The Arkansas advocate. (Little Rock, A.T. [Ark.]). 1836-03-11 [p ].


ROGERS, A^PKOCL ATlOJrT" POETJR Y. JUST From Fro*c Sketches and roems.

rv AtBsuTr piss.


Written on the Mountains west of the Del Norte, April 10, 1832.

The sun's last light is in the sky,

Yet still his breath is on my brow ;

And, warm as in death's mockery, I feel it going past me now. His dying breath still quivers up

Wit. j Above the mountains' many crests,

Like ruddy wine within a eup,

That never from its luolioii rests. The mountains Rock, this twenty-sixth day of

October, eighteen hundred a,,,r

thirty *five.

WM. 8. FULTON October 25, 1835.--38-tf.

By the .President ?i cite

ton,) $5 per annum. KaJou-EHnncKER--Monthly, (New York,)

$5 per annum. Subscriptions to the above works received at

this Office.


Little Ilock, May 25, 1835?-9tf


EORGE I,. RUNNER, who had been JT in the jail of this county for some time,


S ACKS Coffee


20 do. coarse and fine Salt

I iieice 11CW I'-'CC

1 do. Sperm Oil

Also--Mackarel; Molasses; white Havan-

na Sugar; "Lemons; Muscat Wine; painted Pails; 2i, 2|, and -3 inch flat Bar Iron;

States. pursuance oflaw, I, Andrew Jackson President of the United States of A?.o?:_./

do hereby declare and make known, that jiub. lie sales will be held at certain Land Office* in the Territory of Arkansas, at the periods hereinafter designated, to wit:

THE Of these, the vulture-eyed, and all their ravening brood.

subscribers having opened the Live- on a charge of horse stealing,iiroke the jail

ry Htable on the river bank, in the town on the 17th inst. and made his escape. Said

Received per Neosho, and far sale by


A/ the Land Office al FA YETTEVILLE on Monday, the 1 8/A day of April next *

The thought of home is ever there,

Like a sad bird with fixed eyo

of Little Rock, formerly occupied by James Runner is about 28 or 30 years of age, light F. Johnson, respectfully inform the public hair, well made and stout,' 5 feet 10 or 11 that they are now prepared to receive horses, inches high--'had on a black seal-skin cap.

Nov. 10, 1835, J. DE BAUN

For the disposal of the public lands within the limits of the undermentioned tewnahmj and fractional townships, to wit :

That nover shuts, but on tha air

i and that they will be kept on the lowest terms

G&zeth with deep intensity ;

I and in the best possible manner. Their sta-

And when the hand of Death mav seem i hie is well supplied with the beat of corn, hay,

Upon the universe around, As at this hour of coming dream,

[and fodder, and they trust that-wboevei fit

j vor them with thmrcustom will have r.o cause

When hushed is all the day's light sound ; of complaint.

To any person who will deliver said Runner

to me at Little Rock, I will give fifty dollars

on his delivery.

JOHN K. TAYLOR, Sheriff Pulaski counly, A. T.

Little Rock. Feb. 10,1336.-46-tf

HAS just received direct from Cincinnati, per s. b. Neoslio, the following articles,

which he oilers for sale on the most reasona-

ble terms, viz: 100 bbls. sup. flour; 50 half bbls. do. 2 hhds. bacon; 15 kegs lard

North of the bass line and West of the men-


Fractional township eight, north of Arkans s river, of ranges twenty-one and Ueniy. two. Fractional township nine, north ofArkansas river, of ranges twenty-three, twenu-.

When pine, and snow, and rock, and hea- %*Those who prefer to have their horses

10 bbls. onions; 3 do. butter biscuit

four and twenty-live.


Are shadowed by sleep's waving wing-- Sleep, so like death, that in the even They seem the self-same sombre tiling When all is thus, it can but bring That lone-eyed thought to me again,

1 kept in the country, can also be accommodated, ns they have a stable with good pasturage, three miles from town.

B. F. WEST fc CO.

September 10,1835.-22-tf

And on the heart it falls like a cold winter

iIvirEarF a i s n e xt~


Perhaps the wing of death is there, Fanning some soul which 1 have loved Into the cold and desert air, A sad thing from its home removed ; Perhaps they weep for one that's dead, And think of me the absent, too,

While I have not a toar-drop shed, Aa they, the sad forsaken do ; And so, perhaps, when I return, 'Stead of the loved one's voice and eye,

I may but find the marble urn,

Death's sad and freezing mockery ; And so one other wound will be,

Upon the seared and shattered heart,


1 fTTHE subscriber, having rented the brick I L house opposite to Rapley's store, in this 1 city, and formerly occupied by Mrs.

jshaw, is prepared to receive and entertain } persons who may favor him with their pat-

| ronage. Bon rding and lodging can be hail on

! reasonable terms for transient gnosts, or re-

| guiar boarders. His fare will be of the best I that can bo procured, and his bar supplied I with choice liquors. IIis guests may expect [ every accommodation in his power to bestow, i He is also prepared to receive and keep


THE REPORTS tin SiUJtrtor Cotm of tin Stmtor# of


,4 BRIEF and well digested volume of the jl\. Reports of the Superior Court of this Territory, will be valuable, not only to the Bench and the Bar, but to every man in the Community, who has any thing to do with Courts of justice. To Justices of the Peace particularly, it would be most useful, as fixing

2 Boston crackers; 2 casks cheese

20 bbls. apples; 15 do. cider; 4 do. ale 30 do. whiskey; 1 do. old Monongahcla

5 kegs tobacco, (Casey's) 3 boxes Kentucky do, 2 do. Myers' cavendish 12 do. Melee cigars 2 bbls. Am. brandy; 1 do. do. gin 10 kegs Dupont's powder 1107 lbs. bar lead; 0 bags shot

1 box flasks assorted

300 lbs. cotton yarns assorted

17 bags feathers; 10 boxes soap .7 lot of tFurniture, consisting of

Bureaus; dining and breakfast tables High post and fancy bedsteads 2 cfoz. common chairs; 1 bend-back do.

2 large rocking do.; 2 large settees A large assortment of iron castings, tin

and wooden ware.

He is also daily expecting a large and seasonable supply of Dry Goods and Groceries,

Fractional seven.



of range

twenty3 -

Townships ten and sixteen, of range twenty-nine.

Townships thirty.



sixteen, of ran^ge

Fractional township eight, and township nine, north of Arkansas river, of raiwe thir-

ty ^one.

Fractional townships fifteen and Ihteen, of range thirty-four.

At the Land Office at LITTLE HOCK, on

Monday, the 9th day of May next,

For the disposal of the public lands within

the limits of the undermentioned tovvnshipj and fractional townships, to wit :

South of the base line and West of the meri-


That part of townships seven and eight, lying on the right or southerly bank of the Arkansas river, of range four.

Township eight, of range five.

Which sorrow loves so well, it doth not | horses, at the common prices--and solicits a the common principles of statutory as well as purchased in New York.

Townships six, seven & eight, of ranged

thence depart.

I share of the public patronage.

common law, by which they must necessarily Little Rock, Oct. 7, 1835.

Townships five, six, seven,-

eight, of

*T is terriblo to be alone

IIIRAM MILLSPAUGH. Little Rock, Jan. 1, 1835.-3D-?t

be guided, or prejudice the interest.'. of the people. It is not probable that our statute


range seven,

Township eight, of range eight.

In the wide world, a homeless thing.

law will be much changed for many years to

Like a last wave that makes its moan,


came, aud there is no method of making the

And rolleth to the land to tling Itself away upon the shore, With nothing near to mourn its death ; But, like the eagle, far to soar, While Death his full nest sh&ttereth,

Then to return, and see it tloat

]DE BALLY has received per the Nco? sho, his expected supply of

; IlY GOODS AND GSOOEBIES, ! direct from New York, which he is prepared

! to sell, wholesale and retail, for cash, cotton,

decisions of Courts uniform and consistent,

half so available and effectual as a publication from time to time of the Reports of the Court of Errors and Appeals.

(tff- The work will be published as soon

as a sufficient number of subscribers shall be

j Away amid the torrent's white,

Perhaps to hear his young's last note, To see his mate's last look of light; Oh ! this is wo's most wretched sight! This is the last, the dying pang-- The breaking of the heart which long hath

home the fang.

This must I bear as T have borne A hundred other woes beside ; And when the last lone hope is shorn,

That glimmering light, which, scarce descried,

Hath been my beacon-star oflato,

I hides and peltries. As his assortment now | comprises nearly, if not quite, all the articles I called for in the Dry Goods and Grocery linns, it will be impossible to enumerate them in the compass of an ordinary advertisement. He therefore respectfully invites his customers, to whose patronage he acknowledges himself I deeply indebted, and the public generally, to I call and examine his assortment, which will bear a comparison, in price and quality, with any other in this market.

Little Rock, Get. 21, 13"5.


obtained to warrant against loss---as the Reporter and printer expects and desires no prujit from the work.

It will be printed on fine paper--of octavo size, on clear type, and, including an index, and list of cases referred to, will make a book

of about three hundred pages. The price to subscribers will bo Jive dollars per copy. Subscribers can have their copies bound if they.choose, before delivery--by paying the price of binding in addition.

Postmasters generally, are requested to act as agents and forward the names of sub-


Then 1 have done with all oflife, And nought remains to me of fate. Save death to end the weary strife :

J" DE BA UN lias received, per the steamer Tchula, a farther supply of Groceries, to wit:

ALBERT PIKB. Little Ro?k, Feb. 8, lSilO.

\i\fiiT & nirjTjy

H AVE just received from New York, a general assortment of Merchandize, among which are the following:

Black and blue broadcloths; fancy colored kersimeres; blue, red and white Mackinaw blankets; white, scarlet, green, yellow, and Canton flannels; brown and bleached shirt-

ing; Kentucky jeans; linsey and tow linens; fancy colored and black prints; French prints; ginghams; printed muslins; Irish linens; 6-4 French bombazine; bombazetts; plain and figured silk velvet vestings; white satin; biack lustring; colored gros do Naples; f Thibet wool handkerchiefs; 6-4 and 5-4 Merino shawls; embroidered and fancy gauze handkerchiefs; colored bordered linen cam-

bric handkerchiefs; green, white, and black blonde gauze veils; black and white silk, worsted and cotton hose; beaver, black and white kid, and black and white silk gloves; corded and Manilla skirts; wreaths; gingham and silk umbrellas; silk braids; double and single foundation; cotton yarn.

That portion of township five, lying ontha right or south side of A rkansas river, and sections one, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, twenty-four, twenty-five and thirty-six, lying on the north side of that river, of range eight,

That portion of township six, on the left or north bank of Arkansas river, of range eight,

That part of sections five, eight, and nine, on the north or left bank of A rkansas river,

in township five of range nine. Fractional sections five and six, and sec-

tions twenty-three and twenty-six, In township six, of range nine,

Sections eleven, twelve, and thirteen, in

township seven, of range nine. That portion of township one, on the right

bank or southwest side of Arkansus river, of

range ten.

That part of township one, lying on the right bank or southwest side of ArkansM river, except sections thirty-one and thirty'

two, of range eleven.

Township one, of range twelve. North of the base line, and West of thi me-


Yet still the branchless tree lives on--

The mastless ship still wends her way, Nor mindeth wind, nor storm nor sun ;

J So I, perhaps, may live my day,

Blind, blind of heart, as best I may, And some, perhaps, may mourn mv death, When neither envy's fang nor hatred hinder-


15 sacks Havanna green Coffaa

10 barrels brown Sugar

1 box Havanna do.

1 tierce loaf


25 sacks Liverpool blown Salt.

In store, received from New York--

2 firkins Goshen Butter.

Nov. 5, lSy&.


UST received, a few copies of the latest Novels, viz:

The Hashful Irishman; Tales of a Physician Hawks of Hawk Hollow; The Linwoods Outre Mer, fa Pilgrimage beyond the Seas) HorseShoe Robinson; Last Bays of Pompeii



Departure Arrival and persons indebted to this firm, are

,^LL f tDt earnestly requested to call and settle,

THE G-IPT, TOH 1S3S, (.2 Splendid Annual.)


either by note, cash, peltries, hides, or other articles commonly received by us inpayment

Albums, Copy Books, &c.

Arrivet- -Mondays, Wednesdays, and Tri-

days, at

6, P. ,V.

Dtpartt- -Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur-

days, at



|LBA. Arrivet- -Mondays and Fridays, at 6, P..V.

Departt- -Wednesday & Saturday, 6, A..V.

--without delay.

Me LA IX A: BYDGETT. Little Rock, Jan. 22, 18.56.

liia a t * jtj u

fc 4

Sole Leather

3 do*, sides Upper do.

A quantity of Harness


Life of Washington; Life of Marion Family Religion; Methodist Hymns Pocket Hibles; Pocket Ledgers Southern and Western Songster Singer's own Book; Walker's Dictionary Webster's Spellers; Virginia Housewife Parley's Magazine; Comic Song Books German and English Almanacs"for 18.16

Pise Burrs

Received and for sale, by-

Davy Crocket



Arrive*- -Mondays, at JDeparts- --Mondays, at


10, A. .V, j 1 P. ,H.

Jan. 15.






do. Token,


Primers and Toy Books for Children

Arrivet- -Tuesdays find Saturdays, 5, P-.M.

2.81 Dcpartt- -Tuesdays and Saturdays, 6; P. ,W.


BBLS. Rectified Whiskey


Winter Sperm Oil

2 casks \V, R. Cheese

1 case C. Boots

Fine Writing and Letter Paper, assorted Pasteboards, Arc.

For sale by

L..& W. R. GIBSON.

[Dec. 1835.-tf.]

Arrivrt- -Tuesdays & Saturdays, 11, A. ?V. Dapartt- --Tuesdays & Saturdays, 1, P. .M.

Received per Compromise, and for sale by

Jan. 15.

J. I>E BAlfN & CO.


Ready Made Clothing.

Cloth, kersimete, p;ittinet anil Ivy. jeans pantaloons; velvet, cloth, black satin, bombazine and white Marseilles vests; cainblet cloaks;

green and blue blanket coats; worsted and

merino skirts; Guernsey frocks; lanibswool and cotton drawers; elastic, worsted and cotton suspenders; gentlemen's and boys' sea otter, hir, sealskin and morocco caps; bombazine and satin stocks; an assortment of fur and silk hats; 12 cases boots and shoes, consisting of ladies' kid and lasting slippers; ladies' seal and leather brogans; men's thick pegged, russet, kip and calf brogans; boys' thick pegged and kip brogans; misses' leather brogans and morocco slippers; children's

morocco and leather boots.

H*o, a General Assortment of FINE CUTLERY, HARDWARE, GLASS


20 kegs powder 8000 superior Spanish cigars

40 boxes common


I bbl. fine cut tobacco

1 box James river do. (a superior article) 6 Kentucky do.

4 cases muscat wine

1 pipe cogniac brandy

18 boxes 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 glass


rock candy


do. assorted.

That part of township one, lying on the right bank or southerly side of Arkansas river, of ranges ten and eleven.

Township two, of range eleven. That part of township one, lying on tb? right bank or southerly side of Arkansas river, and east of the former Quapaw boun* dary line, of range twelve. At the Land Office at HELENA, on Mon-

day, the 16/A day of May next, For the disposal of the public lands within the limits of the undermentioned township*

and fractional townships, to wit:

South of the base, line, and West of theme-


Fractional township eight, fractional sec-

tions twenty-seven, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, and thirty-six, in township sixteen. Fractional township seventeen, y>d fractional tow'nship eighteen, and fraction*-1 sections seven and eighteen, in township

nineteen, of range one.

Fractional townships six, seven, and eight,

of range two.

Fractional township six, of range three.

Fractional township four, of range four-

South of the lute line, and West of the



The eastern tier of sections, lying west,0 Arkansas river, numbered one, twelve, thirteen, twenty-four, twenty-five, and thirty-* six, in township ten, sections one,two,eleveBf

JUST twenty-two,twenty- FRESH FLOUK, Ac.

| ! BARRELS, 10 half barrels fresh flour

1 ft lO 0 boxes raisins, superior quality

received per Compromise, and for sale bv

Dec. 18.


ECEIVED from New Orleans, per r. b.

R Compromise,


> EOEl\ KD from New Orleanr per the

_* Y Naoalio--hints, prime Brown Sugar;

n bhl.s. Molasses: 2 boxes Collins' Axes; 3

d-jz. Hand do.; 3 doz. Shingling Hatchets;

tlorn Jlills, Nos. 5, (5 and 8; Cross-cut Saws;

I box Crockery assorted. For sale by-


J. 1)E BAUN & CO.

Black and colored silk braids

WILL White silk half hose


1 piece white belt ribbons, figured


ONF black

poult de soie noir Italian lustring, black



received--a General Assortment of

i v Freak Garden .Seed*, put up last fall, at

! Shakertown, Kv. and for sale by


Jan. 16, 1830.

BLANKS. and for sale by


Nor. 27.

INIS I'UArOIl'S, Executor's and


Guardian's Bonds--Subpanas--Warrants--Clerk's Summons--Executions_Ca-

j Powder in kegs and halfkegs

DUPONT'S JACKSON. received per Compromise, and for sale bv I

Commissf"*. dea. 15.


pias-Delivery *?>n*^au^




Ac. Ac. well and for sale

exeeuat this

received, direct from Philadelphia, a lot of Superfine Blue, Black and Plumb colored Dress and frock Coats, made up in the best manner and latest fashion. Also, Cloth A: Cassimere Pants; Single & Double Breasted 4 ests, of various kinds; Shirts, Drawers ; Fine Stocks, Arc. Likewise, one case of latest style of BEAVER HATS for sale low bv L. A; W. R. GIBSON

Fob. 1836.

NOTICE this:

of the undersigned will start about

t!ie 26th inst. (February,) to the East, fSwouarmnthtmeoefprumsrpouonpsepeylyofoofrpf tuGhroacoht dapssu--irnpagonstdhe,ebtiehrieSnygprrineinsggpreaecnatd-t fully and earnestly solicit those who are in-

debted to them to cill and pay up, if not en-

tirely as least as much as they can, bv that

time. Cotton, peltries, beef hides, beaver

and otter skins will be received at the high-

est market prices, in payment of debts due


L. lB

township nineteen, of range one. Townships fourteen and fifteen,

of ranf*


North of the base line, and East of the td


Tow-nships six and seven, of range

Townships six, seven, and eight, of r*?e


Each and no

sale will


bTehekelpatndospernesfeorrveondebwy w'*


for the use of schools, or lands reserved

military or other purposes, will be exciu

from sale. Given under my hand,


the City ot/^ *


ington, this thirty-first day of December,

D. 1835.


By the President:



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