TRB/Tests template


1 Choose the correct alternatives.

Tessa Zac, can I have a say / word with you?

Zac Yes, what’s the (1) idea / matter? You don’t look very happy.

Tessa You (2) said / told me that you weren’t going to Joshua’s party, but I (3) heard / listened that you went to it. Why?

Zac I wasn’t planning to go, but I changed my mind at the last minute. I thought you’d already decided to go to the cinema instead of the party.

Tessa I don’t (4) believe / understand you. You’ve really

(5) broken / hurt my feelings!

Zac (6) Honest / Honestly, it’s true! My sister’s friends invited me to go with them on the evening of the party. If you don’t (7) believe / tell me, you can (8) ask / tell them.

Tessa OK. I realize that I’m wrong. I’m sorry (9) for / about that. I thought you’d (10) done / made an excuse not to go with me.

Zac That’s (11) off / OK, but I would never do that.

I would have preferred to go with you anyway!

2 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence. Use be and the adjectives in the list.

|cheerful hard-working honest loyal mean moody selfish |

|talkative |

Alex studies all the time.

Alex is hard-working.

1 I always support my friends when they need me.

I __________________________________________.

2 Camilla only thinks about herself and what she wants.

Camilla _____________________________________.

3 Adam never seems sad.

Adam ______________________________________.

4 Julian hates spending any money.

Julian ______________________________________.

5 Polly and Rosie never tell lies.

Polly and Rosie ______________________________.

6 You’re sometimes very bad-tempered.

You _______________________________________.

7 My best friend never stops talking,

My best friend _______________________________.

3 Match 1–4 with A–E.

play A someone

1 cheat B a friend’s work

2 copy C a bad mark

3 get D in exams

4 bully E truant

Phrasal verbs

4 Replace the underlined words with the phrasal verbs in the list.

|call on get over go without pay back run out of |

|save up for |

Paul needs to return the money to his uncle. pay back

1 It will take a long time for my grandmother to

recover from her illness. ___________________

2 There isn’t enough chocolate for everyone, so I’m happy to not have any. ___________________

3 I’m going to collect my pocket money to buy a new computer game. ___________________

4 I can always ask my friends for help. ___________________

5 Oh no, we’ve used all the milk. Can you go to the shop and buy some? ___________________

Negative prefixes

5 Write the opposites of the adjectives. Use the negative prefixes in the list.

|dis- dis- il- im- un- un- |

honest dishonest

1 kind ___________________

2 legal ___________________

3 reliable ___________________

4 satisfied ___________________

5 polite ___________________

6 Complete the sentences with the adjectives and negative prefixes from exercise 5.

Why did you tell a lie? That was very dishonest of you.

1 Jenny is always late and never does what she promises to do. She’s really ___________________.

2 You shouldn’t shout at your teachers. It’s very ___________________.

3 Driving without a licence is ___________________.

4 I expected to have a much better meal in this restaurant. I’m very ___________________.

5 Katie has been making nasty jokes about Mark.

She can be very ___________________ sometimes.




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