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2.01 Netiquette Scenarios

Directions: After reviewing the lesson on Netiquette, read each scenario carefully. Based on the rules of netiquette, list underneath each scenario the Netiquette rules that were most accurately violated for each scenario. Some scenarios may break more than one rule.

Scenario #1

In a private e-mail to his guidance counselor, Mark requests his current transcript of grades. In order to assist the guidance office in finding this information, Mark includes his full name and Social Security Number. Upon receiving this message, the counselor decides that the entire senior class would likely appreciate knowing their current grade point average, indexed by Social Security Number. So, the counselor compiles a large Adobe PDF document listing all students’ grades and then sends this as a reply to Mark’s request.

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Scenario #2

A student, John, is tired of working on his class work in his high school computer lab and decides to surf the Net for a while. He comes across a funny page with some hilarious content. He is so amused by it that he forwards some of the jokes to his address list. Unfortunately, not everyone is amused by the humor, and some people are offended by the content of the jokes.

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Scenario #3

Henry wanted to apply for a job at the local newspaper. In an email with no subject line, he wrote: "Can U plz send info on careers?"

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Scenario #4

Emily was just hired at a fast food restaurant and was given employment forms to complete and return. She scanned the W-4 Form and completed it electronically by filling in her Social Security Number and other required information. She then emailed the form to her employer.

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Scenario #5

On the school discussion forum, a student posts a message for help. He does not have a copy of an MLA manual and would like a copy of one, but is having trouble locating one. A caring student sends the student the manual, more than a few megabytes in .pdf format, instead of the URL.

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Scenario #6

Mike writes to Sarah telling her that he does not know if it is true or not, but “This is what I heard in P.E. class today:….”

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Scenario #7

Bob was angry at Mel because he was not invited a party and wrote this email: “I HEAR THAT YOU HAD A PARTY!”

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Scenario #8

An email about a possible virus infection with an attachment about how to fix it has been circulating for some time. It took John some time to scroll down through the hundreds of email addresses in the heading.

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