Spring 2007

Updated 11/3/2006


Chronological and Alphabetical Listings

(No 1983 session; two 1997 sessions; no 1998 session; no 2005 session)

Full texts are available on-line for 1980-2006. Click on “Publications” at the web site of the

Program on Information Resources Policy, Harvard University


Combating Global Terrorism: Bringing All Elements of National Power to Bear

Darryl Williams

Restructuring the U.S. Intelligence Community

Gordon Lederman

The Limitations of Recent Intelligence Reforms

Joan A. Dempsey

Government Advisory Boards: Improving the Business of Government? Lessons from the Trenches

Ted Wackler

Lawrence K. Gershwin

Steven J. Spano

National Infrastructure Protection: Risk Management for a Nation in a Threat-Driven Environment

Robert Liscouski

Issues Confronting Military Intelligence

Robert B. Murrett



Risk Management in the Department of Defense

Carol A. Haave

Intelligence Analysis

Mark M. Lowenthal

Intelligence to Support Military Operations

Robert B. Murrett

Intelligence and Homeland Security After 9/11

John C. Gannon

Intelligence and Homeland Security After 9/11

Joan A. Dempsey

Securing Cyberspace

Gregory J. Rattray

Taking Responsibility for Our Security

Robert Liscouski

Control and Transformation

Arthur K. Cebrowski

Ryszard Kuklinski: A Case Officer’s View

Aris Pappas


“Catching Field Mice”: Intelligence and Policy in the Twenty-First Century

A. Denis Clift

Adapting the Military to the Homeland Defense and Homeland Security Missions

Dale W. Meyerrose

NIMA and the Intelligence Community

Roberta E. Lenczowski

A Conversation with the Assistant Secretary of Defense for C3I

John P. Stenbit

Future Conditions: The Character and the Conduct of War, 2010 and 2020

Patrick M. Hughes

Analysis, Analysts, and Their Role in Government and Intelligence

James M. Simon, Jr.

Information Assurance in a Networked World

Richard Hale


Human Intelligence

Robert B. Brannon

Information Operations

Gregory C. Radabaugh

Improved Application of Information to the Battlefield—Revisited

Robert A. Rosenberg

The C4ISR-Enabled Warfighter

Gary L. Salisbury

The National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Roberta E. Lenczowski

The National Infrastructure Protection Center

James B. Plehal

Perspectives on National Security in the Twenty-First Century

Warren B. Rudman


Business Intelligence: Open Sources & Methods

C. Kenneth Allard

Challenges Facing the Defense Department in the Twenty-First Century

Cheryl Roby

Intelligence Venture Capital: A Process

Richard O’Neill


Harry Raduege

Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization

Thomas Moorman

Asymmetric Approaches to Joint Vision 2020

Thomas Wilson

Crucified on a Cross of Goldwater-Nichols

James M. Simon, Jr.


The Doctrine of Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence: A Gentle Critique

Hans Mark

Managing Your E-Business: Electrifying Reality

Albert J. Edmonds

Networks, Information Technology, and Paved Cowpaths

Dale W. Meyerrose

Intelligence—Cult, Craft, or Business?

Charles Allen

I3I: Information, Information, Information, and Information

Tim Hoechst

Cyber Threats: Developing a National Strategy for Defending Our Cyberspace.

Mark Montgomery

Information Superiority for the Warfighter

John J. Garstka

Leading Complex Organizations: Lessons from a Tragic Organizational Failure

Scott A. Snook


Information Technology and Organizational Agility

Charles J. Cunningham, Jr.

Department of Defense Information Operations: A Critical Commentary

Walter Jajko

Protecting the Financial and Payment System by Dispelling Myths

Kawika Daguio

Future Threats and Challenges

Patrick M. Hughes

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Peter H. Daly

Providing Global Information Services to the Warfighter

David J. Kelley

Defensive Strategic Information Warfare: Challenges for the U.S.

Greg Rattray

Infrastructure Protection and Assurance

Michelle Van Cleave

Critical Foundations: Protecting America's Infrastructures

R. Thomas Marsh

Whither the Elephant? Public-Private Sector Dynamics in the Information Realm

Randall M. Fort


Fall 1997

Military Applications of Commercial SATCOM Systems

Robert R. Rankine, Jr.

FFRDC Business at MITRE

Victor A. DeMarines

C3I Issues from a United Nations Perspective – Revisited

William R. Clontz

Shaping the Intelligence Environment in the Information Age

Kenneth A. Minihan

Planning Information Operations for a Changing World

John J. Sheehan

The Smartcard as the Ultimate Thin Client: Looking Beyond the New York Smartcard Pilot

Henry A. Lichstein

Space Systems as Contributors to Information Superiority

Keith R. Hall

Spring 1997

Relationships Between Law Enforcement and Intelligence in the Post-Cold War

Philip B. Heymann

Information Warfare: Hierarchies or Networks?

C. Kenneth Allard

The Left Hand of Curiosity

A. Denis Clift

Ensuring Interoperability in Military Communications Systems: The J-6 Campaign Plan

Douglas D. Buchholtz

Perspectives on U.S. Intelligence

Arnold Donahue

CIA Paths Toward the Information Highway

Charles Briggs

Defense Science and Technology: Foundation of the Future

Anita K. Jones

21st Century National Security Challenges

David S. Alberts

Strategic Information Warfare

Greg Rattray


A Proposed Restructuring of the Intelligence Community

James R. Clapper, Jr.

Congress and the Intelligence Community: Oversight and Reorganization Plans

Mark M. Lowenthal

The Pitfalls of Peacetime Military Bureaucracy

Richard T. Reynolds

Information Warfare: A Conceptual Framework

Julie Ryan

Command and Information Systems

Arthur Cebrowski

The Evolution of Intelligence and the Public Policy Debate on Encryption

John M. McConnell

Information Systems Support to DOD and Beyond

Albert Edmonds

Information War: Ready for Prime Time?

Martin C. Libicki

Defense Science Board Recommendations on Information Architecture for the Battlefield

Robert Rosenberg


Information Warfare and the Revolution in Military Affairs

Michael L Brown

The Three Revolutions in Military Affairs

William A. Owens

The Globalization of Telecommunications

R.C. M. (Mark) Baker

Effective Intelligence and Free Democracy - Is That an Oxymoron?

Arthur V. Grant, Jr.

The Liberty Incident

A. Jay Cristol

Global Reach Laydown

Robert Lawrence

Integrated Information Systems for the Warrior

Albert Edmonds

Coalition Warfare and Predictive Analysis

John A. Leide


Acquiring C3 Systems for the Department of Defense: Process and Problems

Thomas P. Quinn

From the Soviet Union to Russia: Contradictions and Implications

Lewis Wallace, Jr.

The Challenge of Leverage in the Post-Cold War Era

John E. Rothrock

Intelligence Analysis in Coalition Warfare

John A. Leide

Intelligence Needs in the Post Cold War Environment

Keith R. Hall

The Role of Army Intelligence in the National Foreign Intelligence Program

James Davis

C4I Issues

Albert Edmonds

Survivability and Space-Based Missile Warning Capabilities

Richard L.Layman

C3I Issues from a United Nations Perspective

William R.Clontz

Formal and Informal C3I Structures in the Desert Storm Air Campaign

Richard T. Reynolds


The Emergence of Data Systems: Cost and Technical Change in Military Systems

Barry Horowitz

The Structure and Missions of the Air Force Intelligence Command

Gary W. O'Shaughnessey

The Role of Intelligence in Economic and Other Crises

Randall M. Fort

Intelligence: The Science and Technology Connection

Michelle Van Cleave

Naval Intelligence in the Post-Cold War Era

Edward D. Sheafer

Defense Intelligence: Adaptability, Character, and Capability

Walter Jajko

Intelligence and Security Revisited: How Much is Enough?

Nina Stewart

The Copernican Pull

Jerry O. Tuttle


Command Plan and C3I

Frank B. Horton

C3 During Desert Shield and Desert Storm

Roscoe M. Cougill

Information Systems Security

James J. Hearn

The Role of the Current Intelligence Officer for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

John M. McConnell

The Process of Reorganization within the US Intelligence Community

Richard L. Haver

C3I in Transition

Albert R. Lubarsky

The Evolution of the U.S. Intelligence System in the Post-Soviet Era

Richard J. Kerr

C4I for the Warrior

Richard C. Macke


Command and Control and the Operational Environments of the Services

C. Kenneth Allard

Technology, Intelligence and Command

David Y. McManis

Desert Shield/Desert Storm and the Future of Force Projection

John H. Cushman, Sr.

Bureaucratic Problems in Formulating National Strategy

Carnes Lord

The U.S. Sinai Support Mission, 1975-1982

Charles L. Stiles

Military Use of Satellite Communications

John Ruddy

C3: A View from Inside the Joint Staff

Joseph Toma

Restructuring the World of C3I

Duane P. Andrews

Global Communications Capabilities for the Banking Industry

Eugene B. Lotochinski

Coalition Command and Control in Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Paul R. Schwartz


The Congressional Intelligence Committees

Thomas K. Latimer

The Information Needs of Presidents

James Lucas

The Policy Aspect of Intelligence

C. Norman Wood

The White House Information Process

Kenneth Duberstein

Restructuring Military Policy to Reflect Worldwide Political Changes

James Cassity, Jr.

Intelligence in Support of US Foreign Policy

Gordon Negus

The Philosophy of Intelligence

W.O. Studeman

The Role of the Air Force in US Counternarcotics Policy

Joseph Zadarecky, II


Command and Control Education and Research

Stuart E. Johnson

Some Business Analogies to C3I

John Magee

Future Directions for Defense Communications

John T.Myers

Four Vital Issues in C3I

Charles Zraket

Crisis Management at the FBI

James M. Fox

National Security and the Democratization

of Information

David Y. McManis

The Role of the Joint Chiefs After the 1986

Defense Reorganization Act

Robert T. Herres


Intelligence Sources and Their Applications

Rae Huffstutler

Three Mile Island: A Case Study in C3I for Crisis Management

Richard L. Thornburgh

Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict: A Congressional Perspective

James R. Locher, III

Strengthening the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Robert T. Herres

The Special Operations Command: Structure and Responsibilities

Robert C. Kingston

Tailoring C3I Systems to Military Users

Jerry Tuttle

The Evolution of Special Operations Forces

Earl Lockwood

Getting in Front of C4I2 Problems

Frank J. Breth

Putting C3I Development in a Strategic and Operational Context

Ruth Davis


The National Defense University's Command and Control Program

Greg Foster

Coming of Age in C3I

Michael J. Zak

Teaching Intelligence

Robert L. DeGross

The Information Management Marketplace

Eugene B. Lotochinski

Ideology and National Competitiveness

George C. Lodge

C3I: A National Security Council Perspective

Rodney B. McDaniel

Making Intelligence Better

Fred R. Demech, Jr.

Defense Reorganization: A View from the Senate

James R. Locher, III

Defense Reorganization: A View from the House

Archie D. Barrett


C3I Systems at the Joint Level

Clarence E. McKnight

Data Security in the Information Age

Robert Conley

Intelligence Techniques for the American Business Community

Lionel Olmer

The Role of the National Security Agency in Command, Control

and Communications

Harold Daniels

The Quest for Good Intelligence

Mark Lowenthal

Data Base Publishing for Business Intelligence

Richard Levine

Information Technologies and Multinational Corporations

John Grimes

Technological Innovation and the Cost of Change

Bobby R. Inman


Centralization of Authority in Defense Organizations

Samuel P. Huntington

The Role of Intelligence within C3I

Lincoln D. Faurer

Structure and Mechanisms for Command and Control

Richard G. Stilwell

Politics and the Military - The Climate for Reform

Archibald D. Barrett

A Consultant's View

Richard D. DeLauer

A View from Inside OSD

Donald C. Latham

A CINC's View of Defense Organization

Robert T. Herres

Roles of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Crisis Management

Robert P. Hilton


U.S. - U.S.S.R. Information Competition

W. Scott Thompson

Decision Making, Crisis Management, Information and Technology

Richard S. Beal

Warning as a Peacekeeping Mechanism

David McManis

Television News and the National Interest

Leo Cherne

Cost-Effective Rearmament

James W. Stansberry

Strategic Defense: A Challenge for C3I

Robert A.Rosenberg

C3I and Crisis Management

Stuart Branch

With AT&T in Iran

Hubert L. Kertz with Anthony G. Oettinger



Strategic Connectivity

Richard H. Ellis

Planning for Defense-Wide Command and Control

Hillman Dickinson

A Tactical Commander's View of C3I

Thomas H. McMullen

C3 Priorities

Gerald P. Dinneen

Air Force C3I Systems

Robert T. Marsh

Policy and National Command

Richard G. Stilwell

The View from the Hot Seat

Richard D. DeLauer

Foreign Affairs, Diplomacy and Intelligence

William G. Miller


Meeting Military Needs for Intelligence Systems

James M. Osborne

The Convergence of C3I Techniques and Technology

William O. Baker

A Major Contractor's View of C3I

Richard D. DeLauer

C3I and the Commander: Responsibility and Accountability

John H. Cushman

Funding C3I

Charles W. Snodgrass

The Uses of Intelligence

David C. Richardson

Congress and C3I

Charles Rose

Issues in Intelligence

B.R. Inman


C3I and Telecommunications at the Policy Level

William Odom

Worldwide C3I and Telecommunications

Raymond Tate

The Influence of Policy Making on C3I

Robert Rosenberg

C3I and the National Military Command System

Lee Paschall

Oil Crisis Management

A.K. Wolgast

The Developing Perspective of Intelligence

William E. Colby

Managing Intelligence for Effective Use

B. R. Inman

Watchdogging Intelligence

Lionel Olmer

David S. Alberts 1997

Kenneth Allard 1991,1997, 2001

Charles Allen 2000

Duane P. Andrews 1991

R.C. M. (Mark) Baker 1995

William O. Baker 1981

Archie D. Barrett 1985,1987

Richard S. Beal 1984

Stuart Branch 1984

Robert B. Brannon 2002

Frank J. Breth 1988

Charles Briggs 1997

Michael L. Brown 1995

Douglas D. Buchholtz 1997

Dean W. Cash 2002

James Cassity, Jr. 1990

Arthur Cebrowski 1996,2004

Leo Cherne 1984

James R. Clapper, Jr. 1996

A. Denis Clift 1997, 2003

William R. Clontz 1994, 1997

William E. Colby 1980

Robert Conley 1986

Roscoe M. Cougill 1992

A. Jay Cristol 1995

Charles J. Cunningham, Jr. 1999

John H. Cushman 1981,1991

Kawika Daguio 1999

Peter H. Daly 1999

Harold Daniels 1986

James Davis 1994

Ruth Davis 1988

Robert L. De Gross 1987

Richard D. DeLauer 1981,1982,1985

Victor A. DeMarines 1997

Fred R. Demech, Jr. 1987

Joan A. Dempsey 2004, 2006

Hillman Dickinson 1982

Gerald P. Dinneen 1982

Arnold Donahue 1997

Kenneth Duberstein 1990

Albert Edmonds 1994,1995,1996,2000

Richard H. Ellis 1982

Lincoln Faurer 1985

Randall M. Fort 1993, 1999

Greg Foster 1987

James M. Fox 1989

John C. Gannon 2004

John J. Garstka 2000

Lawrence K. Gershwin 2006

Arthur V. Grant, Jr. 1995

Alfred M. Gray 1991

John Grimes 1986

Carol A. Haave 2004

Richard Hale 2003

Keith R. Hall 1994, 1997

Richard L. Haver 1992

Michael Hayden 2001

James J. Hearn 1992

Robert T. Herres 1985,1988,1989

Philip B. Heymann 1997

Robert Hilton 1985

Tim Hoechst 2000

Barry Horowitz 1993

Frank B. Horton 1992

Rae Huffstutler 1988

Patrick M. Hughes 1999, 2003

Samuel P. Huntington 1985

B. R. Inman 1980,1981,1986

Walter Jajko 1993, 1999

Stuart E. Johnson 1989

Anita Jones 1997

David J. Kelley 1999

Joseph K. Kellogg, Jr. 2002

Patrick F. Kennedy 2002

Richard J. Kerr 1992

Hubert L. Kertz 1984

Robert C. Kingston 1988

Donald Latham 1985

Thomas K. Latimer 1990

Robert Lawrence 1995

Richard L. Layman 1994

Gordon Lederman 2006

John A. Leide 1994,1995

Roberta E. Lenczowski 2002, 2003

Richard Levine 1986

Martin C. Libicki 1996

Henry A. Lichstein 1997

Robert Liscouski 2004, 2006

James R. Locher III 1987,1988

Earl Lockwood 1988

George C. Lodge 1987

Carnes Lord 1991

Eugene Lotochinski 1987,1991

Mark Lowenthal 1986,1996,2004

Albert R. Lubarsky 1992

James Lucas 1990

Richard C. Macke 1992

John Magee 1989

Hans Mark 2000

R. Thomas Marsh 1982, 1999

John M. McConnell 1992,1996

Rodney B. McDaniel 1987

Clarence E. McKnight 1986

David McManis 1984,1989,1991

Thomas H. McMullen 1982

Robert B. Murrett 2004, 2006

Carmen Medina 2001

Dale W. Meyerrose 2000, 2003

William G. Miller 1982

Kenneth A. Minihan 1997

Mark Montgomery 2000

Thomas Moorman 2001

John T. Myers 1989

Gordon Negus 1990

William Odom 1980

Lionel Olmer 1980,1986

Richard O’Neill 2001

James M. Osborne 1981

Gary W. O'Shaughnessey 1993

William A. Owens 1995

Aris Pappas 2004

Lee Paschall 1980

James B. Plehal 2002

Thomas P. Quinn 1994

Gregory C. Radabaugh 2002

Harry Raduege 2001

Robert R. Rankine 1997

Greg Rattray 1997,1999,2004

Richard T. Reynolds 1994,1996

David C. Richardson 1981

Cheryl Roby 2001

Charles Rose 1981

Robert Rosenberg 1980,1984,1996,2002

Nicholas Rostow 2001

John E. Rothrock 1994

John Ruddy 1991

Warren B. Rudman 2002

Julie Ryan 1996

Gary L. Salisbury 2002

Paul R. Schwartz 1991

Edward D. Sheafer 1993

John J. Sheehan 1997

James M. Simon 2001, 2003

Charles W. Snodgrass 1981

Scott A. Snook 2000

Steven J. Spano 2006

James W. Stansberry 1984

John P. Stenbit 2003

Nina Stewart 1993

Charles L. Stiles 1991

Richard G. Stilwell 1982, 1985

W.O. Studeman 1990

Raymond Tate 1980

Scott W. Thompson 1984

Richard L. Thornburgh 1988

Joseph Toma 1991

Jerry Tuttle 1988, 1993

Michelle Van Cleave 1993, 1999

Ted Wackler 2006

Lewis Wallace 1994

Darryl Wiliams 2006

Craig Wilson 1989

Thomas Wilson 2001

A. K. Wolgast 1980

C. Norman Wood 1990

Joseph Zadarecky,III 1990

Michael Zak 1987

Charles Zraket 1989

* No session in 1983




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