DCSD Instructional Planning ... - Mcnair Middle School

right-132715588009-119832DCSD Instructional Planning Instrument Focus on Teaching and LearningMcNair Middle School Weekly ComponentsTeacher:GravoletAugust 14-18 Unit 1 Week 2Course:Georgia StudiesUnit Name: GeographyPriority Standards:(content specific)SS8G1: DESCRIBE Georgia’s geography and climate.a. LOCATE Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and hemispheres.b. DISTINGUISH among the five geographic regions of Georgia in terms of location, climate, agriculture, and economic contributions.c. LOCATE key physical features of Georgia and EXPLAIN their importance; include the Fall Line, Okefenokee Swamp, Appalachian Mountains, Chattahoochee and Savannah Rivers, and barrier islands.d. ANALYZE the importance of water in Georgia’s historical development and economic growth. SS8E1: EXPLAIN how the four transportation systems (road, air water, and rail) of Georgia CONTRIBUTE to the development and growth of the state’s economy. a. EVALUATE the ways in which the Interstate Highway System, Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, deepwater ports, and railroads INTERACT to support the exchange of goods and services domestically and internationally.b. EXPLAIN how the four transportation systems PROVIDE jobs for Georgian’s.Supporting Standards:(content specific)SS8E2C: Evaluate the economic impact of various industries in Georgia including agricultural, entertainment, manufacturing, service and technology.SS8H12d: Analyze Georgia’s role in the national and global economy of the 21st Century, regarding tourism, Savannah port expansion, and the film industry.Non-Content Standards: ELAGSE8RI1: Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysisof what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.Learning Targets:SWBT – DESCRIBE Georgia’s geographical regions, features, and climate. DISTINGUISH Georgia’s five regions. LOCATE and EXPLAIN Georgia’s physical features. DESCRIBE how climate affects Georgia’s economy. CREATE AN ARGUMENT for which region is best to visit.Essential Question(s): 1. What are Georgia’s 5 geographic regions?2. What distinguishes Georgia’s 5 geographic regions?3. What are the main physical features in Georgia and where are they located?4. How does climate affect Georgia’s economy?5. What role does water play in Georgia’s growth?6. What role do Georgia’s transportation systems play in Georgia’s economy?Big Idea(s):The five geographic regions and their six physical features have impacted the development of Georgia by providing unique economic opportunities and the overall development of the state (i.e. environmental, natural resources).Academic Vocabulary:Compare, contrast, trace, outline, explain, describe, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, summarize, predict, locateRegion, Nation, Continent, Hemispheres, Blue Ridge Mountains, Ridge and Valley, Appalachian Plateau, Piedmont, Coastal Pain, Fall line, Okefenokee Swamp, Appalachian Mountains, Chattahoochee River, Savannah River, Barrier islands, Interstate Highway System, Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, Georgia’s deep-water ports, Cardinal directions, Intermediate directions, Map legends/key, Hurricane, Precipitation, Route, Natural Resources, Economics/EconomySTEM/STEAM/InterdisciplinaryIntegration:Engaging PerformanceScenario:Man, vs. Food is coming to Georgia! The producers of the show have chosen you as a location scout to explore Georgia and determine the best location for filming the show. You will need to evaluate each geographic region and identify the best one for the location of the show. You will present the producers with a 3 to 5 paragraph argumentative essay explaining which geographic region is the best choice for the show for filming.In the areas below, place an “X” in the boxes to indicate the selected strategies and resources.Research-Based Instructional Strategies: (weekly strategies chosen to guide teaching and learning)OPENING: Engaging Instructional ActivityActivate PriorKnowledge?Questioning(Raises questions)?Clarify PreviousLesson?Phenomenon?ProvideFeedback?ScaffoldInstruction?Create Interest?Other:?WORK PERIOD:Exploring, Explaining, Extending, and ElaboratingFacilitateLearning?AcademicDiscussions?CooperativeLearning?Other:?Demonstrate/ Model?Generating and TestingHypotheses?Independent Learning?Other:?Explain/Apply/Ex tend conceptsand skills?High-Level Questioning?Interdisciplinary Writing?Other:?CLOSING: EvaluatingSummarize Lesson?Provide Alternate Explanations?Respond to EQs?Other:?Allow students to assess their own learning?Quick Write?3-2-1/K-W-L?Other:?21st Century Learning Skills:(weekly strategies chosen to guide student engagement)Teamwork and Collaboration?Innovation and Creativity?Accessing and Analyzing Information?Initiative and Leadership?Critical Thinking and Problem Solving?Effective oral and Written Communication?Curiosity and Imagination?Flexibility and Adaptability?Other:?Content: compacted curriculum for advanced studentsProcess:Product: menu choice, scaffoldingDifferentiated Instruction(content, process, product)Social Studies Skills Diagnostic, Unit 1 preassessment, teacher-made formative Assessment Evidence(formative, summative)Resources:(weekly materials chosen to support teaching and learning)TextbooksLab MaterialsOther: (List the other resources below.)Audio/Visual AidsXCourse SyllabusHandoutsXDictionariesWhite BoardsVideo ClipsXElectronic DevicesPromethean BoardXSupplemental TextsManipulativesCalculatorsInternet (tech)XDaily Lesson Plan for MondayPre-Instructional Activity: Daily Warm Up – Reviewing information from previous class period, week or unitOpening (ENGAGE): TW show students rubric for task 1 and explain how students can use it to guide their work and earn a good grade.Work Period (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/ EXTEND/ELABORATE):SW finish working on maps, review rubric, and turn in for a grade. Students who are finished working will analyze the regions chart and come up with study strategies for this week’s regions & physical features quiz. Once all students have completed maps, TW lead a review of regions and physical features.Closing (EVALUATE): Summarize learning (focus on map)Remind students what needs to be prepared for the following dayDaily Lesson Plan for TuesdayPre-Instructional Activity:Daily Warm Up – Reviewing information from previous class period, week or unitOpening (ENGAGE):TW introduce task 2TW conduct mini-lesson on distinguishing regions and their features.Work Period (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/EXTEND/ELABORATE):SW complete guided notes & begin prepping task 2 materials.TW lead a review of regional characteristics. Closing (EVALUATE):Summarize learning (focus on regional differences)Remind students what needs to be prepared for the following dayDaily Lesson Plan for WednesdayPre-Instructional Activity:Daily Warm Up – Reviewing information from previous class period, week or unitOpening (ENGAGE):TW conduct mini-lesson on 4 major transportation systems in Georgia.TW review task 2 expectations (rubric) with studentsWork Period (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/EXTEND/ELABORATE):SW will continue working on task 2 (travel journal) utilizing the rubric as they goTW lead a review of regional characteristicsClosing (EVALUATE):TW summarize learning & ask tiered questions on Georgia’s location and regionsTW remind students what needs to be prepared for the following dayDaily Lesson Plan for ThursdayPre-Instructional Activity:Daily Warm Up – Reviewing information from previous class period, week or unitOpening (ENGAGE):TW conduct mini-lesson on the importance of water to Georgia’s development. SW produce a brief writing sample. Work Period (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/EXTEND/ELABORATE):SW take a quiz on regional differences.TW introduce task 3 (regional Yelp reviews) and divide students into groups. Groups will begin research. (LAB)Closing (EVALUATE):TW Summarize learning & ask tiered questions TW remind students what needs to be prepared for the following dayDaily Lesson Plan for FridayPre-Instructional Activity:Daily Warm Up – Reviewing information from previous class period, week or unitOpening (ENGAGE):TW display rubric and reiterate task 3 expectations.Work Period (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/EXTEND/ELABORATE):SW conduct research related to task 3 (regional Yelp reviews)Closing (EVALUATE):TW summarize learning & ask tiered questions TW remind students what needs to be prepared for the following dayIntervention StrategiesIntervention Strategies (Tiers 1, 2, 3)Additional Support in ClassroomSpecially Designed Instruction for Exceptional Education StudentsStrategies for English Language LearnersRe-VoicingxConferencingXVisuals/RealiaXExplainingAdditional timeFront-loadingXPrompting for ParticipationXSmall group collaborationXEchoing/Choral responseChallenging or counteringModify quantity of workColor-codingXAsking “Why?” “How”Take student’s dictationXMultiple exposures in different mediaXRereadXScaffold informationXPair-shareXPractice new academic vocabularyXDifferentiated content/process/productXModelingAssistive technologyConsistent reward systemLanguage scaffolds: eg, sentence framesXPre-teach & re-teach in a different wayXRefer to students’ IEP or 504 planDeconstruct complex sentencesxUse of manipulativesAssistive technologyXIncrease student-to-student talkXCollaborative workxStrategies vocabulary instructionCreate differentiated text setsAdditional think timeGifted – Extensions for LearningTier 1XFlexible-Learning GroupsXVaried Pacing with Anchor OptionsxVaried Supplemental MaterialsXChoice of BooksXWork Alone or TogetherComputer MentorsHomework OptionsXFlexible SeatingThink-Pair-ShareUse of Reading BuddiesXVaried ScaffoldingXOpen-ended ActivitiesXVarious Journal PromptsVaried Computer ProgramsExplorations by InterestxStudent/Teacher Goal SettingDesign-A-DAYXOptions for CompetitionTier 2XGifted Edu. Cluster ClassesAlternative AssessmentsCommunity MentorshipsXGifted Edu. Collaboration ClassesXSubject Advancement within classXStationsTiered Activities and ProductsXCurriculum CompactingGroup InvestigationsUse of Literature ClubsTiered CentersXAssess Students in Multiple WaysMultiple Testing OptionsSpelling by ReadinessXStudent choicexMultiple TextsxVarying OrganizersxSimulationsTier 3Tier 4XAdvanced Content (all core content)Above grade level accelerated (all core content)Resource ClassesAdvanced Placement ClassesIndependent/Directed StudyInternational Baccalaureate ClassesxSocratic SeminarsInternship/Mentorships5029194539107 ................

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