Literary Terms - Scavenger Hunt

Literary Terms - Scavenger Hunt

Complete the following chart, providing a definition of each literary term. Provide your own example for each term that is marked with an asterisk (*). Use the RESOURCELINES text pp. 37, 41 – 49, 116, 125 & 203. You will need to look elsewhere for definitions for the two underlined terms.

|Term |Definition |Example |

|protagonist* |The main character in a story, who |Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, Nancy Drew |

| |traditionally possesses heroic characteristic. | |

|antagonist* |The character who struggles or fights against |The Joker, Darth Vader, Lex Luthor |

| |the protagonist. | |

|foreshadowing |A technique for providing clues about events | |

| |that will happen later in the story. | |

|imagery |Language that evokes the five senses. | |

|symbol |Using an object or action that means something | |

| |more than its literal meaning | |

|alliteration* |The repetition of the initial consonant sound |The menacing moonlight created mystery. |

| |in a series of words. | |

|assonance* |The repetition of vowel sounds in a series of |It beats and sweeps as it cleans. |

| |words. | |

|onomatopoeia* |Words that sound like their meaning. |“buzz”, “hiss”, “zip” |

|allusion |References to events or characters from | |

| |history, myth, religion, literature, pop | |

| |culture, etc. | |

|genre* | |e.g. magazine article, poem, play, novel, graphic|

| |A kind of writing (differentiates different |text |

| |formats) | |

|Term |Definition |Example |

|theme* |The main idea of a short story. |In Once Upon A Time, the idea that “we have |

| | |nothing to fear but fear itself”. |

|atmosphere |The overall mood, which is created by the | |

| |combination of many elements of the story. | |

|simile* |A comparison of two unlike things, linked by |“The sun was like a bright torch, illuminating |

| |the words “like” or “as”. |our way home.” |

|metaphor* |A direct comparison of two unlike things, in |“Love is a hunger.” |

| |which the literal meaning is applied to | |

| |another. | |

|personification* |Attributes human characteristics to non-human |“The wind whistled through the fir trees.” |

| |beings and inanimate objects. | |

|comedic relief |A release of tension resulting from a comic | |

| |episode that interrupts an otherwise serious | |

| |moment or series of events | |

|flashback |Action that interrupts to show an event that | |

| |happened at an earlier time, which is necessary| |

| |to better understanding | |

|anti-hero |A main character who lacks the traditional | |

| |heroic protagonist qualities | |

|conflict |The struggle found in fiction. Conflicts may be| |

| |internal and/or external. | |

|setting |Determining and describing time and place in | |

| |fiction | |

|plot |The series of incidents that produce a dramatic| |

| |story with a beginning, middle and end | |


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