Review sheet for Test 1

CIS 120: Problem Solving and Programming Concepts I

Study GuideReview Sheet for Test 1 – Fall 2007


• Carefully review all handouts.

• Read our textbook chapters 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2.

• At the end of each chapter you should do the review questions! (They are all fair game for the test questions!!) The answers to the review questions (and other good stuff) can be found at

Fundamental Concepts

• Computers: hardware and software

o What is the difference between hardware and software?

o How is information stored in a computer?

o What is the difference between a bit, a byte, and a kilobyte?

• Polya’s problem-solving methodology

o What are the four basic steps?

o How do they relate to programming?

• Software Development Life Cycle

o What are the six basic steps?

o How do they relate to Polya’s problem solving steps?

• Documentation and Design– pseudocode and activity diagrams

o Why do we need documentation? What is its purpose?

o Be able to write pseudocode. or draw an activity diagram for a particular problem.

o How does the top-down (decomposition) approach to creating pseudocode work?

• Algorithm

o What is an algorithm? An algorithm is a finite, ordered set of unambiguous, executable steps, which define a process that solves a problem.

• Binary representation of characters (Unicode and ASCII)

o Be able to convert from binary to decimal and vice-versa

o How are ASCII and Unicode different? How are they alike?

o Which does Java use to represent characters?

• Generations of programming languages

o What are the three generations of programming languages?

o What do example lines of code from each look like?

o What generation does Java belong to?

The Java Programming Language

• Platform independence of the Java language and Java Environment

o What does it mean that Java is platform independent?

o What are Java bytecodes? Where do they come from?

o What do javac.exe and java.exe do?


o Five steps for creating and executing a Java program.

• Classes

o 3 things that make up a .java file

▪ Optional package statement

▪ 0 or more import statements

▪ 1 or more class /interface definitions

o Applications or resources are called what in Java? classes

o 5 things that make up a class definition.

o What are classes are composed of? Data and Operations

o What is meant by a method in are operations in Java are called? Methods

o Name three classes that are provided by Java language (in java.lang)..

o Main Method – What is it? How many can we have in one application?

• Types, Identifiers, Variables, Literals

o What are the 8 primitive data types in Java? And how many bytes are allocated for each?

o What is an identifier?

o What is a variable?

o What is a literal?

o What kinds of data does Java have? Variable and ConstantDifference between variables and literals

o What is a constant?

o Name six primitive data types: double, float, char, boolean, int, long.

o Name three classes that are provided by Java language.

o How can you distinguish between identifiers used for methods, classes, finals, and variables?

General Programming Concepts

• Errors: syntax, run-time, and logic

o What is an error?

o What are the differences between syntax, run-time, and logic errors? What are they caused by? When are they caught?

• Order of operations (i.e. precedence of operators)

o What is the order of operations?

o What are the arithmetic operators? How are they used? What do they calculate?

o What are the relational operators? How are they used? What do they calculate?

▪ ==, !=, >, >=, =, ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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