1 - University of Houston

PSYC 2350 Child Development

Adrienne Tinder

Final Exam Review

The final exam is cumulative, 100 MC questions (and some bonus questions, as well). All material that we have covered this semester is game for this exam, but the following information should help you to narrow your focus.

• Major theories that we covered- major differences between them and who is associated with the theories

• Major events during prenatal development and the birth process- all major definitions involved, diagnostic testing

• Methods in child developmental research- all major definitions involved

• Infant perception- methods of measurement, general trends in development of each of the perceptual facets (visual, auditory, etc.)

• Piaget’s theory of cognitive development: all stages and characteristics, including definitions, and tasks associated with this theory

• Information processing approach to cognitive development- definitions, models of memory, names associated with information processing approaches

• Theories of language development, components of language development, properties of human language, definitions involved, errors seen in language development

• Theories of temperament and attachment: names, characteristics of theories, methods of measurement, predictors of attachment and stability of attachment

• Factors affecting research on daycare, characteristics of a good daycare, correlates (general associations, characteristics) of daycare (ie, children who went to daycare were found to be more social, etc.)

• Theories of moral development: names, characteristics, and views on punishment and rules

• Types of aggression, nature vs nurture argument of aggression, trends in aggressive behavior (ie, age, gender and cognitive differences)

• Self- definitions of self-related concepts (ie, self esteem), trends of identity development (gender, age, etc), paths of identity development (how do we develop identity?),

• Development of gender, trends, definitions, research done in gender development

• Family- different types and combinations of families, divorce, impact of this on the child

• Theories of parenting, types of parenting, dimensions of parenting, characteristics of each type, differences between mothers and fathers in parenting

• Discipline, corporal punishment- arguments for and against, spanking- who is getting spanked and who is spanking, when are parents spanking, characteristics of effective discipline,

• Abuse, types of abuse, characteristics of abusers and victims, general trends (who is more likely to be abused and when),

• School achievement- differences among US, China, and Japan (students), arguments for why US is doing so poorly, research on kids with learning disabilities in US (general)

• Peer relationships, sociometric techniques, types of ratings according to these sociometric methods (ie, controversial, neglected, etc.)

PSYC 2350 Child Development

Adrienne Tinder

Final Exam: Names to Know!

Mary Ainsworth

Atkinson and Shiffrin

Renee Baillargeon

Albert Bandura

Diana Baumrind

Jay Belsky

John Bowlby

Urie Bronfenbrenner

Noam Chomsky

Charles Darwin

Ken Dodge

Erik Erikson

Sigmund Freud

Arnold Gessell

G. Stanley Hall

Lawrence Kohlberg

Lewis & Brooks-Gunn

John Locke

Konrad Lorenz

Jean Piaget

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

B. F. Skinner

Harold Stevenson

Thomas and Chess

Lev Vygotsky

John Watson


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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