will occur)

Transition Activity Detail Examples: (these activities will steer you in the direction to meet the above goals)

← Will meet annually with guidance counselor to discuss courses as related to career pathway

← Will meet annually with guidance counselor to review graduation requirements and graduation status

← Will shadow at the Career and Technology Center (CTC)

← Will complete DORS application (must be completed during junior year unless otherwise specified)

← Will investigate career opportunities from job advertisements and computer search

← Will research technical schools and available programs

← Will use Internet to find information about career outlooks

← Will gather information about apprenticeships and unions

← Will use disability specific technology needed to access and complete job requirements

← Complete a resume

← Attend a college night provided by the school system

***Special Note: Be aware of wording when writing activities-don’t make too specific-i.e. don’t say “will visit University of Maryland” because then the school system is responsible for providing the activity***

Measurable Post-Secondary Goals/Outcomes-Education/Training

Adult Programs/Supported Employment

Examples of Compliant Goals:

✓ Student will improve social, self advocacy, and self care skills by attending instruction at a

➢ center based adult program

➢ local community college

✓ Student will participate in training to improve work skills at _________ (job of choice).

✓ Student will participate in rehabilitation and functional skill training through DORS services and will attend courses designed to provide specialized academic, functional, and occupational preparation for individuals with disabilities.

✓ Upon completion of high school, student will enroll in courses of interest at a local community college.

✓ Student will attend a medical day program that will provide on-going activities of daily living training and contains a vocational component that student will access and participate in.

Examples of Non-Compliant Goals:

➢ After high school, student will need to continue to work on his care skills (this is a “need” not a goal)

➢ After graduation, student will get a job at the grocery store (obtaining employment is not a postsecondary education/training goal)

➢ After leaving high school, student plans to attend courses at the local community college (does not state purpose of attending community college)

Transition Activity Details Examples: these activities will steer you in the direction to meet the above goals)

← Will meet annually with guidance counselor to discuss courses as related to career pathway

← Will meet annually with guidance counselor to review graduation requirements and graduation status

← Will participate in Transit training

← Will use Internet to find information about career outlooks

← Will complete a DORS application (must be done for all junior year)

← Will practice literacy skills to be a better student and employee

← Will practice math skills related to career interest

← Will use disability specific technology needed to access and complete job requirements

← Complete a resume

***Special Note: Be aware of wording when writing activities-don’t make too specific-i.e. don’t say “will visit University of Maryland” because then the school system is responsible for providing the activity***

Measurable Post-Secondary Goals/Outcomes -Independent Living

Fully Independent:

Examples of Compliant Goals:

✓ After post high school training through an adult service agency, student will obtain appropriate housing and live independently within the community.

✓ The student will continue to live/reside at home and participate in a training program to improve/develop skills needed to live independently.

Examples of Non-Compliant Goals:

➢ Student hopes to find an apartment (“hopes” is not a measurable outcome)

Activity Details Examples:

← Will explore/research living options

← Will make detailed plans for living independently

← Will make health care decisions (make appointments, fill prescriptions, etc)

← Register to Vote

← Will participate in transition planning for IEP/Transition meeting

← Will discuss living needs and disability with appropriate people

← Will discuss/research with guidance counselor transportation options

← Will participate in orientation and mobility training if needed

← Will register for selective services (* at 18 ALL males must register)

← Will appropriately budget for monetary needs

← Research disability laws that affect your rights (ADA, Rehabilitation ACT, IDEA,)

← Complete application for Transit disability pass (Wheel chair, vision impaired)

Measurable Post-Secondary Goals/Outcomes -Independent Living

Semi Independent:

Examples of Compliant Goals:

✓ Student will live semi-independently in the community.

✓ The student will continue to live/reside at home and participate in a training program to improve/develop skills needed to live independently.

Examples of Non-Compliant Goals:

➢ Student hopes to live with friends (“hopes” is not measurable)

Activity Details Examples:

← Will explore/research living options

← Register to Vote

← Will participate in transition planning for IEP/Transition meeting

← Will discuss living needs and disability with appropriate people

← Will discuss/research with case manager transportation options

← Will participate in orientation and mobility training if needed

← Will register for selective services (* at 18 ALL males must register)

← Complete applications for support services

← Make a list of people and agencies who can provide support

← Will appropriately budget for monetary needs with support

← Will establish any income and health care support programs (SSI, Independent Living Services, Medicaid)

← Will practice housekeeping and cooking skills

← Practice using public transportation

← Research with support disability laws that affect your rights (ADA, Rehabilitation ACT, IDEA,)

← Apply for Maryland State Identification card

← Complete application for Transit disability pass

Measurable Post-Secondary Goals/Outcomes -Independent Living

Fully Supported/Assisted

Examples of Compliant Goals:

✓ Student will live in a supported environment.

✓ Student will live in supervised residential facility

✓ Student will live with parents/guardians or relatives

✓ The student will continue to live/reside at home and participate in a training program to improve/develop skills needed to live independently.

Examples of Non-Compliant Goals:

➢ Student will live in Community Living facility (DO NOT name a specific organization)

Activity Details Examples: (all activities will be made with service coordinator, case manager, support personal, family members)

← Will explore/research living options

← Will make detailed plans for living

← Apply for Maryland State Identification Card

← Register to Vote

← Will participate in transition planning for IEP/Transition meeting

← Will discuss living needs and disability with appropriate people

← Will discuss/research with guidance counselor transportation options

← Will participate in orientation and mobility training if needed

← Will register for selective services (* at 18 ALL males must register)

← Will explore/research living options

← Complete applications for support services (SSI, Independent Living, medical assistance, DDA, etc)

← Make a list of people and agencies who can provide support

← Will appropriately budget for monetary needs with support

← Will practice housekeeping and cooking skills

← Practice using public transportation

← Apply for Maryland State Identification card

← Complete application for Transit disability pass


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