Mohan Tanniru

Mohan Tanniru

Interim Dean, School of Business Administration

Oakland University, Rochester MI 48309




• 1975-78 ___ Ph.D. in MIS, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois

• 1972-75 ___ MBA in Production and Operations Management, U. of WI- Oshkosh, Wisconsin

• 1970-72 ___ MS in Electrical Engineering with Control Systems and Computer Logic, U. of WI- Milwaukee, Wisconsin

• 1964-69 ___ BS in Electrical Engineering, Regional Engineering College, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India.


Teaching and Doctoral Student Mentoring

• 2007-present: Interim-Dean of School of Business Administration, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48308

• 2003-2007: Professor of MIS and MIS Dept Head

University of Arizona, Eller College of Management

Teaching/Taught: MIS Strategy, IT Management, Systems Analysis and Strategic MIS (MBA Course)

• 1997-2002: Professor in Management Information Systems

Director of Applied Technology in Business Program

Co-director, Center for Entrepreneurship in Information Technology

School of Business Administration, Oakland University, Rochester MI 48309

Taught: Business IT Foundations, IT Project Management & Business Process Innovation

• 1982-1996: Associate Professor in Management Information Systems

Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, 13244

Taught: Structured Systems Analysis and Design, Decision Support Systems, MIS concepts, MIS Synthesis, MIS Ph.D. Seminar and Expert Systems.

• 1978-1982: Assistant Professor in Management Information Systems

University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI

Taught: Systems Analysis and Design, Computers in Business, Decision Support Systems, and Seminar in MIS (under-graduate and graduate).

• MIS Ph.D. Student Thesis Advising: Committee chair for 9 Ph.D. students and a committee member for 6 others at SU; Committee chair of 2 doctoral students and committee member for 9 students at U of Arizona


Journal Publications

M. Tanniru, “A Framework for Supporting Decisions in a Global Context – The Case of a Global DSS (gDSS) for financial planning,” forthcoming in DSS Handbook.

Sugumaran, V., Storey, V and M. Tanniru, “A Knowledge-Based Framework for Extracting Components in Agile Systems Development,” forthcoming in Information Technology and Management Special Issue on Architecture & Design for Application Agility

Rajagopalan, B., M. Tanniru, D. Doane and K. York, “Enablers and Enterprise Systems Training Success- an Exploratory Investigation,” Forthcoming inInternational Journal of Information Systems.

Mukherji, N., Rajagopalan, B., M. Tanniru, "A Decision Support System Model for Optimal Timing of Upgrades in Investment in Information Technology Upgrades", Forthcoming in Decision Support Systems, 2006.

Madhusudan, T and M. Tanniru, "Knowledge Partitioning - A Strategic Approach to Product Lifecycle Management," 2005, International Journal of Product Development, Vol.2, Nos1/2, pp:85-104.

E. Peacock and M. Tanniru, "Activity-Based Justification for IT Investments", Information & Management, 2005, Vol 42 pp.415-424.

H. Aigbedo and M. Tanniru , Electronic Markets in Support of Procurement Processes Along the Automotive Supply Chain, Journal of Production Planning and Control, 2004, Vol.15, No.4, October, 688-695.

M. Tanniru and R. Agarwal, ATiB Program An Industry-Academia Partnership to Support Student Learning, e-Service journal - , 2002.

L. Thomas W. and Tanniru, Mohan, "Knowledge Management Audit A Methodology and Case Study," Australian Journal of Information Systems (Special Issue on Knowledge Management), 2001, 23 41.

K. Mathieson, M. Bhargava and M. Tanniru, Web-Based Consumer Decision Tools: Motivations and Constraints, Electronic Markets, 2000, Vol. 9, No.4, 274-277.

V. Sugumaran, M. Tanniru and V. Storey, A Domain Model for Supporting Reuse in Systems Analysis, Communications of ACM, November 2000, Vol. 43, No. 11es.

R. Agarwal, J. Prasad, M. Tanniru and J. Lynch, Rapid Application Development: Are we Subverting Good Software Construction Practices, Communications of ACM , November 2000, Vol. 43, No. 11es, pp: 83-90,

R. Agarwal, P. De, A. Sinha and M. Tanniru, On the Usability of Object-Oriented Representations, Communications of ACM, October 2000, Vol.43, No.10.

S. Nambisan, R. Agarwal, M. Tanniru Organizational Mechanisms for Enhancing Users' Propensity to Innovate in Information Technology, MIS Quarterly, 1999, Vol. 23, No.3, Sept. 365-395.

D. Cardarelli R.Agarwal, M. Tanniru, Reengineering: Some Organizational Considerations, Journal of Information Systems Management, 1997.

R. Agarwal, G. Krudys and M. Tanniru, Infusing Learning into an Information Systems Organization, European Journal of Information Systems, 1997, Vol. 6, 25:40.

D. Ghosh and M. Tanniru, Generating and Evaluating Process Redesign Options: A Network Modeling Approach, Annals of Operations Research, 1997.

R. Agarwal, M. Tanniru, and D. Wilemon, Assimilating Information Technology Innovations: Strategies and Moderating Influences, IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management, 1997, Vol. 44, No.4, 347:358.

K. Smith, S. Nambisan and M. Tanniru, Organizational Learning and Resource-Based Theory: An Integrative Model, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 1996, Vol. 9, No.6, 44:53

R. Agarwal, A. Sinha and M. Tanniru, The Role of Prior Experience and Task Characteristics in Object-Oriented Modeling: An Empirical Study, Intl. Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 1996, 45, 639:667.

R. Agarwal, A. Sinha and M. Tanniru, Cognitive Fit in Requirement Modeling: A Study of Object and Process Methodologies, Journal of MIS, fall, 1996, Vol. 13, No.2.

R. Agarwal and M. Tanniru, Migration from Process to Object Model - A Network Based Approach", MIS Review, 1996, Vol.1, No.6 (published by National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan).

M. Benaroch and M. Tanniru, Conceptualizing Structurable Tasks in the Development of Knowledge Based Systems, Decision Sciences, 1996, Vol. 27, No.3.

R. Agarwal, M. Tanniru, and Y. Zhang, Knowledge Based Model Validation Support for End User Computing Environments, Decision Support Systems, 1995, Vol.15, 1-18.

D. Ghosh, J. Pruitt and M. Tanniru, Modeling and Simulation of IS for Performance Evaluation during Systems Analysis, Systems Analysis Modeling and Simulation, 1995.

R. Agarwal, J. Heatley, and M. Tanniru, The Implementation and Evaluation of Innovative Technologies A Study of Carrier EXPERT, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 1995, Vol.4, No.3.

R. Agarwal, L. Roberge and M. Tanniru, MIS Planning: A Methodology for Systems Prioritization, Information and Management, 27, 1994, 261-274

R. Agarwal, S. Brown and M. Tanniru, Assessing the Organizational Impact of Expert Systems The Experiences of a Small Firm, Expert Systems with Applications, 1994, Vol.7, No.2, pp.249-257.

R. Agarwal and M. Tanniru, Assessing Organizational Impacts of Technology, International Journal of Technology Management, 1993, Vol. 6/7/8.

R. Agarwal, R. Kannan and M. Tanniru, Formal Validation of a Knowledge Based System Using a Variation of the Turing Test", Expert Systems with Applications, 1993, Vol.6, pp.181-192.

R. Agarwal, S. Sakthivel and M. Tanniru, Knowledge-Based Approach to Structural Integrity Verification in Requirement Analysis and Logical System Specifications, Knowledge Based Systems, 1993 Sept., Vol. 6, No.3.

D. Gulati and M. Tanniru, A Model Based Approach to Investigate Improvements in Performance of Rule Based Systems, Decision Sciences, Jan./Feb.1993, Vol.24, No.1.

R. Agarwal and M. Tanniru, A Structured Methodology for developing Production Systems, Decision Support Systems, 1992, Vol.8, 483-499.

R. Agarwal and M. Tanniru, A Petri Net Based Approach for Verifying the Integrity of Production Systems, International Journal of Man Machine Studies, 1992, Vol.36, 447 468.

R. Agarwal, R. Kannan and M. Tanniru, Knowledge Based Support for the Design of Information System Controls, The Journal of Accounting Systems, Fall 1992, Vol.2.

R. Agarwal, M. Tanniru and M. DaCruz, Knowledge Based Support for Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Judgments in Resource Allocation Decisions, Journal of MIS, Summer, 1992, Vol.9, No.1, 165-184.

C. Higgins, R. Agarwal and M. Tanniru, Technology Diffusion in a Centralized MIS Environment Experiences at Carrier, Information and Management, 1991, Vol. 20, 61 70.

T. Murray and M. Tanniru, Control of Inconsistency and Redundancy in Prolog type Knowledge bases, Expert Systems with Applications, 1991, Vol.2, 321 331.

H. Jain, M. Tanniru and B. Fazollahi, MCDM Approach for Generating and Evaluating Alternatives in Requirement Analysis, Information Systems Research, 1991, Vol.2, No.3, 223 239.

R. Agarwal, M. Tanniru and R. Linck, Knowledge Base Maintenance, Expert Systems: Planning, Implementation and Integration, 1991 Summer, Vol.3, No.2, 6 14.

B. Fazlollahi and M. Tanniru, Selecting a Requirement Determination Methodology Contingency Approach Revisited, Information and Management, 1991, Vol.21, 291 303.

R. Agarwal and M. Tanniru, Knowledge Extraction Using Content Analysis, Knowledge Acquisition, 1991, Vol.3, 421 441.

R. Agarwal and M. Tanniru, System Development Life Cycle for Expert Systems, Knowledge Based Systems, Sept. 1990, Vol.3, No.3, 170 180.

R. Agarwal and M. Tanniru, Knowledge Acquisition Using Structured Interviewing: An Empirical Investigation, Journal of MIS, summer 1990, Vol.7, No.1, 123 140.

M. Tanniru and H. Jain, Knowledge Based GDSS to Support Reciprocally Interdependent Decisions, Decision Support Systems, 5, 1989, 287 301.

S. Sakthivel and M. Tanniru, Information System Verification and Validation during Requirement Analysis using Petri Nets, Journal of MIS, Winter 88 89,Vol.5, No.3, 33 51.

T. Murray and M. Tanniru, Selection between Knowledge Based and Traditional Approach to System Design, Journal of MIS, summer 1987, Vol.5, No.1, 42 58.

M. Tanniru, Cost and Benefit Analysis for Computer Automation, The Management Review Loyola College in Maryland, Fall 1984, Vol.1, No.3, 21 27.

E. Stohr and M. Tanniru, A Data Base for Operations Research Models, Policy Analysis and Information Systems, Winter 1980, Vol.4, No.1, 105.

J. Blin, E. Stohr and M. Tanniru, A Structure for Computer Aided Corporate Planning, Policy Analysis and Information Systems, June 1979, Vol.3, No.1, 111 140.

Other Research

Editor of Special Issues

Co-edited with Dr. T.P. Liang an issue of JMIS on Customer-centric IS, Reviews completed in March, 2006, forthcoming in 2007.

Co-editor with Dr. J. Leon Zhao and Dr. Liang-Jie Zhang, IBM Research, of a special issue on "From Web Services to Services Computing: Technologies and Applications," by Information Systems Frontier.

Articles published in a book

Mr. Henry Aigbedo and M. Tanniru, "Electronic Markets in Support of Procurement Processes along the Automotive Supply Chain," will be included in a text book, titled "Value-Based Management of Japanese Companies," co-edited by Yasuhiro Monden, Kanji Miyamoto, Kazuki Hamada, Gunyung Lee and Takayuki Asada, to be published by World Science Publishing Inc., in 2005

R. Solak, M. Schrauben, and M Tanniru, Mobile commerce in Automotive Industry, in Readings in M-Commerce, edited by B. Menneckin and T. Stadler, 2002.

M. Tanniru, Managing Information Technology: A Resource Enhancement Perspective, Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, 1996, Vol.34, supplement 19.

R. Agarwal, M. Tanniru and R. Linck, Knowledge Base Maintenance,, Handbook of Systems Management Development and Support, Auerbach Publications, 1992.

R. Agarwal and M. Tanniru, Organizational Management of Expert Systems Development, Expert Systems for Management and Engineering, Ellis Horwood Ltd., United Kingdom, Nov. 90.

Papers under Review

R. Lusch, Vargo S. and M. Tanniru, “Service, Value Networks and Learning: Converging Marketing and SCM on Service-Dominant Logic,” under review by Journal of Academy of Marketing Science.

K. Fadel, Brown, S. and M. Tanniru, “A Theoretical Framework for Knowledge Transfer in Process Redesign,” under review by Data Base.

Select Conference Papers - Since 1994 only

Fadel, K and M. Tanniru, "A Knowledge-Centric Framework for Process Redesign," ACM-SIGMIS, 2005, in Atlanta, GA (Received the best paper award).

Y. Zhang and M. Tanniru, An Agent-based Approach to Study Virtual Learning Communities, HICSS-2005 (best paper award in collaboration track).

Harry J. Wang, J. Leon Zhao, Jay Nunamaker, Jr., and Mohan Tanniru, AC-Composer: An Access Control System for Web Services Orchestration, presented at AIS 2004, August, New York.

Y. Zhang and M. Tanniru, "Business Flexibility and Operational Efficiency -- Making Trade-Offs in Service Oriented Architecture," AMCIS, 2005

Y. Zhang and M. Tanniru "Bridging the Gap between Flexibility and Rigidity in Managing Propositional Knowledge Systems: Unifying Relationships with a Hybrid Link Architecture, " AMCIS 2005

K. Fadel, M. Tanniru and S. Weisband, "Understanding Process Knowledge Change in Enterprise System Implementation: A Framework and Case Study", ICIS 2005, received one of 20 best papers out of 450 at the AMCIS 2005.

Tanniru, M., "Applied Technology in Business- A Model to support Industry/Academic Collaboration," AIS Conference, 2001, Boston, CA

Sugumaran, V. and M. Tanniru, "Designing Support for Customers on the Web- A Case Study," AIS Conference, 2000, Long Beach, CA.

S. Sharma and M. Tanniru, "Managing Projects in a Software Acquisition Environment- Issues and Challenges," AIS Conference, 2000, Long Beach, CA.

S. Miree, M. Simon and M. Tanniru, "Understanding the role of E-commerce in B to B Sales Strategy," AIS conference, 2000, Long Beach, CA.

V. Sugumaran, V. Storey and M. Tanniru, "An Automated System for Artifact Reuse in Systems Analysis and Design," Workshop on Information Technology and Systems, December, 1999.

V. Sugumaran, V. Storey and M. Tanniru, "Identifying Software Components from Process Requirements Using Domain Model and Object Libraries," International Conference on Information Systems, 1999, December.

M. Tanniru, "Knowledge Management - A Framework for Analysis," Pacific Asian Conference on Expert Systems, February, 1999, Los Angeles, CA.

T.J. Wharton, J. Braunstein and M. Tanniru, "Problem Structuring: Overcoming the Influence of Info. Processing Heuristics and Biases," Decision Science Institute Conf., 1999.

R. Agarwal and M. Tanniru, "Organizational Receptivity to Change and Success in Process Reengineering," ICIS Conference, Cleveland, 1996.

S. Nambisan, M. Tanniru and D. Wilemon, "Software development: learnings from new product development," Fifth International Conference on Management of Technology, Miami, Feb. 27, 1996.

R. Kannan, S. Khorramshahgol and M. Tanniru, "A Quantitative Method for Performing a Cost-Benefit Analysis of Expert System Projects," EPIA -The 7th. Portuguese Conference on AI -Application of ES, Portugal, 1995

R. Agarwal and M. Tanniru, "Addressing Complexity in Process Redesign using KBS/ES Technology," Pacific-Asian Conference on Expert Systems in China during May, 1995.

B. Suresh and M. Tanniru, "A Knowledge Based System for Diagnostic Support," Japan/Korea Joint Conf. on Expert Systems, Japan, 1994.

M. Albers, R. Agarwal and M. Tanniru, "The Practice of Business Process Reengineering: Radical Planning and Incremental Implementation in an IS Organization", ACM-SIGCPR Conference, 1994 March.

Partial List of Invited Workshops and Presentations

Managing Information Technology in a Global Environment -- A reflective look back with an opportunity to shape its future, IIT-Mumbai and IIT-Delhi

Presented Process Innovation to CEO and President's Association in Tucson, March 2006

Co-hosted a session with Mr. Brian Ellerman of Sanofi-Aventis at the ITASA CIO SIG (IT Association of Southern Arizona, CIO Special Interest Group) on January 27th.

Gave a talk, "Mining the E-Commerce Gold," at the SCORE Business Success Forum on March 10th, 2004 at Holiday Inn, Tucson, Arizona.

KM Issues and Challenges in the KM theory session of the US Air Force Conference on Knowledge Management in Tucson, AZ, 2005

Participated in a panel discussion on IT Career Options on Feb 5th as a part of Key to Employment for the 21st Century (for middle and high school students), organized by Metropolitan Education Commission

Joined a panel of academics on "Emerging Directions for the IS Academic Community: Challenges and Opportunities," at the Gordon Davis Symposium on May 13-14 in Minneapolis, 2005.

Made MIS curricular presentation to the MIS faculty at the Whitman School of Management in Syracuse University on May 6th, 2005

Workshop on Integrating Business & IT Strategies at the 2002 IMA Annual Conference on Strategic Finance: New Trends, New Technologies, June, San Diego.

Presenting on e-CRM and e-Logistics at the Informatica, 2002 in Hyderabad, India

Industry Experience

Industry partnerships on curriculum and research

• The MIS Futures Council was established in 2003 to seek input from a national and international constituency on curriculum matters.

• The Arizona IT Innovation Partnership Program was established in 2003 to provide doctoral and MS students the opportunity to explore new technology applications in real world settings

• The IT Industry Research Council was established in 2005 to seek input on specific business problems that require rigorous research by our faculty members and doctoral/graduate students

Since 2003 these three industry partnership programs, along with the three conferences and the internship programs, were supported by over $1M in funding from corporations for the department.

Student Project Coordination

2003-2006 Coordinated 15 graduate and Ph D student projects with Sanofi-Aventis, Flandrau Science Center, AOL, Honeywell, GM and Kaiser Permanente

1997-2002: Coordinated over 200 projects with 45 companies such as GM, DaimlerChrysler, EDS, Lear, Comerica and Compuware.

1982-1997: Coordinated over 60 projects that explored technologies and methodologies such as IT management in a global arena, business process reengineering, building a learning oriented IS organization, object oriented development, CASE, expert systems, IS bench-marking, sales force automation, and decision modeling in Syracuse, NY.

1978-82: Coordinated over 200 student projects in the systems development area with over 90 companies in Madison, WI.

Consulting Activities

Consultant to Tata Infotech, India (99-01) on projects related to Knowledge management and IT Strategy.

Consultant to Tata Consultancy Services (90 96): the largest software agency in South Asia: Project Coordinator for Revising Systems Development Methodology and Building an Analyst's Workbench. Other projects include learning based expert experts and information systems planning in developing countries.

Consultant to Proctor & Gamble Pharmaceuticals on a project that calls of an assessment of prescription effectiveness using multiple expert view points (93 Sept. - 94 April).

Consultant to Carrier-UTC (1988 89, 1991) Built a Product Configurator Expert System (which is implemented in 89) and developed training sessions for knowledge engineers.

Consultant to Bristol Labs on Expert System Problem Identification (89).

Other Experience

Fund Raising

Received funding of over $400K from eight corporations over three years to support Arizona IT Innovation Project Program at the U of Arizona and $200K from SAP to support research in RFID.

Received funding of $140K as a part of Industry Research Council to support faculty and doctoral student work

Received funding of $150K for student internships between 2003 and 2005

Coordinated the development of a major proposal for IBM SUR Grant (which was approved value equivalent to $500K in hardware). Research from this is continuing into 2005. Dr. Sudha Ram is spearheading the effort.

Received funding of over $2.5 million from over 45 corporate sponsors over 5 years to support the Applied Technology in Business program at Oakland University, Rochester, MI.

Received funding of $150K from Michigan Economic Development Association and Oakland University for establishing a center for entrepreneurship in information technology ($450K over three years) (2001)

Received funding from Snyder Innovation Management Center ($2,500) for a project in BPR and Organizational Innovation (co-investigators: R. Agarwal and M. Tanniru) (1995-96).

Received funding from Tata Consultancy Services, INDIA ($10,000.00) for research collaboration in the IT area (1994-96).

Received funding from Digital Equipment Corporation, Alcoa, Welsch-Allen, Pass & Seymour and IBM funds to set up the AI-Lab and continue its operations during the years (92-95) (amount: $ 150,000 approximately)

Conference Fund Raising for 15 years (since 1989)

Received funding to sponsor two conferences (2003: $40K; 2004: $150K, 2006: $30K) in the MIS Department at the University of Arizona.

Received funding to sponsor five conferences (1997-2002), as a part of the Applied Technology in Business Program at Oakland University (an average of $40K).

Received funding to sponsor eight conferences (1989-1996) on Managing Advanced Information Technology in the MIS Program at Syracuse University (an average of $25K).


Professional Activities

Institutional Partnerships: Exec Ed Program in Product Lifecycle Management with College of Technology at Purdue University, and Proposal to develop a joint program on Service Oriented Architecture/Service Science with U of Manchester-UK

Member of the Evaluation committee to select the award recipients for the Arizona Governors Celebration of Innovation of Technology in the State of Arizona in 2003-2006

Coordinated MIS Round Table Discussions on March 25th in Tucson on the future of MIS with representatives from 20 of the top 25 MIS programs

Established AOL Case Challenge in spring 2004, Deloitte Case Challenge in 2005, and Salter Case Challenge in 2006 for UG and G students. They work on specific projects and compete for recognition and awards.

Acted as the Director of Arizona Center for Information Science and Technology (2005-2006)

Director of Applied Technology in Business Lab (97-2002), Oakland University, Michigan

Director of AI/ES Lab at Syracuse University (92-96): Established to facilitate Technology Transfer of AI/ES technology to Industry.

MIS Area Coordinator (87;90-96): School of Management, Syracuse University.

Reviewer for ISR, Decision Sciences, Journal of MIS, ACM Communications, Intl. Journal of Man Machine Studies, Decision Support Systems, MIS Quarterly, Annals of OR, IEEE Transactions on Eng. Management

Co-Conference Chair of 25th anniversary of ER Conference in Tucson, AZ in 2006 and 5th Workshop on E-Business in Milwaukee-WI, 2006

Program Chairperson for ACM SIGCPR conference in 1992, St. Louis

Editor of ACM SIGCPR Newsletter (1983 85);

Program committee member for ACM-SIGCPR 91, 93, 94, 95, 97, 99-03

Program committee member for the Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems for the years 92, 93, 94, 95, 99-03.

Other Outreach Activities

Established a women-IT mentorship program and 14 MIS students (UG, G and Pima Community College)

Developed multiple K-12 Outreach activities

A summer camp for Boys & Girls Club of Tucson in partnership with Raytheon Company and Sunnyside School District

- Five additional summer camps for students of all ages

- Educating high school teachers on IT opportunities

- Developing special IT projects for high school students - work with MIS students

- Participating in Careers for 21st Century Expo with student projects and panel discussions


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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