SOSL DAY- Journal Prompts for Healing - Neon One

50 Grief Journal Prompts for Healing

S o u r c e - healing-is-not-linear-50..

Grieving with gratitude and working through journal prompts really helped me to discover what I was feeling and why. It gave me insight, helped me to ground myself, and opened my heart to accepting the good with the bad. 13 years later, I am still learning, but writing is an amazing tool that I utilize to promote healing. Take a breath. Try to be present. I'd like you to reach for a pen and paper and prepare to let some of your energy flow. Out of the following 50 journal prompts, make it a priority to answer the one that speaks the most to you in this moment. Now start to write. You may uncover things you never even knew about yourself. It may change your perspective for better or for worse, but that's the point. Be as real and raw as you can be, because that is the healing process. Healing is not linear, and neither are you. 1. I am grieving because... 2. I feel this way because... 3. I think most about... 4. When I go to bed, I think... 5. My most meaningful memory with you is... 6. The thing I miss most is... 7. When I was around you, I felt... 8. The best thing you taught me was... 9. Today, I feel like... 10. If I could tell you one thing... 11. My support system is... 12. What helps me the most right now is...

13. Your best quality is... 14.Your worst quality is... 15. I know this feeling won't last forever because... 16. I can honour you by... 17. One thing I have learned about myself is... 18. Knowing you changed my life because... 19. To help myself heal, I am willing to... 20. I am ready to feel... 21. I cry when I remember... 22. I smile when I remember... 23. I could use a little more of... 24. I could use a little less of... 25. A comforting memory of you is... 26. I feel most sad when... 27. I can reduce my sadness by... 28. One lesson I have learned recently is... 29. I know I can depend on... 30. I believe in my ability to... 31. A negative thought I would like to reduce is... 32. A positive thought I would like to increase is... 33. I am having a hard time understanding... 34. Some of my grief triggers are... 35. My best coping mechanism is... 36. Since you are gone, I am going to... 37. What has changed most in my life is... 38. I feel safest when... 39. I can love myself more by... 40. In the next week, I want to...

41. In the next month, I want to... 42. The hardest part about our ending is... 43. I feel stronger now that... 44. My most painful feeling is... 45. If I could say one thing to you, it would be... 46. I am ready to let go of... 47. I can express my feelings in a creative way by... 48. A quote that reminds me of you is... 49. Something I am still learning to accept is... 50. In your absence, my biggest motivation is...


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