Preparing for The Joint Commission

Preparing for The Joint Commission

A Guide to TJC Survey Readiness



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Nursing and Patient Care Services Excellence

Every Day

Tuesday Take Aways

MGH Excellence Every Day Portal

Day of Survey Checklist

Joint Commission National Patient Safety

Goals 2020



Table of Contents:

Introduction...........................................................................................4 A message from Chief Nurse..............................................................4 What is Joint Commission?................................................................ 5 What Happens During the Survey? .................................................. 5 What is the Tracer Methodology? ....................................................5 What Happens When Surveyors Visit My Department? ...............6 What You Should Know about Communicating with Patients? ........................................................ 9 Envision Excellence: National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG):

? NPSG #1: Identify Patients Correctly .................................. 10 ? NPSG #2: Improve Staff Communication:

Critical Results ....................................................................... 11 ? NPSG #3: Use Medications Safely ...................................... 11 ? NPSG #6: Use Alarms Safely ................................................ 13 ? NPSG #7: Prevent Infection ............................................. 13 ? NPSG #15: Identify Patient Safety Risks .......................... 14 ? NPSG: Preventing Mistakes in Surgery ............................ 15 Capture Patient Information

? Observers ........................................................................ 16 ? Titrating Medication ....................................................... 16 ? Managing Pain ................................................................ 17 ? Restraints ........................................................................ 19 ? Documentation Drilldown ............................................... 20 Know Your Resources! ............................................................... 22 Envision Excellence: Prevent Infection ...................................... 24 Envision Excellence: Maintain a Safe and Functional Care Environment .............................................................................. 26 Culture of Safety ........................................................................ 29 Preparing for Patient Emergencies ............................................ 31



This pocket guide is designed to assist you in preparing for our upcoming Joint Commission survey.

This guide provides an overview of the survey process, National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG), and information on policies and processes. Please review this guide and think about your role in providing quality and safe patient care.

A message from Chief Nurse: Our Commitment to Quality and Safety

Nursing & Patient Care Services is committed to the highest levels of quality and safety. Our ability to achieve that goal is directly tied to the knowledge, skill, and involvement of every member of our department. We're able to meet or exceed the expectations of our patients because `Excellence Every Day' is more than just a catchphrase to us -- it's a way of life.

Thank you, Debra Burke, DNP, RN, NEA-BC Chief Nurse Senior Vice President, Patient Care Services



What is Joint Commission? The Joint Commission is one of four agencies authorized by The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to accredit hospitals for federal "deemed" status. Only hospitals that achieve "deemed" status may participate in and receive payment from Medicare and Medicaid.

MGH is visited by The Joint Commission (TJC) every 3 years to validate that we are meeting standards and continuing to provide exemplary, safe care to our patients.

What Happens During the Survey? The JC survey, typically 5 days in length, is designed to confirm that a hospital follows its own guidelines and policies as well as national standards.

The survey team will include: Nurses, Physician and Ambulatory Care specialists and an Engineer. Every surveyor will be accompanied by leadership from MGH during the survey.

What is the Tracer Methodology? Surveyors will trace the care experience of a patient and evaluate processes ? such as medication management, infection control, and use of data to improve patient care. ? Inpatient - will review a minimum of 90 records ? Ambulatory clinics/sites - will visit at least 50%

including locations approved for procedural sedation and high-level disinfection.



What Happens When Surveyors Visit My Department? When surveyors arrive at your practice area/unit, they will:

Tour the unit Observe care & listen for alarms Review a patient record with caregivers Interview caregivers Interview patients

Tour of Unit:

Surveyors will be looking at: ? Identification badges worn above the waist and visible ? Use of 2 patient identifiers when administering

medications, drawing blood or providing a treatment ? Perform hand hygiene before entering and after exiting

patient room or patient contact, contact with the patient's environment or donning and doffing PPE ? Medication storage and security ? Cleanliness and safety of environment ? Clear corridors- stretchers and equipment on one side if they are in use. Any items in corridors for more than 30 minutes are considered "storage" rather than "in use" and therefore are considered clutter. ? Clear access to fire extinguishers and pull stations, medical gas shut-off valves and exits ? Security of HIPAA protected information ? Compliance with the Universal Protocol



? Limited access to secure areas (know who has access, how access is determined and if training is required)

? Adherence to precaution standards including how to correctly put on, or don, and remove, or doff, personal protective equipment (PPE)

? Labeling specimens in the presence of the patient

For additional information and checklists go to PCS Excellence Every Day Website

Surveyors will be listening for: ? Alarm audibility and response to alarms and call lights ? Evidence of write-down, read-back and confirmation of

correct information for any verbal/ telephone orders/critical results ? Effective hand-off communication techniques ? Respectful treatment of patients and their families ? Compliance with privacy and confidentiality rules

Surveyors may interview staff about: ? Unit and hospital quality initiatives (QAPI Plans) ? Ensuring safety for your patients ? Your training and competence ? How you assess and treat pain



Tips for talking to a surveyor Stay calm, they want you to do well! Answer ONLY the question that you are asked. Be honest. If you don't know, tell them

where/how you would find the information Give examples of excellence from your unit.

Surveyors may interview patients about: ? Patient and family education ? Advance Directives (Health Care Proxy) ? Pain management ? Staff responsiveness (help when needed and response

to questions) ? Continuity of care ? Understanding of medications ? Preparation for discharge ? Environment of care (cleanliness)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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