Troy University

CP 6600 Professional Orientation and Ethics

Final Exam Study Guide


Chapter 6

1. Action-oriented theories primarily focus on:

2. The role of the counselor in action-oriented theories tends to be:

3. The influence and principles of behaviorism in the field of counseling have been:

4. The Behavioral approach to counseling views clients' problems as:

5. B. F. skinner's process of operant conditioning includes which of the following strategies.

6. The primary goal of cognitive therapy is to:

7. Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) practitioners tend to be:

8. Play Therapy is useful for children because:

Chapter 8

9. The testing and assessment process is crucial to accomplishing which of the following tasks?

10. In recent years testing has been viewed:

11. One of the advantages of using testing in counseling is:

12. Counselors rely on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for which of the following reasons?

13. Many professionals in the counseling field oppose the concept of formal diagnosis because:

14. Ideally, an assessment should include:

15. Which of the following best describes a standardized test?

16. The interpretations of assessment data should:

Chapter 10

17. Because family counseling sessions can become emotionally charged, the effective family counselor tends to be:

18. Power in the family is directly related to:

19. Family counseling shares greater similarity with:

20. Preparation for family counseling should include:

21. Compared to individual counseling, family counselors tend to be more:

22. We would expect to find the strategy of a family counselor to include:

23. The primary difference between family and individual counseling is:

Chapter 11

24. The primary task of a vocational counselor is to:

25. Certain developmental problems such as career immaturity may be helped by the counselor applying ______________.

26. The first step in helping clients with career decisions involves:

27. Career counseling tends to focus on decision-making but also includes which of the following:

28. A primary goal of career counseling is to optimize resources and decisions that lead to:

29. John Holland's theory of vocational development is divided into six categories and focuses on:

30. Robert Hoppock's theory states that the degree of job satisfaction can be determined by two main factors:

Chapter 12

31. Addictions counseling involves clients who abuse:

32. The difference between drug use and drug abuse is:

33. Narcotics affect a person's system by:

34. Frequent adolescent drug abusers appear to be which of the following?

35. With the elderly and disabled populations which of the following may trigger alcohol and/or drug abuse?

36. Treatment of the drug abuser usually requires:

37. Regardless of the therapeutic model used while working with the drug abuser, the

counselor is encouraged to:

Chapter 13

38. When working with a diverse population of clients the counselor's job is to:

39. When counseling culturally different clients, it is suggested that counselors:

40. A counselor working with multicultural clients must develop:

41. Aging clients may experience which of the following:

42. What is a major problem that persons with physical challenges face?

43. When working with the disabled, it is important:

44. Family members of disabled individuals may experience which of the following?

Chapter 14

45. The codes of ethics provided by different professional organizations are:

46. It is more useful to consider ethical issues and possible resolutions at which critical times:

47. The process of seduction of a client by a counselor is:

48. The confidential nature of the counselor/client relationship may be ethically breached when:

49. In a landmark court case, now referred to as the Tarasoff decision, a counselor:

50. Counselors have an ethical and legal obligation to breach the vow of confidentiality when all of the following occur except:


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