NAVORSINGSVERSLAG 2005 - Stellenbosch University



ENGELBRECHT AS, CHAMBERLAIN L. The influence of transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behaviour through justice and trust. Management Dynamics: Contemporary Research Journal of the Southern Africa Institute for Management Scientist/Bestuursdinamika: Kontemporere Navorsing Tydskryf Van Die Suider-Afrika Instituut Vir Bestuurwetenskaplikes 2005; 14: 2-13.

ENGELBRECHT AS, VAN ASWEGEN AS, THERON CC. The effect of ethical values on transformational leadership and ethical climate in organizations. South African Journal of Business Management 2005; 36(2): 19-26.

MOSTERT JH, ENGELBRECHT AS. Importance of human resource management for financial investment decision-making: An investment management perspective. South African Journal of Labour Relations 2005; 29(1): 4-25.

PIETERSEN FL, ENGELBRECHT AS. The strategic partnership role of senior human resource managers in South African organisations. Management Dynamics: Contemporary Research Journal of the Southern Africa Institute for Management Scientist/bestuursdinamika: Kontemporere Navorsing Tydskryf Van Die Suider-Afrika Instituut Vir Bestuurwetenskaplikes 2005; 14(4): 47-58.

SPANGENBERG HH, THERON CC. Promoting ethical follower behaviour through leadership of ethics: the development of the Ethical Leadership Inventory (ELI). South African Journal of Business Management 2005; 36(2): 1-18.

SPANGENBERG HH, THERON CC. Promoting ethical follower behaviour through leadership of ethics: The development of the ethical leadership inventory (ELI). South African Journal of Business Management 2005; 36(2): 18.

THERON CC, SPANGENBERG HH. Towards a comprehensive leadership-unit performance structural model: the development of second-order factors for the Leadership Behaviour Inventory (LBI). Management Dynamics: Contemporary Research Journal of the Southern Africa Institute for Management Scientist/Bestuursdinamika: Kontemporere Navorsing Tydskryf Van Die Suider-Afrika Instituut Vir Bestuurwetenskaplikes 2005; 14(1): 35-50.

TWIGGE L, THERON CC, STEEL HR, MEIRING D. A psychometric investigation into the use of an adaptation of the Ghiselli predictability index in personnel selection. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology/ Tydskrif vir Bedryfsielkunde 2005; 31(1): 18-30.


PAGE DC, COETZEE JF, EKERMANS G. Ergonomic audit of an anaesthesiology workstation. 35th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005: 6.


HOWARD R. A clarification of the use of multiple regression analysis in meeting the burden of proof in compensation discrimination litigation. MComm, 2005. 193 pp. Supervisor: Nel P, Theron CC.

NOBRIE M. The OPQ 32i (Occupational Personality Questionnaire 32 Version i) as a predictor of employee theft in a financial institution. MA, 2005. 139 pp. Supervisor: Nel P.

WALTERS C. The role of interpersonal justice perceptions of employees during a major organisational change due to a merger and acquisition. MA, 2005. 131 pp. Supervisor: Vos HD.


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