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1 Evidence-based Practice for HINARI Users Exercises

2 (Advanced Course: Module 6)

Table of Contents:

• Evidence-based Practice definition, background and resources

• Clinical Evidence

• Cochrane Library

• EBM Guidelines

• Essential Evidence Plus

• HINARI EBM Journals

• HINARI/PubMed’s Clinical Queries

• Other Resources (including EvidenceAid)

Module Objectives:

3 The objectives of this module are to briefly summarize the concept of Evidence-based Medicine and give an overview of some of the Evidence-based health care resources in HINARI particularly those accessible via the Reference Sources drop down menu – Clinical Evidence, Cochrane Library and EBM Guidelines. The module also outlines how to locate Evidence-based health care information using the PubMed’s Clinical Queries features including ‘Search by Clinical Study Category’ and ‘Find Systematic Reviews’. The use of evidence-based information will assist clinicians and health workers in making informed decisions in the care of patients and communities.

You will need access to the HINARI to complete a series of exercises.

Exercise 1

Complete the Evidence-based Medicine Module Review. Answer the following true/false questions:

➢ Evidence-based practice mandates the application of evidence in clinical decision-making. ____true false____

➢ HINARI resources include evidence-based guidelines, articles, summaries, and systematic reviews. ____true false____

➢ Evidence-based practice requires continuous updating of one’s knowledge base. ____true false____

➢ Searching in Clinical Queries/PubMed is one of the key ways to find evaluated evidence-based summaries. ____true false____

➢ A well-done systematic review usually provides stronger evidence than a single clinical trial. ____true false____

1.1 Finding resources in Cochrane Library

6 Cochrane Library is the first of the Evidence-based Medicine resources available from HINARI that we will discuss. Click on the Reference Sources list and, after displayed open on the link to Cochrane Library. This resource contains high-quality, independent evidence including reliable evidence from Cochrane and other systematic reviews and clinical trials. It is published by John Wiley.

Exercise 2

➢ From the Hinari Content page, open to the Reference sources menu (right column) and, from the Browse reference sources list, click on Cochrane Library. In the Title, Abstract or Keywords search box, enter pneumonia and click on Go.

➢ What is the number of records found in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews?

➢ Go back to the Title, Abstract or Keywords search box, enter pneumonia AND developing countries and click on Go

➢ What is the number of records for this more precise keyword search?

➢ View the abstracts of the articles of interest to you.

➢ How many of these studies from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews would be of use at your institution or a hospital in your country?

➢ Complete one keyword search using a topic of interest to you in the Title, Abstract or Keywords search box and note the number of Results.

1.2 Finding resources in Joanna Braggs database

Joanna Briggs is a database of Systematic Reviews, is the second of the Evidence-based Medicine resources available from HINARI that we will discuss. Click on the Databases for discovery list and, after displayed open on the link to the Joanna Briggs database.

Exercise 3

➢ From the Hinari Content page, click on Databases for discovery.

➢ Click on Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Database on the 1st page of database listings.

➢ Select All Resources from the Resources to search by clicking on the square and click OK.

➢ Select the Multi-Field Search.

➢ In the first drop-down menu, select Journal Words, and enter JBI in the first search box.

➢ Go to the second drop-down menu, select Text Words (which searches both abstract and title), enter Malaria into the second search box.

➢ Enter child* in the third search box.

➢ Open the Search History up above to see your search details.

➢ How many articles were found under the Search History?

➢ Were any of the results relevant or useful?

➢ What is the type of research was found in the first result? For example: is it a Protocol, Systematic Review or implementation report.

➢ Is it beneficial to know the type of research found, for you and your colleagues? Why or why not?

➢ When you have finished, return to the Hinari Content page

1.3 Finding resources in EBM Guidelines

Exercise 4

➢ Return to HINARI and make sure you are properly logged in. From the Content page, open to the Reference sources list and click on EBM Guidelines.

➢ In the Search box, enter infection control and click on Search.

➢ What is the number of Evidence summaries?

➢ How many of these summaries would be of use at your institution or a health facility in your country?

➢ Complete one keyword search of interest to you in the Search box and note the number of Results.

Exercise 5

➢ Return to the initial page of EBM Guidelines.

➢ Above Search Box, click on Browse Database Contents, then click on the +EBM Guidelines.

➢ View the various subject categories (e.g. Cardiology, Infectious diseases).

➢ Name three subjects that would be of interest to you.

➢ View the contents of one of these subjects.

➢ How many EBM Guidelines are in this specific category?

1.4 Finding resources in Essential Evidence Plus (also from John Wiley so all countries may not have access).

Exercise 6

➢ Return to HINARI and make sure you are properly logged in. From the Content page, open to the Reference sources list and click on Essential Evidence Plus.

➢ From the initial page, click on EBMG (evidence based summaries of symptoms and diseases) Guidelines. Pick a broad topic of interest to you? Which topic did you pick and which Guidelines are of interest to you or your colleagues

➢ Return to the Essential Evidence Plus initial page (either from HINARI/Reference Sources or clicking on back button 2 or 3 times.

➢ In the Search box, enter pregnancy complications and leave the default All Databases in the drop down menu. Click on Search.

➢ What is the number of Results? Note the options to Refine your results by: Content or Resource. In Resource, how many Evidence/Cochrane Systematic Reviews are available? How many EBMG Guidelines are available?

➢ Repeat this search by entering pregnancy complications AND developing countries in the Search box with All Databases. Click on Search. What is the number of results from this more specific search? Is this refined search more useful or the broader one?

➢ Complete one keyword search of interest to you in the Search box with All Databases and note the number of Results.

1.5 Searching in an Evidence-based Health care journal.

7 There are several HINARI journals that are devoted to Evidence-based health care. By going to the Find journals by title A-Z list, clicking on E and scrolling down to Evidence, you can locate several journals. Remember that other journals also contain evidence-based health care articles.

Exercise 7

➢ From the HINARI Content page, go to the Journals Collection A-Z list and click on E.

➢ Scroll down the E list until you locate titles beginning with Evidence.

➢ How many journal titles starting with the word Evidence are listed?

➢ Click on the link to Evidence-based Medicine and go to the current issue.

➢ List the citation of one article that is of interest to you or an individual at your institution.

➢ Enter diarrhea in the SEARCH IN THIS JOURNAL box with the All Fields option and click Go.

➢ How many articles are listed for this search?

1. Locating Evidence-based Medicine information using HINARI/PubMed’s Clinical Queries

8 PubMed’s Clinical Queries is another option for locating evidence-based health care information. From this option, you can Search by Clinical Study and Find Systematic Reviews to find citations for systematic reviews, meta-analyses, reviews of clinical trials, evidence-based medicine, consensus development conferences, and guidelines. Remember that you must use HINARI/PubMed to have access to the HINARI’s full-text articles.

Exercise 8

➢ From the HINARI Content page, click on the Databases for discovery list, then open PubMed.

➢ After entering PubMed, click on the link to Clinical Queries that is located under the PubMed Tools heading.

➢ In the Search box, enter hypertension AND developing countries. In the Clinical Study Category drop down menus, also click on the diagnosis Category and broad in Scope. Click on Search.

➢ How many citations are listed for the Clinical Study Categories filter? How many citations are listed for the Systematic Reviews filter?

➢ Click on See all for the Clinical Study Categories. In the Search Results display, what are the numbers of articles listed under the Free full text and HINARI filters?

Exercise 9

➢ From the HINARI Content page, click on the Databases for discovery list, then open PubMed.

➢ After entering PubMed, click on the link to Clinical Queries that is located under the PubMed Tools heading.

➢ In the Search box, enter (Hand hygiene[mh] OR (Hand washing[tiab] OR handwashing[tiab] OR hand hygiene[tiab]))

➢ In the Clinical Study Category drop down menus, also click on the diagnosis Category and broad Scope. Click on Search.

➢ How many citations are listed for the Clinical Study Categories filter? How many citations are listed for the Systematic Reviews filter?

➢ Click on See all for the Clinical Study Categories. In the Search Results display, what are the numbers of articles listed under the Free full text and HINARI filters?

➢ Return to Clinical Queries from the initial HINARI/PubMed page

➢ In the Clinical Queries Search box, enter a search of interest to you. Also click on the Therapy Category and Narrow in the Scope. Click on Search. What is the number of Systematic reviews in the Results of this search?

2.2 Locating EBM information using HINARI/PubMed’s Filters

Exercise 10

➢ From the HINARI Content page, click on the Databases for discovery list, then open PubMed.

➢ In the PubMed Search box, enter a search for malaria AND pregnancy. Click on Go.

➢ What is the number of citations from this search?

➢ In the left column for Filters, locate the Article Type option and click More. Check the boxes for Clinical Trial, Meta-Analysis, Practice Guidelines, Randomized Controlled Trial and Systematic Reviews and click on Show (to activate that Filters).

➢ When displayed in the Filters column, click on each one – to be added to the original search. What is the number of citations from this filtered search?

➢ Complete a search of a topic of interest to you with these Filters. What search did you complete and what is the number of citations?

Exercise 11

Additional Clinical Focused PubMed and Cochrane Library Searching

This exercise will use additional Booleans search operators (OR, NOT) in specific searches plus the development of search strategies from a question.

➢ Complete the following searches in both HINARI/PubMed’s Clinical Queries and Cochrane Library. Compare the number and types of results.

➢ Enter the following search terms in the empty search box: tobacco use AND (oral cancer OR lung cancer). Click on the adjacent Search button.

➢ How many article citations have been identified?

➢ Note the Free full text and HINARI filters displayed below/to the right the PubMed Search box. How many article citations are there in the Free full text and HINARI filters?

➢ Enter the following search terms in the empty search box - type in the following statement: diabetes AND (weight loss NOT drugs). Click on the adjacent Search button.

➢ How many article citations have been identified? How many article citations are there in the Free full text and HINARI filters?

➢ From the list of questions below, complete two (HINARI/PubMed) Clinical Queries and Cochrane Libraries searches. For these searches, note the search terms you used and list the overall number of article citations and, via the Hinari filters, the number of Free full text and HINARI articles:

o Are community based awareness programs effective in increasing prenatal care in developing countries?

o Is high quality imaging effective in diagnosing parasitic diseases?

o What is the effectiveness of oral vaccines in reducing the outbreak of cholera?

o Is music therapy effective in reducing post-operative pain?

o What is the efficacy of body repositioning in reducing pressure ulcers, in hospitalized diabetic patients?

o In middle-aged women with hypertension, is an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) more effective than enalapril in reducing mortality?


You have completed eleven exercises about evidence-based health care. You have read an overview article and learned how to locate information in four HINARI Reference Source, the HINARI Journals collection A-Z list and via HINARI/PubMed Clinical Queries. The final exercise was a true/false quiz about evidence-based health care. These skills will be useful to obtain evidence-based medical information and will assist clinicians and health workers in making decisions in the care of patients.

Updated 2018 06



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