European Beat Studies Network

European Beat Studies Network

4th Annual Meeting

Université Libre de Bruxelles,

28 October to 31 October 2015

WEDNESDAY, 28 October 2015

Location (morning & afternoon): DC Building

10.00-10.45 Registration and Coffee/Tea (Great Hall of DC Building)

10.45 Opening of the 4th Annual Meeting (Room: DC2.206)

Polina Mackay, Vice-President of the EBSN

Franca Bellarsi, Local Convener

11.00-13.00 Panel 1: Cross-Fertilisations East and West I: Searching for Which Ginsberg Legacy? (Room: DC2.206)

Chair: Jaap VAN DER BENT

❖ Robert HOLTON: "Ginsberg's Performative 'Howl'"

❖ Trevor CAROLAN: "Asian Wisdom Traditions, Ecological Poetics and Allen Ginsberg"

❖ Paul McDONALD: "Cosmopolitan Comedy: Allen Ginsberg's Humour and the Challenge to Superiority Theory"

❖ Franca BELLARSI: "'Frenchman of the Void': Ginsberg, Mediator and Ferryman between Anglophone and Francophone Poetry"

13.00-14.30 LUNCH (Hall of DC Building)

14.30-16.00 Panel 2: Cross-Fertilisations East and West II: Energies Radiating Out from San Francisco to New York (Room: DC2.206)

Chair: Peggy PACINI

❖ Thomas ANTONIC: "ruth weiss—Beat, Jazz, and the Art of Improvisation"

❖ Douglas FIELD: "Beat Counterculture in the Digital Age: Documenting Harold Norse"

❖ A. Robert LEE: "Beat Contenders: Kupferberg, Micheline, Sanders"

16.00-16.15 Short Coffee/Tea Break (Hall of DC Building)

16.15-17.45 Parallel Panels 3 & 4

Panel 3: New Windows to the Beats: Revolutions in Cultural Consciousness I (Room: DC2.206)

Chair: Frida FORSGREN

❖ Guy STEVENSON: "The First Philosopher of Hip: Henry Miller and His Influence on the Beat Generation"

❖ James MACKAY: "Beat Writing as Settler Colonial Literature: Revisiting Leslie Marmon Silko's 'An Old-Time Indian Attack' on Gary Snyder after Nasdijj"

❖ Petra JAMES-KRIVANKOVA: "Czech Beat Networks"

Panel 4: Cross-Fertilisations between the Beats & the Visual Arts

(Room: DC2.223)

Chair: Stefan WOUTERS

❖ Alexander ADAMS: "Towards a Definition of Beat Art: Looking at Gysin"

❖ Lisa STEIN HAVEN: "'you got that personal tickle-touch we like-love': Ginsberg's Chaplin Fetish, 1947-1963"

❖ FONTES, Bruno: "Vision and Sound: Allen Ginsberg's Songs of Innocence and Experience and Blake's Illuminations"

Location (evening): K Building

17.45-19.15 An Evening with Filmmaker Robert McTAVISH (Room: K.1.105)

Chairs: Polina MACKAY & Franca BELLARSI

Projection of the Documentary "The Line Has Shattered: Vancouver's Landmark 1963 Poetry Conference," followed by Q&A session with Robert McTAVISH over Skype

19.15-20.30 Welcoming Reception & Jazz Band

with a special word of welcome by François HEINDERYCKX,

Dean of the School of Letters, Translation and Communication

(Great Hall of K Building)

20.30- POETRY JAM: "All Poets Welcome" (Room: K.1.105)

to whenever (Master of Ceremonies: Paul NELSON)

your poetic


carry us

THURSDAY, 29 October 2015

Location: K Building

9.00-09.30 Registration & Coffee/Tea (Great Hall of K Building)

9.30-11.00 Parallel Panels 5 & 6

Panel 5: "Made in San Francisco": Different Facets of a Countercultural Cradle (Room: K.3.201)

Chair: Franca BELLARSI

❖ Maarten Van Gageldonk: "Our Man in San Francisco: Donald Allen as a Literary Mediator for the Beat Generation in the 1950s"

❖ Frédéric ROBERT: "Sur la route de New York à San Francisco: de la Beat Generation aux Hippies" (n.b.: speech alternating between French and English)

❖ John TANNER: "Richard Brautigan: a Case Study of How San Francisco Nurtured and Shaped Writers in the 1950s and 1960s"

Panel 6: "Made in the Female Crucible": Beat Women East and West (Room: K.3.401)

Chair: Thomas ANTONIC

❖ Raven SEE: "ruth weiss"

❖ Anna SLONINA: "Elise Cowen and Her Poetry"

❖ Chelsea STRIPE: "Beats, Beatniks, and Beat Chicks: Mimi Albert and the Beat Generation"

11.00-11.30 Coffee/Tea (Great Hall of K Building)

11.30-12.30 First Keynote: ANNE WALDMAN:

"The Beat Legacy in the Anthropocene"

(Room: K.1.105)

Chair: A. Robert LEE

12.30-14.00 LUNCH (University Restaurant)

14.00-15.30 Parallel Panels 7 & 8

Panel 7: Rereading the Performative Poetics of the Beats I: Creating and Responding to Spaces of Hybridity (Room: K.3.201)

Chair: Luke WALKER

❖ Frida FORSGREN: "The Six as Beat Art Venue"

❖ Richard MURPHY: "'Vexed to Nightmare by a Rocking Cradle:' Ginsberg's Performativity"

❖ Maximilian ORSINI: "Voices in the Silent Rooms: Anne Waldman and the Performance of Buddhist Aesthetics"

Panel 8: Re-Inventing Territories of the Imagination I:

New Readings of Anne Waldman (Room: K.3.401)

Chair: Raven SEE

❖ Polina MACKAY: "As the Muse said to Hilda Doolittle, 'Write, write or die': Anne Waldman's Rewriting of H.D.'s Helen in Egypt in Iovis"

❖ Vincent BROQUA: "Anne Waldman's Poethics of Archives"

❖ Estíbaliz Encarnación PINEDO: "Epic and Female Experience: Anne Waldman's The Iovis Trilogy and the Genre/Gender Debate"

15.30-16.00 Coffee/Tea (Great Hall of K Building)

16.00-17.30 Parallel Panels 9 & 10

Panel 9: Rereading the Performative Poetics of the Beats II: From Happening to Intermediality (Room: K.3.201)

Chair: Paul McDONALD

❖ Stefan WOUTERS: "Aspects of Performative Display within the Beat Movement"

❖ Davide CRIMI: "Experience: the Making of a Happening Revisiting Ginsberg in the Beat Cosmopolitan Light: THE ETNA PIPER"

❖ Eric MORTENSON: "John Wieners and the New York Poets Theatre"

Panel 10: The Beat Reception Abroad I: Portugal and Poland

(Room: K.3.401)


❖ Nuno Miguel NEVES: "The Universe is Green: Portuguese Poetry and the Beats"

❖ Anna WYRWIK: "Ginsberg in Poland and in Polish Minds"

17.30-20.00 Dinner (on your own)


(Room: K.1.105) Anne WALDMAN, David GIANNONI & Benjamin POTTEL ("Maelström"), Vincent BROQUA, Ulrich ROIS, & Davis SCHNEIDERMAN and Joshua COREY ("The Muttering Sickness")

(Master of Ceremonies: Vincent BROQUA)

FRIDAY, 30 October 2015

Location: DC Building

9.30-10.00: Registration & Coffee/Tea (Great Hall of DC Building)

10.00-11.00 2nd Keynote: Daniel KANE:

"I Saw the Best Minds of My Generation Rock: Punks, Beats, and the New York School of Poetry"

Room: DC2.206)

Chair: Simon WARNER

11.00-11.30: Coffee/Tea (Great Hall of DC Building)

11.30-13.00 Parallel Panels 11 & 12

Panel 11: Cross-Fertilisations between the Beats & the Sonic Arts

(Room: DC2.206)

Chair: Bent SØRENSEN

❖ Ulrich ROIS: "Musical Structures and Audio Recording Techniques in Allen Ginsberg's Poetry "

❖ Peggy PACINI: "'When (s)he passed away I could not weep so I wrote': Poetry of Mourning: Allen Ginsberg's Kaddish & Patti Smith's The Coral Sea"

❖ Simon WARNER: "Paying Homage: Finding Beat Roots in Rock Texts"

Panel 12: Re-Inventing Territories of the Imagination II:

New Readings of William S. Burroughs (Room: DC2.223)

Chair: Antonio BONOME GARCÍA

❖ Benjamin HEAL: "'No glot ... C'lom Fliday': Understanding William S. Burroughs' Representations of the Chinese and the Origins of an Anti-Imperialist Proto-Beat Identity"

❖ Viktoria GRIVINA: "Transgression of Eastern and Western Norms in Burroughs"

❖ Thom ROBINSON: "In Youth Is Pleasure: William S. Burroughs' Unlikely Affinity with the Work of Denton Welch"

13.00-14.30 LUNCH (University Restaurant)

14.30-16.00 Parallel Panels 13 & 14

Panel 13: Ecocritical Readings of the Beats I: Fractured Ecopoetics from the Beat Underground (Room: DC2.206)

Chair: David ARNOLD

❖ Franca BELLARSI: "Field-Being, Underground Version: Composting and Recycling in the Ecopoetic Montages of Claude Pélieu"

❖ Chad WEIDNER: "The Melancholic Postpastoral Underground of George Mandel's Flee the Angry Strangers"

❖ Chad WEIDNER & Franca BELLARSI: "Radio Transmission from the Grave" (creative)

Panel 14: The Beat Reception Abroad II: Flemish-Speaking Belgium and Turkey (Room: DC2.223)

Chair: Chelsea STRIPE

❖ Jaap VAN DER BENT: "A Belgian Beat: The Reception of the Beats in Flanders"

❖ Gregory WATSON: "Between Screamscape and Junky Remorse: The Beat Poetics of Jotie T'Hooft"

❖ Cansu SOYUPAK: "'Strange Now to Think of You': the Translation of Kaddish and the Recreation of Allen Ginsberg"

16.00-16.30 Coffee/Tea

16.30-17.30 EBSN Business Meeting (Room: DC2.206)

17.30-18.30 Panel 15: Ecocritical Readings of the Beats II: "Allen Ginsberg and Gary Snyder's Regional Impact on Cascadia Writers" (Room: DC2.206)

Chair: Jonathan SKINNER

Projection of the documentary film made by Trevor CAROLAN

(with an introduction by + Q&A session with the author)

18.30 Departure for drinks and relaxation in the city centre

SATURDAY, 31 October 2015

Location: K Building

09.30-10.00: Registration & Coffee/Tea (Great Hall of K Building)

10.00-11.30 Parallel Panels 16 & 17

Panel 16: From Absence to Immanence: the Beats' Politics of Elusiveness (Room: K.3.201)


❖ Tanguy HARMA: "From Sartre to Mailer: Civilisational Nothingness, Commitment, and the Immanence of the Here-and-Now in Ginsberg's 'Howl'"

❖ Anna AUBLET: "'Time to Make a Home in Wilderness': Allen Ginsberg's Elusion Strategy"

❖ Ewan CLARK: "Retreat & Return: Lew Welch's Poetry of Reclusion and the Oriental Hermitic Tradition"

Panel 17: New Windows to the Beats: Revolutions in Cultural Consciousness II (Room: K.1.105)

Chair: Alexander ADAMS

❖ Arthur NUSBAUM: "A Window to the Beats: Paul Bowles' Letters from Tangier"

❖ Harri VEIVO: "Beat Literature and the Transformation(s) of the Finnish Literary Field in the 1960s"

❖ Jim PENNINGTON: "Has the Ink Dried Yet?"

11.30-11.45: Short Coffee/Tea Break (Great Hall of K Building)

11.45-13.15 Parallel Panels 18 & 19

Panel 18: Ecocritical Readings of the Beats III: "Teachings of (No-)Nature: the Ecopoetics of Flux" (Room: K.1.105)

Chair: Chad WEIDNER

❖ David ARNOLD: "Poetry without Nature: Buddhism and Ecopoetics in the Writing of Joanne Kyger"

❖ Laura MARTIN: "Anne Waldman's Transformation of Kerouac's Ecopoetics of Water"

❖ Jonathan SKINNER: "Visceral Ecopoetics in Michael McClure and Charles Olson"

Panel 19: Re-Inventing Territories of the Imagination III:

New Readings of Jack Kerouac (Room: K.3.201)

Chair: Robert HOLTON

❖ Richard ELLIS & Ceren SENGEZER: "Clambering onto the Tightrope: Kerouac's Writing Apprenticeship in The Sea Is My Brother"

❖ Alexander GREIFFENSTERN: "Travelling with the Ghosts of North America: A Comparative Reading of On the Road"

❖ Diana SCHREIER: "Intertextuality in On the Road: the Literary Influence of the French Picaresque Novel"

13.15-14.30 LUNCH (Great Hall of K Building)

14.30-16.00: Parallel Panels 20 & 21

Panel 20: Beat Transgressions I: Energies of Deconditioning

(Room: K.3.201)

Chair: Tony HOFFMAN

❖ William STEPHENSON: "'I Am Lying Unicelled Looking Up Up Up through the Spiral Unfolding': Timothy Leary and Beat Writing"

❖ Bent SØRENSEN: "Burroughs Reading Freud, Freud Reading Burroughs"

❖ Hassan MELEHY: "Deleuze and the Beat Generation"

Panel 21: Beat Transgressions II: Transformations of Language Then and Now (Room: K.3.401)

Chair: Chad WEIDNER

❖ Richard ENGLISH: "Rhetoric and Creative Writing Technique in Naked Lunch"

❖ John ADAMS: "On the Road to Androids Dreaming of Electric Sheep: Philip K. Dick and the Beats"

❖ Alberto ESCOBAR DE LA GARMA: "Translating the Dharma in the West: Kerouac's Approach to Buddhism in Wake Up and The Dharma Bums"

16.00-16.15 Short Coffee/Tea Break

16.15-17.45 Panel 22: Building Bridges to the Spiritual Text (Room: K.1.105)

Chair: Franca BELLARSI

❖ Luke WALKER: "Ginsberg and Gnosticism"

❖ Paul NELSON: "Buddhism, Hua-yen, Latihan and American Sentences"

❖ Mishra GEETANJALI: "From 'Manhattan' to 'Manikarnika': A Study of the 'Aghori' Cult and Its Influence on the Life of Allen Ginsberg"

17.45-18.00 Short Break (Great Hall of K Building)

18.00-18.50: Concluding Panel: The Last Word to Creativity: Contemporary Re-Inventions of Ginsberg's American Howl (Room: K.1.105)

Chairs: Polina MACKAY & Franca BELLARSI

❖ Beth HUBER & Emily DARNELL: "Angelic in America" (film screening and comments)

❖ Arpine KONYALIAN GRENIER: "Ever Feral and Chiral: the Howl" (poetic recitation)

19.00 Departure for closing banquet in the city centre


(Banqueting room, 2nd floor)

Grand Place 11

1000 Bruxelles


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