11A Committee Conference Call Notes – 11/8/05

11A Committee Conference Call Notes – 11/8/05

• Attendance taken,

|Bob Johnson (11a Chair) |Stan Grossell |

|Walt Frank (11a Vice Chair) |Cheryl Grounds |

|Erdem Ural (2006 Symposium Chair) |Dennis Hendershot |

|Chris Hanauska (2006 Symposium Vice Chair) |Jean-Paul Lacoursiere |

|Bob Benedetti |Pete Lodal |

|Dave Clark |Lisa Long |

|John Davenport |John Murphy |

|Henry Febo |Roy Sanders |

|John Going |Ron Willey |

• Quorum confirmed at 10:07, and meeting called to order

• John Going and Pete Lodal introduced themselves as new/recent additions to committee

• April 10 and April 13 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as written

• The 2005 session rating statistics (as compiled by Henry Febo) were reviewed (previously distributed to committee)

• John Murphy reported the results of the Bill Doyle award balloting… congratulations to Erdem Ural!

• Logistics for upcoming LPS were discussed

➢ Dennis Hendershot will pull together session side-by-side schedule for all three symposia

➢ General schedule for first day of Global Congress

o Plenary session, all three symposia together from 7:45 till break, each symposium will contribute speaker for plenary session, Hendershot/Murphy are the 11a contribution to plenary lead-off

o Three symposia will split off after AM break. First LPS session will have 4 papers after break, including John Davenport LPS history as lead-off.

o Rest of symposium should follow our normal format (not discussed on call, but I believe that the intent remains to hold the last, case histories, session jointly for all three symposia

➢ Status of abstracts/manuscripts

o Clark… session is full, no manuscripts yet

o Lodal… session is full, no manuscripts yet

o Grossel… 6 accepted, 3 manuscripts in hand

o Dunbobbin… 6 abstracts, no manuscripts yet

o Hanauska… 6 abstracts, many extras… offer poster opportunities?

o Murphy… has a surplus of abstracts, anticipates will have a BP paper

➢ Dennis Hendershot is coordinating the luncheon speakers. Each symposium has the option of providing one speaker. Dave Clark will contact DuPont corporate safety executive to determine interest in speaking.

➢ Milestone dates for this year

o Select speakers by 10/1 (done)

o PTP entry by authors by 11/14… basis for programs at conference

o Draft manuscripts to chairs by 12/1

o Final manuscripts to chairs by 1/15

o Final manuscripts to Erdem by Jan 22

➢ A suggestion was made to more aggressively market the concept of a poster session, provide opportunities for the submitters of excess manuscripts, provide pool from which to draw papers if an author does not come through. Dennis Hendershot will pursuer this idea.

➢ Discussed a proposal to provide a CD with the speakers PowerPoint presentations. Agreed that we would follow CCPS lead on this issue. TBD.

➢ Proposals for Sunday short courses:

o Erdem Ural, dust explosions

o Roy Sanders, case histories

o Walt Frank, safety culture,

o Bob Johnson, reactives (not Sunday… maybe Thurs)

o Vahid Ebadat or Larry Britton, electrostatics

Dennis will follow up with Ebadat/Briton to se if either are interested, and then will forward list to AIChE meetings staff

➢ Pre-conference meeting will be 7:00 PM Sunday, Wednesday meeting TBD

➢ Dave Clark is still soliciting short (1 to 2 page) write-ups from 11a “old hands,” focusing on LPS history, for inclusion in the proceedings

• It was agreed that we would follow the standard AICHE deadlines for abstract and paper submittals next year (2007 LPS), rather than continuing to follow our accelerated schedule (which was a legacy from the days when we printed our own proceedings book independent of AIChE)…

• Voting for LPS logo contest:

➢ 0, 2, 8, 0, and 4 votes for options 1, 2, 3, 4 or “none”…

➢ Bob Johnson (option 3) was declared the winner

➢ Bob was to (and subsequently did) provide a color version of the proposed logo

• Dave Clark was unanimously elected vice-chair for 2007 LPS

• Session topics and chairs/co-chairs were selected for 2007 LPS

➢ Use of modeling in explosion and fire protection (John Going/Mannan or Crowl)

➢ Fires, explosions, and reactive hazards (Dunbobbin/Benedetti)

➢ Facility siting/building design for explosion protection (Cheryl Grounds/Jean-Paul Lacoursiere)

➢ Communicating expert knowledge to technical community (Lisa Long/Joe Louvar)

➢ Preparing for natural disasters and lessons learned (Erdem Ural/Bob Johnson)

➢ Case histories/lessons learned (Henry Febo/Brian Kelly)

Chairs to get write-ups of session descriptions for call for papers to Chris Hanauska by 12/15/05

• 11a Committee membership

➢ Hendershot and Murphy are still “full members” but are willing to become emeritus if required to create openings

➢ Hank Gurry was elected to the 11a committee (Bob Johnson to contact and advise)

➢ Kathy Pearson was proposed as a potential member, pending confirmation of here interest and of management support (Walt Frank subsequently confirmed a “Yes” answer to both)

➢ Bob Benedetti will contact Donnie Carter to inquire about his interest in joining

• Update CD (LPS and CCPS proceedings) is out. If you ordered this at the LPS and have not received, check with CCPS.

• Other action items:

➢ Walt Frank to forward S&H Division dinner tickets to the drawing winners

➢ John Davenport to forward mailing labels to Walt Frank for publicity purposes

➢ Walt Frank to send side-by-side schedule file from 2005 LPS to Dennis Hendershot

➢ Erdem Ural to send out PPT format guidance

➢ Walt Frank to send Erdem the Word files for the LPS proceedings front matter

➢ Bob Benedetti to forward updated 11a roster to Erdem for inclusion in proceedings

➢ Bob Benedetti will obtain the award plaques

➢ Walt Frank to coordinate with Dennis Hendershot on advertising

• Meeting was adjourned at 1:25 PM

Walt Frank



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