David J. Loreck, M.D.

July 1, 2017

Current Clinical Position/Business Address:

Medical Director

Baltimore VAMC Hospital Mental Health Hospital Consultation Service

Baltimore VA Medical Center

Department of Mental Health

Room 6D123

10 North Greene Street

Baltimore, Maryland 21201

410-605-7000 ext 5514

Fax 410-605-7771

E-MAIL: david.loreck@

Citizenship: U.S.A.

Academic Appointment:

Assistant Professor

The University of Maryland Medical School

Department of Psychiatry

Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Home Address:

6305 Velvet Path

Columbia, Maryland 21044



University of Maryland College Park

BA, Political Science

and English Literature

1982. University of Maryland College Park

Pre-Med Requirements

Medical M.D. (with Honors, AOA), University of Texas

1983-1987 Medical School, Houston, Graduated May 30, 1987

Internship (Medical/


1988. University of Maryland Medical System



1990. University of Maryland Medical System


( Geriatric Neuropsychiatry (focus on Alzheimer’s Disease)

1990-1992 The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine



1.General Adult Psychiatry : American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology:May 1993

2.Geriatric Psychiatry: American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology : May1994

3.Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Neurology: United Counsel of Neurological Subspecialties: October, 2012


2004-Present : Medical Director ;Baltimore VAMC Hospital Mental Health Consultation Service

1993 – 2017: Co- Director, Baltimore VAMC Alzheimer’s Disease / Memory Disorders Clinic

1997 –2004 : Medical Director, Baltimore VAMC Alzheimer’sDisease / Related Disorders Extended Care Unit

1994 – 1997: Attending Physician/ Geriatric Psychiatrist, University of Maryland Medical System Geropsychiatry Unit

1992 – 1994 : Attending Physician, Baltimore VAMC Inpatient

Mental Treatment Unit


2013-2016 : Site Principal Investigator : VA Cooperative Augmentation Study To Improve Depression Outcomes :VAST-D CSP 576

2007-2013 : Site Principal Investigator: A Randomized Trial of Vitamin E and Memantine in Alzheimer’s Disease, VA National Cooperative Study 546 (25% salary support)

2012-2014: Co –Investigator : T21 VA Clinical Pilot Demonstration

Improvement of Delirium Identification and clinical care in Hospitalized VA patients

2012-2014 : Co-Investigator: T21 VA Clinical Pilot Demonstration Study:

Improved Case Management of At risk Community Dementia patients( PISCES )

2009-2011 :Co-Investigator: T 21 VA Clinical Pilot Demonstration Study:

DEMO Study: Demonstration of the effect of enhanced clinical case

management in the care of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease,

1999 – 2005:Site Principal Investigator, NINDS/NIH Multicenter Study

of Measurement of Comfort and Quality of Life in Terminal Dementia

Patients: Peter Rabins, M.D. , Johns Hopkins School of Medicine , Study Principal Investigator

1998-2005: Principal Investigator, Cognitive and Functional Assessment of Advanced Dementia, VA Clinical Care :Center Funded

1999 – 2004: Principal Investigator, Identification of Dementia in a VA

Primary Care Population, VA Clinical Center Funded

1998 – 2001 Principal Investigator, Double Blind Placebo Controlled Trial of MK-0966 in Treatment of Mild Cognitive Impairment/ Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease, Industry Funded (Merck)

1998 Principal Investigator, Open Trial of Metrifonate vs. Aricept in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease, Industry Funded

1997 – 1998 Co-Investigator, Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Trial of

Pentophylline in Alzheimer’s Disease 5% Effort (Industry Funded) Site PI: Fishman, P.

1995 – 2004 Co-Investigator, The Baltimore Long Term Care Study; The

Epidemiology of Dementia in Maryland Nursing Homes 5%

Effort (NIA Funded PI: Magaziner, J.)

1995. Co-Investigator, Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Study of Slow

Release Physostigmine in Alzheimer’s Disease 5% Effort

(Industry Funded) Site PI: Raskin, A.

1992. Co-Investigator, Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Trial of Acetyl- L-Carnitine in Alzheimer’s Disease, 5% Effort (Industry Funded) Site PI: Folstein, M.


Community : Maryland Healthcare Heroes, Community Outreach Annual Award, 2004

Maryland Alzheimer’s Association Medical Research Annual Award, Co-Recipient, 2004

Faculty: University of Maryland Medical School, Department of

Psychiatry Outstanding Teaching Award, 2013

University of Maryland Medical School , Department of

Psychiatry Outstanding Teacher Award ,1996

Residency Recipient of 1989 NIMH Outstanding Psychiatry

Resident National Award

Medical School AOA National Medical Honor Society

Current Teaching/Education Responsibilities/ Courses Taught:

1. Site Coordinator, Baltimore VAMC, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry Resident /Medical Student Consultation Psychiatry Rotation

2. University of Maryland School Of Medicine, Dept of Psychiatry:

Course Director , PG2 Neuroscience Course,20 lectures

3. University of Maryland School Of Medicine Combined Professional School

Geriatric Care Mini-semester: (geriatric assessment case conference and lecture)


2013-present: Member, State of Maryland, Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Board

2008-Present: Co-Chair, Maryland Veterans Administration Alzheimer’s Disease /Dementia Clinical Care Committee

1996-2013 Maryland Alzheimer’s Association Medical / Scientific Board

1999-2001 Board of Director’s, Maryland Alzheimer’s Disease Association

1992 – 1998 Geropsychiatry Consultant, The National Lutheran Nursing Home


Original Peer Review Research Publications

Dysken , M.W., Sano,M., Asthana.S., Vertrees,J.E., Pallaki, M., Loreck,D.J., et. al.,

Effect of Vitamin E and Memantine on Functional Decline in Alzheimers Disease.

JAMA . 2014;311(1): 33-44.

Black, B.S., Fogarty, L.A., Phillips, H., Finucane, T., Loreck, D.J., Baker, A., Blass, D., Rabins, P.V., Surrogate Decision Makers’ Understanding of Dementia Patients’ Prior Wishes for End-of-Life-Care. Journal of Aging and Health,March,2009,21(4)627-650.

Blass, D.M., Black, B.S., Finucane, T. Baker, A. , Loreck, D.J., Rabins, P.V., Medication use in nursing home residents with advanced dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.

Kaup, B.A., Loreck, D.J., Gruber-Baldini, A.L., German, P., Magaziner, J. Depression and relationship to function, medical status, and dementia in nursing home admissions.

American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, May,2007, 15(5): 438-443

Black, BS, Finucane, T, Baker, A, Loreck, DJ, Blass, D, Rabins, PV. Health problems and correlates of pain in nursing home residents with advanced dementia. Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated Disorders, 2006,20(4): 283-290.

Fenton, J,Raskin, A, Gruber-Baldini, AL, Loreck, DJ, Ruskin, PE, Magaziner, J,.

Predictors of nursing home consultation in nursing home residents. Am J Geriatric Psychiatry. May 2004; 12(3):297-304

Heeren, O, Raskin, A, Gruher-Baldini, AL, Loreck, DJ, Ruskin,PE, Zimmerman, S, Magaziner, J. Association of depression with agitation in elderly nursing home patients.. J Geritric Psychiatry Neurology. Mar, ;16(1):2003:4-11.

Menon,AS, Gruber-Baldini,Al, Hebel, JR, Loreck,DJ, Zimmerman, S, Burton,L, German, P, Magaziner,J.Relationship between aggressive behaviors and depression among nursing home residents with dementia. Int J Geriatric Psychiatry. Feb,2001;16(2): 139-146.

Loreck, D. J., Bylsma, F.W., Folstein, M.F. The Dementia Symptom Scale: A New Scale for Assessment of Psychopathology in Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of the American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry, Winter, 1994, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 60-74.

Stern, Y., Folstein, M., Ablert, M., Richards, M., Miller, L., Bylsma, F., Loreck, D., et al. Mutlicenter Study of Predictors of Disease Course in Alzheimer’s Disease: Study Design, Cohort Description and Internal Comparisons. Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated Disorders, 1993, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 3-21.

Richards, M., Folstein, M., Albert, M., Miller, L., Bylsma, F., Loreck, D. et al. Multicenter Study of Predictors of Disease Course in Alzheimer’s Disease: Neurological, Psychiatry and Demographic Influences on Baseline Measures of Disease Severity. Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated Disorders, 1993, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 23-32.

Loreck, D., et al. Regulation of the Pentose Phosphate Pathway in Human Astrocytes and Gliomas. Metabolic Brain Disease. March 1987, Vol. II, No. 1, pp. 31-47.

Galarraga, J., Loreck, D. J. et al. Glucose Metabolism in Human Gliomas. Metabolic Brain Disease. December, 1986, Vol. I, No. 4, pp. 279-293.

Dominguez, J., Loreck, D.J. et al. Enzymes of Glucose Metabolism in Human Gliomas. Metabolic Brain Disease, March, 1987, Vol. II, No. 1, pp. 17-31.


Original Chapters

Grob, P., Loreck, DJ. Dementia and Delirium, In: General Psychiatry. Goldman, HH Editor, McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Loreck, D.J., Folstein, M.F. Depression in Alzheimer’s Disease, In: Depression in Neurological Disease. Robinson, R.G., Starkstein, S.F. Editors, John Hopkins Press,1993: 50-62.

Cummins, C.J., Loreck, D.J.: Ancillary Pathways of Energy Metabolism in Mammalian Brain, In: Developmental Neurochemistry, Wiggins, R., Editor, University of Texas Press, 1985: 160-179.



December 10, 2014 University Of Maryland Department of psychiatry Grand Rounds: Assessment of New Onset Psychosis in the Elderly

April 16, 2014 Maryland Bar Association Conference on Guardianship: Assessment of Capacity in the Elderly

March 18 , 2014 Maryland Alzheimer’s Association Annual Conference:

Improving Care in Advanced Alzheimer’s Disease

Spring 2013 Maryland VA Mental Health Research Education Conference:

Assessment Of Dementia

Spring 2013 Maryland Motor Vehicles Administration Education Conference: Assessment of Driving Safety in Patients With Alzheimer’s Disease

Spring 2012 Maryland VA Mental Health Research Education Conference:

Assessment of Memory in the Elderly: Normal Aging vs. Alzheimer’s Disease

Spring 2011, American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry Annual Conference: Assessment and Management of Delirium

Spring 2010 American Delirium Society Annual Meeting: Improving Treatment in Delirum

Fall 2009 Sinai Hospital Medical Grand Rounds: Assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Disorders in the Elderly

May,2006: Evaluation of Memory Loss; Normal Aging vs Dementia, Maryland Alzheimer’s Association Annual Caregivers Conference

May,2006 : Evaluation of Competency in the Elderly, University of Maryland School of Social Work Annual Conference

March ,2006: Evaluation and Treatment of Behavioral Complications in Dementia.

Levindale Geriatric Center Grand Rounds

March,2006: Evaluation of Delirium in the Geriatric Patient. University of Maryland Medical School Division of Gerontology Annual Conference: Management of Geriatric Emergencies

June,2005: Evaluation of Dementia. Maryland Alzheimer’s Association Annual Conference

June,2005: Diagnosis of Dementia in the Primary Care Setting. Washington VA Annual Geriatrics Conference

3/16/04- Assessment of Dementia, University of Maryland Geriatric Psychiatry Grand Rounds

3/9/04-Diagnosis and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease, Beacon Institute Lecture

12/12/03-Palliative Care in Advanced Dementia, Baltimore VAMC Geriatric Medicine Grand Rounds

9/30/03-Palliative Care in Advanced Alzheimer’s Disease, Keynote Speaker, University of Maryland Annual Geriatric Psychiatry Conference

6/11/03- Alzheimer’s Disease, Overview, Baltimore City Caregivers Conference.

6/5/03- Alzheimer’s Disease, Overview, Maryland Geriatric Care Coalition Conference.

4/3/03- Diagnosis/Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease, Maryland/Eastern Shore Alzheimer’s Association’s Caregivers Conference.

1/14/03- Diagnosis/Staging of Alzheimer’s Disease, University of Maryland Geriatric Psychiatry Grand Rounds.

11/25/02- Utilization of Hospice Criteria in Advanced Dementia, Geriatric Society of America, Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass.

10/17/02- Diagnosis and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease, Franklin Square Hospital, Medical Grand Rounds, Baltimore, Md.

9/25/02- Diagnosis and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease, Medical Grand Rounds, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Baltimore, Md.

8/12/02- Diagnosis and Staging of Alzheimer’s Disease, Baltimore VAMC Geriatric Psychiatry Grand Rounds.

6/11/02- Overview of Alzheimer’s Disease, Baltimore City Alzheimer’s Association Caregivers Conference.

6/4/02- Assessment and Treatment of Psychiatric Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease, University of Maryland Annual Geriatric Psychiatry Conference.

5/20/02- Use of Assessment Instruments in Dementia, Baltimore VAMC Geriatric Psychiatry Grand Rounds.

5/8/02- Diagnosis and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease, Walter Reid Hospital/National Old Soldier’s Home, Medical Grand Rounds.

3/19/02- The Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease, University of Maryland Geriatric Psychiatry Conference.

3/13/02- Assessment and Treatment of Psychiatric Symptoms in Alzheimer’s Disease, Annual VA Geriatric Care Conference.

2/12/02- Assessment of Agitation in Dementia Patients, University of Maryland Geriatric Psychiatry Grand Rounds.

9/01- Assessment of Parkinson’s Symptoms in Dementia, Baltimore VAMC Gero psychiatry Grand Rounds

6/01- Assessment of Agitation in Dementia, University of Maryland, Combined Geriatric Medicine/Psychiatry Grand Rounds.

4/01- Assessment of Agitation in Dementia, VA Regional Alzheimer’s Diagnosis Symposium.

10/00- Alzheimer’s Disease: Assessment and Staging, Balto VAMC Geriatric Psychiatry Grand Rounds.

10/00- Alzheimer’s Disease: An Overview, Bethesda Naval Hospital Psychiatry Grand Rounds.

9/00- Alzheimer’s Disease: Overview, Maryland Alzheimer’s Association Regional Conference

5/00- Failure to Thrive in the Frail Elderly, VAMC Geriatric Medicine Rounds

4/00- Failure to Thrive in Alzheimer’s Disease, University of Md/Baltimore VAMC, Annual Geriatric Research/Education Conference

9/99- Evaluation and Treatment of Agitation in Dementia Patients, University of Md/Balto VAMC Geropsychiatry Rounds

5/99- Medical Evaluation of Behavioral Complications in Alzheimer’s Disease, University of Md/Balto VAMC Geropsychiatry Rounds

4/99- Alzheimer’s Disease, Md VA Medical System Regional Education Conference

3/99- Psychiatric Symptoms in Alzheimer’s Disease, University of Md/Balto VAMC Annual Geriatric Research/Education Conference

8/98- Assessment of Agitation in Dementia, University of Md/Balto VAMC Gero-psychiatry Rounds

5/98- Alzheimer’s Disease, Perry Point VAMC Grand Rounds

5/98- Differential Diagnosis of Dementia, University of Md/Balto VAMC Geropsychiatry Rounds

4/98- Alzheimer’s Disease, Maryland Alzheimer’s Association Annual Conference

8/97 – Alzheimer’s Disease: Update of Treatment Options: Baltimore VAMC Geropsychiatry Rounds.

5/97 – Alzheimer’s Disease and the Dementing Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment; University of Maryland/Baltimore VAMC combined Psychiatric Grand Rounds

4/97 – Alzheimer’s Disease: An Update on Diagnosis and Treatment – CHEPP Regional Medical Conference

11/96 – Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementing Disorders, American Association of Family Practice Regional Conference

3/96 – 1) Alzheimer’s Disease and the Dementing Disorders: An Overview.

2) Psychiatric Syndromes in Dementia, Baltimore GRECC Annual Conference.

8/95 – Evaluation of the Cognitively Impaired Geriatric Patient, Baltimore VAMC Geriatric Medicine Education Rounds, Parts I & II.

6/95 –Evaluation of Altered Mental Status in the Geriatric Patient, Palo Alto VAMC/Stanford School of Medicine Geriatric Medicine Educational Rounds.

6/95-Psychiatric Syndromes in Alzheimer’s Disease, Palo Alto VAMC Geropsychiatry Educational Rounds.

4/95 –Management of Agitation and Behavioral Disturbance in the Dementia Patient, University of Maryland Medical System/Baltimore VAMC Nursing Grand Rounds.

4/95 – Alzheimer’s Disease: An Overview, 1995 Maryland Alzheimer’s Association Support Group Leaders Training Conference.

4/95 – Evaluation and Management of Mental Illness in the Nursing Home Setting, 1995 Maryland Geriatric Association Annual Conference.

4/95 – Evaluation of Delirium and Dementia, 1995 GRECC Conference on Geriatric Assessment.


10/94 – Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementing Disorders, 1994 Annual Meeting of Maryland Alzheimer’s Disease Association.

9/94 – Psychiatric and Behavioral Disturbance in Dementia: Evaluation and Treatment Parts I & II, Baltimore VAMC Psychiatry Grand Rounds.

8/94 – Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementing Disorders, Perry Point VAMC/CHEPP Regional Medical Education Conference.

6/94 – Alzheimer’s Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment, 1994 Maryland Nurse Practitioner’s Education Conference.

4/94 – Biopsychosocial Evaluation of the Geriatric Patient, The 1994 VAMC GRECC Conference on the Evaluation of the Geriatric Patient.

1/94 – Psychiatric Syndromes in Dementia, Geropsychiatry Educational Rounds, Perry Point VAMC.

12/93 – Alzheimer’s Disease Update, Family Support Meeting of the Washington DC Alzheimer’s Disease Association.

4/93 – Differential Diagnosis of Dementia, Baltimore VA Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Baltimore, MD.

3/93 – Assessment and Treatment of Depression in Dementia Patients, Baltimore VA Geriatric Medicine Conference, Baltimore, MD.

2/93 – Research Update on the Assessment of Psychiatric Symptoms in Dementia, American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

9/92 – Psychiatric Syndromes in Alzheimer’s Disease, Baltimore VA Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Baltimore, MD.


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