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Mingo County SchoolsSocial/Emotional Journal Prompts for NTI PacketsStudents: Please select your grade band from the following list and respond to the journal prompt. Take time to think about the prompt before responding. Responses should be in paragraph form and address the prompt fully. The following are suggested guidelines for each grade: Kg and 1st grade – Draw or illustrate your response2nd and 3rd grade – Write one paragraph4th – 12th grade – Write multiple paragraphs (3-5 paragraphs) Friday – May 8, 2020K-4: What makes you feel like a strong person?5-8: What is the greatest feeling you have ever had? What made the feeling so special? 9-12: What is one worry you would like to throw away? What would you replace your worry with, and what would you gain by not having that worry in your life? ................

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