JANE E - Kennesaw State University

Kathy Stewart Schwaig VITA

Associate Professor of MIS Web:

Michael J. Coles College of Business Voice: 770.423.6323

1000 Chastain Rd., #402 Fax: 770.499.3420

Kennesaw State University Email: kathy_schwaig@coles2.kennesaw.edu

Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591 Status: United States Citizen


Ph.D. 1996 University of South Carolina – Columbia, South Carolina

Major: Management Information Systems

Minor: Strategic Management

MBA 1986 Baylor University - Waco, TX

Concentration: Information Systems Management

BBA 1984 Baylor University - Waco, TX

Major: Accounting

Minor: Management Information Systems

Work Experience

Kennesaw State University [KSU] – Kennesaw, GA

2002 - present Associate Professor of Management Information Systems – Department of Accounting

Georgia State University [GSU] – Atlanta, GA

1995-2002 Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems

University of South Carolina – Columbia, SC

1990-1995 Graduate Assistant, College of Business Administration, Management Science

Baylor University – Waco, TX

1987-1990 Lecture in Information Systems, School of Business, Department of Information Systems

Intellectual Contributions

|Journal Publications: |

| |

|“Intertwining Material and Virtual Work“ (with D. Robey and L. Jin) Information and Organizations, 13, Winter 2003, p. |

|111-129. |

| |

|“An Empirical Examination of the Concern for Information Privacy Instrument,” (with A. Segars) Information Systems |

|Research, March 2002. |

| |

|“Providing E-Commerce Products and Services: The Structure of the Electronic Commerce Industry,” (with D. Straub, V. |

|Storey and R. Welke), Communications of the ACM, Vol. 43, Issue 7, Summer 2000, pp. 117-123. |

| |

|“Confronting “Confronting the Assumptions Underlying the Management of Knowledge: An Agenda for Understanding and |

|Investigating Knowledge Management,” (with V. Storey, R. Baskerville, A. Raven, J. Senn and C. Long), The DATA BASE for |

|Advances in Information Systems, Vol. 31., No.4 2000, pp. 41-53. |

| |

|“Plugging the Knowledge Drain: Strategies and Technologies for Acquiring Knowledge in Lean Organizations”” (with V. |

|Storey and D. Robey), Journal of Information Technology and Management, Vol. 10, No. 3-4 (2000) p. 59-68. |

| |

|“An Interview with Ron Griffin Senior Vice President and CIO The Home Depot” The DATA BASE for Advances in Information |

|Systems. Fall, 1999. |

| |

|“An Application of Expectancy Theory for Assessing User Motivation to Utilize an |

|Expert System,” (with G. Burton, V. Grover, and Y. Chen) Journal of Management Information Systems, Volume 9 Number 3, |

|Winter, 1992-1993. |

| |

|Work In Process or Under Review: |

| |

|“Strategic Asset Focus Model and Information Technology Sourcing Decisions” revise and resubmit at Information and |

|Organization (with Straub, and Weill). |

| |

|“Fair Information Practices, Information Privacy and the Fortune 500: The Virtual Reality of Compliance”, Under review at|

|The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems (with J. Kane and V. Storey). |

| |

|“Online Privacy Statements in Large Organizations: The Fortune 500” (with J. Kane and V. Storey). |

| |

|“Information Privacy Policy Surveys: A Comparative Study” (with J. Kane and V. Storey). |

| |

|Proceedings/Presentations: |

| |

|“The Obligations of Information Systems Professionals: Searching for Consensus,” America’s Conference on Information |

|Systems, Phoenix, August 1996. |

| |

|Challenge: MBA Computer Literacy via Workshops,” Proceedings of the 1989 Southwest Region Decision Sciences Institute, |

|New Orleans, LA (with G. Willis). |

| |

|“Computer Literacy and the MBA: The Development and Implementation for the MBA Computer Workshops,” presented at the 1989 |

|International Business Schools’ Computer Users Group Conference, Hershey, PA (with G. Willis). |

| |

|Professional Presentations: |

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|Presented “Consumer Privacy Online and the Self-Regulation Debate,” Coles College Brown Bag Series Fall, 2003. |

| |

|Presented “Consumer Privacy Online and the Self-Regulation Debate,” CSIS Scholarship Colloquium, Spring, 2003. |

| |

|Presented “Developing the Core Information Systems Course in an MBA Program” International Conference on Education at the |

|University of Tunisia in Carthage, April, 2001. |

| |

|Panel Presenter “Information Privacy Forum”, Academy of Management Conference Toronto, Canada; August 2000. |

| |

|Presented “Information Systems in the United States”, Yanbian University of Science and Technology, Yanji, China. April |

|1998. |

| |

|“Information Privacy in Business and Education” Invited Speaker, Southern Business Educator’s Association Conference, |

|Birmingham, Al, October 1995. |

Internally Funded Projects/Grants

“The Investigation of Individual Attitude Toward an Information Technology

Enabled Information Practice: A Prescription for Corporate Information Policy,”

Research Course Release Grant. School of Business. Georgia State University,

Atlanta, Georgia.

“A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Concern for Information Privacy

Instrument. Research Course Release Grant. School of Business.” Georgia State

University, Atlanta, Georgia.

Instructional Innovations/New Course (Program) Development:

Coordinator, MIS Undergraduate Curriculum Revision 2002- present [KSU]

Coordinator, MIS Graduate Curriculum Revision 2002 – present [KSU]

Developed the Core MBA IT Course [GSU 1997]

Redesigned Core MBA IT [1999, 2001-2002]

Chair, MBA Core IT Course Redesign Committee (2001) [GSU]

Chair, Ad-Hoc Committee on Information Technology (2001) [GSU]

Courses Taught:

Introduction to Information Systems

Information Technology Outsourcing

Information Technology Project Management

Business Processes and Information Technology

Knowledge Management

Management Support Systems

Management Information Systems

Systems Analysis and Design

Introduction to Statistics

Business Communications

Doctoral Seminar in Ethics in Information Systems

Activities In Academic/Professional Organizations:

Reviewer The DATA BASE for Advances in Information System

Reviewer Journal of Management Information Systems

Reviewer MIS Quarterly

Reviewer for Information Systems Research

Reviewer for Minnesota KM Symposium

Reviewer for Academy of Management

Reviewer for Decision Sciences

Reviewer Association for Information Systems America’s Conference

Reviewer International Conference on Information Systems

Reviewer for HICCS

Member International Association for Computer Information Systems

Attended Conference “Integrating Technology into the Curriculum” AACSB January, 2003

Supervision of Doctoral Dissertations:

Gayle Beyah, (Ph.D. Computer Information Systems, GSU) Co-Chair (2002-present)

Radwan Ali (Ph.D. Instructional Technology, University of Georgia) Member (2003-present)

Lei Jin (Ph.D. Computer Information Systems, GSU) Member

Jia Yin (Ph.D. Computer Information Systems, GSU) Member

Linda Wallace (Ph.D. Computer Information Systems, GSU) Member.

David Geffen (Ph.D. Computer Information Systems, GSU) Reader

Paul Cule (Ph.D. Computer Information Systems, GSU) Reader

Other Service:

Member of Information Technology Advisory Committee (Fall, 2003-present)

Member of Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum Committee (Fall, 2003-present)

Member of Accounting Department Recruiting Committee (Fall, 2003-present)

Member of Ad Hoc Committee on Scholarship in the Accounting Department (Spring, 2003)

Member of Ad Hoc Committee to Select GRA Recipients

Awarded Graduate Research Associate, Fall 2003 [KSU]

Awarded SALT student – Spring, 2003 [KSU]

Member, MBA Faculty Group Committee [GSU} (1997-1999)

Member, MBA Curriculum Innovation Committee [GSU} (2000-2001)

Co-editor Working Paper Series (1999-2002) [GSU}

Coordinator, Departmental Relationship Manager with Georgia Pacific [GSU]

Relevant Practical Experience:

Consultant/Advisor to Process Logic, Inc. Software Development Company

Consultant with Consortium on Global Education; Marietta, GA

Awards and Honors:

Member, Beta Gamma Sigma

Member, Sigma Iota Epsilon Honorary Management Society

1994 Doctoral Student Consortium, Decision Sciences Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii

Richard D. Irwin Doctoral Fellowship Nominee

Alpha Kappa Psi Outstanding Teacher Award, Baylor University

Community Service:

Member of the Board of Directors of the Atlanta Care Center


Richard Baskerville

Chair, Department of Computer Information Systems

College of Business Administration

Georgia State University

PO Box 4015

Atlanta, GA 30302-40415

Phone: 404.651.0934 Fax: 404.651.3842

Email: rbaskerv@cis.gsu.edu

Dan Robey

John B. Zellars Professor of Computer Information Systems

Department of Computer Information Systems

College of Business Administration

Georgia State University

PO Box 4015

Atlanta, GA 30302-40415

Phone: 404.651.2086 Fax: 404.651.3842

Email: drobey@gsu.edu

Veda Storey

Tull Professor of Computer Information Systems

Department of Computer Information Systems

College of Business Administration

Georgia State University

PO Box 4015

Atlanta, GA 30302-40415

Phone: 404.651.3894 Fax: 404.651.3842

Email: vstorey@gsu.edu


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