OMB No. 0925-0046, Biographical Sketch Format Page

-635000 CURRICULUM VITAE Jun Ishihara, Ph.D.Department of Bioengineering Imperial College London (Tel: +17734498582 E–mail: INTERESTProtein Engineering Based Drug Delivery System to Develop Therapeutics for Cancer Immunotherapy, Autoimmune Diseases, and Regenerative Medicine. EDUCATION Postdoctoral scholar (Jeffrey A. Hubbell, Ph.D. – Research Advisor)?University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering Feb, 2016-July, 2020Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Bioengineering May, 2014-Feb, 2016Ph.D. course (Teruo Okano, Ph.D. and Masayuki Yamato, Ph. D. – Research Advisors)? The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Science (hematopoietic stem cell and tissue engineering research) April, 2009-March, 2014Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Institute of Advanced Biomedical Engineering and Science (research student) April, 2009-March, 2014B.S. Department of Applied Chemistry, Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan) April, 2005-March, 2009POSITIONS and HONORSPositions 2020 July- Lecturer (US equivalent: assistant professor), Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London2016-2020Post-doctoral fellow, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago2018-PresentCo-founder, Arrow Immune INC.2014-PresentCo-founder, Sciencelounge LLC. (Running a Science Bar “Incubator” in Tokyo for research outreach activity)2018-2020Organizer, Japanese Researchers Crossing in Chicago, for research outreach activity 2014-2016Post-doctoral fellow, Institute of Bioengineering, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne2013-2015The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellow Funding and Honors2021(March)CRUK development fund 2021(Sep) Invited speaker in symposium, 80th Japanese cancer association annual meeting20206th vascular biology symposium in Japan best presentation award2020Japan XR science forum best presentation award2019Selected as a Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER) fellow2019Selected as a Maria Lastra Postdoctoral Scholar Excellence in Mentoring Award Finalist2019Selected as a candidate of Cloud Scientist Awards Online Competition by Genscript Inc.201915th Annual PEGS (protein engineering summit) Boston, Selected to Poster Highlights2019 UJA-IJC Outstanding Paper Award 2013-2015?The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Fellowship 2014Excellent Prize at The NRI Student Essay Contest, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. 2012-2013?The University of Tokyo Global Center of Excellence, Fellowship 2011-2013?The University of Tokyo Academic Research Grant for GSFS Doctor Course Students 2011American Society of Hematology, ASH Abstract Achievement Award, 53rd ASH Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, USA PUBLICATIONSLink to My Bibliography on Pubmed: *= equally contributed #= corresponding author1.? ? ?Yuba E, Budina E, Katsumata K, Ishihara A, Mansurov A, Alpar AT, Watkins EA, Hosseinchi P, Reda JW, Lauterbach AL, Nguyen M, Solanki A, Kageyama T, Swartz MA, Ishihara J#, Hubbell JA#.?Enhanced lymph node trafficking of engineered IL-10 suppresses rheumatoid arthritis in murine models.?Arthritis Rheumatol.?2020 doi: 10.1002/art.41585. PMID:?33169522?IF= 9.02.? ? ?Ishihara, A.,Ishihara, J.#, Watkins, E.A., Tremain, A.C., Solanki., A., Hosseinchi, P., Mansurov, A., Budina E., Katsumata, K., Alpar, A.T., Swartz, M.A. Yuba, E., & Hubbell, J.A#. Prolonged residence of albumin-fused IL-4 in the secondary lymphoid organs ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Nature Biomedical Engineering, October 2020.?doi: 10.1038/s41551-020-00627-3. PMID:?33046864?IF= 17.1?3.? ? ? ?Mansurov, A*., Ishihara, J.*#, Hosseinchi, P., Ishihara, A., Marchell, M.T., Williford, JM, Potin, L., Alpar, A.T., Raczy, M.M., Swartz, M.A. & Hubbell, J.A#. Collagen-binding IL-12 enhances tumour inflammation and drives the complete remission of established immunologically cold mouse tumours. Nature Biomedical Engineering,?April 2020?10.1038/s41551-020-0549-2, 2020. PMID:32284554 IF= 17.14.?????? Katsumata K., Ishihara, J., Fukunaga, K., Ishihara, A., Yuba, E. & Hubbell, J.A. Conferring?extracellular matrix affinity enhances local therapeutic efficacy of anti-TNF-α antibody in a murine model of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Research and Therapy, 21, 298, 2019 PMID: 31870429 PMCID: PMC6929495 IF= 4.35.?????? Williford, JM*., Ishihara, J.*, Ishihara, A., Mansurov, A., Hosseinchi P., Marchell M.T., Swartz, M.A. & Hubbell, J.A. Recruitment of CD103+ DCs via tumor-targeted chemokine delivery enhances efficacy of checkpoint inhibitor. Science Advances, 5, aay1357, 2019 PMID: 31844672 PMCID: PMC6905870 IF= 12.86.?????? Katsumata K., Ishihara, J., Mansurov, A., Ishihara, A., Raczy, M.M., Yuba, E. & Hubbell, J.A. Targeting inflammatory sites through collagen affinity enhances the therapeutic efficacy of anti-inflammatory antibodies. Science Advances, 5, aay1917, 2019 PMID: 31723606 PMCID: PMC6834392 IF= 12.87.?????? Sasaki, K*., Ishihara, J.*, Ishihara, A, Miura, R, Mansurov, A, Fukunaga, K, & Hubbell, J.A. Engineered collagen-binding serum albumin as a drug-conjugate carrier for cancer therapy. Science Advances, 5, eaaw6081, 2019. PMID: 31453327 PMCID: PMC6693903 IF= 12.88.?????? Ishihara, J., Ishihara, A., Starke, R., Smith, K., McKinnon, T.A.J., Tabata, Y., Fukunaga, K., Sasaki, K., Laffan, M.A. Lutolf, M.P. Randi, A. & Hubbell, J.A. The heparin binding domain of von Willebrand factor functions as growth factor reservoir to promote angiogenesis in wound healing. Blood, 133, (24):2559-2569, 2019. PMCID: PMC6566593 IF= 16.69.?????? Ishihara, J.*, Ishihara, A.*, Sasaki, K., Lee, S., Williford, J.M., Yasui, M., Abe, H., Potin, L., Hosseinchi, P., Fukunaga, K., Grey, L.T., Kron, S., Swartz, M.A. & Hubbell, J.A. Targeted antibody and cytokine cancer immunotherapies through collagen affinity. Science Translational Medicine, 11, eaau3259, 2019. PMID: 30971453 PMCID: PMC6541444 IF= 17.210. ????? Ishihara, J., Ishihara, A., Potin, L., Hosseinchi, P., Fukunaga, K., Gajewski, T.F., Swartz, M.A. & Hubbell, J.A. Improving efficacy and safety of agonistic anti-CD40 antibody through extracellular matrix affinity. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 17, (11):2399-2411, 2018. PMID: 30097487 IF= 4.911. ????? Ishihara, J., Ishihara, A., Fukunaga, K., Briquez, P.S., & Hubbell, J.A. Laminin heparin-binding peptides promiscuously bind growth factors and enhance diabetic wound healing. Nature Communications, 9(1):2168, 2018. ?PMID: 29867149 IF= 11.712.????? Ishihara, J., Fukunaga, K., Ishihara, A., Larsson, H.M., Potin, L., Hosseinchi, P., Gabriele, G., Swartz, M.A. & Hubbell, J.A. Matrix-binding checkpoint immunotherapies enhance anti-tumor efficacy and reduce adverse events. Science Translational Medicine, 9, eaan0401, 2017. PMID: 29118259 PMCID: PMC5986797 Recommended in F1000Prime IF= 17.213.????? Kumashiro, Y., Ishihara, J., Umemoto, T., Itoga, K., Kobayashi, J., Shimizu, T., Yamato, M. & Okano, T. Stripe-patterned thermo-responsive cell culture dish for cell separation without cell labeling. Small, 11, 681-687, 2015. PMID: 25238273 IF= 10.914.????? Suphanantachat, S., Iwata, T., Ishihara, J., Yamato, M., Okano, T. & Izumi, Y. A role for c-Kit in the maintenance of undifferentiated human mesenchymal stromal cells. Biomaterials, 35, 3618-26, 2014. PubMed PMID: 24462355 IF= 10.315.????? Ishihara, J., Umemoto, T., Yamato, M., Shiratsuchi, Y., Takaki, S., Petrich, B.G., Nakauchi, H., Eto, K., Kitamura, T. & Okano, T. Nov/CCN3 regulates long-term repopulating activity of murine hematopoietic stem cells via integrin alphavbeta3. International Journal of Hematology, 99, 393-406, 2014. PMID: 24563081 PMCID: PMC4412171 IF= 2.916.????? Umemoto, T., Yamato, M., Ishihara, J., Shiratsuchi, Y., Utsumi, M., Morita, Y., Tsukui, H., Terasawa, M., Shibata, T., Nishida, K., Kobayashi, Y., Petrich, B.G., Nakauchi, H., Eto, K. & Okano, T. Integrin-alphavbeta3 regulates thrombopoietin-mediated maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells. Blood, 119, 83-94, 2012. PMID: 22096247 PMC3251239 IF= 16.617.????? Yoshida,?T,?Kumashiro, Y,?Iwata,?T,?Ishihara,?J,?Umemoto, T,?Shiratsuchi, Y,?Kawashima, N,?Sugiyama, T,?Yamato, M, &?Okano, T. Requirement of integrin β3 for iron transportation during enamel formation. Journal of Dental Research,?91(12):1154-1159, 2012. PMID: 23064962 IF= 5.2NEWS PAPER and BOOK1. Researchers find way to improve immunotherapy drugs’ impact while limiting side effects, News ,2017 2. Novel Approach Could Limit Common Complications of Immunotherapy, Newswise, 20173. Improving cancer immunotherapy by harnessing new technology FierceBiotech, 20174. Researchers Suggest ECM-Binding MABS Could Improve Safety, Efficacy in Cancer, Biocentury, 20175. Improving safety of cancer drugs. Nikkei News Paper 20186. Ishihara, J., Ishihara A. Hubbell JA., Improving safety and efficacy of cancer drugsJikken igaku (Japanese magazine), current topics 2018 7. Ishihara, J., Ishihara A. Hubbell JA., Improving safety and efficacy of cancer drugsJapanese Scientists in Science Translational Medicine 2017, AAAS Japan, 2018 8. Innovative drug delivery improves effectiveness of cancer immunotherapy, Medical Xpress, 20199. Targeting tumor collagen hits the immunotherapeutic sweet spot, ACIR, 2019 10. Engineering collagen-binding serum albumin (CBD-SA) as a drug conjugate carrier for cancer therapy, Medical Xpress, 201911. A bioengineering approach to find new treatment for bleeding and wound healing, Imperial College London News, 201912. Improving safety and efficacy of immunotherapeutics, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, news in brief, 18, 420, 201913. Targeting inflammation with collagen-binding antibodies, Nature Reviews Rheumatology, Research Highlight, 201914. von Willebrand factor promotes wound healing, Blood Commentary, 201915. Recruitment of CD103+ dendritic cells via tumor-targeted chemokine delivery enhances efficacy of checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy, spotlight, ACIR, 2019PATENTSCo-inventor of following 12 patents filed by the University of Chicago U.S. Provisional Patent Applications 62/878,574, 62/585,101, 62/758,845, 62/638,520, 28/984,351, 62/727,156, 62/809,988, and 62/856,468PCT Applications 1. Ishihara J, Ishihara A, Fukunaga K, Hubbell JA. Methods and compositions for treating cancer with ECM-affinity peptides linked to immunotherapeutic antibodies- PCT/US2018/285052. Ishihara J, Ishihara A, Sasaki K, Mansurov, A, Swartz MA, Hubbell JA. Methods and compositions for treating cancer with ECM-affinity peptides linked to cytokines -PCT/US2019/206853.Ishihara J, Ishihara A, Mansurov, A, Hubbell JA. Methods and compositions for treating inflammatory and autoimmune conditions with ECM-affinity peptides linked to anti-inflammatory agents -PCT/US20/196684.Ishihara J, Ishihara A, Briquez, P, Hubbell JA?METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING LAMININ PEPTIDES?PCT/US18/60760ORAL PRESENTATIONS1.Rising Stars in human immunology research conference, Invited speaker, Chicago, 20192.78th annual meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, Kyoto, 20193.Biomedical Engineering Conference, Philadelphia, 20194. Annual meeting of American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Chicago, 20185. 76th annual meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, Yokohama, 20176. Invited speaker, Tokyo Institute of Technology, (Hosted by Prof. Mihara) 2017 7. 10th Stem Cell Symposia, Hyogo, 20128. 53rd American Society for Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting, San Diego 20119. 10th The Japanese society for regenerative medicine annual meeting, Tokyo, 2010 SKILLSMolecular/Cellular Biology – Cell Culture, Next Generation Sequencing, Cloning, PCR, Bacterial, & Mammalian Protein Expression & Purification, Lenti-virus, Retro-virus, Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting, Computational Analysis of Protein Structure, Antibody Production, Western Blot, ELISA, & Surface Plasmon ResonanceAnimal Experiments – Cancer Models (both spontaneous and transplantable; immunologically cold and hot tumors), Skin Regeneration Models (both diabetic and non-diabetic), Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Models, Arthritis Models, Lung Fibrosis Models, Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE), Type I and II Diabetes Models, Adoptive Cell Transfer Models (OT-I, OT-II, and OT-III) & Cell Sheet Transplantation ................

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