Western Kentucky University

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHNAMEJohn B. White, PhDPOSITION TITLEProfessoreRA COMMONS USER NAME EDUCATION/TRAINING INSTITUTION AND LOCATIONDEGREE(if applicable)MM/YYFIELD OF STUDYMarshall University, Huntington, WVBA08/86PsychologyMorehead State University, Morehead, KYMA05/88Clinical PsychologyUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham, ALPhD05/95Administration – Health ServicesA. Personal StatementThe goal of the proposed research is to provide a description of policies and procedures in healthcare facilities within the state of Kentucky. Spefically, we will use the Qualtrics survey engine to provide the backend survey software while students interview administrators or their designates regarding policies about illicit drug use by residents. I have extensive experience in using software to drive survey research and the experience necessary to guide students as researchers. Since coming to Western I have served as a methodologist on multiple research projects within the University, most of which have dealt with illicit drug use. One of the first collaborations at Western was with Dr. Nicholson and Dr. Duncan on DRUGNET which was the first online cross-panel survey of “successful” drug users using the Internet. To date, it remains the largest single study of illicit drug users who have not been incarcerated or recruited through drug treatment facilities. To date I have coauthored 16 peer reviewed articles dealing with substance use and abuse. Most of these are data based publication. B. Positions and HonorsPositions and Employment1993-2001Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health, Western Kentucky University 2001-2011 Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, Western Kentucky University2011-Professor, Department of Public Health, Western Kentucky UniversityOther Experience and Professional MembershipsMember, Medical Group Management Association (MGMA)Member, Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA)Member, Association of University Programs in Healthcare Administration (AUPHA)Member, National Association for Public Health Policy (NAPHP)Member, Kentucky Public Health Association (KPHA)Member, Council on Illicit DrugsPast-Member, American Public Health Association (APHA)Past Member, Bluegrass Chapter of HIMMS Past Member, American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)Past Member, HIMMSHonorsNominated for CHHS Faculty Service Award (2006)Nominated for Ogden College Faculty Service Award (1998)Best Paper Award. (1996). National Rural Health Association, Minneapolis, MN.Received competitive award for Grant Writing Seminar (summer, 1995)Best Paper Award. (1993, August).The American College of Healthcare Executives and the Academy of Management Health Care Administration Division, Atlanta, GA.C. Selected Peer-reviewed Publications (Selected from 27 peer-reviewed publications)Most relevant to the current application1.White, JB, Duncan, DF, Burr-Bradley, D., Bonaguro, J. (In Press). Generational shift and drug abuse in the aged. Manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences.2.Duncan, D., Nicholson, T., White, J., Burr-Bradley, D. and Bonaguro, J. The Baby Boomer Effect: Changing Patterns of Substance Abuse Among Adults Ages 55 and Over. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, Vol. 22, July-September 2010, p. 237-247.3.Duncan, D., Nicholson, T., White, J., Burr-Bradley, D. and Bonaguro, J. (2010) The Baby Boomer Effect: Changing Patterns of Substance Abuse Among Adults Ages 55 and Over. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 22, 237-248.4.Nicholson T, Duncan D, and White J. (2002), Is recreational drug use normal? Journal of Substance Use, 7(3), 116-123.5.Duncan D, White J and Nicholson T. (2002). Using internet-based surveys to reach the hidden population of non-abusive illicit drug users.American Journal of Health Behavior, 27(3), 208-218.6.White, JB., Nicholson, T., Minors, P., & Duncan, D. (2001). A demographic profile of employed users of illicit drugs. In Rahim, M. & Gomlembiewski, R. (Eds) Current Topics In Management, 6, 353-370.Additional recent publications of importance to the field 1.Nicholson, T., Duncan, D., White, J. and Watkins, C. (Forthcoming) Focusing on Addictive Disorders Rather than Drug Use. In Giordano J. and Hail-Flaun D. (Eds.) Substance Abuse: From Spectrum Disorder to Social Issues, Linton Atlantic Press, Nashville, TN and Oxford UK.2.Watkins, CM, White, J, Duncan, DF, Wyant, DK, Nicholson, T, Khubchanddani, J, and Lakshminarayana, C (2010, September). Consumer-directed health insurance vs. managed care.Research in the Sociology of Health Care, 28, 197-214.3.Kerby, Molly, Wilson, Richard, Nicholson, Thomas, & White, John B. (2005) Substance use and social identity in the lesbian community. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 9(3), 45-56.4.Chilakapati V, Duncan D, Nicholson T, White J and Lindley L. (2003). A case control analysis of felony convictions among recreational drug users. Psychological Reports, 93, 365-370.5.Nicholson, T.J., White, J., Cline, R., Minors, P., & Duncan, D. (2001). Parents who report using illicit drugs: Findings and implications from the DRUGNET study. Psychological Reports, 88, 245-251.6.Reneau, J., Nicholson, T., White, J. B., Duncan, D. (2000) The general well-being of recreational drug users: a survey on the WWW. International Journal of Drug Policy, 11, 315-323.7.Nicholson, T., White, J., & Duncan, D. (2000, March). Internet survey offers profile of recreational drug users (Abstracted Article). In Data - The Brown University Digest of Addiction, Theory, & Application, 19(3), 1, 6-7.8.Nicholson, T., Duncan, D., White J. B. (1999). A survey of adult recreational drug use via the WWW.Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 31(4), 415-422. ................

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