Scientific Revolution, pp

Western Civilization II Unit 5 Terms

Chapter 16: Toward a New Heaven and a New Earth: The Scientific Revolution

Background to the Scientific Revolution, pp. 473-474

Scientific Revolution

• What elements helped bring about the Scientific Revolution?

Toward a New Heaven: A Revolution in Astronomy, pp. 474-484

Geocentric conception of the universe

Nicolaus Copernicus

Heliocentric conception of the universe

Johannes Kepler

Galileo Galilei

Isaac Newton, Principia

Universal law of gravitation

World machine

• How did Copernicus’s conception of the universe reflect and challenge those of Ptolemy and Aristotle?

• How were the new ideas regarding the universe received by others, especially the church?

Advances in Medicine and Chemistry, pp. 484-486


Andreas Vesalius

William Harvey

Anton van Leewenhoek

Robert Boyle

Antoine Lavoisier

• What did Paracelsus, Vesalius, and Harvey contribute to a scientific view of medicine?

Toward a New Earth: Descartes, Rationalism, and a New View of Humankind, pp. 488-490

Rene Descartes, Discourse on Method

Cartesian dualism


• Why is Descartes considered the “founder of modern rationalism”?

The Scientific Method and the Spread of Scientific Knowledge, pp. 490-496

Scientific method

Francis Bacon


Royal scientific societies

Baruch Spinoza

Blaise Pascal

• How did the ideas of the Scientific Revolution spread, and what impact did they have on society and religion?

Chapter 17: The Eighteenth Century: An Age of Enlightenment

The Enlightenment, pp. 514-526

Natural law



John Locke, Essay Concerning Human Understanding

Tabula rasa


Baron de Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws

Separation of powers



Denis Diderot, Encyclopedia


Francois Quesnay


Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Social Contract, Emile

Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations



• What intellectual developments led to the emergence of the Enlightenment?

• What were the elements of classical liberalism that emerged out of the Renaissance?

• What were some of the religious responses to the Enlightenment?

• What role did women play in the Enlightenment?

• How did the salons play a significant part in the Enlightenment?

Culture and Society in the Enlightenment, pp. 526-536



Jacques Louis David





• What innovations in art, music and literature occurred in the eighteenth century?

Religion and Churches, pp. 536-529

• How did popular religion differ from institutional religion in the eighteenth century?

Chapter 18: The Eighteenth Century: European Wars, International Wars, and Social Change

The European States, pp. 543-554

Natural laws

Natural rights

Enlightened absolutism

Frederick II “the Great” (Prussia)

Maria Theresa (Austria)

Joseph II (Austria)

Catherine the Great (Russia)

• What problems did the French monarchs face in the eighteenth century?

• What were the significant political issues and developments in eighteenth century England?

• How did the military and the bureaucracy come to play an increasingly significant role in Prussian politics and society?

• What do historians mean by the term “enlightened absolutism”? To what degree did eighteenth-century Prussia, Austria, and Russia exhibit its characteristics?

• Understand the partition of Poland

Wars and Diplomacy, pp. 554-558

War of the Austrian Succession

Pragmatic Sanction

Seven Years’ War/French and Indian War

Treaty of Paris (1763)

• How did the concepts of “balance of power” and “reason of state” influence international relations in the eighteenth century?

• What were the causes and results of the Seven Years’ War?

Economic Expansion and Social Change, pp. 558-565

Agricultural Revolution

Crop rotation


Jethro Tull, seed drill

Cottage industry/Putting-out system

Flying shuttle

Spinning jenny

Water frame

• How did marriage and birthrate patterns change in the eighteenth century?

• Understand the causes of population growth in the eighteenth century.

• What were the significant changes in agriculture that occurred in the eighteenth century?

• What were the significant industrial developments of the eighteenth century?


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