ANNEX A - Sociology Research


Name: BAERT, Patrick, Jacques, Nicole.

Nationality: Belgian.

Partner: Emma Jane Murray.

Children: Sebastian Murray-Baert, born 2007; Audrey Murray-Baert, born 2014.

Languages: English, French, Dutch, German.

Current appointment: Professor of Social Theory, University of Cambridge

Fellow, Tutor and Director of Studies at Selwyn College, Cambridge


1987-90 Doctorate at Oxford University (Nuffield College)

(received Doctorate in September 1990)

82. 'Licentiaat' in Social Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

(magna cum laude, 85%, programme rank: 1st)

1972-78 School matriculation certificate, specialising in: Mathematics

Koninklijk Atheneum Halle

Professional history:

2013-: Professor of Social Theory at Cambridge University

(Head of Sociology Department between 2014 and 2017)

2009-13: Reader in Social Theory at Cambridge University

Director of Studies in Politics, Psychology and Sociology at Selwyn College, Cambridge

2002-8: University Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Cambridge University

Fellow and Director of Studies in Social and Political Sciences at Selwyn College, Cambridge

2000-2: University Lecturer in Sociology, Cambridge University

Fellow and Director of Studies in Social and Political Sciences at Selwyn College, Cambridge

1997-2000: Newton Trust Lecturer in Social and Political Sciences at

Cambridge University

Fellow at New Hall, Cambridge, and Director of Studies in Social

and Political Sciences at King's College, Cambridge

1997. Fellow and Director of Studies in Social and Political Sciences,

Selwyn College, and College Lecturer at New Hall, Cambridge

1991-1992 Researcher at the National Foundation for Scientific Research

and the Université Libre de Bruxelles

1990-1991: Researcher at Nuffield College and the Department of Applied Social Studies and Social Research, Oxford University

1983-1987: Researcher and Teaching Assistant in Sociology, Vrije Univ. Brussel

Institutional Positions:

2014-18: Co-chair of Research Committee on Social theory of

the International Sociological Association

2005-7: Vice-President (for Publications) of the European Sociological


2005-7: Chair, Publications Committee, European Sociological Association

2003-7: Member of the Executive Committee of the European Sociological Association

2001-7: Coordinator of the Social Theory Network of the European Sociological Association

1999-2002, 2006-: Executive member of Research Committee on Social theory of

the International Sociological Association

Editorial Positions:

Since 2013: Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Politics, Culture, and

Society (Springer)

Since 2015: Member of the Editorial Board, Current Sociology (Sage)

Since 2012: Member of the Editorial Board, Distinktion; Scandinavian Journal of

Social Theory (Taylor & Francis)

Since 2000: Associate Editor of the Journal of Classical Sociology (Sage)

Since 2002: Member of the International Advisory Board of the European Journal of Social Theory (Sage)

2004-7: Member of the Editorial Board, European Societies (Routledge)

2004-7: Co-editor, series on European Societies, Routledge

2005-7: Chair of Editorial Board, series on European Societies, Routledge

2004-6: Book review editor, European Societies (Routledge)


Fellow Royal Society of the Arts (2014-); EU Collaborative Project Programme “cooperation – socioeconomic sciences and humanities” FP7-SSH-2012-2 (2013-16) 2.5 million Euros; Leverhulme Fellowship (2012-13) £40,000; British Academy Small Grant (2011-13) £6,750; Newton Trust Small Grant (2012) £675; Pilkington Teaching Prize, Cambridge University (2005); holder of 'la Chaire Internationale Henri Janne’, Université Libre de Bruxelles (2000-1); Visiting Professor under ‘Noted Scholar’ scheme, University of British Columbia (2000); doctoral scholarship, Nuffield College, Oxford (1989-90); Doctoral scholarship from the British Council (1987-89)

Invited positions/visits abroad:

- Visiting Professor, Sciences Po, Paris, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018, Feb. 2018.

- Visiting Fellow, University of Cape Town, Sep. 2006., Dec. 2008, Dec. 2009, Dec.

2010, Dec.2011, Dec.2012, Dec.2013, Dec. 2014, March-April 2016.

- Visiting Fellow, Centre de sociologie européen et de sociologie politique,

CNRS/EHESS, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Dec. 2011, Apr., Aug. 2012.

- Visiting Fellow, Sociology Department, Brown University, Feb-Apr 2008

- Visiting Professor, Université d’Aix-Marseille, May 2006.

- Visiting Professor, Université d’Amiens, March-April, 2005.

- Visiting Professor, Humboldt University, Berlin, September 2004.

- Visiting Fellow, Institut des Sciences Humaines Appliquées, Université de Paris IV (Sorbonne) and Institut d’Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques, Université de Paris I (Panthéon Sorbonne), April-May 2003.

- Visiting Professor (Holder of 'la Chaire Internationale Henri Janne'), Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2000-2001.

- Visiting Professor under ‘Noted Scholar’ scheme, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of British Columbia, July-August 2000.

- Visiting Scholar, London School of Economics, January-September 1999.

- Visiting Professor, University of Concepcion, Chile, September 1997.

- Visiting Professor, University of Rome (LUISS), April 1996.

Other positions in Cambridge:

Head of Department (October 2014-17); Chair of Part I Human, Social and Political Sciences Committee (October 2015-16); Chair of Director of Studies in Human, Social and Political Sciences (October 2015-16); Director of Undergraduate Education (2007-), Coordinator Sutton Trust Summer School in Sociology and Psychology/Anthropology (20010-), Chair, Part I examiners (2006-8); Director of Undergraduate Education, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Michaelmas 2006, 2004-5); Chair, Director of Studies Meeting and Subject Moderator, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (2003-4); Academic Secretary, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (2001-2).


Professor Jeffrey Alexander, Sociology Department, Yale University, 493 College street, New Haven CT 06511-8933. Email:

Emeritus Professor Randall Collins, 277 McNeil Building, 3718 McNeil Building, Sociology Department, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6299, US. Email:

Professor John Hall, James McGill Professor of Sociology, University of McGill, Stephen Leacock Building, 855 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2T7, Canada. Email:

Emeritus Professor William Outhwaite, Sociology Department, University of Newcastle, UK. Email:


I. Publications

A. Books (excluding edited volumes):

-Booth, J. and P.Baert (2018) The Dark Side of Podemos? Carl Schmitt’s Shadow in Progressive Populism. London: Routledge.

- Susen, S. and P. Baert (2017) The Sociology of Intellectuals; After ‘The Existentialist Moment’. London: Palgrave.

- Baert, P. (2015) The Existentialist Moment; Sartre’s Rise as a Public Intellectual. Cambridge: Polity Press. (Choice outstanding academic title for 2015)

- Morgan, M. and P. Baert (2015) Conflict in the Academy; A Study in the Sociology of Intellectuals. London: Palgrave (Pivot series).

- Baert, P. and F. Carreira da Silva (2010) Social Theory in the 20th Century and Beyond. Cambridge: Polity Press. (2nd edition)

-translated into Italian. Title: La teoria sociale contemporanea Seconda edizione aggiornata. Publisher: Societa Editrice Il Mulino (2010)

-translated into Spanish. Title: La teoría social contemporánea Segunda edición. Publisher: Alianza Editorial (2011)

-currently translated into Portuguese. Title: Theoria Social Hoje. Publisher: Editora Mundos Sociais (due 2013)

-currently translated into Polish. Title: Teorie

społeczne w XX wieku i dzisiaj. Publisher: Zaklad Wydawniczy "Nomos" (due 2013)

- Baert, P. (2005a) Philosophy of the Social Sciences: Towards Pragmatism. Cambridge: Polity Press.

-translated into Complex Character Chinese in 2011. Title: 社會科學哲學:邁向實用主義. Publisher: Socio Publishing Co. Ltd (2011)

-translated into Turkish. Title: Sosyal Bilimler Felsefesi. Publisher: Küre Yayinlari (2010).

- Baert, P., (1998a) Social Theory in the 20th Century. Cambridge/New York: Polity Press & New York University Press.

-translated into Complex Character Chinese. Title: 二十世紀社會理論導讀. Publisher: Taiwan Mega Publication (2007)

-translated into Simplified Character Chinese. Title: 二十世纪的社会理论. Publisher: Shanghai Translation Publishing House (2002)

-translated into Italian. Title: La teoria sociale contemporanea. Publisher: Societa Editrice Il Mulino (2002)

-translated into Spanish. Title: La teoría social en el siglo XX. Publisher: Alianza Editorial (2001)

- Baert, P. (1992a), Time, Self and Social Being; Outline of a Temporalised Sociology. Aldershot: Ashgate.

- translated into Simplified Character Chinese. Title: 时间、自我与社会存在. Publisher: Beijing Normal University Press (2009).

B. Edited books:

- Sapiro, G., M. Santoro and P. Baert (eds.) (2020) Ideas on the Move in the Social Sciences and Humanities; The International Circulation of Paradigms and Theories. London: Palgrave.

- Rubio Dominguez, F. and P. Baert (eds.) (2012a) The Politics of Knowledge. London: Routledge.

- Baert, P., S. Koniordos, G. Procacci and C. Ruzza (eds.) (2010) Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society. London: Routledge.

- Baert, P. and B.S. Turner (eds.) (2007a) Pragmatism and European Social Theory. Oxford: Bardwell Press.

- Baert, P., (ed.) (2000a) Time in Contemporary Intellectual Thought. Elsevier North-Holland.

C. Articles (excluding book reviews and small entries in encyclopedias):

-Yıldız, Y.Y. and P. Baert (2020) Confessions without guilt: Public confessions of state violence in Turkey. In: Theory and Society. Online First: 10.1007/s11186-020-09398-x

-Morgan, M., and P. Baert (2020) ‘A case study of the reception of ‘structuralism’ in English Studies in the United Kingdom.’ In: Ideas on the Move in the Social Sciences and Humanities; The International Circulation of Paradigms and Theories. Eds. Saprio, G., Santoro, M., and P. Baert. London: Palgrave, pp. 83-102.

-Gonzales Hernando, M. and P. Baert (2020) ‘Collectives of intellectuals: Their cohesiveness, accountability, and who can speak on their behalf.’ The Sociological Review 68(5) pp. 1143-1158.

-Baert, P. (2019) ‘Rom Harré, positioning theory and the social sciences: a personal and sympathetic portrait.’ In: The Second Cognitive Revolution; A Tribute to Rom Harré, ed. B. A. Christensen. London: Springer, pp. 27-34.

-Baert, P. and Morgan, M. (2018) 'A performative framework for the study of intellectuals', European Journal of Social Theory 21(3), pp. 322-329.

-Baert, P. (2018) ‘Reflections on the use of positioning theory in the sociology of intellectuals.’ In: Questions of Practice in Philosophy and Social Theory, eds. A. Buch and T. Schatzki. London: Routledge, pp. 225-235.

-Morgan, M. and P.Baert (2018) ‘Acting out Ideas: Performative citizenship within the Black Consciousness Movement’. In: American Journal of Cultural Sociology 6 3, pp. 455-498.

- Baert, P. (2017) ‘Essay on taboo.’ In: The Sweetest Taboo, F. Janssens. Tielt: Lannoo, pp. 10-13.

- Ushiyama R. and P. Baert (2016) ‘Cultural trauma, counter-narratives and dialogical intellectuals: the works of Murakami Haruki and Mori Tatsuya in the context of the Aum Affair.’ In: Theory and Society 45, 6, pp. 471-499.

- Baert, P. (2016) ‘The philosopher as public intellectual.’ In: Public Intellectualism in Comparative Context, ed. M. Desch, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, pp. 196-218.

-Baert, P. (2015) ‘L’avènement de l’intellectuel enraciné: Nouvelles formes de critique et d’engagement publics.’ In: Le tournant de la théorie critique, ed. B.Frère. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, pp. 117-150.

- Carreira da Silva, F. and P. Baert (2015) ‘Evolution, agency, and objects. In: Pragmatism and Archaeological Theoru,’ eds. A. Gardner and M.Lake. Oxford : Oxford University Press.

- Rodriguez Medina, L. and P. Baert (2014) 'Local chairs vs international networks: the beginning of the scholarly career in a peripheral academic field.' In: International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society. Issue 1, March, pp. 93-114.

- Baert, P. and A.Shipman (2013) The rise of the embedded intellectual new forms of public engagement and critique. In : New Public Spheres: Recontextualising the Intellectual,eds. P. Thijssen, C. Timmerman and W.Weyns Aldershot : Ashgate., pp. 27-50.

- Baert, P. (2013a) ‘La phénoménologie pour un nouveau rapport pragmatiste au monde social’. In : La phénoménologie à l’épreuve des sciences humaines, eds. B. Frere and S Laoureux. Oxford : Peter Lang, pp. 109-134.

- Baert, P. (2013b) 'Neo-pragmatism and phenomenology: a proposal.' In: American Pragmatism and Organization; Issues and Controversies, eds. M. Kelemen and N. Rumens. Burlington, VT: Gower, pp. 25-42.

- Baert, P. and F. Carreira da Silva (2013) ‘Pragmatism defended: a reply to Simon Susen.’ In: Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory 14 1, pp. 102-107. 

- Baert, P. (2012) ‘Positioning theory and intellectual interventions.’ In: Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour. 42 3, pp. 304-325.

- Baert, P. and A.Shipman (2012) ‘Transformation of the intellectual’. In: The Politics of Knowledge, eds. F. Rubio Dominguez and P.Baert. London: Routledge, pp. 179-204.

-Baert, P. and F. Rubio Dominguez (2012b) ‘Politics of knowledge: an introduction.’ In: The Politics of Knowledge, eds. F. Dominguez Rubio and P. Baert. London: Routledge, pp. 1-11.

- Baert, P. (2011a) The sudden rise of French existentialism: A case-study in the sociology of intellectual life. In: Theory and Society 40 5, pp. 619-644.

- Baert, P. (2011b) Jean-Paul Sartre’s positioning in Anti-Semite and Jew. In: Journal of Classical Sociology 11 4, pp. 378-397.

- Baert, P. (2011c) ‘The power struggles of French intellectuals at the end of the Second World War: A study in the sociology of ideas.’ In: European Journal of Social Theory 14 4, pp. 415-435.

-Baert, P. (2011d) ‘Neopragmatism and phenomenology: a proposal.’ In: European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 3 2, 24-40. Reprinted in: American Pragmatism and Organization Studies, eds. Mihaela Kelemen and Nick Rumens. Aldershot: Gower.

- Baert, P., D. Weinberg and V.Mottier (2011) ‘Social Constructionism, postmodernism and deconstruction.’ In: Sage Handbook of the Philosophy of Social Sciences, eds. J. Zamora and I. Jarvie. London: Sage, pp. 475-486.

- Baert, P. and J.Isaac (2011) ‘Intellectuals and society: sociological and historical perspectives.’ In: Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory, eds. G. Delanty and S. Turner. London: Routledge, pp. 200-211.

- Baert, P., H. Jeronimo and A. Shipman (2010) ‘Social sciences and the democratic ideal: from technocracy to dialogue’. In: The Social Sciences and Democracy, ed. J. Van Bouwel. London: Palgrave, pp. 22-50.

- Baert, P. and Koniordos (2010) ‘Introduction’. In: Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society, eds. P. Baert et al. London: Routledge.

- Baert, P. (2009a) ‘A neo-pragmatist agenda for social research; integrating Levinas, Gadamer and Mead’. In: Pragmatism in International Relations, eds. H.Bauer and E.Brighi. London: Routledge, pp. 44-62.

- Baert, P. (2009b) ‘Research with a purpose; A reply to my critics.’ In: Human Studies 32 (2), pp. 391-400.

- Baert, P. and F. Dominguez Rubio (2009) 'Philosophy of the Social Sciences.' In: Blackwell Companion to Social Theory, ed. B.S. Turner. Oxford: Blackwell / John Wiley & Sons, pp. 60-80.

- Baert, P. (2008a) ‘Pragmatism misunderstood; a reply to Peter Manicas.’ In: Journal of Critical Realism 7 2, pp. 72-82. (part of an issue of the journal devoted to a critical exchange between P.Manicas and myself)

- Baert, P. (2008b) ‘Unreal promises; on the limits of realist philosophy of social science.’ In: Journal of Critical Realism 7 2, pp. 83-91. (part of critical exchange with P.Manicas)

- Baert, P. (2008c) ‘Realism revised: a reply to Peter Manicas’ reply.’ In: Journal of Critical Realism 7, 2, pp. 94-101. (part of critical exchange with P.Manicas)

- Baert, P. (2007a) ‘Contextualising Max Weber.’ In: International Sociology Review of Books 22 2, pp. 19-28.

- Baert, P. (2007c) ‘Why Study the Social.’ In: Pragmatism and European Social Theory, eds. P. Baert and B.S Turner. Oxford: Bardwell Press, pp. 45-68.

- Baert, P. (2007c) ‘Jürgen Habemas.’ In: Fifty Key Sociologists; The Contemporary Theorists, ed. J. Scott. London: Routledge, pp. 126-131.

贝尔特,帕特里克 (2007d) “走向一种由实用主义所激发的社会科学哲学”《天津社会科学》 第二期,第24-32页。(Chinese translation of Baert 2005b)

贝尔特,帕特里克 & 阿兰·希普曼 (2007e)“重围之下的大学 ——当代学术领域中的信任和责任制。”《大学·研究与评价》 2月, 第66-76页。(Chinese translation of Baert and Shipman 2005)

贝尔特,帕特里克 (2007f)“作为一种社会科学哲学的实用主义。”《浙江社会科学》 第一期,第134-140页 (Chinese translation of Baert 2004)


- Baert, P. and B.S. Turner (2007b) ‘Introduction.’ In: Pragmatism and European Social Theory, eds. P. Baert and B.S Turner. Oxford: Bardwell Press, pp. 7-16.

- Baert, P. (2006a) The Relationship between Social Theory and Empirical Research.’ In: The International Journal of the Humanities volume 3, nr 8, pp. 265-276.

- Baert, P. (2006b) ‘Social Theory and the Social Sciences.’ In: Handbook of Contemporary European Social Theory, ed. G. Delanty. London: Routledge, pp. 14-24.

- Baert, P. (2005b) ‘Towards a Pragmatist-Inspired Philosophy of Social Science.’ In: Acta Sociologica volume 48, issue 3, pp. 191-203. (also translated into Chinese)

- Baert, P. and Alan Shipman (2005a) ‘University under Siege? Trust and Accountability in the Contemporary Academy.’ In: European Societies volume 7, issue 1, pp. 157-185. (also translated into Chinese; being translated into Spanish)

- Baert, P. & Shipman, A. (2005b), “To πανεπιστήμιο σε πολιορκία;”, στο Δ. Γράβαρης & Νίκος Παπαδάκης (επιμ.), Εκπαίδευση και Εκπαιδευτική Πολιτική μεταξύ Κράτους και Αγοράς. Αθήνα: Σαββάλας, pp.253- 287. (in Greek. Reprint of Baert and Shipman 2003.)

- Baert, P. and B.S. Turner (2004) ‘New Pragmatism and Old Europe;

Introduction to the Debate between Pragmatist Philosophy and European Social and Political Theory.’ In: European Journal of Social Theory volume 7, issue 3, pp.267-274.

- Baert, P. (2004) ‘Pragmatism as a Philosophy of Social Science.’ In: European Journal of Social Theory volume 7, issue 3, pp. 355-370. (also translated into Chinese)

- Baert, P. και Shipman, A. (2003) ‘To πανεπιστήμιο σε πολιορκία; Εμπιστοσύνη και απόδοση λόγου στη σύγχρονη ακαδημαϊκή κοινότητα’ στο Ν. Ε. Παπαδάκης (επιμ.) 2003. Κράτος, Κοινωνία, Αγορά και Πολιτικές στην Εκπαίδευση, (Αθήνα: Τμήμα Πολιτικής Επιστήμης Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης και Εκδόσεις Σαββάλα), pp. 112-146. (in Greek)

- Baert, P. (2003a) 'Pragmatism versus Sociological Hermeneutics'. In: Current Perspectives in Social Theory volume 22, 2003, pp. 351-367.

- Baert, P. (2003b) 'Realism, Pragmatism, Hermeneutics'. In: Foundations of Science volume 8, issue1, pp. 89-106.

- Baert, P. (2003c) 'Time'. In: Blackwell Dictionary to Social Thought, 2nd edition, ed. W. Outhwaite. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 693-698.

- Baert, P. (2002) 'Richard Rorty's Pragmatism and the Social Sciences'. In: History of the Human Sciences, vol 5, issue 1, pp.139-149.

- Baert, P. (2001a) 'Pragmatismo e critica sociale'. In: Quaderni di Teoria Sociale nr 1, pp. 75-89. (in Italian)

- Baert, P. (2001b) 'Jürgen Habermas'. In: Profiles in Social Theory, eds. A.Elliott & B.S. Turner. London: Sage, pp. 84-93.

- Baert, P. (2000b) 'Time in Social Theory'. In: Time in Contemporary Intellectual Thought, ed. P.Baert. Oxford/New York: Elsevier, pp. 203-230.

- Baert, P. (2000c) 'The End of Prophecy; A Reply to Pryor'. In: The American Journal of Economics and Sociology volume 59, issue1, pp. 65-69.

- Baert, P. and A.Shipman (2000), 'Introducing Time'. In: Time in Contemporary Intellectual Thought, ed. P.Baert. Oxford/New York: Elsevier, 2000, ix-xvii.

- Shipman, A. and P.Baert (2000), 'A Time whose Idea has Come; Towards a Conclusion'. In: Time in Modern Intellectual Thought, ed. P.Baert. Oxford/New York: Elsevier, 2000, pp. 315-329.

- Jones, S., Baert, P., Fischer, K. and J.Gershuny (2000), ‘A Multinational Longitudinal Time-Use Data Archive’. In: Gershuny, J. Changing Times; Work and Leisure in Postindustrial Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 270-288.

- Baert, P. (1999a) 'A Critique of Realist Philosophy of Science'. In: Einstein meets Magritte; Social and Cultural Studies of the Sciences, eds. D.Aerts et. al. New York / Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 53-62.

- Baert, P. (1999b) 'Self-referential Knowledge Acquistion: The Case of Foucault's History of the Present'. In: Einstein meets Magritte; Science and Art, eds. D.Aerts et. al. New York / Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 49-58.

- Baert, P. (1998b) 'Foucault's History of the Present as Self-Referential Knowledge Acquistion'. In: Philosophy and Social Criticism 24(6) November, pp. 111-126.

- Baert, P. (1997), 'Algumas Limitacoes das Explicacoes da Escolha Racional na Ciencia Politica e na Sociologia. In: Revista Brasilieira de Ciencias Sociais 12, 35, pp. 63-74. (in Portuguese)

- Baert, P. (1996) 'Realism as a Philosophy of Social Sciences and Economics: a Critical Evaluation'. In: Cambridge Journal of Economics, 20, issue 3, September, pp. 513-522.

- Baert, P. (1995a), 'Pour une sociologie de la création'. In: Revue de l'Institut de sociologie 3/4, pp. 147-160. (in French)

- Baert, P., (1995b) 'Realismo Critico e ciêcias sociais'. In: Dados 2, 32, pp. 277-290. (in Portuguese)

- Baert, P. (1993a), 'Le temps et la societé'. In: Structuration du social et modernité; Autour des travaux d'Anthony Giddens, eds. M.Audet and H. Bouchikhi. Sainte-Foy: Presses Université Laval, pp. 183-197. (in French)

- Baert, P. (1992b), 'Time, Reflectivity and Social Action'. In: International Sociology, Vol. 7, 3, Sep, pp. 317-327.

- Baert, P., (1991) 'Unintended Consequences: A Typology with an Application'. In: International Sociology, Vol.6, 2, June, pp.201-210.

- Baert, P. (1990) Towards a Temporalised Sociology; Time and Knowledge in sociological Theory, with Special Reference to George Herbert Mead, doctoral dissertation, Oxford.

- Baert, P.J.N. (1989), 'The Creation of an Invented Future; An Inquiry into G.H. Mead's Relatively-Open Future with Special Reference to Sociological Theory'. In: International Philosophical Quarterly, 3, 115, September, pp. 319-338.

- Baert, P., and J. De Schampheleire (1988), 'Autopoiesis, Self-Organization and Symbolic Interactionism'. In: Kybernetes: The International Journal of Cybernetics and System Theory, 1, pp.60-69.

- Baert, P., J. De Schampheleire and C. Cuypers (1987), 'The Silent Force of the Screen; Pilot-Survey on the Impact of Micro-Electronics on Work Autonomy'. In: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems; The International Journal for Computer and Telecommunications, 14, pp. 267-270.

- Baert, P. (1985), 'De blinde roerganger en zijn deemoedige dienaar; Een essay omtrent beleid en technologisch effectenonderzoek'. In: Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 5, 1/2, pp. 61-74. (in Dutch)

- Elchardus, M., and P. Baert (1983), 'Redeneringsvermogen, liefdesdrang en statusdrift'. In: Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 4, 3, pp. 277-319. (in Dutch)

D. Reports:

- Gershuny, J., with S.Jones and P.Baert (1993), Changing Times, Report to the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin, November 1993.

- Elchardus, M., P. Baert, K. De Schouwer, Scheys, M. and H. Van den Bussche (1985), Vlamingen en. de Derde Wereld, Vrije Universiteit Brussel/NCOS, Brussels. (in Dutch)

E. Small entries to encyclopedias:

- Baert, P. (2006c) ‘Raymond Aron.’ In: Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, ed. B. Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 22.

- Baert, P. (2006d) ‘Epistemology.’ In: Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, ed. B. Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 171.

- Baert, P. (2006e) ‘Explanation.’ In: Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, ed. B. Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 185-187.

- Baert, P. (2006f) ‘Paul Feyerabend.’ In: Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, ed. B. Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 204.

- Baert, P. (2006g) ‘Hans-Georg Gadamer.’ In: Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, ed. B. Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 222.

- Baert, P. (2006h) ‘Jurgen Habermas.’ In: Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, ed. B. Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 258-259.

- Baert, P. (2006i) ‘Niklas Luhmann.’ In: Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, ed. B. Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 343.

- Baert, P. (2006j) ‘Phenomenology.’ In: Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, ed. B. Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 438-439.

- Baert, P. (2006k) ‘Philosophy of the Social Sciences.’ In: Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, ed. B. Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 440.

- Baert, P. (2006l) ‘Time.’ In: Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, ed. B. Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 629-630.

- Baert, P. (2006m) ‘Ethnomethodology.’ In: Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory, eds. A.Harrington, H-P. Muller, B. Marshall. London: Routledge, pp. 180-181.

- Baert, P. (2006n) ‘Dramaturgical school.’ In: Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory, eds. A.Harrington, H-P. Muller, B. Marshall. London: Routledge, pp. 149-150.

- Baert, P. (2006o) ‘Harold Garfinkel.’ In: Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory, eds. A.Harrington, H-P. Muller, B. Marshall. London: Routledge, pp. 216-217.

- Baert, P. (2006p) ‘Erving Goffman.’ In: Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory, eds. A.Harrington, H-P. Muller, B. Marshall. London: Routledge, pp. 231-232.

- Baert, P. (2006q) ‘Pragmatism.’ In: Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory, eds. A.Harrington, H-P. Muller, B. Marshall. London: Routledge, pp. 462-463.

- Baert, P. (2006r) ‘Role.’ In: Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory, eds. A.Harrington, H-P. Muller, B. Marshall. London: Routledge, pp. 524-526.

- Baert, P. (2006s) ‘Time.’ In: Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory, eds. A.Harrington, H-P. Muller, B. Marshall. London: Routledge, pp. 625-627.

- Baert, P. (1998c) 'Pierre Bourdieu'. In: Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. E. Craig. London: Routledge, pp. 848-850.

E. Book reviews:

- Baert, P. (1998d) 'Book Review: Macnaghten and Urry's Contested Natures'. In: Times Higher Education Supplement 6 November.

- Baert, P. (1998e) 'Book Review: Mohr's Causes of Human Behavior'. In: British Journal of Sociology 49 1 March.

- Baert, P. (1998f) 'Book Review: Fay's Contemporary Philosophy of Social Science'. In: British Journal of Sociology 49 1 March.

- Baert, P. (1994) 'Book Review: David Harris' From Class Structure to the Politics of Pleasure: The Effects of Gramscianism on Cultural Studies'. In: Sociological Review.

- Baert, P., (1993b) 'Clever Money'. In: Times Higher Education Supplement, 3 Dec 1993.

- Baert, P. (1986) 'Omtrent Joas's G.H. Mead: A Contemporary Re-Examination'. In: Tijdschrift voor sociologie, 7,4, pp. 754-758. (in Dutch)

- Baert, P. (1983) 'Omtrent Nys and Uyttebrouck's Micro-Electronica in de Vlaamse Industrie: een survey'. In: Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 4,4. (in Dutch)

F. Other publications:

- Baert, P. (2005c) ‘Letter from Europe.’ In: Perspectives (Newsletter of the theory section of the American Sociological Association). March 28 1, pp. 4-7. See also: or

II. Conferences organised

-Organiser of ‘Intellectuals and Politics: Historical and sociological perspectives.’ Bi-lingual conference with Sciences Po, held at Selwyn College, Cambridge, 31 May 2019.

-Co-organiser (with Kate Williams) of the mid-term conference of the research committee on social theory (rc16) of the International Sociological Association – Cambridge. 27-29 June 2016.

-Co-organiser (with John Hall and Shana Cohen) of ‘Jewish Conditions, Theories of Nationalism’ – Cambridge, 20 May 2016.

- Co-organiser of ‘The Drama of Intellectual Life: Performativity in the Study of Ideas’ CRASSH - Cambridge, 29-30 May 2015.

- Member of the organizing committee of conference ‘Knowledge and Society’ European Sociological Association-Social Theory Conference (Madrid, 2006)

- Co-organiser of ‘What is Theory for? On the Relationship between Theory and Empirical Research’. Organised in conjunction with the Social Theory Network of the European Sociological Association, September 2004.

- Co-organiser of ‘Changing Society, Changing Knowledge’. Organised in conjunction with the British Academy and CRASSH of Cambridge University, Selwyn College Cambridge, January 2003.

- Main organiser of 'Sources of Critical Theory'. Organised in conjunction with Research Committee 16 (Social Theory) of the International Sociological Association, Peterhouse Cambridge, September 2000.


III. Invited papers

A. Plenary talks and main events:

-plenary talk at the opening of the Centre for Social Theory, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 16 October 2018.

-meet the author session around The Dark Side of Podemos (Routledge, 2018), Gothenborg, 9 May 2018.

-main invited talk on ‘The rise of populism’ at College of Management of South West Minzi University, Chendhu, China, 23 May 2017.

-plenary talk at ‘Writers as Public Intellectuals’, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2 June 2016.

-meet the author session around The Existentialist Moment, conference by the European Sociological Association, Prague, 28 August 2015.

-meet the author session around The Existentialist Moment, conference by the International Social Theory Consortium, Cambridge, 19 June 2015.

-plenary talk at the ‘Grand Opening’ of the Social Theory Centre, Sociology Department, University of Copenhagen, 11 June 2015.

-plenary talk at the 2014 conference of the ‘European Association for the Social Studies of Science’, Torun, 17-19 September 2014.

-plenary talk at ‘Intellectual History vis-à-vis the Sociology of Knowledge’, Moscow, 28-30 August 2014.

- invited talk at ‘Public Intellectualism in Comparative Context: Different Countries, Different Disciplines’, annual conference of the Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Notre Dame, 22-24 April 2013.

- author-meets-critics session around ‘Baert, P. and F. Carreira da Silva, Social Theory in the Twentieth Century and Beyond (Polity Press)’, Conference of the European Sociological Association, Geneva, 10 November 2011..

- plenary talk at the ‘Conference on the Philosophy of the Social Sciences’, Copenhagen, 25/26 August 2011.

- plenary talk at the conference ‘Intellectuals and Public Spheres’, Universitair Centrum Sint-Ignatius, Antwerp, 25 March 2011.

- plenary talk at the ‘International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences’, August 2010, 3 August 2010.

- plenary talk at the International Conference on Science in Society at Murray Edwards College, Cambridge, 5 August 2009.

- plenary talk at the Quadrangular Conference in Technology, Organizations and Society, Judge Business School, Cambridge, 3 June 2009.

- plenary talk at the Sixth Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Istanbul, Turkey, 15 July 2008.

- author-meets-critics session around ‘Baert, P. Philosophy of the Social Sciences: Towards Pragmatism (Polity Press)’. Organized by the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy. American Philosophical Association, San Francisco, 6 April 2007.


- plenary talk at the ‘Social Sciences and Democracy’ Congress, University of Ghent, Belgium, 28-30 September 2006.

- plenary talk at the ‘International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences’, University of Aegean, Island of Rhodes, Greece, 18-21 July 2006.

- plenary talk at ‘New Philosophy of the Social Sciences’, IX Summer School of Economics and Philosophy, San Sebastian, Spain, 10-14 July 2006.

- plenary talk at the 2005 Humanities Conference; The Third International Conference on New Directions in Humanities (Theme: ‘The Humanities in a Knowledge Society’) at Cambridge, UK, 2-5 August 2005.

- plenary talk at the 2004 annual conference of the Finnish Sociological Association, Jyvaskyla, Finland, March 2004.

B. Other talks (selection):

- ‘Intellectuals in pursuit of populism: a historical perspective’, XIX World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, Canada, 19 July 2018.

- ‘Intellectuals and Politics’, Sciences Po, Paris, 19 February 2018.

- ‘Existentialism in context’, University of Gothenburg, 27 November 2017.

- Seminar around positioning theory, University of Gothenburg, 27 November 2017.

- ‘Positioning Theory and Performativity’, Conference ‘Practice, Practices, and Pragmatism’, Aarhus University (Copenhagen Campus) 8 September 2017.

- ‘Rise and Fall of Sartre’, Philosophy Department of the Copenhagen Business School, 7 April 2017.

- ‘Jean-Paul Sartre and existentialism in post-war Europe’, Anglo-Belgian Society, St Gabriel’s Church, Warwick Square, 27 February 2017.

- Talk at “The institutionalisation and the internationalisation of the Social Sciences and Humanities”, Final Conference of the European Project INTERCO-SSH, 23-25 February 2017. -‘reviewer meets reviewed’ session with Prof Nigel Rapport, British Museum, 16 February 2017.

- discussion with William Outhwaite about my book The Existentialist Moment, Sociology Department, University of Sussex, 12 September 2016.

- ‘Biographies and the sociology of the future’, paper presented at: International Sociological Association, 3rd ISA Forum, Vienna, Common Session: The futures we want: Global sociology and the sociology of the future. 11 July 2016.

- ‘Talk on Sartre’, Alliance Française Cambridge, 7 May 2016.

- ‘Talk on Sartre’, Alliance Française Cambridge, 3 October 2015.

- ‘The existentialist moment; Sartre’s rise as a public intellectual’, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, 27 March 2015.

- Speaker, Annual Festival of ‘Battle of Ideas’, Barbican, London, 19 October 2014.

- ‘Sartre’s Rise and Fall’, paper presented at the University of Cape Town, 13 December 2013.

- ‘Changing visions of bureaucracies’, paper presented at ‘The Modern State: What Reforms?’ European Public Law Organization, Sourio, Greece, 27 July 2012.

- ‘Positioning theory and intellectual interventions’, paper presented at ‘Cultures and Civilization in the Contemporary World’ (conference by research committee 16 ‘sociological theory’ of the International Sociological Association), Trento, Italy, 27-29 June 2012.

- ‘The rise of Sartre and existentialism’, paper presented at the Philosophy Department at the University of Vienna, 15 May 2012.

- ‘The power struggle of French intellectuals at the end of the Second World War: A case-study in the sociology of ideas and cultural trauma,’ paper presented at the Conference of the European Sociological Association, Geneva, 9 September 2011.

- ‘Sartre’s rise to prominence’, paper presented at the Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix Namur, 25 February 2011.

- ‘Transformation of the intellectual’, paper presented at the Sociology Department, University of Leicester. 23 February 2011.

- ’The rise of Sartre and existentialism’, paper presented at the Sociology Department, University of Cambridge, 15 February 2011.

- ‘Sartre’s public performances’, paper presented at the International Sociological Association, Gothenburg, 12 July 2010.

- ‘The rise of French existentialism: a study in the sociology of intellectual movements’, paper presented at the meeting of the European Sociological Association, Lisbon, 2-5 September 2009.

- ‘Science and democracy: from technocracy to dialogue’, paper presented at the meeting of the European Sociological Association, Lisbon, 2-5 September 2009.

- ‘French existentialism as a political and intellectual movement’, talk at Cambridge Alumni week-end, Cambridge, 27 September 2008.

- Graduate class on ‘philosophy of social science and pragmatism’ at Brown University, February 2008.

- ‘Why should we study the social world?’, plenary at Cambridge in America (alumni organization), New York, December 2007.

- Discussant (and chair) for a panel around Jeffrey Alexander’s The Civil Sphere, Glasgow, UK, September 2007.

- ‘Phenomenology and pragmatism’, paper presented at a conference on phenomenology and the social sciences at the University of Liege, Belgium, May 2007.

- ‘Philosophy of social science and pragmatism’, paper presented at the University of Cape Town, South-Africa, September 2006.

- ‘Knowledge as dialogue’, paper presented at the World Congress of Sociology, Durban, South-Africa, July 2006.

- ‘Trust and accountability in the contemporary academy’, paper presented at the Université de Provence Aix-en-Provence, France, May 2005.

- Presentation at workshop around Baert, P. Philosophy of the Social Sciences: Towards Pragmatism (Cambridge: Polity Press), Université de Provence Aix-en-Provence, France, May 2005.

- ‘Pragmatism and hermeneutics – a new proposal’, paper presented at the Philosophy of Social Science Workshop, Cambridge, April 2006.

- Presentation at workshop around Baert, P. Philosophy of the Social Sciences: Towards Pragmatism (Cambridge: Polity Press). Theory in Archaeology Group, Cambridge, February 2006.

-‘A pragmatist philosophy of social science’, paper presented at the Workshop on Critical Realism and Economics, Cambridge, February 2006.

- ‘Social Theory and Empirical Research: Uneasy Bedfellows’, paper presented at the European Sociological Association in Torun, Poland, September 2005.

- ‘New pragmatism and old Europe’, paper presented at the University of Sussex, February 2005.

- ‘Sociology for what?’, paper presented at the University of Warwick, January 2005.

- ‘Pragmatism as self–referential knowledge’, paper presented at ‘What is Social Theory for?’ ESA-theory conference, Paris, September 2004.

- ‘Pragmatism as a philosophy of social science’, paper presented at the biannual meeting of the European Sociological Association, Murcia, September 2003.

- ‘Richard Rorty as a philosopher of social science’, paper presented at the University of Sussex, June 2003.

- ‘University under Siege?’, paper presented at ‘University and Politics’, organised by Department of Politics and Rectory of the University of Crete, May 2003.

- ‘Contemporary themes in philosophy of social sciences’, paper presented at the University of Paris IV (Sorbonne), May 2003.

- ‘Rorty philosophe des sciences sociales’, paper presented at the University of Paris IV (Sorbonne), May 2003.

- ‘Popper as a philosopher of the social sciences’, paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Consortium for Social Theory, Dubrovnik, July 2002.

- 'Rorty and philosophy of social science', paper presented at the Universiteit of Gent, March 2002.

- Discussant in 'Erklären et Verstehen', Université Libre de Bruxelles, March 2002.

- Discussant in 'La Théorie sociale en Amérique Latine', Université de Paris III, Paris, February 2002.

- 'Pragmatism as a philosophy of social science', paper presented at the biannual conference of the European Sociological Association, Helsinki, August 2001.

- 'Pragmatism and philosophy of social sciences', paper presented at the annual conference of the Consortium for Social Theory, Brighton, July 2001.

- 'Pragmatism and social sciences', paper presented at the 'Social Theory Workshop' of the Social Theory Research Committee of the ESA, Copenhagen, December 2000.

- 'Pragmatism versus sociological hermeneutics', paper presented at the 'Sources of Critical Theory', Cambridge, September 2000.

- 'Complexity and Social Evolution', paper presented at the American Sociological Association, Washington, August 2000.

- 'Complexity and Europe', paper co-authored with Alan Shipman, and presented by AS at the European Sociological Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 1999.

- 'Aims and Philosophy of the Social Sciences', paper presented at the World Congress of Mulla Sadra, Tehran, Iran, May 1999.

- 'History of the Present', paper presented at the University of Exeter, February 1999.

- 'Rise and Fall of Economic Man', paper presented at the London School of Economics, February 1999.

- 'Rise and Fall of Economic Man', paper presented at the University of Sussex, January 1999.

- Chair of session on globalisation at 'Work, Employment and Society', Cambridge, September 1998.

- 'Rational choice theory; an Assessment', paper presented at the World Congress of Sociology, Montreal, Canada, July-August 1998.

- ‘Foucault’s notion of history’, paper presented at the University of Concepcion, Chile, September 1997.

- 'Time and G.H. Mead', paper presented at 'Time and Value', Lancaster, March 1997.

- 'Foucault's History of the Present', paper presented at the University of Sussex, February 1997.

- 'Time and Self', paper presented at 'Future Generations', University of Cambridge, November 1996.

- 'A Critique of Realism' and 'Art and Understanding in the Social Sciences', two papers presented at 'Einstein meets Magritte', Free University of Brussels, May/June 1995.

- 'Critical Realism and the Social Sciences: Three Problems', paper presented at 'the First International Workshop on the Methodology of Economics', Cambridge, UK, September 1994.

- 'Foucault's history of the Present', paper presented at the World Congress Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany, July 1994.

- Discussant at 'First Master-course of the University of Bamberg - the Re-surgence of Time', University of Bamberg, Germany, July 1993.

- ‘The philosophical dimensions of post-modernism', paper presented at 'Canada; the First Post-modern State?', Worcester College, Oxford, April 1993.

- 'Time and Social Being: Structuration Theory vs a New Alternative', paper presented at 'Structuration du social et modernite, autour des travaux d'Anthony Giddens', Cerisy-la Salle, France, July 1991.

- 'Unintended Consequences, (un) awareness and (re) production', paper presented at the Annual Conference of the British Sociological Association, Plymouth, March 1989.

- 'Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Interactionism' Conference, paper presented with J. De Schampheleire at Communication and Cognition; Applied Epistemology, Ghent, Belgium, December 1987.

- 'The Silent Force of the Screen; Pilot-Survey on the Impact of Micro-Electronics on work autonomy', paper presented at the Internaitonal Conference on Communication and Data-communication, Nivelles, Belgium, May 1987.

- ‘The Loss of a Sociological Future; Technology - assessment as an Illustration of a negative-technical Orientated Research', paper presented at the International Conference on Communication and Data Communication, Nivelles, Belgium, May 1987.

- 'Autopoiesis, Self-Organization and Symbolic Interactionism', paper presented with J. De Schampheleire a New Cybernetics, Brussels, Belgium, May 21-23, 1987; and at the Special European Conference of the American Society for Cybernetics, St Gallen, Switzerland, March 1987.

- 'The Creation of an Invented Future; An Inquiry into G.H. Mead's Relatively-Open Future with Special Reference to Sociological Theory', paper presented at the Special European Conference of the American Society for Cybernetics, St Gallen, Switzerland, March 15-19, 1987.

IV. PhD students

- Ehab Shanti: Public intellectuals and digital technologies (2019-).

- Zeina Al Azmeh: Syrian intellectuals in exile (2017-).

- Mareike Zobel: Environmental documentaries (2017-).

- Dr Jana Bacevic: Intellectuals, universities and neo-liberalism in the UK (2015-).

- Eliran Bar-El: Slavoj Zizek as a sociological phenomenon (2015-).

- Linzhi Zhang: modern art in China (successfully defended in 2018).

- Yesim Yildiz: The politics of memory and the Kurdish question (successfully defended in 2018).

- Marcos Jose Hernando Gonzales: Think tanks and neo-liberalism in the era of austerity (successfully defended in 2017).

- Rin Ushiyama: The movement of Aum Shinrikyo and its media reporting (successfully defended in 2017).

- Kate Williams: a sociological study of development studies, comparing Australia and the UK (successfully defended in 2016).

- Jordan Tchilingirian: think thanks in the UK (successfully defended in 2016).

- Josh Booth: critical theory and actor network theory (successfully defended in 2016).

- Xiao Mei on: Memories of the Cultural Revolution (successfully defended in 2015) .

- Jens Justinussen on: Time and Economic Development in the Faroe Islands (successfully defended in 2013).

- Lois Lee on: Secular Identity (successfully defended in 2012).

- Leandro Rodriguez Medina on: Sociology of Political Science in Argentina (successfully defended in 2010).

- Fernando Dominguez Rubio on: Actor-Network Theory and Sociology of Art (successfully defended in 2008).

- Helena Jeronimo on: Science and Waste Management in Portugal (successfully defended in 2007).

- Filipe da Silva on: G.H. Mead as a Sociological Classic (successfully defended in 2003).

- Nigel Pleasants on: Wittgenstein and Social Theory (successfully defended in 1997).

- Gary Boucock on: Max Weber and Law (successfully defended in 1996).

V. Other professional activities

External Examiner for Exeter University, Open University (UK) and Anglia Ruskin University; External Assessor University of Jyvaskyla; Member of Expert Panel of the National Fund for Scientific Research Belgium; External Assessor Academy of Finland; External Assessor for the Danish Council for Independent Research; External expert for the Research Council of Norway; External Inspector of Higher Education, Croatia; External assessor for the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (Sweden); External assessor for the Economic and Social Research Council; PhD Examining for various universities including the University of Paris Sorbonne, University of Ghent, the University of Liege/EHESS (Paris), the University of Sussex, the London School of Economics and the University of Cambridge; Advisory Board for PhD, Ghent University and Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix Namur; Refereeing for various journals including the American Journal of Sociology, the British Journal of Sociology, Theory, Culture and Society, the European Journal of Social Theory, Philosophy of the Social Sciences and the Cambridge Journal of Economics.

VI. Media

-BBC radio 3, Free thinking, Thursday 9 July 2015, 10pm-10:45pm.

-Battle of Ideas, Barbican, Sunday 19 October 2014, 4pm-5:15pm.


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