Oleksandr Mykolayevich Kostenko

Oleksandr Mykolayevich Kostenko

Professor of Chair of International Law and Special legal Sciences of NaUKMA (The Part-Time Worker). Head of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Judicial Organization of V.M. Koretskiy Institute of State and Law of the NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Academician (Full Member) of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine.

Education: - Taras Shevchenko State University of Kyiv (now, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv). Qualification - lawyer. - Postgraduate Study at Institute of State and Law of the NA of USSR (now, the V.M. Koretskiy Institute of State and Law of the NAS of Ukraine).

Teaching ourses: ?Criminology?, ?Methodology and Doctrine of Modern Criminology?, ?World Outlook Bases of Modern Law?, ?Fundamentals of the Social and Naturalistic Jurisprudence?, ?Social Naturalism as a Methodology of Jurisprudence?.

Researches the Issues of Jurisprudence and Criminology and Develops the Courses Using the Methodology of Social Naturalism. Active Supporter of Revival and Development the Natural Law Doctrine in Ukraine, as well as Training of Lawyers in the Spirit of this Doctrine.

Member of Specialized Scientific Councils for Defense of Dissertations at the V.M. Koretskiy Institute of State and Law of the NAS of Ukraine and Taras Shevchenko National State University of Kyiv. Speciality: 12.00.08 - Criminal Law and Criminology; Criminal and Executive Law.

Member of Scientific and Methodological Council of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine.

Prepared as a Doctoral Supervisor and Scientific Consultant 27 Candidates of Legal Sciences and 5 Doctors of Legal Sciences.

Author of Over 400 Scientific Papers, Including:

1. Culture and Law - in Combating Evil. - K.: Atika, 2008. ? 352 . Monograph.

2. Problem no.1 of Modern Civilization (in the Ukrainian Context). - Cherkasy: EUU, 2008. - 112 p. Monograph.

3. The Principle of Reflection in Criminology (Psychological Mechanism of Criminal Behavior). - Kyiv, 1986. - 125 p. Monograph.

4. Criminal Tyranny (Sociopsychology of Will and Consciousness of Offender). Kyiv, 1990. - 146 p. Monograph.

5. Principles of ?Universal Constitution? of the Nature // Tribune. - 1993. - VIIIIX. - P.15.

6. The Principle of Naturalism in the Legal Science and Criminology // The legal System of Ukraine: Theory and Practice. Thesis's of Reports and Papers of Scientific and Practical Conference (Kyiv, 7-8 October, 1993). - Kyiv, 1993. - P. 390-392.

7. The Fate Triangle // Viche. - 1993. - VI. - P.91-99.

8. The Concept of Natural Law and Legislation // Legal State. - 1996. - Vol.VII. - P. 77-84.

9. Culture and Law // Legal State. - 1998. - Vol. IX. - P. 130-136.

10. The Main Question of Jurisprudence: Search for Modern Solutions // Ehrlich's ollection. Law Faculty of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. - 2002 Vol. III. - P. 4-10.

11. The Main Question of Jurisprudence From the Perspective of Social Naturalism // Issues of Philosophy of Law. - 2003. - Vol.I. - P.72-77.

12. Problems of Criminal Law, Criminology and Criminal Justice // Legal State. Special Edition. - 2004. - P. 135-168.

13. The Criminal Code and Doctrine // Law of Ukraine. - 2004. - VII. ? P. 43-48.

14. Social Naturalism as a Methodological Principle of Law and Criminology // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. - 2004. - IV. - P. 133-145.

15. Phenomenon of "Orange Revolution" in the Light of Political Criminology // Viche. - 2005. - I. - P. 6-8.

16. Phenomenon of Law in the Light of Social Naturalism // Law Review of Kyiv University of Law. - 2005. - II. - P. 3-12.

17. Natural and Human Factors in Law (Researching From the Perspective of Social Naturalism) // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. - 2005. VIII. - P.25-35.

18. Social Naturalism as a Methodological Principle of the Philosophy of Law // Issues of Philosophy of Law. Volume IV-V. - Kyiv - Chernivtsi: Ruta, 2008. - P.98107.

19. Social Culture of Citizens - a Basis of a new Ukraine // Scientific Papers of National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy". Volume XXXVIII. Law Sciences. 2005. - P.38-41.

20. Social Naturalism - the Ideological Foundation of Cultural Revolution of the XXI Century // Universum. - IX-X, September-October 2006. - P.4-8.

21. Universal Naturalism - the Scientific Basis of a New Type of Culture // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. - 2007. - X. P. 37-44.

22. Social Naturalism - Future Outlook // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. - 2006. - X. - P. 33-39.

23. How to Become on a Path of Social Progress (10 thesis's to debate on the anticrisis reform of Social Sciences) // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. - 2009. - I. - P.68-76.

24. Corruption in Ukraine in the Light of Political Criminology // Political Management: Scientific Magazine / Editor-in-Chief Yu. J. Shayhorodskiy. - 2009. - I. P.49-55.

25. Social Culture of Citizens - the Best Anti-Crisis Means // Economic Magazine XXI. - 2009. - VII-VIII. - P.17-21.

26. Action - to the Nature! Apology of Naturalism // Worldview. - 2009. - P. 34-38.

27. Social Naturalism - Worldview of the Social Progress (to the Discussion on Question ?Whether Social is Natural??) // Modern Achievements in Science and Education. ollection of Papers of III Scientific Conference. 16-23 September, 2009. The City of Tel-Aviv (Israel). - 2009. - P.121-124.

28. Social Naturalism - the Basis of Anti-Crisis Worldview // Philosophy and Culture. - 2009. - IV. - P. 234-239 (Scientific Magazine. Russian Federation, Moscow).

29. Culture - the Mother of Order // Day. The Newspaper. 30 May, 2009

30. ?Whether Social is Natural?? - The Basic Question of Modern Worldview // ?Scientific papers?. Collected works of Israeli Independent Academy for Development of Sciences (IIADS). - 2009. - XVI. - P.104-107. ISSN 1565-7965.

31. ?Naturalistic? Jurisprudence - Progressive Basis of National and International Enforcement (12 Thesis's to the Discussion on Metamorphosis of Jurisprudence) // Issues of Jurisprudence. All-Russian Scientific and Theoretical Magazine - 2010. - II (VI). - P.10-23.

32. On Increasing the Role of Social Sciences in the Modernization of Ukraine // Viche. The Magazine of Supreme Council of Ukraine . - 2010. - XIII. - P.63-65.

33. What is Law? On the Bases of ?Naturalistic? Law in the Light of Social Naturalism // Law of Ukraine. - 2010. - IV. - P.83-92.

34. Juridical Science, Education and Legal Education in the Mechanism of Law Enforcement (in the Context of Social and Naturalistic Law) // State and Law in the Light of Modern Juridical Science. Scientific papers in honor of Academician Yu.S. Shemshuchenko. K.: Juridicial Literature, 2010. - P. 388-400.

35. Crime and Responsibility for it in the Light of Social Naturalism (the SocioNaturalistic Doctrine of criminal law) // Right Ukraine. - 2010. - 9. - S.31-40.

36. Social Naturalism as a Methodological Principle of Comparative Law and Legal Globalistics (Theory of ?Naturalistic Jurisprudence?) // Foundations of Comparative Law. Methods and Typologies. Edited by W.E. Butler. - Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing. - London. - 2011. - P. 234-254.

37. Whether Social is Natural? Problem no 1 of the Modern Philosophy // Tribune. 2011. - V-VI, VII-VIII. -P. 36 - 39.

38. The Concept of Human Rights: Contemporary Situation and Prospects of Development // Bulletin of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. - 2011. - XI. - pp.5-13.

39. Philosophical Foundations of Modern Criminal Justice // Law of Ukraine. - 2014. - V. - P.157-167.

40. Is the rule of Law or Morality? The Problem of Legal Futurology // Public Law. 2015. - I. - P.173-179.

41. On the Ideological Foundations of the Progressive Development of Law in Ukraine (as to Methodological Discussions in the Domestic Law) // Law of Ukraine. - 2015. - VIII. - P.37-49.

Winners of the Prize of M.P. Vasilenko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as Prize of Prince Yaroslav the Wise of the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine.

State Awards: Order of Merit (3rd Class); Honorary Diploma of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Other Awards Were Granted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Dissertation: ?The Problem of Relation Between Rational and Emotional in Criminology? (1983) on Specialty 12.00.08 - Criminal Law and Criminology; Criminal and Executive Law. Doctoral dissertation: ?The Will and Consciousness of Offender (the Study with Using the Principle of Naturalism)? (1995) on Specialty 12.00.08 Criminal Law and Criminology; Criminal and Executive Law.


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