IMSP | Institut de Mathématiques et de Sciences Physiques



Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics

Institut de Mathématiques et de Sciences Physiques[1]


FOR 2014

Foreword by the Director

I am pleased to present the report on the activities of the Institut de Mathématiques et de Sciences Physiques (IMSP), during the academic year 2013-2014. This academic year has seen the continuation of training in mathematics, theoretical physics, computer science, and didactics of mathematics, physics and chemistry.

The Institut de Mathématiques et de Sciences Physiques contributes also, since 1990, to influence positively mathematics and physics curricula in the secondary schools, by organizing a competition for young pupils in mathematics, physics and chemistry in order to attract and to stimulate large numbers of youth toward career in sciences and technology. This competition is organized with the financial support of our National Lottery Company.

A new development this year is that the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors has approved, on April 15, 2014, US$150 million to finance 19 university-based Centers of Excellence in seven countries in West and Central Africa. These highly selected centers will receive funding for advanced specialized studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-related disciplines, as well as in agriculture and health. This landmark Africa Centers of Excellence (ACE) project, which will equip young Africans with new scientific and technical skills, will be financed through IDA credits to the governments of Nigeria (US$70 million), Ghana (US$24 million), Senegal (US$16 million), Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and Togo (US$8 million each). The Gambia will also receive a US $2 million credit and a US$1 million grant to provide higher education (including short-term training) to students, faculty and civil servants through the 19 ACEs.

The project presented by the Institut de Mathématiques et de Sciences Physiques (IMSP) has been ranked at the tenth position among the fifty three (53) applications received by the World Bank. This project aims to strengthen the training and research capacities of IMSP by implementing new programs in applied mathematics (mathematical modelings, Statistics and Probability). Therefore his Institute will be granted US$8 million by the World Bank. But according to the Implementation Planing, this grant cannot be used to pay scholarships to students.

Finally, Nine (09) PhD Thesis have been defended in 2014 and more than fifteen (15) Master's degree dissertations in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences have also been defended during the same year.

1. Academic activities

During the 2013–2014 academic year, the Institute hosted visitors from France, Canada, Italy, Spain, USA, Senegal and Burkina-Faso. These visitors (including senior scientists) conducted joint work with the IMSP members, delivered lectures in various IMSP programs, met students. The lecture given are as follows :

A) Master in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

a) Local scientific staff

Prof. L. TODJIHOUNDE : Geometric Analysis.

Prof. C. ATINDOGBE : Differential Geometry for Physicists.

Prof. J. TOSSA : Pseudo-Riemannian Geometry and Introduction to General Relativity.

Prof A. MARCOS and Dr B. AHOUNOU : Functional Analysis.

Dr G. DEGLA : Nonlinear Analysis.

Prof. J. B. CHABI OROU : Fluid Mechanics.

Dr G. AVOSSEVOU : Non Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.

Prof. F. HONTINFINDE : Statistical Physics.

b) Visitors

Mathematics (visiting scientists):

1) Prof. Augustin BANYAGA, Penstate University : Symplectic and contact Geometry

2) Prof. Claude Levesque, Université de Laval (Canada) : Introduction aux formes quadratiques binaires,

3) Prof. Alain TOGBE, Purdue University North Central, Westville, USA : Introduction to elementary arithmetic,

4) Prof. Franscesco Pappalardi, Roma, Italy : Introduction to the algebraic number theory,

5) Prof. Jorge Jimenez Urroz, UPC, Barcelona, Spain : Elliptic curves and cryptography

6) Prof. Florian Luca, Morelia, Mexico : Diophantine equations

7) Prof. Michel Waldschmidt, Paris 6, France : Introduction to the theory of finite fields with application to error correcting codes

8) Prof) Adriano Salerno, Lewiston, USA : Introduction to p-adic numbers

9) Dr. Kondo GNANVO, Department of Physics, University of Virginia,

Charlottesville, VA, USA : Introduction à la Physique des Particules et aux Techniques Expérimentales et Technologies utilisées en Physique des Hautes Energies et Physique Nucléaire

Didactics of Science (visiting scientists)

Didactics of Mathematics :

Prof Alain BRONNER, University of Montpelier (France),

Prof. Mirène LARGUIER, University of Montpelier (France),

Prof. Denis BUTLEN, Université Paris 7, Diderot,

Didactics of Physics :

Prof. Philippe BRIAUD, University of Nantes (France),

Didactics of Biology :

Prof Christian ORANGE, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgique)

Prof. Denise ORANGE, Université de Lille 3 (France),

Computer Science (visiting scientists)

Prof Roch GLITHO, University of Concordia (Canada),

Prof. Pierre GOUTON, University of Bourgogne, France.

Operational Research (visiting scientists)

Prof. Babacar Ndiaye, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar (Sénégal)

Prof. Gilles Caporossi, HEC, Montréal, Canada

Scientific activities

We have many scientific activities :

Weekly general seminar of Wednesday : This is the seminar program of the Institute that brings together all the research teams. For this academic year, we had thirty-eight (38) weekly seminars, given by PhD students, Lecturers, Researchers and Visiting Scientists.

Seminars of different research groups : are held every Monday for the Mathematics group, every Wednesday (immediately after the general seminar) for Physics group and every Wednesday afternoon for the Didactics group.

International meetings : are important in our research program.

We organize the first Benin CIMPA-ICTP research School on Algebraic Number Theory and Applications during 7-19 July, 2014. This first school on Algebraic Number Theory and Applications has been organized at the new IMSP campus at Dangbo, 15km away from Porto-Novo (Benin).

The main purpose of this school is to introduce Algebraic number Theory to the 39 participants. The report on this activity can be found at writen by Professor Michel Waldschmidt from Paris 6 (France).

The program involves short courses (6 hours) and some advanced mini courses (1 hour) and students selected presentations (30mn including questions).

Defense of Ph.D. Thesis

During the academic year 2014, nine (9) thesis have been defended :

NKOU Van Borhen (Congo Brazza) “On weil bundles : New properties of prolongations of Linear Connnections. Cohomology associated with a Poisson Structure"

MBATAKOU Salomon Joseph (Cameroun) “Transformations conformes et Problème de type Yamabe en Géométrie de Finsler"

NDIZEYE Prosper (Burundi) “Le Modèle d'Ashkin-TEller SPIN-1 avec des Interactions et Dynamiques Compétitives"

KPLE Joël (Bénin) “Numerical Study of Ferrimagnetic Ising models in the Bethe-Peierls Approximation"

SALAKO Godonou Inès (Bénin) “Les Théories Alternatives : La Théorie Télé-Parallèle Généralisée et la Théorie Néo-Newtonnienne"

DOSSA Finagnon Anselme (Bénin) “Canonical Quantization through Coherent States and Similarity Transformations Applications to Quantum Rabi Models and the Nonabelian Landau Problem”

AHOUANDJINOU S. M. R. Arnaud (Bénin) “Reconnaissance de scénario par les modèles de Markov cachés crédibilistes. Application à l'interprétation automatique de séquences vidéo médicales”

MIWADINOU H. Clément (Bénin) “Control of chaotic and catastroph behaviours of a modified Rayleigh-Duffing oscillator”

HINVI Amoussou Laurent (Bénin) “Linear stability analysis of fluid flow in porour medium with small suction and injection through the walls”


FOR 2013-2014

Cosmology and Gravitation Group

| | | | |

|N° |Authors |Title of Articles and Journal of the publication |Impact Factor of the|

| | | |Journal |

| | |Locally Rotationally Symmetric Bianchi Type-I cosmological | |

| |M.E. Rodrigues, I.G. Salako, M.J.S. Houndjo, J. |model in f(T) gravity: from early to Dark Energy dominated | |

| |Tossa |universe | |

| | | |1.183 |

|1 | |Published in Int.J.Mod.Phys. D23 (2014) 1, 1450004 | |

| | |Newtonian View of General Relativistic Stars | |

| |A.M. Oliveira, H.E.S. Velten, J.C. Fabris, I.G. | | |

|2 |Salako. |Accepted for publication in European Physical Journal C |5.436 |

| | |(2014) | |

| | |Thermodynamics in Little Rip cosmology in the framework of a | |

| |M.J.S. Houndjo, F.G. Alvarenga, Manuel E. |type of f(R, T) gravity | |

|3 |Rodrigues, Deborah F. Jardim. | |1.475 |

| | |Published in Eur.Phys.J.Plus 129 (2014) 171 | |

| | |Cosmological viable f(R,T) dark energy model: dynamics and | |

| |E.H. Baffou, A.V. Kpadonou, M.E. Rodrigues, M.J.S. |stability |2.401 |

|4 |Houndjo, J. Tossa. | | |

| | |Accepted for publication in Astrophys.Space Sci. | |

| | |Realistic f(T) model describing the de Sitter epoch of the | |

| |S B Nassur , A.V. Kpadonou, M.E. Rodrigues, M.J.S. |current universe |0.928 |

|6 |Houndjo, J. Tossa. |Accepted for publication in Can.J.Phys. | |

Mathematics Group

| | | | | |

|N° |Authors |Title of Articles and Journal of the publication |Impact Factor | |


| |Eva Glasmachers, Gerhard Knieper, Carlos Ogouyandjou, Jan |AND VOLUME GROWTH ON SURFACES |0.791 | |

|7 |Philipp Schröder |J OURNAL OF M ODERN DYNAMICS | | |

| | |V OLUME 8, N O. 1, 2014, 75–91 | | |

| | |Einstein–Weyl structures on lightlike hypersurfaces | | |

|8 |Cyriaque Atindogbe, Lionel Bérard-Bergery, Carlos |Cent. Eur. J. Math. • 11(10) • 2013 • 1850-1862 DOI: | | |

| |Ogouyandjou |10.2478/s11533-013-0278-9 |0.519 | |

| | |Volume of Geodesic Balls in Finsler | | |

| |Carlos Ogouyandjou |Manifolds of Hyperbolic Type | | |

|9 | |Advances in Pure Mathematics, 2014, 4, 391-399. | | |


|10 | |HYPERBOLIC TYPE | | |

| |C. ATINDOGBE, C. OGOUYANDJOU, J. TOSSA |Mathematical Sciences And Applications E-Notes Volume 1 No. 1| | |

| | |(2014) c MSAEN | | |

| | |On bifurcation from infinity and multipoint boundary value | | |

| | |problems. Advances in Pure Mathematics 2014, 4, 108-117. | | |

|11 |G. DEGLA |(10.4236/apm. 2014.44018). | | |

| | | | | |

| | |A residual-based posteriori error estimates for a | |

| | |nonconforming finite element discretization of the |1,98 |

| |W Houedanou, Ahounou Bernardin, Serge Nicaise |Stokes-Darcy coupled problem: Isotropic discretization." | |

|12 | |Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (JCAM) | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Asymmetric Steklov problems with sign-changing weights |1.119 |

| |J. Doumatè, L.Leadi, M.Aboubacar |Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2015, | |

|13 | | | |

| | |Weighted eigenvalue problems for quasilinear elliptic |1.119 |

| | |operators with mixed Robin-Dirichlet boundary conditions | |

| |Mabel Cuesta and Liamidi Leadi |Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol 422, | |

| | |Issue 1, 1 January 2015, Pages 1–26 | |

| | | | |

|14 | | | |

Computer Science Group

|N° | |Title of Articles and Journal of the publication | |

| |Authors | |Impact Factor of |

| | | |the Journal |

| |Arnaud S. R. M. Ahouandjinou, Cina Motamed, Eugène C. |Activity | |

|15 |Ezin |Recognition Based on Temporal HMM for Visual Medical | |

| | |Monitoring Using a Multi | |

| | |Camera System. | |

| | | | |

| | |12th African Conference on Research in Computer Science | |

| | |and Applied Mathematics, CARI 2014: 89-100, 2014. | |

| |Arnaud S. R. M. Ahouandjinou, Cina Motamed, Eugène C. |A temporal belief | |

| |Ezin. |hmm for human action recognition in medical videos, | |

|16 | | | |

| | |11th international conference on | |

| | |pattern recognition and image analysis – PRIA-2013: | |

| | |492-495, 2013. | |

| |Arnaud S. R. M. Ahouandjinou, Cina Motamed, Eugène C. |A temporal belief based HMM for human action recognition| |

| |Ezin., Arnaud S. R. M. Ahouandjinou, Cina Motamed, |in medical videos., | |

| |Eugène C. Ezin., |International journal of Pattern Recognition and Image | |

| | |Analysis. Advances in Mathematical Theory and | |

|17 | |Applications, | |

| | |vol.24, 2014. | |

| |Arnaud S. R. M. Ahouandjinou, C. Motamed, E. C. Ezin, |Reconnaissance |-------- |

|18 |H. Agboton |de scénarios crédibilistes par les modèles de Markov | |

| | |cachés hiérarchico-temporels, | |

| | | | |

| | |Soumis au | |

| | |revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et | |

| | |Mathématiques Appliquées, ARIMA, | |

Quantum Fields Theory Group

| | | | |

| | |Title of Articles and Journal of the |Impact Factor of the Journal |

|N° |Authors |publication | |

| | |The Aharonov-Bohm effect and its stationary | |

| | |scattering states from the flat circular | |

|19 | |annulus U(1) holonomy | |

| |Gabriel Y. H. Avossevou and Bernardin D. Ahounou | |0.951 |

| | |International Journal of Geometric Methods in | |

| | |Modern Physics , Vol. 11 (2014) 1450084 | |

| | |DOI: 10.1142/S0219887814500844 | |

| | |Analytical spectrum for a Hamiltonian of | |

| |Anselme F. Dossa and Gabriel Y. H. Avossevou |quantum dots with Rashba spin-orbit coupling | |

|20 | | |1.296 |

| | |In press in : Physica Scripta | |

| | |Full spectrum of the two-photon and the | |

|21 |Anselme F. Dossa and Gabriel Y. H. Avossevou |two-mode quantum Rabi models | |

| | | |1.296 |

| | |In press in : Journal of Mathematical Physics | |

|22 |Michaël Fanuel, Jan Govaerts, Gabriel Y. H. |The N = 1 Supersymmetric Wong Equations and the| |

| |Avossevou and Anselme F. Dossa |Non-Abelian Landau Problem | |

| | | | |

| | |In press in : Journal of Physics A, |1.687 |

| | |Mathematical and Theoretical | |

|23 |Daniel Sabi Takou, Gabriel Y. H. Avossevou and |SUSY partners for spin-1/2 systems in | |

| |Basile B. Kounouhewa |nonrelativistic limit | |

| | | |1.077 |

| | |Under consideration in : | |

| | |Cent. Euro. J. Phys. | |

| | | | |

| | |Unitary Transformations and the One-photon Rabi| |

| |Anselme F. Dossa and Gabriel Y. H. Avossevou |Model | |

|24 | | |1.296 |

| | |Under consideration in : Journal of | |

| | |Mathematical Physics | |

Renewable Energy Group

| | |Title of Articles and Journal of the publication | Impact Factor of the |

|N° |Authors | |Journal |



|25 |B.; AWANOU C. N. et CHABI-OROU B. J. | | |

| | |Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de | |

| | |l’Université de Lomé (JRSUL-Togo), JRSUL-0029_E | |

| | |Vol. 16 (2), 2014. | |




| |A. |MARIN | |

| |M.; AWANOU N. C. et CHABI-OROU B. J. | | |

| | |Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de | |

| | |l’Université de Lomé (JRSUL-Togo), JRSUL-0033_E | |

| | |Vol. 16 (2), 2014. | |

| | |Estimation de la puissance énergétique éolienne à| |

|27 |M. A. HOUEKPOHEHA; B. KOUNOUHEWA; B. N. |partir de la distribution de Weibull sur la côte | |

| |TOKPOHOZIN et C. N. AWANOU |béninoise à Cotonou dans le Golfe de Guinée | |

| | | | |

| | |Revue des Energies Renouvelables Vol. 17, N°3 ( | |

| | |2014) | |


| |TOKPOHOZIN et C. N. AWANOU |Modelling of sediment movement in the surf and | |

| | |swash zones | |

| | | | |

| | |to apear in Acta Oceanologica Sinica | |

Fluid Dynamics- Nonlinear Dynamics

and Chaotic Dynamics Group

|N° |Authors |Title of Articles and Journal of the publication | Impact Factor of |

| | | |the Journal |

| | |Linear stability analysis of fluid flow between two parallel | |

|29 |L. A. Hinvi ; A. V. Monwanou  and J. B. Chabi Orou |porous stationary plates  | |

| | | | |

| | |African Review of Physics (2014) 9:0016 | |

| |L. A. Hinvi ; A. V. Monwanou  and J. B. Chabi Orou |Etude de l’oscillateur de Van der Pol généralisé par la | |

|30 | |méthode du groupe de renormalisation | |

| | | | |

| | |Accepted for publication in JRSUL-Togo (2014) | |

| | C. H. Miwadinou ; A. V. Monwanou and J. B. Chabi Orou|Active Control of the Parametric Resonance in the Modified | |

|31 | |Rayleigh-Duffing Oscillator. | |

| | | | |

| | |Accepted for publication in African Review of Physics (2014) | |

| |C. H. Miwadinou ; A. V. Monwanou and J. B. Chabi Orou |Effect of nonlinear dissipation on the basin boundaries of a |1.017 |

|32 | |driven two-well modified Rayleigh-Duffing Oscillator . | |

| | | | |

| | |Accepted for publication in International Journal of | |

| | |Bifurcation and Chaos (2014) | |

|33 |A. A. Koukpémèdji ; J. B. Chabi Orou |Vitesse du vent et distribution de Weibull. | |

| | |Accepted for publication in JRSUL-Togo (2014) | |

Statistical Physics and Condense Mater Group

| Authors |Title of Articles and Journal of the publication | Impact Factor of the |

| | |Journal |

| |Numerical study of the three-state Ashkin-Teller model with | |

|Prosper Ndizeye, Felix Hontinfinde, Basile Kounouhewa,|competing dynamics | |

|Smaine Bekhechi |Cent. Eur. J. Phys |1.077 |

| |Volume 12, Issue 5, May 2014 | |

| T.D. OKE, Felix Hontinfinde, K. Boukheddaden |Interplay between spin-crossover and magnetic interactions in| |

| |a BEG model |1.463 |

| |Eur. Phys. J. B (2013) 86: 271 | |


In several African countries, a strong decline was observed in the numbers of High School students graduating with a Mathematics option ( called “ séries C” in Benin). In 2011 for example in Benin, we had 73,310 applicants to the Baccalauréat (the final degree for the secondary schools), but only 1160 were enrolled in mathematics option. This situation remain unchanged in 2014 where for 101,634 applicants, only 1064 where enrolled in mathematics option. The Institute organized annually, since 1990, a scientific competition for young pupils in the fourth year of college (secondary schools). Since 2007, a similar competition is organized only for girls and this competition is called “Miss Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry”. Here are some pictures for the year 2014 of those competitions.


[1] BP 613, Porto-Novo, Bénin Tél & Fax (+229) 20 22 24 55

Email secretariat@imsp- Page Web : imsp-


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