TOPIC: SHORT WRITING PROMPTS (Language Arts, History):



Language Arts, History

Grade Level


Type of Activity

Small Group, Individual, Ongoing, Sharing Work, Brief Research, Writing


• Students will have ongoing practice writing short papers (150-200 words) on a variety of Of Mice and Men topics.

• Students will learn to share their writing with others.

• Students will gain a deeper understanding of each section of Of Mice and Men.


Even though the Of Mice and Men unit will culminate with a major scholarly paper, short writing prompts (150-200 words) should be given throughout the unit. The prompts can be both broad and specific. Students should be made to feel comfortable with these prompts, even though (time permitting) some will read them out loud. The student audience will be encouraged to respond and take notes.

These short writing prompts can also be used as discussion topics, journal entries, or as advance organizers.

Materials Needed/Preparation

• Copies of Of Mice and Men.

• Teachers should emphasize that each short prompt should be concise and contain specific examples from the novel.

• Arrange time in the computer lab (if available), so students can start their assignments and teachers can assist students.

• For unfinished assignments, students may email themselves the document or place it on a USB flash drive.

Estimated Time

Each writing prompt can be assigned and completed in one or two homework assignments.


Provide some ideas and ask students to write about some (as much as can be covered during the unit) of these topics:

Ongoing (before or during the reading of the novel):

• What does friendship mean to you?

• How important is to have a place where you belong, where there are people who know you and love you?

• What dreams do you have? How can these dreams fail? How can they succeed?

• Who is your favorite character in this book so far? Give your reasons for choosing him or her.

• Why does Steinbeck tend to start each new section with narrative description?

• Define “responsibility.” Give some examples when you have been responsible and when you have not.

• Write journal entries from the point of view of one of the characters in the novel.

• Which characters can you identify with or with whom you can empathize/sympathize?

• Do you know anyone who is mentally-challenged or otherwise disabled? If so, describe your relationship with that person.

• Is violence ever justified?

• Are you concerned about what others think of you?

• Write about a major conflict (during any stage of the novel).

• In which time period does the novel take place? How can you tell? Use specific examples. Consider: vocabulary, scenery, attitudes.

Section 1 (pp.1-16):

• Describe the relationship between Lennie and George. Are they similar to brothers, parent/child, best friends, etc.?

• What does the mouse in the first section tell you about Lennie? Think about why Lennie insists on carrying it around with him.

• Examine Lennie’s use of language and thinking. At what level is he functioning?

• What figurative language does Steinbeck use in this section and why? See “Literary Terms.”

• Why is setting important to Steinbeck? Consider why he usually starts each section of the novel with a description of the setting.

• What are the motifs already established in Section 1? See “Literary Terms.”

• Discuss, and provide examples of, the literary devices Steinbeck has introduced. See “Literary Terms.”

Section 2 (pp. 17-37):

• How does George try to prevent Lennie from getting into trouble?

• Why is Curley so mean to Lennie and George upon first meeting them? What does he have against them?

• Describe Curley’s personality. Why do you think he acts the way he does?

• Why does George tell Lennie to remain silent when they first meet the ranch boss?

• Why is the ranch boss so suspicious of George and Lennie?

• Why do Curley and Curley’s wife pose a threat to George and Lennie? Why is George especially worried?

Section 3 (pp.38-65):

• Why did Steinbeck include the scene about the killing of Candy’s dog?

• Why does Lennie refuse to fight back when Curley attacks him?

• Why does Curley agree to what Slim told him how to explain his crushed hand?

• How does Slim get George to honestly talk about his relationship with Lennie and what happened in Weed?

• Describe Slim’s personality. Why is he so highly regarded?

• What is Candy’s role in this section? Why is it so important that he is included?

• What is the importance of Carlson in this section?

• Why is Curley so quick to attack Lennie?

Section 4 (pp. 66-83):

• On page 70, Crooks says to Lennie “I ain’t no southern negro…I was born right here in California.” What does he mean by this? How was life different for African Americans in the south compared to those out west in California?

o Possible follow-up: Do you think there is any difference today?

• On page 70, recall the scene in Crooks’s quarters once Curley’s wife arrives (pages 76-83), focusing on what happens after the passage quoted above. What is Curley’s wife threatening to do to Crooks? How did Crooks react? Why did he react this way? What do you think about his reaction? Should he have reacted differently?

o How did Candy react? What do you think about his reaction? Should he have reacted differently?

o How would you have reacted if you were Crooks? If you were Candy?

• When Lennie visits Crooks, why is Crooks so mean to Lennie? Think about why he told Lennie that George would leave him.

• Explain what Crooks and Curley’s wife might have in common.

• Explain why Crooks finally allowed Lennie into his segregated living quarters. Think about the role each play in the novel.

Section 5 (pp. 84-98):

• Lennie’s puppy died. Have you ever had a pet that has died? Describe your emotional reaction.

• Why is the death of Lennie’s puppy not described in “real time: (that is, it is described after the fact)?

• Why does Lennie kill Curley’s wife? Do you consider this murder? Why or why not?

• Explain what Lennie and Curley’s wife may have in common as they converse in the barn. Why would those two even talk to each other?

• Is Curley’s wife partially responsible for her own death? Provide specific examples.

Section 6 (pp. 99-107):

• Why does Steinbeck include the fantasy scenes of Aunt Clara and the giant rabbit at the end of the novel?

• The novel ends where it begins. Why do you think Steinbeck did this? Would the novel be any different if Steinbeck had it end in a different place?

• Discuss any alternatives George had to shooting Lennie. What would be the consequences?

• What foreshadowed Lennie’s death? Students may cite brief examples from the entire novel.

• The novel ends with Carlson saying to Curley (about Slim and George), “Now what the hell ya suppose is eating’ them two guys?” (Steinbeck 107). Explain what Carlson means.

After reading the novel:

• What is “mercy killing”? Defend or condemn the practice, and give reasons for your opinion.

• Who is the most important character in Of Mice and Men?

• Write about a major theme in the novel. Why is it important? See “Plot and Theme.”

• Write about some major symbols in the novel. See “Symbolism.”

• Do you think Lennie understands what he does is wrong?

• Is Lennie a violent person?

• What is Slim’s role in the novel? Why is he so important?

• If Of Mice and Men took place today, not during the 1930s, how would life for Lennie have been different?

• Lynching is often referred to as “vigilante justice” or “taking the law into your own hands.” When, if ever, is this justified? Think outside of your own life. What about in other countries, other times, other conditions?

• What can you learn about race relations during the 1930s from Of Mice and Men? Use specific examples.

Standards Met

• Reading Standards for Literature 6-12

o Key Ideas and Details: 1,2,3

o Craft and Structure: 4,5,6

o Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: 9

o Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity: 10

• Writing Standards 6-12

o Text Types and Purposes: 1,2, 3

o Production and Distribution of Writing: 4,5,6

o Research to Build and Present Knowledge: 7, 9

o Range of Writing: 10

• Speaking and Listening Standards 6-12

o Comprehension and Collaboration: 1

• Language Standards 6-12

o Conventions of Standard English: 1,2

o Knowledge of Language: 3

o Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: 4,5,6

• Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-12

o Key Ideas and Details: 1,2

o Craft and Structure: 4,5

• Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects 6-12

o Text Types and Purposes: 1,2

o Production and Distribution of Writing: 4,5

o Research to Build and Present Knowledge: 7

Post Activity/Takeaways/Follow-up

• Takeaways

o After finishing Of Mice and Men, students should write a brief (a paragraph) summary of each of their short writing prompts. This will reinforce what they have learned throughout the course of the novel.

• Follow-up

o Teachers can have students write an evaluation of the project and what they have learned.

o Make sure students keep all returned and graded short writing assignments (either electronically and/or in notebooks).


• In small groups, students can meet and, based on their short papers, come with questions to be used for a final examination on the novel.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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