The Arkansas advocate. (Little Rock, A.T. [Ark.]). 1836-03-04 [p ].


JUST THE WATCH-FIRE. HAS j From the German of Collin.

Wifk and chil'i ! a peaceful sleep, 'Tis for that my watch I keep Through the dark and chilly night: Think on you, and cry with might,

"Liberty or death !"

rHE Hark ! e'en now afar if peals !

yTTM. 4)n the warrior's heart it steals !

Glorious watchword! through the night Man to man calls out with might

"Liberty or death !"

HAVING Where yon faithful watch-fires glow,

Hold--defying stands the foe-- Still theory rings through the night

North Guard to guard calls out with might JEST "Liberty or death !"

When a shudder strikes the foe. And hie blood runs cold and slow, Vain he blames the chilly night; 'Tis our watchword's fearful might,

``Liberty or death!"

When the battle-storm raves high, Ignites Leaden hail-stones whizzing by-- Hurl him to the darkest night, By that glorious watchword's might,

"Liberty or death !"

J From the Amaranth.

1I\ H.




located at Columbia, A. 'I'. He will practise in the4th Judicial District, and in the Superior Courts at Little Rock, and will attend punctually to ail business entrust-

MM HE subscriber having sold out his en

1 tire stock of goods and groceries to his brother Jackson Bigelow, requests all persons

indebted to him to call and settle their ac-

counts immediately. JONAS BIGELOW.

ed to his care.

Nov. 24, 1335.--56-1y

subscriber having purchased of his


brother Jonas, his stock of Goods and

CUMMINSand ALBERT PUCE Groceries, will continue business at the old

v f have formed a partnership ip the prac- stand, and respectfully solicits the patronage tice of the Law, and will attend to all business of the former customers, and the public gen-

in the 2d and 4th judicial circuits. Office at erally.

Little Rock.


March 20, 1335.--50-tf

Fort Smith, JUarch 16th, 1835.--52.



American magazine--

received per steam boat Tom Bow-

Monthly, (Philadelphia.) at $o per an. Reprint of Blackwood, the Mktkopout.vs, and the Foreion Quarterly--Week-

ling, (on consignment,) 17 tons of Hollow Castings, assorted: for sale low for cash,

wholesale or retail.

y, 25 pages, (.New Haven,) at $7 per annum. Pearl v sn Literary Gazette--YV aakly,

Merchants residing above this, and in the interior, can be supplied at as low rates as

(Boston,) at $3 per annum. A m a a anti?--Weekly, (Boston.) Mirror--Weekly, (Cincinnati,) $2 50


they can be bought at the works, with the ad; dition of freight and charges.

Orders for any quantity will be thankfully

annum. New Enot. vno






promptly attended

L. fz W. R.


ton.) ?5 per annum.


Knickerbocker--Monthly, (New York,)

Little Rock, May 25,1835,-Otf

Jo per atnmin. Subscriptions to the above works received at

this Office.




received, per Compromise, a few patterns of beautiful Coi'd, Piaiii, and Fig'd Gros de Nap's ; splendid new style Fancy Handkerchiefs; Silk Cords and 1 assels; round and Hat Silk Braids; Green 15arage; Green Blonde Veils; Gauze \ cils; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Green and Pur-

ple English Merinos, fine quality; splendid new style Vest Patterns; Blue and Black Silk Velvets; also, a few Anchor Bolting

Cloths; and for sale by L. & W. It. GIBSON.

Little Rock, Jan. 1686.



By tue Governor of the Territory op



? V inurdcr, wits

bill of indictment for found against JojTv

MAXWELL, by the Grand Jury in and fi,r the county of Arkansas, and it appearing that

thff said John Maxwell has made his escape

and is now going at large.-

Now, therefore, I, Wiet.iam S. Fei.tos

Governor of the Territory of Arkansas, have thought proper to issue this Proclamation

hereby offering a reward of Two Hundker

Dopearb, to any person or persons, who will arrest the said fugitive and deliver him to the

Moutli of Arkansas River. recently been informed that

misrepresentations are afloat as to the practicability of traveling from the Post ol Arkansas to*this place, by land, on account of water and other obstructions, we feel it a

sheriff of Arkansas county. And I do, moreover, hereby, require all officers, both civil and military, and request the good peop.e 0f this Territory, to use their best exertions to apprehend the said fugitive, that he may ha dealt with according to law.

duty we owe ourselves and a traveling community, to state, that a good road is now open, and, with very slight exceptions, on a direct and dry route, from this place to t:ie Post,

Given under my hand as Governor, and under the seal of the ? Territory of Arkansas, at Little Rock, this twenty-sixth day 0f

and only about 27 miles distant.

October, eighteen hundred and

31 APES, RYAN & Cc. thirty-five.

Month of Arkansas, A. T. June 2,1685.

wm. s', fultos

October 2.>, 1RS5.--38-tf.


II y the PiTsfek-at of flie


BACKS Coffee

a. Ar 20 do. coarse and fine Salt

1 tierce new Rice

1 do. Sperm Oil Also--Mackarcl; Molasses; white Havan-


h X pursuance of law, T, Andrew Jackson, JL President of the United States of America* no hereby declare and make known, that pub-

lic sales will be held at certa in I,and Offices

ANOTHER SUNSET. By Isaac MClclian Jr.

STABlI'L Tivery

fTlIIE subscriber- having opened the Live-

/MEORGE L. RENNER, who had been na Sugar; Lemons; Muscat Wine; painted aJT in the jail of this county for some time, Pails; 2i, 2J, and 3 inch flat Bar Iron; on a charge of horse stealing, broke the jail I Received per Neosho, and for sale by

in the Territory of Arkansas, at the periods hereinafter designated, to wit: .11 the Land Office at FAYETTEVILLE

j X ry Stable on the river hank, n the town

of Little Rock, formerly occupied by James

on tiie 17th inet. and made his escape. Said i Runner is about 28 or 30 years of age, light

Nov. 10, 1835.


on .Monday, the 18th day of April next For the disposal of tile public lands within

How many since How many on

it rose have the bed of

drawn their earliest pain have sunk to

breath, sleep in


Old Ace in hut and hall,hath bowed And golden prime, and blooming

his silver head, youth, have joined

F. Johnson, respectfully 'inform the public that they are now prepared to receive horses, and that they will be kept on the lowest terms and in the best possibl3 manner. Their stable is well supplied with the best, of corn, hay,

hair, well made and stout, 5 feet 10 or 111

inches high--had on a black seal-skin cap.

J. !)E 13 A UN

nAS To any person who will deliver said Runner

to me, at Little Rock, 1 will give fifty dollars on his delivery.


just received direct from Cincinnati, per s.' b. Neosho, the following articles, which he offers for sale on the most reasona-

the limits of the undermentioned townships and fractional townships, to wit: Forth nf the base line and West of the meri-


Fractional township eight, north of Arkan-

the ghostly dead ! How much of Joy and gloom, of hate, and love serene,

Of god-like right, and brutal wrong, the day gone by

and fodder, and they trust that whoever favor them with their custom will have no cause of complaint.

JOHN K. TAYLOR, Sheriff Pulaski county, .i. T.

Little Rock, Fob. 19,1836.-40-tf

ble terms, viz:

100 bblsi sup. flour; 50 half bbls. do. 2'hhds. bacon; 15 kegs lard

s' s river, of range's twenty-one and twentytwo. Fractional township nine, north of Arkansas river, of ranges twenty-three, twenty-

hath seen.

perils by land and sea, perils by fire and sword, Tearson the coffin shed, blood on the green


poured ! Thus like sad passing

Yet still successive

sun, doth human kind tribes of men above

depa rt. their ashes

***Thosc who prefer to have their horses kept in the country, can also be accommodated, as they have a stable with good pastur-

age, three miles from town. 11. F. WEST & CO.




By the President: ETHAN A. BROWN,

1 rf the General Lana tp


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