'Contend For The Faith' - Sermon Outlines. Org

"Contend For The Faith"

Jude 1-25

Intro. God's Word tells us that if we are saved by God's grace that we are Holy people. We have been sanctified by God, it tells us in Jude 1. It also tells us that we are preserved in Jesus Christ! That's Assurance!

The whole chapter deals with apostasy and false teachers and our duty as Holy people of God to contend for the Faith. Apostasy is something real evident in our day. Everywhere you look you can find false teaching: Radio, television, even by just talking to a friend at work.

The Bible tells us in 1 Tim. 4:1, 2-“Now The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in latter times some shall depart from the Faith giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron." Anyone who doesn't teach Jesus, Him crucified and risen again, seated on the Right Hand of God, making intercession for us is a false teacher!

7 Admonitions Given to Believers:

(1) Earnestly Contend for the Faith (v.3)

1 Tim. 6:12

(2) Remember the Teaching and Warning of the Apostles (v.17)

Eph. 4:17-24

(3) Build yourselves up in the Faith (v.20)

2 Peter 3:18

(4) Pray in The Holy Spirit (v.20)

Rom. 8:26,27

(5) Keep Yourselves in the Love of God (v.21)

John 14;21

(6) Look for the Mercy of the Lord to Bring You to Eternal Life (v.21)

Luke 12:35-40

(7) Show Mercy to Doubting Christians,Snatch the Lost from the Fire and

Cautiously show Mercy to The Corrupt (vv.22-23)

Gal. 6:1-Doubting brother

1 Tim. 4:16-Lost

2 Thess. 3:13-15-Corrupt (Out of the Walk of God)

Closing: Brothers and sisters, we are in a war. Satan and his ministers are out to blind as many as they can. We must stand up for God!

Phil. 3:20-4:1


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