Component 14: Special Topics Course of Vendor-Specific …

Component 14: Special Topics Course of Vendor-Specific Systems

Assessment/Quiz Questions for Unit 2: Certification of Commercial Electronic Health Records

|Unit Objective |Quiz Items |

|2.1 Describe the |Select the best response. |

|Certification Commission |1. Which of the following is NOT a reason why an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system should be certified by the|

|for Health Information |Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT)? |

|Technology (CCHIT) (Slides |a. evaluate patient care through quality assurance measures |

|3-6) |b. foster information exchange among clinicians and patients |

| |c. to ensure adoption of the system by all clinicians in a |

| |facility |

| |d. to support clinical decision making by clinicians and |

| |patients |

| |[Correct answer is shown in italics. 1 point] |

| | |

| |Select the best response. |

| |2. The Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT) can best be described as: |

| |a. a consortium of EHR vendors |

| |b. an independent, non-profit organization |

| |c. a professional society |

| |d. a regulatory agency of the U.S. Government |

| |[Correct answer is shown in italics. 1 point] |

| | |

| |Fill in the blanks. |

| |3. Identify 1-2 characteristics the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT) with |

| |respect to the following, by filling in the blank boxes under each heading. |

| | |

| |A. Type of Organization (profit/nonprofit/other) |

| |B. Year Founded |

| |C. Governing Body |

| |D. How Financed |

| | |

| | |

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| |Total score =4 |

| | |

| |Scoring Rubric: [Acceptable answers for awarding 1 point for each characteristic are inserted in boxes below |

| |headings.) |

| | |

| |A. Type of Organization |

| |B. Year Founded |

| |C. Governing Body |

| |D. How Financed |

| | |

| | |

| |Independent, non-profit |

| | |

| | |

| |2004 |

| |Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology |

| |Industry Partners |

| | |

|2.2 Describe or give | [NOTE: REVISED OBJECTIVE AND ITEMS] |

|examples illustrating how | |

|CCHIT criteria are used for|Select the best response. |

|certification of HER |4. Which of the following is a good example of meeting the functionality criterion, as given by the Certification|

|systems (Slide 7) |Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT). |

| | |

| |An EHR that requires authorized access. |

| |An EHR has a Computerized Provider Order Entry (COPE) |

| |An EHR uses HL Seven standards |

| |All of the above are good examples of meeting the “functionality criterion”. |

| |[Correct answer is shown in italics. 1 point] |

| | |

| | |

| |Fill in the blanks. |

| |5. Provide 1 example of an EHR system that would meet the Certification Commission for Health Information |

| |Technology (CCHIT) criteria on the following, by filling in the blank boxes under each heading. |

| | |

| |CCHIT criterion: |

| |Functionality |

| |Security |

| |Interoperability |

| | |

| |Example of meeting the criterion. |

| | |

| | |

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| | |

| |Scoring Rubric: [Acceptable answers for awarding 1 point for each criterion are inserted in boxes below |

| |headings.) |

| | |

| |CCHIT criterion: |

| |Functionality |

| |Security |

| |Interoperability |

| | |

| |Example of meeting the criterion. |

| |An EHR having a Computerized Provider Order Entry (COPE) |

| |An EHR requires authorized access for users |

| |An EHR uses HL Seven standards |

| | |

| | |

| |Select the best response. |

| |6. Which of the following is NOT a criterion used by the Certification Commission for Health Information |

| |Technology (CCHIT) for EHR systems? |

| |Functionality |

| |Interoperability |

| |Return on investment |

| |Security |

| |[Correct answer is shown in italics. 1 point] |

| | |

| |Select the best response |

| |8. It is important to certify that EHRs are up to certain quality standards for all of the following reasons |

| |EXCEPT for which one? |

| |a. acceptance of records by clinicians |

| |b. health information exchange |

| |c. impact on patient safety |

| |d. mandated regulations by governing bodies |

| |[Correct answer is shown in italics. 1 point] |

| | |

| | |

| |Select the best response |

| |9. The process of Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT) includes all of the |

| |following EXCEPT which one? |

| |providing system vendors with certification handbooks |

| |providing system vendors with test scripts |

| |providing system vendors with example EHRs |

| |none of the above |

| |[Correct answer is shown in italics. 1 point] |

| | |

|2.3 Identify the benefits |Select the best response |

|of ‘meaningful use’ of EHRs|10. Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, hospitals and health care professionals are |

|and identify examples of |required to become ‘meaningful users’ of certified EHR technology in order to do which of the following? |

|‘meaningful use’ of EHRs in|a. avoid financial penalties |

|given scenarios. (Slides |b. practice medicine |

|8-10) |c. receive incentive payments |

| |d. A and C only |

| |e. A and B only |

| |[Correct answer is shown in italics. 1 point] |

| | |

| |Select the best response |

| |11. Which of the following is an example of ‘meaningful use’ of EHRs? |

| |keeping track of patient appointments using an EHR system |

| |keeping track of patient demographic information using an EHR system |

| |keeping track of practitioner work schedules using an EHR system |

| |keeping track of medications administered to a patient using an EHR system. |

| |[Correct answer is shown in italics. 1 point] |

| | |

|2.4 Identify the three |Short answer. |

|stages of implementation |12. In half a page, identify SIX (6) of the EIGHT (8) criteria required for Stage 1 implementation of ‘meaningful|

|requirements for |use’ of EHRs under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. |

|‘meaningful use’ of EHRs | |

|(Slides 12-13) |[space provided] |

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| |Checklist for scoring answer. One point for each. Total score =6. |

| |1. Collecting electronic health data in coded formats |

| |2. Implementing clinical decision support tools |

| |3. Reporting clinical quality measures and public health data |

| |4. Using EHR data to track conditions and coordinate care |

| |5. Providers submit at least 80% of their orders electronically |

| |6. Hospitals submit at least 10% of orders electronically |

| |7. Providers use EHRs to check for drug interactions |

| |8. Providers required providing patients with electronic copies of their medical records within 48 hours of a |

| |request. |

| | |

| |Select the best response |

| |13. Which of the following is an example of Stage 2 for implementing ‘meaningful use’ criteria of ARRA? |

| |a. advanced decision-support and population health |

| |b. submission of 80% of provider orders electronically |

| |c. structured data exchange and continuous quality improvement |

| |d. use of EHR data to track conditions and coordinate care |

| |[Correct answer is shown in italics. 1 point] |

| | |

| |Select the best response |

| |14. Which of the following is an example of Stage 3 criteria for ‘meaningful use’? |

| |a. advanced decision-support and population health |

| |b. submission of 80% of provider orders electronically |

| |c. structured data exchange and continuous quality improvement |

| |d. use of EHR data to track conditions and coordinate care |

| |[Correct answer is shown in italics. 1 point] |

|2.5 Identify the role of |Select the best response |

|governing bodies certifying|15. Which of the following is NOT a National Patient Safety Goal? |

|commercial EHRs, including |accurately reconcile medications |

|FDA oversight, the Joint |identify patients correctly |

|Commission, and National |improve the safety of using medications |

|Patient Safety Goals |improve tracking of public health data |

|(Slides 16-17) |[Correct answer is shown in italics. 1 point] |

| | |

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| |Select the best response |

| |16. The role of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in overseeing patient safety problems include all the |

| |following EXCEPT for which of the following? |

| |collaborate about certification criteria |

| |focus on areas of EHR implementation that have safety risks |

| |monitor patient safety problems |

| |verify that a healthcare organization is using an EHR correctly |

| |[Correct answer is shown in italics. 1 point] |

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| |Select the best response |

| |17. Which of the following is a benefit of Joint Commission Accreditation? |

| |to achieve the National Patient Safety Goals |

| |to be eligible for Medicare reimbursement |

| |to verify correct use of EHRs in providing patient care |

| |All of the above |

| |[Correct answer is shown in italics. 1 point] |


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