PARISH OF oaLaANs STATE OF LOUIS=A DeceMber 15, 1966 ...


DeceMber 15, 1966



6708 North Villere Arabi, Louisiana - Telephone No. 279-0613

I met Dave Fex=rie through Butch Marsh when Butch Marsh asked me to be a character witness in favor of Dave Ferrie for the alleged homosexual act he was charged with. I never got involved as a witness in that case.

I had taken flying instructions from Dave Ferrie and On a Friday, Novezber, 1963, the day that the president, Kennedy, was assassinated, Dave Ferrie, Melvin Coffee, and myself went by automobile to Houston, Galveston, Ale;candria, and New Orleans. The following is a series of questions asked by Det. Louis Ivon of the i:ct?, Orleans Department, and Assistant District Attorney John Volz, designated by QI and QV. Answers are by Alvin Beaubouef. 01 Whose automobile were you in? A Dave Ferrie's automobile QI That kind of automobile? A a '61 Comet Stationwagon QI What was the purpose of going to Houston? A To go ica skating.

Qi You know approximately what ti-,s foou left rev Orleans? A. About 4 P. M. in the evening and arrived in Houston about

9, maybe 10 o'clock. It's about a 4 hour drive. ()I Before leaving, where did you meet in New Orleans? A I don't know where Dave and Morris met. Dave picked me

up at school and we left directly from school. I had ?my luggage in the car.

(11 What school? 1: -.7 A

John Curtis Christian High School

Q/ Located where?

A Vets Highway, Kenner.

QI You left New Orleans - Did you stop anywhere along the route to Houston?

A At a tavern on the Texas - Louisiana border - then proceeded directly to Houston. Dave had known somebody who owned this tavern. We had coffee, talked and went on.

,QI Were there any guns in the automobile when you left New Orleans?

A No. No kind of gun to my knowledge.

QI Upon your arrival in Houston, what did you do? A It was late. We ate and went to sslleeeepp.. - Got up the

next morning.

QI You stayed in a motel? A Yes

()I You remember which one? A No, it was close to an interstate highway. QI Go on

A The next mornincr we went in town to do some shopping,

bought some clothes and then proceeded to the ice


skating rink. ,After skatincr, returned to the motel and

, decided to go to Galveston.


QI Did you meet anybody in Houston? A No, we didn't meet anybody that we knew or that I

knew to my knowledge. QI Did Dave Ferrie meet anybody he knew? A Not to my knowledge QI Were the three of you together at all times? A I would say so. QI Did you know anybody at the skating rink? A No, not to my knowledge at all. QI Did you ice skate? A Yea

QI How long did you stay at the rink? A Approximately 2 1/2 hours. QI What made you decide to leave Huston and go to Galveston? A It was a disappointing trip. I had done some amateur

skating and thought I could ice skate but Dave and I sat on the bench and we decided to go to Galveston to add to the trip. QI You remember approximately what time you left Houston? A In the evening before or after dark, I don't remember.

/ QI Did you stop anywhere? A No, I don't believe. The only times I remember stopping

was once to eat and once at the tavern. QI Upon your arrival in Galveston, what did you do?' - _.2% We checked intpa motel on the main drag'. ()I Do you know the name'? A No - we want to the va.%ous night spots and had a few

drinks and went back to the motel and went to bed. QI Did you meet anybody yo A No.


-4No, the next morning we started back to new Orleans via Alexandria. 01 Did you stop from _Galveston to Alexan-da_? A No, not at all.

QI Along the way, did you see any beasts? A Yes, between Galveston and - - - along'the coast. We

saw some geese.

QI Did you do any hunting? A No

QI Did Melvin or Dave Ferrie? A Not on this trip. ? _01 Did you stay overnight in Alex? A No

0I After you arrived in New OrleanS, have you ever gone hunting together?

A Yes, duck hunting. 01 Who?

A Dave Ferrie, myself, and someone else who I can't recall, I met him once.

QI When you went hunting with Dave, what weapon did he use? A A shotgun

01 His own?

A No, I don't think he owned one, I think I loaned him one. ()I Does Dave Ferrie own any rifles, 'shotguns, or pistols? A At one time a .38 special and an 30.06. ()I Is Dave Ferrie a good shot? A Not to my knowledge. QI That is your opinion? A An average shot being a ::tan without special training with

a gun.

-5-- QI Have you ever seen hia fire this 30.06? A Yes, we shot it before. QI Where A In the woods QI Where? A Exact location? Right off the intersection of the ? Industrial and Intercostal Canals on the woods' side. QI Do you know a Morris Brownlee? A Yes, through Dave. , QI Tell me about him. At this point, 244Volz enters the office: 'QV Did the FBI ever contact you?

. _ A Yes, but I didn't want to talk without a counsellor's

advise first, and I didn't make a written statement. They never asked me anything again. QV Had you ever taken trips like this before? For no apparent reason? A No

QV And the purpose of this trip was to ice skate? A Yee, QV You know how to ice skate?. A No, I thought I did. QV What had Ferrie. told you about it A I had been told it wasn't easy as it looked but I

was almost pro on roller skates and when 1 got there I sat on the bench or'floor most of the time. QV' About Brownlee? A My acquaintance with Brownlee is through Dave Ferrie. QV Brownlee was close friends with Ferrie? A Then, but not so =eh now.


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