



Business Address: Rawls College of Business Administration

Texas Tech University

Lubbock, Texas 79409

(806) 834-5233

Email: shelby.hunt@ttu.edu



Graduate: Ph.D. in Business Administration

Michigan State University, 1968

Major: Marketing

Minors: Economics, Statistics,

Systems Analysis, Finance

Undergraduate: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical

Engineering, Ohio University, 1962


Honors and Awards: As of May 17, 2017, there were over 52,000 google scholar citations to Hunt’s works, with an “h-index” of 75 and an “i10 index” of 147. (See profile open to the public at “Shelby D. Hunt – Google Scholar Citations.”)

In 2015, the Journal of Marketing, Harold H. Maynard Award was changed to the “Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award” by the American Marketing Association. This award is given each year to the Journal of Marketing article that makes “the most significant contribution to marketing theory and thought.”

2015 Journal of Historical Research in Marketing “Highly Commended

Award” for Hunt, Shelby D. (2014), “Understanding Marketing’s Philosophy

Debates: A Retrospective on Seven Key Publication Events,” JHRM 6(3): 351-


In 2015, named a “Fellow of the American Marketing Association.” (Member of

“Inaugural Cohort.”)

In 2014, an article in IJRM ranked the following article as #1 in “academic impact” in marketing science for the years 1982-2003 (based on citations): Morgan, Robert M. and Shelby D. Hunt (1994), "The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing,” Journal of Marketing, 58 (July): 20-38. (See Roberts, Kayande, and Stremersch, IJRM 31(2).)

In 2014, an article in IJRM ranked the following article as #15 in “practice impact” in marketing science for the years 1982-2003 (based on a survey of marketing practitioners): Hunt, Shelby D. and Robert M. Morgan (1995), "The Comparative Advantage Theory of Competition,” Journal of Marketing, 59 (April): 1-15. (See Roberts, Kayande, and Stremersch, IJRM 31(2).)

2014 “Carl and Linda Stem Distinguished Faculty Research Award” for “Outstanding Research Contributions to the Academy,” Rawls College of Business Administration, Texas Tech University.

2013 Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing “Outstanding Paper Award” for Hunt, Shelby D. and Sreedhar Madhavaram (2012), “Managerial Action and Resource-Advantage Theory: Conceptual Frameworks Emanating from a Positive Theory of Competition.”

2011 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science “Sheth Foundation Best Article Award” for “Sustainable Marketing, Equity, and Economic Growth: A Resource-Advantage, Economic Freedom Approach.”

In 2011, named the “First Distiguished Fellow” by the International Association of Franchising.

In 2011, Sage Publications published the ten-volume set, Legends in Marketing: Shelby D. Hunt, which includes 132 of Hunt’s articles and 41 commentaries on his work by distinguished scholars.

2011 Marketing Management Association “Innovative Marketing Award.”

In 2010, the Macromarketing Society established the annual “Shelby D. Hunt Award” for the “most cited” article in the Journal of Macromarketing in the last five years.

2004 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award, which recognizes the 1995 “Comparative Advantage Theory of Competition” JM article, with Robert M. Morgan, for its “long term contributions to the field of marketing and marketing theory.”

In 2003, identified as one of the 250 “most highly cited” economics and business researchers in the world (Thomson-ISI, 2003).

“The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing” (J. Marketing, 1994, with Robert M. Morgan) has been identified as the most frequently cited article (for 1993-2003) in the economics-business literature (Thomson-ISI, 2003).

2002 Society for Marketing Advances/Elsevier Science Distinguished Scholar Award.

2002 Rawls College of Business Administration, Texas Tech University, Faculty Research Award.

In 2002, named the “Jerry S. Rawls Professor of Marketing,” Texas Tech University.

2000 Journal of Business Research/Elsevier Science Award for “Exceptional Quality and High Scholarly Impact” for Chonko, L.B. and S.D. Hunt (1985), “Ethics and Marketing Management,” JBR, 13 (Aug.): 339-59.

Identified as one of the top two researchers in terms of major journal articles (1985-1999) by Bakir, et al. (2000), “Publications in Major Marketing Journals,” JME, 22(2): 99-107.

In 1998, named Southwestern Marketing Association Fellow.

1995 Journal of Marketing Harold H. Maynard Award for best theory article, “The Comparative Advantage Theory of Competition” (with Robert M. Morgan).

In 1994, named "J.B. Hoskins Professor of Marketing," Texas Tech University.

College of Business Administration, Texas Tech University, Faculty Research Award, 1993-94.

1993 Texas Tech University President's Excellence in Teaching Award.

1992 Texas Tech University, College of Business Administration Dean's Eminent Scholar Award.

1992 American Marketing Association/Richard D.Irwin Distinguished Marketing Educator Award, which is described by the AMA as the “highest award” that it can confer on a marketing educator.

1991 Charles C. Slater Award from the Journal of Macromarketing for the article making the "most significant contribution" to macromarketing in Vols. 9-10, “Reification and Realism in Marketing: In Defense of Reason.”

Identified and discussed as one of the "30 leading contributors to marketing thought" in Robert Bartels, History of Marketing Thought, Cincinnati: Publishing Horizons, Inc., 1988.

1987 Academy of Marketing Science "Outstanding Educator Award."

1987 Texas Tech University Barnie E. Rushing "Distinguished Research Award."

1986 American Marketing Association Paul D. Converse Award for "outstanding contributions to theory and science in marketing."

College of Business Administration, Texas Tech University, Faculty Research Award, 1984-1985.

1983 Journal of Marketing, Harold H. Maynard Award for best theory article, for “General Theories and the Fundamental Explananda of Marketing.”

"Outstanding Article of 1983" award by the Journal of Marketing Education.

In 1983, named "Paul Whitfield Horn Professor of Marketing," Texas Tech University.

1977 University of Wisconsin Amoco Distinguished Teaching Award.

1976 Journal of Marketing, Harold H. Maynard Award for best theory article, “The Nature and Scope of Marketing” JM 40 (3): 17-26.

1968 American Marketing Association, Doctoral Consortium Fellow, representing Michigan State University.

Member, Mu Kappa Tau (marketing honorary).

Member, Phi Kappa Phi (university honorary).

Member, Beta Gamma Sigma (business honorary).

Member: American Marketing Association

Philosophy of Science Association

The Academy of Marketing Science

Society for Marketing Advances

Marketing Management Association

Academy of Management

Association for Consumer Research


2002-present Jerry S. Rawls Professor of Marketing

Rawls College of Business Administration

Texas Tech University

1994-2002 J. B. Hoskins Professor of Marketing,

College of Business Administration

Texas Tech University

1983-present Paul Whitfield Horn Professor of Marketing

College of Business Administration

Texas Tech University

1980-1983 Professor of Business

College of Business Administration

Texas Tech University

1974-1980 Chairman, Marketing Department

Graduate School of Business

University of Wisconsin-Madison

1976-1980 Professor of Business

Graduate School of Business

University of Wisconsin-Madison

1972-1976 Associate Professor of Business

Graduate School of Business

University of Wisconsin-Madison

1969-1972 Assistant Professor of Business

Graduate School of Business

University of Wisconsin-Madison

1962-1966 Hercules, Inc. (Plastics Division)

Technical Service Representative

Technical Sales Representative


Marketing Theory, Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy, Basic Marketing, Marketing Research, Marketing Environment, Macromarketing


Service to the Journal of Marketing:

Member, Editorial Review Board (1974-2002)

Editor (1984-1987)

Section Editor for Macromarketing (1981-1984)

Member, Editorial Review Board, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (1989-1999 and 2010-present).

Editor, special issue on marketing theory (Spring 1992), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

Member, Editorial Review Board, Journal of Marketing Research (1984-1989).

Member, Editorial Policy Board, Journal of Macromarketing (1979-present).

Member Editorial Board of Advisors, Journal of Market-Focused Management (1995-2003)

Member of Board of Advisors, Journal of Relationship Marketing (2000-present).

Member, Review Board, Journal of Marketing Management (2001-present)

Member, Editorial Advisory Board, European Business Review (2005-present)

Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (2005-present)

Member Review Board, Review of Marketing Research (2004-present)

Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Supply Chain Management (2009-present)

Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Trust Research (2010-present)

Member, Editorial Board, Contemporary Economics (2011-present)

Member, Editorial Review Board, AMS Review (2012-present)

Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing (2013-present)

Co-Chairman of American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference on Marketing Theory, San Antonio, 1982.

Co-Director of 1979 American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium.


Richard L. Oliver, Expectancy Theory Predictions of Salesman's Performance and Determinants of Motivational Antecedents, 1973, chairman.

Robert F. Lusch, An Empirical Investigation of Power, Conflict and Satisfaction in a Franchisor-Franchisee Channel of Distribution, 1975, chairman.

Robert E. Smith, Attributional Processes and Effects in Promotional Situations, 1977, chairman.

Craig D. Shoulders, Criteria for Identifying the Municipal Organizational Reporting Entity, 1982, committee member.

Nina M. Ray, Channel Alienation: Sources and Consequences, 1985, chairman.

Scott J. Vitell, Marketing Ethics: A Decision Theoretic Framework, 1986, chairman.

Jerry Goolsby, Cognitive Moral Development and Marketing, 1988, chairman.

Michael K. Shaub, An Empirical Examination of the Determinants of Auditors' Ethical Sensitivity, 1989, committee member.

M. Elizabeth Ferrell, Response Error: An Empirical Investigation of the Tendencies to Respond Acquiescently, Desirably, Evasively and Extremely, 1989, committee member.

Donald A. McBane, Relational Communication: A Reconceptualization of Empathy and its Effects on Sales Outcomes, 1990, committee member.

Arturo Vasquez-Parraga, Organizational Consequences and Marketing Ethics, 1990, chairman.

Robert M. Morgan, Relationship Commitment and Trust in Marketing, 1991, chairman.

Kay M. Palan, Family Decision Making, 1994, committee member.

John R. Sparks, Professional Ethical Sensitivity: The Case of Marketing Researchers, 1995, chairman.

Kevin C. Cox, Relationship Management Orientation and Relationship Marketing Success, 1995, chairman.

Steven D. German, Nonprofit Relationship Marketing: The Role of Identification, 1997, chairman.

Dennis Arnett, Strategic and Ethical Decision-Making in Marketing, 1998, chairman.

Cengiz Yilmaz, Salesforce Cooperation: The Impact of Relational, Task, Organizational, and Personal Factors, 1999, chairman.

Steven W. Edison, Inducing Salespeople to Sell Proprietary Products: The Roles of Traditional, Transaction-Cost, And Relational Factors, 1999, chairman.

James Walton, Commitment and Trust in Cross-Cultural Relationships, 2001, committee member.

Michael Wittman, Business Alliance Success: The Influence of Alliance Competence, Idiosyncratic Resources, and Relational Factors, 2001, chairman.

Caroline Derozier, Marketing Creativity In New Product Development: The Role of Market

Orientation, Technology Orientation, and Interfunctional Coordination, 2002, chairman.

Samuel A. Spralls III, Channel Extranet Performance: The Role of Extranet Competence, 2003, co-chairman.

Sreedhar R. Madhavaram, The Customization of Complex Market Offerings in Marketing Research Firms: The Role of Customization Competence and Internal Social Capital, 2005, chairman.

Mark S. B. Fish, Salesperson Role Stressors, Job Stress, and Job Outcomes: The Moderating Effects of Relational Factors, 2005, chairman.

Jared M. Hansen, Retail Price Promotions and Retailer Financial Performance: The Roles of Expandable Purchases, Inventory Turnover Acceleration, and Competitive Intensity, 2007, chairman.

Pelin Bicen, The Role of Alliance Market Orientation and Alliance Competence in New Product Development Performance, 2009, chairman.


Hunt, Shelby D. (2010), Marketing Theory: Foundations, Controversy, Strategy, Resource-Advantage Theory. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2003), Controversy in Marketing Theory: For Reason, Realism, Truth, and Objectivity. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.

The preceding publication is also available in a Chinese edition published by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, Shanghai, China 2006

Hunt, Shelby D. (2002), Foundations of Marketing Theory: Toward a General Theory of Marketing. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.

The preceding publication is also available in a Chinese edition published by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, Shanghai, China 2006

Hunt, Shelby D. (2000), A General Theory of Competition: Resources, Competences, Productivity, Economic Growth. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1991), Modern Marketing Theory: Critical Issues in the Philosophy of Marketing Science, Cincinnati: SouthWestern Publishing Co.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1983), Marketing Theory: The Philosophy of Marketing Science, Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.

Bush, Ronald and Shelby D. Hunt (1982), Marketing Theory: Philosophy of Science Perspectives, Chicago: American Marketing Association.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1976), Marketing Theory: Conceptual Foundations of Research in Marketing, Columbus: Grid Publishing, Inc.

The preceding publication is also available in a Japanese edition published by Chikura Shobo Publishing, Inc., Tokyo, 1979

Ozanne, Urban B. and Shelby D. Hunt (1971), The Economic Effects of Franchising, Washington: United States Senate--U.S. Government Printing Office.


In 2011, Sage Publications published the ten-volume set: Legends in Marketing: Shelby D. Hunt. The volumes include 132 of Hunt’s articles, 41 commentaries on his work by distinguished scholars, and interviews of Hunt by each volume’s editor. The Legends Series Editor is Jagdish N. Sheth. The ten volumes are:

Volume 1: Marketing Theory: The Nature and Scope of Marketing, Paul Busch, ed.

Volume 2: Marketing Theory: Philosophy of Science Foundations of Marketing, Jagdip Singh, ed.

Volume 3: Marketing Theory: Philosophy of Science Controversies in Marketing, Roy D. Howell, ed.

Volume 4: Channels of Distribution, James R. Brown, ed.

Volume 5: Macromarketing, Ethics, and Social Responsibility: The Development Period, Scott J. Vitell, ed.

Volume 6: Macromarketing, Ethics, and Social Responsibility: The Research Tradition Period, John R. Sparks, ed.

Volume 7: Marketing Management and Strategy, Rajan Varadarajan, ed.

Volume 8: Relationship Marketing, Robert M. Morgan, ed.

Volume 9: Resource-Advantage Theory: The Development Period, O.C. Ferrell, ed.

Volume 10: Resource-Advantage Theory: The Research Tradition Period, Dennis B. Arnett, ed.


Hunt, Shelby D. (1971), "The Morphology of Theory and the General Theory of Marketing," Journal of Marketing, 35 (2): 65-68.

The preceding article is reprinted in: The Great Writings of Marketing, 2nd Edition, Howard A. Thompson, ed., Tulsa: PPC books, 1981.

Hunt, Shelby D. and James L. Pappas (1972), "A Crucial Test for the Howard-Sheth Model of Buyer Behavior," Journal of Marketing Research, 9 (August): 346-48.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1973), "Lawlike Generalizations and Marketing Theory," Journal of Marketing, 37 (3): 69-70.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1976), "The Nature and Scope of Marketing," Journal of Marketing, 40 (3): 17-26.

The preceding article:

… won the "Harold H. Maynard Award" as the best marketing theory article in the Journal of Marketing in 1976.

… has been noted as one of the eleven "classic works" in marketing. (See T. S. O'Connor, "Some Notes on the Existence of a Classic Body of Literature in Marketing," Proceedings, Southwestern Marketing Association Conference, 1982).

… has been noted as one of the 13 articles most frequently assigned in marketing theory doctoral seminars. (See R. J. Bauerly and D. J. Johnson’s 2005 article in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(3): 313-29.)

The preceding article is reprinted in:

Marketing Management: Cases and Readings, Tootelian, Gaedeke and Thompson, Santa Monica: Goodyear Publishing Co., 1979.

Marketing Classics, 4th Edition, Keith Cox and Ben Enis, eds., Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1981.

Marketing Classics, 5th Edition, Keith Cox and Ben Enis, eds., Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1985.

Marketing Classics, 6th Edition, Ben Enis and Keith Cox, eds., Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1988.

Readings in Basic Marketing, 3rd Edition, E. Jerome McCarthy, John F. Grashof and Andrew Brogowicz, eds., Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1981.

Marketing Theory: Distinguished Contributions, Brown and Fisk, eds., New York: Wiley & Sons, 1984.

Readings in Marketing Today, Carter and Mentzer, eds., Harcourt, Brace, and Jovanovich, 1985.

Marketing Theory: Classic and Contemporary Dimensions, Sheth and Garret, eds., Southwestern Publishing Co., 1986.

Marketing: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management, Michael Baker, London, Routledge, 2001.

Summarized and evaluated in L.M. Robinson and R.D. Adler, eds., Marketing Megaworks: The Top 150 Books and Articles, Westport Ct.: Praeger Publishers, 1987.

Promotional Management, Eng and Galper, eds., Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1988.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1976), "The Three Dichotomies Model of Marketing: An Evaluation of Issues," Proceedings of the Macro-Marketing Conference, Boulder: University of Colorado.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1977), "The Nature and Scope of Marketing Revisited: The Three Dichotomies Model," Contemporary Marketing Thought, Proceedings of 1977 Educators Conference, Chicago: American Marketing Association.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1977), "The Three Dichotomies Model of Marketing: An Evaluation and Refinement," Proceedings of the Fourth International Research Seminar in Marketing, Jean Paul Leonardi, ed., Marseille: Universite de Droit, d'Economie et des Science d'Aix Marseille, Institut D'Administration Des Enterprises.

Gribbins, Ronald E. and Shelby D. Hunt (1978), "Is Management a Science?" Academy of Management Review, (January).

The preceding article is reprinted in: Management Applications: Exercises, Cases and Readings, John T. Samaras, ed., Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1989.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1978), "A General Paradigm of Marketing: In Support of the Three Dichotomies Model," Journal of Marketing, 42 (2): 107-10.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1979), "Positive vs. Normative Theory in Marketing," Conceptual and Theoretical Developments in Marketing, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Marketing Theory Conference.

Nakamoto, Kent and Shelby D. Hunt (1980), "Deterministic Theory and Marketing," Theoretical Developments in Marketing, Charles W. Lamb, Jr. and Patrick M. Dunne, eds., Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Theory Conference.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1981), "The Morphology of Theory: A Retrospection," The Great Writings of Marketing, 2nd Edition, Howard A. Thompson, ed., PPC Books.

Hunt, Shelby D., James A. Muncy and Nina M. Ray (1981), "Alderson's General Theory of Marketing: A Formalization," Review of Marketing - 1981, Ben Enis and Kenneth J. Roering, eds., Chicago: American Marketing Association, 267-272.

The preceding article is reprinted in:

Marketing Theory: Classic and Contemporary Dimensions, Sheth and Garrett, eds., Cincinnati: Southwestern, 1986: 4-19.

A Twenty-First Century Guide to Aldersonian Marketing Thought, Wooliscroft, Tamilia, and Shapiro, eds., Boston: Kluwer, 2006: 337-50.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Kenneth A. Hunt (1982), "Bartels' Metatheory of Marketing: A Retrospective," Proceedings of Paul D. Converse Awards Symposium, Chicago: American Marketing Association.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1982), "Are the Logical Empiricist Models of Explanation Dead?" Marketing Theory: Philosophy of Science Perspectives, Ronald Bush and Shelby Hunt, eds., Chicago: American Marketing Association, 7-10.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1983), "General Theories and the Fundamental Explananda of Marketing," Journal of Marketing, 47 (Fall), 9-17.

The preceding article:

… received the Harold H. Maynard Award for best theory article in the Journal of Marketing in 1983.

… is summarized and evaluated in L.M. Robinson and R.D. Adler, eds., Marketing Megaworks: The Top 150 Books and Articles, Westport Ct.: Praeger Publishers, 1987.

… has been noted as one of the 13 articles most frequently assigned in marketing theory doctoral seminars. (See R. J. Bauerly and D. J. Johnson’s 2005 article in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(3): 313-29.)

The preceding article is reprinted in:

Marketing Theory: Distinguished Contributions, Brown and Fisk, eds., New York: Wiley & Sons, 1984.

Marketing Theory: Classic and Contemporary Dimensions, Sheth and Garrett, eds., Southwestern Publishing Co., 1986.

Philosophy of Marketing: Vol. 1, Historical and Philosophical Overview, M. Tadajewski, J. O’Shaughnessy, and M. Hyman, ed., Sage Publications Ltd. 2013.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1984), "Should Marketing Adopt Relativism?" Marketing Theory: Philosophy and Sociology of Science Perspectives, Ryan and Anderson, eds., Chicago: American Marketing Association, 30-34.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Paul S. Speck (1985), "Does Logical Empiricism Imprison Marketing?" Changing the Course of Marketing: Alternative Paradigms for Widening Marketing Theory, Dohlakia and Arndt, eds., Greenwich Ct: JAI Press.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1987), "The Logical Positivists: Beliefs, Consequences and Status," Proceedings of the Twelfth Paul D. Converse Award Symposium, Sudharshan and Winter, eds., Chicago: American Marketing Association, 24-33.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1987), "Marketing Research: Proximate Purpose and Ultimate Value," in Belk, et al, Proceedings of the 1987 Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Chicago: A.M.A.: 209-213.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1988), "The A.M.A. Task Force Report on the Development of Marketing Thought: A Comment," Journal of Marketing, 53 (4) (Oct): 42-48.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1989), "Reification and Realism in Marketing: In Defense of Reason," Journal of Macromarketing, 9 (Fall): 4-10.

The preceding article won the 1991 Charles C. Slater Award from the Journal of Macromarketing.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1989), "Naturalistic, Humanistic and Interpretive Inquiry: Challenges and Ultimate Potential," in E. Hirschman, ed., Interpretive Consumer Research, Provo Ut.: Association for Consumer Research, 185-198.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1990), "Truth in Marketing Theory and Research," Journal of Marketing, 54 (July): 1-15.

The preceding article has been noted as one of the 13 articles most frequently assigned in marketing theory doctoral seminars. (See R. J. Bauerly and D. J. Johnson’s 2005 article in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(3): 313-29.)

The preceding article is reprinted in:

Marketing: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management, Michael Baker, London, Routledge, 2001.

Philosophy of Marketing: Vol. 1, Historical and Philosophical Overview, M. Tadajewski, J. O’Shaughnessy, and M. Hyman, ed., Sage Publications Ltd. 2013.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1991), "Positivism and Paradigm Dominance in Consumer Research: Toward Critical Pluralism and Rapprochement.” Journal of Consumer Research 18 (June): 32-44.

The preceding article is reprinted in:

Consumer Behavior 1: Research and Influences, Margaret Hogg, ed. Sage Publications Ltd. 2005.

Philosophy of Marketing: Vol. 1, Historical and Philosophical Overview, M. Tadajewski, J. O’Shaughnessy, and M. Hyman, ed., Sage Publications Ltd. 2013.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1991), "The Three Dichotomies Model of Marketing Revisited: Is the Total Content of Marketing Thought Normative?" in Terry L. Childers, et al., Proceedings of the 1991 AMA Winter Educators' Conference: 425-430.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1992), "For Reason and Realism in Marketing," Journal of Marketing, 56 (April): 89-102.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1992), "Marketing Is . . .," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 20 (Fall), 301-311.

The preceding article has been noted as one of the 13 articles most frequently assigned in marketing theory doctoral seminars. (See R. J. Bauerly and D. J. Johnson’s 2005 article in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(3): 313-29.)

Hunt, Shelby D. (1993), "Truth, Laudan and Peirce: A View from the Trenches," in Charles S. Peirce and the Philosophy of Science: Papers from the Harvard Sesquicentennial Congress, Edward C. Moore, ed., Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 119-29.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1993), "Objectivity in Marketing Theory and Research," Journal of Marketing, 57 (April): 76-91.

The preceding article has been noted as one of the 13 articles most frequently assigned in marketing theory doctoral seminars. (See R. J. Bauerly and D. J. Johnson’s 2005 article in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(3): 313-29.)

Hunt, Shelby D. (1994), "A Realist Theory of Empirical Testing: Resolving the Theory Ladenness/Objectivity Debate," Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 24 (2): 133-58.

The preceding article is reprinted in Realist Methodology, Wendy Olsen, ed. Sage Publications, Ltd. 2010.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1994), "On Rethinking Marketing: Our Discipline, Our Practice, Our Methods," European Journal of Marketing, 28 (3): 13-25.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1994), "On the Rhetoric of Qualitative Inquiry: Toward Historically Informed Argumentation in Management Inquiry," Journal of Management Inquiry, 3 (Sept.): 221-34.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1995), “On Communication, Probative Force, and Sophistry: A Reply to Van Eijkelenburg,” Journal of Management Inquiry, 4 (June): 211-13.

Hunt, Shelby D. And Steven Edison (1995), “On the Marketing of Marketing Knowledge,” Journal of Marketing Management, 11 (October): 635-40.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Dennis Arnett (1999), “Philosophical and Methodological Foundations of Consumer Research,” in P.E. Earl and S. Kemp, eds., Consumer Research and Economic Psychology, Cheltanham, UK: Edward Elgar: 437-44.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2001), “The Influence of Philosophy, Philosophies, and Philosophers on a Marketer’s Scholarship.” Journal of Marketing 65(October): 117-122.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2002), “Marketing as a Profession: On Closing Stakeholder Gaps.” European Journal of Marketing 36(3): 305-12.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2003), “On the Foundations of Foundations of Marketing Theory: A Reply to Fisk.” Journal of Macromarketing 23(1): 52-54.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2004), “On the Service-Centered Dominant Logic for Marketing.” Journal of Marketing 68(1):21-2.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2005) “For Truth and Realism in Management Research.” Journal of

Management Inquiry 14 (2): 127-38.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2007) “A Responsibilities Framework for Marketing as a Professional Discipline.” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 26 (2): 277-283.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2008) “Realism.” In Richard Thorpe and Robin Holt, eds., The Sage Dictionary of Qualitative Management Research. London: Sage Publications: 181-83.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Jared M. Hansen (2010), “The Philosophical Foundations of Marketing Research: For Scientific Realism and Truth.” The Sage Handbook of Marketing Theory, Pauline Maclaran, Michael Saren, Barbara Stern, and Mark Tadajewski, eds., London: Sage Publications Ltd: 111-126.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2010), “Doctoral Seminars in Marketing Theory: For Incorporating the History of Marketing Practice and Thought,” Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 2(4): 443-56.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Shannon B. Rinaldo (2011), “Legends in Marketing: A Review of Shelby D. Hunt’s Volumes,” Review of Marketing Research: Special Issue – Marketing Legends, 8: 43-86.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2011), “On the Intersection of Marketing History and Marketing Theory,” Marketing Theory 11 (4): 483-489.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2011), “Theory Status, Inductive Realism, and Approximate Truth: No Miracles, No Charades,” International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25 (2): 159-178.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2011), “Developing Successful Theories in Marketing: Insights from Resource-Advantage Theory,” AMS Review 1(2): 72-84.

The preceding article is reprinted in Philosophy of Marketing: Vol. 4, Rethinking Concepts, M. Tadajewski, J. O’Shaughnessy, and M. Hyman, ed., Sage Publications Ltd. 2013.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2011), “Developing Successful Theories in Marketing and R-A Theory: Historical Evolution? Other Drivers? What’s Important? What’s Next?,” AMS Review 1(2): 95-98.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2012), “Explaining Empirically Successful Marketing Theories: The Inductive Realist Model, Approximate Truth, and Market Orientation,” AMS Review 2(1): 5-18.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2013), “The Inductive Realist Model of Theory Generation: Explaining the Development of a Theory of Marketing Ethics,” AMS Review 3(2): 61-74.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2014), “Understanding Marketing’s Philosophy Debates: A Retrospective on Seven Key Publication Events,” Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 6(3): 351-378.

The preceding article won a Journal of Historical Research in Marketing “Highly Commended Award.”

Hunt, Shelby D. (2015), “Explicating the Inductive Realist Model of Theory Generation,” AMS Review 5(1-2): 20-27.


Hunt, Shelby D. and Anil Menon (1995), "Metaphors and Competitive Advantage: Evaluating the Use of Metaphors in Theories of Competitive Strategy," Journal of Business Research, 33 (June): 81-90.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Robert M. Morgan (1995), "The Comparative Advantage Theory of Competition,” Journal of Marketing, 59 (April): 1-15.

The preceding article:

… won the Howard H. Maynard Award for the best theory article in the Journal of Marketing in 1995.

… has been noted as one of the 13 articles most frequently assigned in marketing theory doctoral seminars. (See R. J. Bauerly and D. J. Johnson’s 2005 article in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(3): 313-29.)

… is reprinted in Marketing: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management, Michael Baker, London, Routledge, 2001.

… has been ranked #15 in “practice impact” in marketing science for the years 1982-2003 (based on a survey of marketing practitioners). (see Roberts, Kayande, and Stremersch, IJRM 31(2).)

Hunt, Shelby D. (1995), “The Resource-Advantage Theory of Competition: Toward Explaining Productivity and Economic Growth,” Journal of Management Inquiry, 4 (Dec.): 317-332.

Hunt, Shelby D. And Robert M. Morgan (1996), “The Resource-Advantage Theory of Competition, Dynamics, Path Dependencies, and Evolutionary Dimensions.” Journal of Marketing, 60 (Oct.): 107-114.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1997), “Resource Advantage Theory: An Evolutionary Theory of Competitive Firm Behavior?” The Journal of Economic Issues, 31 (March): 59-77.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1997), “Resource-Advantage Theory and the Wealth of Nations: Developing the Socio-Economic Research Tradition,” Journal of Socio-Economics, 26 (4): 335-357.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1997), “Competing Through Relationships: Grounding Relationship Marketing in Resource Advantage Theory,” Journal of Marketing Management, 13: 431-445.

The preceding article is reprinted in Relationship Marketing, John Egan, ed., Thousand Oaks

CA: Sage Publications, 2005.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Robert M. Morgan (1997), “Resource-Advantage Theory: A Snake Swallowing Its Tail or a General Theory of Competition?” Journal of Marketing, 61 (Oct.): 74-82.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1997), “Evolutionary Economics, Endogenous Growth Models, and Resource-Advantage Theory,” Eastern Economic Journal, 23 (4): 427-41.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1998), “Productivity, Economic Growth, and Competition: Resource Allocation or Resource Creation?” Business and the Contemporary World, 10(3): 367-94.

Morgan, Robert M. and Shelby D. Hunt (1999), “Relationship-Based Competitive Advantage: The Role of Relationship Marketing in Marketing Strategy,” Journal of Business Research, 46 (3): 281-90.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1999), “The Strategic Imperative and Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Public Policy Implications of Resource-Advantage Theory,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27(2): 144-59.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2000), “The Competence-Based, Resource- Advantage, and Neoclassical Theories of

Competition: Toward a Synthesis.” In R. Sanchez and Heene, eds., Theory Development for Competence-Based Management. Vol. 6(A) in Advances in Applied Business Strategy Series. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 177-209.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2000), “A General Theory of Competition: Too Eclectic or Not Eclectic Enough?

Too Incremental or Not Incremental Enough? Too Neoclassical or Not Neoclassical Enough?” Journal of Macromarketing 20(1): 77-81.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2000), “Synthesizing Resource-Based, Evolutionary, and Neoclassical Thought:

Resource-Advantage Theory as a General Theory of Competition.” In N.J. Foss and P. Robertson, eds., Resources, Technology, and Strategy. London: Routledge, 53-79.

Hunt, Shelby D. and C.J. Lambe (2000), “Marketing’s Contribution to Business Strategy: Market Orientation, Relationship Marketing, and Resource-Advantage Theory.” International Journal of Mangement Reviews 2(1): 17-44

Hunt, Shelby D. (2001), “A General Theory of Competition: Issues, Answers and an Invitation.” European Journal of Marketing 35(5/6): 524-48.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Dennis B. Arnett (2001), “Competition as an Evolutionary Process and Antitrust Policy.” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 20 (1): 15-26.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Dale Duhan (2002), “Competition in the Third Millennium: Efficiency or Effectiveness?” Journal of Business Research, 55(2): 97-102.

Lambe, C. Jay, Robert E. Spekman, and Shelby D. Hunt (2002), “Alliance Competence, Resources, and Alliance Success: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Initial Test.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 30(2): 141-58.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2002), “Resource-Advantage Theory and Austrian Economics.” In N.J. Foss and P.G. Klein, eds., Entrepreneurship and the Firm: Austrian Perspectives on Economic Organization. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar: 248-72.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2002), “Marketing and A General Theory of Competition.” Journal of Marketing Management 18(1-2): 239-47.

Morgan, Robert E. and Shelby D. Hunt (2002), “Determining Marketing Strategy: A Cybernetic Systems Approach to Scenario Planning.” European Journal of Marketing 36 (4): 450-78.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Dennis B. Arnett (2003), “Resource-Advantage Theory and Embeddedness: Explaining R-A Theory’s Explanatory Success.” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 11(1):


Hunt, Shelby D. and Caroline Derozier (2004), “The Normative Imperatives of Business and Marketing Strategy: Grounding Strategy in Resource-Advantage Theory.” Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 19 (1): 5-22.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Dennis B. Arnett. (2004) “Market Segmentation, Competitive Advantage, and Public Policy: Grounding Segmentation Strategy in Resource-Advantage Theory.” Australasian Marketing Journal 12 (1): 7-25.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Dennis B. Arnett. (2004) “Market Segmentation Strategy and Resource- Advantage Theory: A Response to Cadeaux and Dowling.” Australasian Marketing Journal 12 (1): 32- 36.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Robert M. Morgan. (2005) “The Resource-Advantage Theory of Competition: A Review.” Review of Marketing Research 1: 153-206.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2006) “On Reforming Marketing: For Marketing Systems and Brand Equity Strategy.” In Jagdish N. Sheth and Rajendra S. Sisodia, eds., Does Marketing Need Reform? Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 69-77.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Dennis B. Arnett. (2006), “Does Marketing Success Lead to Market Success?” Journal of Business Research 59: 820-828.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Dennis B. Arnett. (2006) “Toward A General Theory of Marketing: Resource-Advantage Theory as an Extension of Alderson’s Theory of Market Processes.” In Ben Wooliscroft, Robert D. Tamilia, and Stanley J. Shapiro, eds., A Twenty-First Century guide to Aldersonian Marketing Thought. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 453-72.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Sreedhar Madhavaram. (2006) “The Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing: Theoretical Foundations, Pedagogy, and Resource-Advantage Theory.” In Robert F. Lusch and Stephen L. Vargo, eds., The Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing: Dialog, Debate, and Directions. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 85-90.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2007) “Economic Growth: Should Policy Focus on Investment or Dynamic Competition?” European Business Review 19 (4): 274-291.

Edison, Steve, Shelby D. Hunt, and Sreedhar Madhavaram. (2007) “Inducing Salespeople to Sell Proprietary Products: Do Transaction Cost Factors Hinder? Do Relational Factors Help?” The Marketing Management Journal 17 (1): 1-14.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Donna F. Davis. (2008) “Grounding Supply Chain Management in Resource-Advantage Theory.” The Journal of Supply Chain Management 44 (1): 10-21.

Madhavaram, Sreedhar and Shelby D. Hunt. (2008) “The Service-Dominant Logic and a Hierarchy of Operant Resources: Developing Masterful Operant Resources and Implications for Marketing Strategy.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 36 (1): 67-82.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2009), “Competitive Advantage Strategies in Times of Adversity.” Journal of Customer Behaviour 8 (Summer): 137-153.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2011), “Sustainable Marketing, Equity, and Economic Growth: A Resource-Advantage, Economic Freedom Approach.” Journal of Academy of Marketing Science 39 (1):7-20.

The preceding article won the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science “Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award” for 2011.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2012), “The Evolution of Resource-Advantage Theory: Six Events, Six Realizations, Six Contributions,” Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 4 (1): 7-29.

Bicen, Pelin and Shelby D. Hunt. (2012), “Alliance Market Orientation, New Product Development, and Resource Advantage Theory,” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 27(7): 592-600.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Sreedhar Madhavaram. (2012), “Managerial Action and Resource-advantage Theory: Conceptual Frameworks Emanating from a Positive Theory of Competition” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 27(7): 582-91.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2012), “Trust, Personal Moral Codes, and the Resource-Advantage Theory of Competition: Explaining Productivity, Economic Growth, and Wealth Creation,” Contemporary Economics 6(2): 4-19.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2012), “Understanding the Drivers of Economic Growth: Grounding Endogenous Economic Growth Models in Resource-Advantage Theory,” Contemporary Economics 6(4): 4-8.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Donna F. Davis (2012), “Grounding Supply Chain Management in Resource-Advantage Theory: In Defense of a Resource-Based View of the Firm,” Journal of Supply Chain Management 48(2): 14-20.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2013), “A General Theory of Business Marketing: R-A Theory, Alderson, the ISBM Framework, and the IMP Theoretical Structure,” Industrial Marketing Management 42(3): 283-293.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Sreedhar Madhavaram (2014), “Teaching Dynamic Competition in Marketing,” Atlantic Marketing Journal 3(2): 80-93.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2015), “The Theoretical Foundations of Strategic Marketing and Marketing Strategy: Foundational Premises, R-A Theory, Three Fundamental Strategies, and Societal Welfare,” AMS Review 5(3-4): 61-77.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2017), “Strategic Marketing, Sustainability, the Triple Bottom Line, and Resource-Advantage (R-A) Theory: Securing the Foundations of Strategic Marketing Theory and Research,” AMS Review 7(1-2): 52-66.

Madhavaram, Sreedhar and Shelby D. Hunt (2017) “Customizing Business-to-Business (B2B) Professional Services: The Role of Intellectual Capital and Internal Social Capital,” Journal of Business Research 74: 38-46.

Hunt, Shelby D. (forthcoming), “Advancing Marketing Strategy in the Marketing Discipline and Beyond: From Promise, to Neglect, to Prominence, to Fragment (to Promise?),” Journal of Marketing Management.

Topaloglu, Omer, Robert McDonald, and Shelby D. Hunt (forthcoming), “The Theoretical Foundations of Nonprofit Competition: A Resource-Advantage Theory Approach,” Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing.

Hunt, Shelby D. (forthcoming), “The Prospects for Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Discipline in Era V: Is the Prognosis Promising or Problematic?” Journal of Marketing Management.


Hunt, Shelby D. (1972), "The Socioeconomic Consequences of the Franchise System of Distribution," Journal of Marketing, 36 (3):32-38.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1972), "Full Disclosure and the Franchise System of Distribution," Marketing Education and the Real World: Fall Conference Proceedings, Chicago: American Marketing Association.

The preceding article is reprinted in:

Marketing Channels, Louis E. Boone and James C. Johnson, eds., Morristown, N.J.: General Learning Press, 1973.

Marketing Channels, 2nd Edition, Louis E. Boone and James C. Johnson, eds., Tulsa: Petroleum Publishing Company, 1977.

Hunt, Shelby D. and U.B. Ozanne (1972), "The Problems of the Minority Franchiser," Business Digest, (June).

Hunt, Shelby D. (1973), "Experiential Determinants of Franchisee Success," Journal of Economics and Business, 26 (1): 81-3.

Churchill, Gilbert A., Jr. and Shelby D. Hunt (1973), "Sources of Funds and Franchisee Success," Journal of Business Research, 1 (2).

Hunt, Shelby D. (1973), “The Trend Toward Company-Operated Units in Franchise Chains,” Journal of Retailing, 49 (2): 3-12.

Hunt, Shelby D. and John R. Nevin (1974), "Power in a Channel of Distribution: Sources and Consequences," Journal of Marketing Research, XI (May).

The preceding article is reprinted in: Franchising: An International Perspective, Frank Hoy and John Stanworth, eds., London: Routledge, 2003.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1975), "An Evaluation of Franchisee Independence," Marquette Business Review, XIX (1).

Hunt, Shelby D. and John R. Nevin (1975), "Tying Agreements in Franchising," Journal of Marketing, 39 (3): 20-26.

The preceding article is reprinted in:

Marketing Channels, Louis E. Boone and James C. Johnson, eds., Tulsa: Petroleum Publishing Company, 1977.

Marketing: Contemporary Dimensions, Robert A. Robicheaux, W. Pride and O.C. Ferrell, eds., Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1977.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Helen D. Jackobs (1976), "Franchising as an Investment Opportunity: An Evaluation," Marquette Business Review, (Winter).

Hunt, Shelby D. and John R. Nevin (1976), "Full Disclosure Laws in Franchising: An Empirical Evaluation," Journal of Marketing, 40 (2): 53-62.

Hunt, Shelby D. and John R. Nevin (1976), "Power in Channels of Distribution: A Multidimensional Construct?" Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference of American Institute for Decision Sciences.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1977), "Franchising: Promises, Problems, Prospects," Journal of Retailing, 53 (3): 71-84.

The preceding article is reprinted in:

Dynamics in Marketing Principles, Kinnear and Bernhardt, eds., Scott-Foresman, 1983.

Franchising: An International Perspective, Frank Hoy and John Stanworth, eds., London: Routledge, 2003.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1978), "Women and Franchising," Business Topics, 26 (2): 25-28.

Nevin, John R., Shelby D. Hunt and Robert W. Reukert (1980), "The Impact of Fair Practice Laws on a Franchise Channel of Distribution," Business Topics (Summer).

The preceding article is reprinted in: Marketing: Contemporary Dimensions, 4th Edition, Robicheaux, Pride and Ferrell, eds., Houghton Mifflin, 1985.

Nevin, John R., Shelby D. Hunt and Michael G. Levas (1981), "Legal Remedies for Deceptive and Unfair Practices in Franchising," Journal of Macromarketing, 1 (1):23-34.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Nina M. Ray (1981), "Behavioral Dimensions of Channels of Distribution: The State of the Art," Distribution Channels, proceedings of the Eighth International Research Seminar in Marketing, Aix-en-Provence, France.

Burnett, John J., Robert D. Amason and Shelby D. Hunt (1981), "Feminism: Implications for Retail Strategy and Salesclerk Behavior," Journal of Retailing, 57 (Winter).

Hunt, Shelby D., Nina M. Ray and Van R. Wood (1985), "Behavioral Dimensions of Channels of Distribution: Review and Synthesis," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 13 (3): 1-24.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Jerry Goolsby (1988), "The Rise and Fall of the Functional Approach to Marketing: A Paradigm Displacement Perspective," in Nevett and Fullerton, eds., Historical Perspectives in Marketing: Essays in Honor of Stanley G. Hollander, Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath & Co, 35-54.

The preceding article is reprinted in The History of Marketing Thought, Tadajewski, Mark, and Brian

Jones, eds., Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2008

Morgan, Robert M. and Shelby D. Hunt (1994), "The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing,” Journal of Marketing, 58 (July): 20-38.

The preceding article:

… is reprinted in: Marketing: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management, Michael Baker, London, Routledge, 2001.

… is reprinted in: Russian Management Journal 2004, Vol. 2 (2): 73-110.

… has been identified as the most frequently cited article (for 1993-2003) in the economics-business literature (Thomson-ISI, 2003).

... has been ranked #1 in “academic impact” in marketing science for the years 1982-2003 (based on citations). (see Roberts, Kayande, and Stremersch, IJRM 31(2).)

Hunt, Shelby D. and Robert M. Morgan (1994), "Organizational Commitment: One of Many Commitments or Key Mediating Construct?" Academy of Management Journal, 37 (6): 1568-87.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Robert M. Morgan (1994), "Relationship Marketing in the Era of Network Competition," Marketing Management, 3 (1): 19-28.

The preceding article is reprinted in Relationship Marketing, John Egan, ed., Thousand Oaks

CA: Sage Publications, 2005.

Lambe, C.J., Robert E. Spekman, and Shelby D. Hunt (2000), “Interimistic Relational Exchange: Conceptualization and Propositional Development,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28 (2): 212-225.

Hunt, Shelby D., C. Jay Lambe, and C. Michael Wittmann (2002), “A Theory and Model of Business Alliance Success.” Journal of Relationship Marketing 1 (1): 17-35.

Arnett, Dennis B., Steve D. German, and Shelby D. Hunt (2003), “The Identity Salience Model of Relationship Marketing Success: The Case of Nonprofit Marketing,” Journal of Marketing, 67 (April): 89-105.

Hunt, Shelby D., Dennis B. Arnett, and Sreedhar Madhavaram. (2006), “The Explanatory Foundations of Relationship Marketing Theory.” Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 21 (2): 72- 87.

Hunt, Shelby D., Dennis B. Arnett, and Sreedhar Madhavaram. (2006), “For Dynamic Relationship Marketing Theory: A Reply to Rese.” Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 21 (2): 92-93.

Wittman, C. Michael, Shelby D. Hunt, and Dennis B. Arnett. (2009), “Explaining Alliance Success: Competences, Resources, Relational Factors, and Resource-Advantage Theory.” Industrial Marketing Management 38: 743-756.

Spralls, Samuel A., Shelby D. Hunt, and James B. Wilcox (2011), “Extranet Use and Building Relationship Capital in Interfirm Distribution Networks: The Role of Extranet Capability,” Journal of Retailing 87 (1): 59-74.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2015), “The Bases of Power Approach to Channel Relationships: Has Marketing’s Scholarship Been Misguided?” Journal of Marketing Management 31(7-8): 747-764.


Hunt, Shelby D. (1976), "Informational vs. Persuasive Advertising: An Evaluation," Journal of Advertising, 5 (Summer): 5-8.

Kroll, Robert and Shelby D. Hunt (1980), "Consumer-Interest Study in Higher Education: A Conceptual Analysis of an Emerging Discipline," Journal of Consumer Affairs (Winter).

Hunt, Shelby D. and John R. Nevin (1981), "Why Consumers Believe They are Being Ripped Off," Business Horizons (May/June).

Hunt, Shelby D. (1981), "Macromarketing as a Multi-Dimensional Construct," Journal of Macromarketing, 1 (1), (Spring).

Hunt, Shelby D. and John J. Burnett (1982), "The Macromarketing/Micromarketing Dichotomy: A Taxonomical Model," Journal of Marketing, 46 (3), (Summer).

The preceding article was reprinted in: Macromarketing, Shapiro, Stanley J., Mark Tadajewski, and

Clifford J. Shultz II, eds., Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2010.

Hunt, Shelby D. and John J. Burnett (1982), "The Social Responsibility of Retailing," Business Forum, 7 (Fall): 30-33.

Hunt, Shelby D., Lawrence B. Chonko and James B. Wilcox (1984), "Ethical Problems of Marketing Researchers," Journal of Marketing Research, XXI (August): 309-324.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Lawrence B. Chonko (1984), "Marketing and Machiavellianism," Journal of Marketing, 48 (Summer): 30-42.

Chonko, Lawrence B. and Shelby D. Hunt (1985), "Ethics and Marketing Management: An Empirical Examination," Journal of Business Research, 13 (Aug.): 339-59.

The preceding article received the 2000 Journal of Business Research/Elsevier Science Award for “Exceptional Quality and High Scholarly Impact.”

The preceding article is reprinted in Marketing: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management.

Michael Baker, London, Routledge, 2001.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Scott M. Vitell (1986), "A General Theory of Marketing Ethics," Journal of Macromarketing, 6 (Spring): 5-15.

The preceding article is reprinted in Ethics in Marketing. N. C. Smith and J. A. Quelch, Burr Ridge, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1993.

Wood, Van R., Lawrence B. Chonko and Shelby D. Hunt (1986), "Social Responsibility and

Personal Success: Are They Incompatible?" Journal of Business Research, 14 (2): 193-212.

Burnett, John J., Shelby D. Hunt and Lawrence B. Chonko (1986), "Machiavellianism Across Sexes: An Examination of Marketing Professionals," Psychological Reports, 59, 991-994.

John J. Burnett, Shelby D. Hunt, Mark Johnston and James B. Wilcox (1987), "Research Orientations and the Macromarketing/Micromarketing Dichotomy,” International Journal of Management, 4 (3): 504-13.

Chonko, Lawrence B., Shelby D. Hunt and Roy D. Howell (1987), "Ethics and the American Advertising Federation Principles," International Journal of Advertising, 6: 265-274.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Lawrence B. Chonko (1987), "Ethical Problems of Advertising Agency Executives," Journal of Advertising, 16 (4): 16-24.

Finn, Don W., Lawrence B. Chonko and Shelby D. Hunt (1988), "Ethical Problems in Public Accounting: The View from the Top," Journal of Business Ethics, 7(8): 605-615.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1988) "The Nature of Social Marketing and its Interface with Macromarketing," in Shapiro and Walle, eds., Proceedings of the A.M.A. Winter Educators' Conference, Chicago: American Marketing Association: 357-358.

Hunt, Shelby D., Van R. Wood and Lawrence B. Chonko (1989), "Corporate Ethical Values and Organizational Commitment in Marketing," Journal of Marketing, 53 (3): 79-90.

Vitell, Scott and Shelby D. Hunt (1990), "The General Theory of Marketing Ethics: A Partial Test of the Model," in Jagdish N. Sheth, ed., Research in Marketing, Vol. 10, J.A.I. Press, 237-265.

Hunt, Shelby D., Pamela Kiecker, and Lawrence B. Chonko, (1990) "Social Responsibility and Personal Success: A Research Note," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 18 (Summer): 239-44.

Hunt, Shelby D. (1990), "Commentary on an Empirical Investigation of a General Theory of Marketing Ethics," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 18 (2): 173-77.

Kiecker, Pamela, Shelby D. Hunt, and Lawrence B. Chonko (1991), "Gender, Income Differences, and Marketing: Examining the 'Earnings Gap' in Three Areas of Marketing," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 19 (Spring): 77-82.

Goolsby, Jerry R. and Shelby D. Hunt (1992), "Cognitive Moral Development and Marketing," Journal of Marketing, 56 (1): 55-68.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Scott Vitell (1993), "The General Theory of Marketing Ethics: A Retrospective and Revision," in N.C. Smith and J.A. Quelch eds., Ethics in Marketing, Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 775-784.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Arturo Vasquez-Parraga (1993), "Organizational Consequences, Marketing Ethics and Salesforce Supervision," Journal of Marketing Research, 30 (Feb.): 78-90.

Sparks, John R. And Shelby D. Hunt (1998), “Marketing Researcher Ethical Sensitivity: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Exploratory Investigation,” Journal of Marketing, 62 (2): 92-109.

Chonko, Lawrence B. and Shelby D. Hunt (2000), “Ethics and Marketing Management: A Retrospective and Prospective Commentary.” Journal of Business Research 50 (3): 235-44.

Arnett, Dennis B. and Shelby D. Hunt (2002), “Competitive Irrationality: The Influence of Moral Philosophy.” Business Ethics Quarterly 12 (3): 279-303.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Debra A. Laverie (2004), “Experiential Learning and the Hunt-Vitell Theory of Ethics: Teaching Marketing Ethics by Integrating Theory and Practice.” Marketing Education Review 14 (3): 1-14.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Scott M. Vitell (2005), “Personal Moral Codes and the Hunt-Vitell Theory of Ethics: Why Do People’s Ethical Judgments Differ?” In Robert A. Peterson and O.C. Ferrell, eds., Business Ethics: New Challenges for Business Schools and Corporate Leaders. Armonk NY: M.E. Sharpe. Inc.: 18-37.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Scott J. Vitell (2006), “The General Theory of Marketing Ethics: A Revision and Three Questions.” Journal of Macromarketing 26 (2): 143-153.

The preceding article is reprinted in Macromarketing, Shapiro, Stanley J., Mark Tadajewski, and

Clifford J. Shultz II, eds., Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2010.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Jared M. Hansen (2007), “Understanding Ethical Diversity in Organizations,” Organizational Dynamics 36 (2): 202–216.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2011), “The Theory of Monopolistic Competition, Marketing’s Intellectual History, and the Product Differentiation Versus Marketing Segmentation Controversy.” Journal of Macromarketing 31 (1): 73-84.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2011), “On the Founding of the Journal of Macromarketing,” Journal of Macromarketing 31 (2): 199-214.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2011), “Naresh K Malhotra: A Commentary on his Integrated Model of Marketing Research Ethics,” In Gina L. Miller, ed., Legends in Marketing: Naresh Malhotra, Volume 8, New Delhi, India: Sage Publications.

Hunt, Shelby D. (2012), “Toward the Institutionalization of Macromarketing: Sustainable Enterprise, Sustainable Marketing, Sustainable Development, and the Sustainable Society,” Journal of Macromarketing 32(4): 404-411.

Vitell, Scott M. and Shelby D. Hunt (2015), “The General Theory of Marketing Ethics: The Consumer Ethics and Intentions Issues,” In Alexander Nill, ed., Handbook on Ethics and Marketing, Cheltenham, UK, 15-37.


Hunt, Shelby D. (1970), "Post-Transaction Communications and Dissonance Reduction," Journal of Marketing, 34 (3): 46-51.

The preceding article is reprinted in John A. Howard and Lyman E. Ostlund, Buyer Behavior, New

York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973.

Smith, Robert E. and Shelby D. Hunt (1978), "The Effectiveness of Personal Selling Over Advertising: An Attributional Analysis," Proceedings, 1978 Educators Conference, Chicago: American Marketing Association.

Smith, Robert E. and Shelby D. Hunt (1978), "Attributional Processes and Effects in Promotional Situations," Journal of Consumer Research, 5 (3):149-58.

Hunt, Shelby D., Richard Sparkman and James B. Wilcox (1982), "The Pretest in Survey Research: Issues and Preliminary Findings," Journal of Marketing Research, XIX (May): 269-73.

Houston, Michael J. and Shelby D. Hunt (1983), "The BBA-MBA Combination: Peirson, Gordon and Howell Revisited," Journal of Marketing Education, 5 (Spring): 2-10.

The preceding article received the "Outstanding Article of 1983" award by the Journal of Marketing Education and the Western Marketing Educators Association.

Muncy, James B. and Shelby D. Hunt (1983), "Consumer Involvement: Definitional Issues and Research Directions," Advances in Consumer Research, XI, Thomas C. Kinnear, ed., Chicago: Association for Consumer Research.

Hunt, Shelby D., Lawrence B. Chonko and Van R. Wood (1985), "Organizational Commitment and Marketing," Journal of Marketing, 49 (Winter): 112-24.

Hunt, Shelby D., Lawrence B. Chonko and Van R. Wood (1986), "Marketing Education and Marketing Success: Are They Related?" Journal of Marketing Education, 8 (8), (Summer): 2-13.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Paul Surgi Speck (1986), "Specialization and the MBA: Is the Broad MBA Passe?" California Management Review, XXVII (3), (Spring): 159-75.

Hunt, Shelby D., Lawrence B. Chonko and Van R. Wood (1987), "Advertising Education and Successful Advertising Careers: Are They Related?" Journal of Advertising Research, April/May: 43-51.

Yilmaz, Cengiz and Shelby D. Hunt (2001), “Salesperson Cooperation: The Influence of Relational, Task, Organizational, and Personal Factors.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 29(4): 335-357.

Hunt, Shelby. D. and Sreedhar Madhavaram (2006), “Teaching Marketing Strategy: Using Resource-Advantage Theory as an Integrative Theoretical Foundation.” Journal of Marketing Education 28 (2): 93-105.


Presentation on marketing theory, University of Alabama Distinguished Speakers Series, 1990.

Presentation on philosophy of science, Mid-South Marketing Educators' Conference, 1990.

Presentation on marketing ethics, Harvard University Marketing Ethics Workshop, 1990.

Presentation on research and publishing, Texas Marketing Faculty Conference, Texas A&M University, 1991.

"Objectivity in Research." Presented at the University of South Florida Distinguished Speakers Program, 1991.

Presentation on the AMA Doctoral Consortium, AMA Summer Educators' Conference, 1991.

"Marketing Ethics Research," the Southern Marketing Association Conference, Atlanta, 1991.

"Is Objectivity in Science Possible?" Presented at the Research Seminar on Philosophy of Science, Dronninglund, Denmark, Sponsored by the Copenhagen School of Economics and Business, 1991.

"Objectivity and Marketing Research," 1992 AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, San Antonio.

"Marketing Ethics," presented at the Colorado State University Distinguished Speakers Program, 1992.

"Marketing and the Philosophy of Science." Presented at the University of Texas at Austin Distinguished Speakers Program, 1992.

"Objectivity and Marketing Science," the University of Oklahoma Doctoral Colloquium, 1993.

"Can Science be Objective?" the Texas Universities Research Colloquium, University of Texas at Arlington, 1993.

"On Rethinking Marketing," the Warwick Business School, Warwick, U.K., Conference on Rethinking Marketing, 1993.

"Does Marketing Science Need a Revolution?" the Sixth Bi-Annual World Marketing Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 1993.

"Objectivity in Research," the Texas Universities' Marketing Research Colloquium, Arlington, Texas, April 1993.

"The General Theory of Marketing Ethics," Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Holland, August 1993.

"Relationship Marketing in the Era of Network Competition," the University of Central Oklahoma's "Salute to Education" program, Oct. 1993.

"Marketing and Objectivity," Arizona State University's Distinguished Speakers program, Nov. 1993.

"Rethinking Qualitative Methods," the AMA Winter Educator's Conference, St. Petersburg, Feb. 1994.

"Marketing and Objectivity," University of Calgary Distinguished Speaker's Program, April 1994.

"Relationship Marketing," the AMA Faculty Consortium, Emory University, Atlanta, GA., June 1994.

"The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing," the MEG National Conference, Coleraine, Ireland, July 1994.

"Rethinking Qualitative Methods," the AMA Doctoral Consortium, University of Santa Clara, August 1994.

"Is Objectivity in Science Possible?" the University of Texas, Austin, Marketing Doctoral Colloquium, Nov. 1994.

“Can Science Be Objective?” the University of Houston, Distinguished Speaker Series, February 1995.

“Objectivity and the Philosophy of Science,” Texas Tech University’s Department of Philosophy Speakers Series, February 1995.

“On Marketing Mantras,” AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, San Diego, California, February 1995.

“Objectivity and Biological Science,” Texas Tech University Biology Department Speakers Series, March 1995.

“Academic Research and Publishing,” University of Denver’s Distinguished Speakers Series, April 1995.

“Relationship Marketing and the Comparative Advantage Theory of Competition,” the Academy of Marketing Science National Meeting, May 1995.

“The General Theory of Marketing Ethics,” the AMA Faculty Consortium, Hofstra University, June 1995.

“On the Objectivity of Physics,” the American Physical Society, Texas Division, Lubbock, Texas, October 1995.

“Theoretical Foundations of Marketing Strategy.” Presented at AMA Faculty Consortium, Arizona State University, June 1996.

“Relationship Marketing and Resource Advantage Theory.” Presented at AMA Summer Educators Conference, August 1996.

“Grounding Relationship Marketing in Resource-Advantage Theory.” Presented at the Fourth International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing, Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 1996.

“Resource-Advantage Theory and Competition.” Presented at Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Canberra, Australia, March 1996.

“Resource-Advantage Theory and Productivity,” Monash University Distinguished Speaker Series, Melbourne, Australia, March 1996.

“The Philosophy of Marketing Science.” Presented at Pan American University’s Distinguished Speaker’s Series, March 1997.

“Resource-Advantage Theory.” Presented at Pan American University’s Distinguished Speakers Series, March 1997.

“Resource-Advantage Theory.” Presented at Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway, June 1997.

“Macro-Marketing and Resource-Advantage Theory.” Presented at The 22nd Annual Macro-Marketing Conference, Bergen, Norway, June 1997.

“Competing Through Relationships.” Presented at the AMA Doctoral Consortium, Cincinnati, OH, August 1997.

“Trust and Resource-Advantage Theory.” Presented at the AMA Summer Educators Conference, Chicago, August 1997.

“Resource-Advantage Theory.” Presented at the Texas Marketing Collegium, Southern Methodist University, October 1997.

“Resource-Advantage Theory.” Presented at SWMA Doctoral Consortium, Dallas, March 1998.

“Resource-Advantage Theory and the Wealth of Nations.” Presented at SWMA plenary session, Dallas, March 1998.

“Resource-Advantage Theory and the Wealth of Nations.” Presented at the Business Association for Latin American Studies Doctoral Consortium, South Padre Island, April, 1998.

“Resource-Advantage Theory: An Introduction.” Presented at the plenary sessions of Business Association for Latin American Studies, South Padre Island, April, 1998.

“Balancing Methodological Rigor and Managerial Relevance.” Presented at Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Norfolk, Va., May, 1998

“Resource-Advantage Theory and Competence-Based Competition.” Presented at the 4th Annual Conference on Competence-Based Management, Oslo, Norway, June, 1998.

“The Resource-Advantage Theory Research Program.” Presented at the University of Texas Marketing Department Distinguished Speakers Series, July, 1998.

“Can Pharmacy Research Be Objective?” Presented at the American Pharmaceutical Association Conference, San Antonio, March 1999.

“Relationship Marketing and Resource-Advantage Theory.” Presented at the AMA Summer

Educators’ Conference, San Francisco, August 1999.

“Austrian Economics and Resource-Advantage Theory.” Presented at the Austrian Economics

Conference, Copenhagen School of Business and Economics, August 1999.

“What is the Nature of Competition?” Presented at the University of Western Australia Distinguished

Speakers’ Series, Perth, Australia, October 1999.

“Competition and Marketing Strategy in the Third Millennium: Efficiency or Effectiveness?”

Presented at the Future Scenarios in Marketing Conference, University of Glasgow, March 2000.

“A General Theory of Competition: An Interdisciplinary Research Program.” Presented at Texas

A&M, Marketing Department Distinguished Speakers’ Series, April 2000.

“A General Theory of Competition: An Interdisciplinary Research Program.” Presented at University

of Texas-Pan American, Marketing Department Distinguished Speakers’ Series, April 2000.

“Competence-Based Theory and Resource-Advantage Theory.” Presented at the Competence 2000

Conference, Helsinki, Finland, June 2000.

“Resource-Advantage Theory: An Integrative Framework for Teaching Marketing Strategy.” Presented at the Mid-South Marketing Educators’ Conference, Pensacola, FL, March 2001.

“Resource-Advantage Theory: An Integrative Framework for Teaching Business and Marketing Strategy.” Iowa State University “Miller Lecturer” Distinguished Speakers Series, Ames, IA, April 2001.

“Does Marketing Success Lead to Market Success?” Plenary session presentation at The 30th EMAC Conference, Bergen, Norway, May 2001.

“A General Theory of Competition,” Plenary session presentation at The Tenth Biennial World Marketing Congress, Cardiff University, Wales, UK, June 2001.

“Toward a General Theory of Marketing.” Plenary session presentation at the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Sanibel Island FL, May 2002.

“Competition as an Evolutionary Process and Antitrust Policy.” Presented at the Notre Dame Competitive Conduct and Antitrust Policy Conference, South Bend IN, May 2002.

“Toward a General Theory of Marketing.” Plenary session presentation at the Society for Marketing Advances International Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, June 2002.

“Resource-Advantage Theory and Relationship Marketing.” Plenary session presentation at the 6th Research Conference on Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management, Atlanta GA, June, 2002.

“Toward a General Theory of Marketing.” Presented at AMA 37th Annual Doctoral Consortium, Atlanta GA, June 2002.

“Toward a General Theory of Marketing.” Presented at the University of Texas Marketing Department Distinguished Speakers Series, June 2002.

“Toward a General Theory of Marketing.” Plenary session presentation at Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference, St. Petersburg FL, November 2002.

“Toward a General Theory of Marketing.” Plenary session presentation at Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, Hilton Head, South Carolina, March 2003.

“The Development of the Resource-Advantage Theory Research Program.” Presented at Emory University Marketing Department Distinguished Speakers Series, April 2003.

“Toward a General Theory of Marketing.” Plenary session presentation at The 7th Research Conference on Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management, Berlin, Germany, June 2003.

“Understanding Ethical Decision Making: Why Do People’s Ethical Judgments Differ?” Presented at the Colorado State University and University of Texas at Austin Business Ethics Symposium, October 2003.

“Toward a General Theory of Marketing.” Presented at Southern Illinois University Marketing Department Distinguished Speakers’ Series, March 2004.

“Objectivity and the Philosophy of Science: Does Theory-Ladenness Prevent Objectivity in Research?” Presented at University of Nebraska College of Information Science and Technology Distinguished Speakers’ Series, April 2004.

“Research in Business and Marketing Strategy: Deficiencies in Theoretical Integration.” Presented at AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium, Texas A&M University, June 2004.

“The Resource-Advantage Theory of Competition: A Foundation for Business and Marketing Strategy.” Presented at University of North Texas Marketing Department Distinguished Speakers’ Series, October 2004.

“The Nature of the Marketing Discipline: The Impact of the American Marketing Association’s Definition.” Presented at the American Marketing Association Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Washington, D.C., May 2005.

“On Reforming Marketing: For Marketing Systems and Brand Equity Strategy.” Presented at the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Tampa FL, May 2005.

“Resource-Advantage Theory: An Integrative Foundation for Business and Marketing Strategy.” Presented at the American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, San Francisco, July 2005.

“Experiential Learning and the Hunt-Vitell Theory of Ethics.” Presented at the Teaching, Learning, & Technology Center, Texas Tech University, October 2005.

“The Nature of the Marketing Discipline: The Impact of the AMA Definition.” Presented at the American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, Feb. 2006.

“The Meaning of Success,” Presented at the Texas Tech University Graduate School Commencement, May 2006.

“On Anti-Marketing in Marketing.” Presented at American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, San Diego, CA, Feb. 17, 2007.

“The 2007, Committee-Recommended Definition of Marketing.” Presented at the American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Washington, D.C.. Aug. 2007.

“For Truth and Scientific Realism.” Presented at the University of Texas at Arlington, Distinguished Speakers’ Series, April 2008.

“The Philosophy of Science Foundations of Multiple Methods Research.” Presented at the Academy of

Marketing Science Annual Conference, Vancouver, May 2008.

“For Truth and Scientific Realism.” Presented at Southern Illinois University, Distinguished Speakers’ Series, March 2009.

“Experiential Learning and the Hunt-Vitell Theory of Ethics.” Presented at Texas Tech University Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center, September 2009.

“The ‘Legends in Marketing’ Project.” Presented at the American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, New Orleans, February 2010.

“The Macromarketing Seminar/Journal of Macromarketing Timeline.” Presented at the Macromarketing Conference, Laramie, WY, June 2010.

“Crafting Successful Theories: The Case of Resource-Advantage Theory.” Presented at the American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Boston, August 2010.

“The Value of Market Segmentation Strategies for Firms, Consumers, and Society: A Resource-Advantage Theory Approach.” Presented at the American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Boston, August 2010.

“Developing Successful Theories: Insights from Resource-Advantage Theory.” Presented at the Marketing Management Association Conference, Chicago, March 2011.

“The Three Major Forms of Franchising Research.” Presented at the International Society of Franchising Annual Conference, Boston, June 2011.

“Sustainable Marketing Equity and Economic Growth” Presented at the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, New Orleans, May 2012.

“A Model of Theory Generation in Marketing: The Case of the Hunt-Vitell Theory of Ethics” Presented at the Society for Marketing Advances – Doctoral Consortium, Orlando, November 2012.

“The Inductive Realist Model of Theory Generation: Explaining the Development of Theories in Marketing.” Presented at the IMP (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing) International Conference, Atlanta, August 2013.

“A General Theory of Business Marketing: R-A Theory, Alderson, the ISBM Framework, and the IMP Theoretical Structure.” Presented at the IMP (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing) International Conference, Atlanta, August 2013.

“The Inductive Realist Model of Theory Generation: Explaining the Development of the Hunt-Vitell Theory of Ethics.” Presented at the Society for Marketing Advances – Doctoral Consortium, Hilton Head, SC, October 2013.

“The Inductive Realist Model of Theory Generation: Explaining the Development of Theories in Marketing.” Presented at the AMS Theory Forum, Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Indianapolis, May 2014. (Keynote Presentation)

“Austrian Economics and Resource-Advantage (R-A) Theory: Does R-A Theory Provide the Foundations for an Austrian Theory of Competition?” Presented at the Rawls College of Business and Free Market Institute, Special Program Honoring Israel M. Kirzner, February 2015.

“Understanding the Resource-Advantage (R-A) Theory Research Program.” Presented at the Texas A&M University, Distinguished Speakers’ Series, February 2015.


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