Jquery datatable get current page number


Jquery datatable get current page number

The Bootstrap table API table options. The table options are defined in jQuery.fn.bootstraptable.defaults. - Attribute: Data-Toggle Type: String Detail: Activate the bootstrap table without writing JavaScript. Default: "Table" Example: from the Ajax HTML attribute: Data-Ajax Type: Details Function: a method to replace the AJAX call. It should implement the same API as a JQuery Ajax method. Default: Indefinite example: Ajax Ajaxoptions table Attribute: Data-Ajax-Options Type: Object details: Additional options for requesting AJAX request. List of values: jQuery.ajax. Default: {} Example: Attribute of options AJAX Attribute: Data buttons Type: Details Function: This option allows you to create / add custom buttons to ? ? ?,? ? "ButtonBar? ?,? (top right of the table) . These buttons can be ordered with the optional table buttons, the / name used for the event should be used for this! The custom button is highly configurable, the following options exist: Description of the text: This option is used for the ShowButtonText Table option. Type: String icon Description: This option is used for the ShowButtonicons table option. Type: String - it only needs the icon class to E.G. Description Description: Set this option to false to hide the button by default, the button is visible again when adding the data attribute Data-Show-ButtonName = "True". Description Attributes: This option allows you to add additional HTML attributes to eg. Type Title: Example of objects: {Title: "Title: title of the"} HTML button Description: If you don't want to autologire HTML, you can use this option to insert your custom HTML. The event option works only if you are customized HTML contains name = "BullName". If this option is used, the following options will be ignored: Type: Function | Function | Description of the string event: it must be used if you want to add an event to the button button: Function | Object | String The Event option can be configured in three ways. An event with click event: an event with a defined car type of event: {'event': {'mouseenter': () => {}}} multiple events with types of independent events defined: {'event': {' Click ': () => {},' mouseenter ': () => {},' mouseleave ': () => {}}} Tip: instead of inline functions it is also possible to use the functions names. A custom configured button could be the following: {BTNREMOVEEVEVERows: {'Text': 'Remove the rows too', 'icon': 'Fa-garbage', 'Event': () => {// Do things to remove rows Equal}, 'Attributes': {'Title': 'Remove all the lines that also have an ID'}}} Default: {} Example: buttons buttons attribute: Data buttons - Align Type: Detail string: indicate how to align the Button toolbar. , 'Right' 'Left' can be used. Default: 'Right' Example: ButtonsClass aligned keys Attribute: Data-class buttons Type: Detail string: Defines the class (added after 'BTN-') of table buttons. Default: 'Secondary' Example: Class Buttonsorder attribute buttons: Data-order buttons Type: Array Detail: Indicate as custom order toolbar buttons. Default: ['PageSwitch', 'Update', 'Knet', 'Full Screen', 'Columns'] Example: Keys Order ButtonsPrefix Attribute: Type-Data-Prefix Type: String Detail: Defines the table code prefix. Default: 'BTN' Example: prefix buttonstoolbar keys attribute: Type-data type-Toolbar: String / Node Detail: A jQuery selector indicating the custom toolbar buttons, for example: # Button-toolbar, .butons -Baby tools, or a dom Default: Undefined Example: Cache Toolbar Buttons Attribute: Data-Cache Type: Boolean Detail: False Set To deactivate ajax request caching. Default: True Example: Cache Table CARDVIEW Attribute: Data-Card-View Type: Detail Boolean: True set to show table view table, for example, mobile view. Default: False Example: Attribute Display of the card: Control box Date Type of header: Detail Boolean: False set to hide the checkfast check-tut. Default: True Example: Classes Attribute Header box: Data-Classes Type: String Detail: The name of the table class. 'Table', 'Table-Delimited', 'Table at', 'Table Stripes', 'Table-dark', 'table-sm' and e It can be used. By default, the table is bordered. Default: 'Table Table Table-Border-Border-Hover' Example: Table Classes Attribute ClickToselect: Give-Click-to-Select Type: Boolean Detail: Set True to select the check box or RadioBox when clicking on the rows. Default: False Example: Click to select Column Attribute: - Type: Detail Array: The object configuration of the table columns, see the ownership properties for more details. Default: [] Example: columns Contentype table Attribute: Date-content-type Type: String Detail: Contentype to request remote data, for example: application / X-WWW-Form-UrlenCoded. Default: 'Application / JSON' Example: Custom attribute Type of content: Type of data-custom search: Details Function: The custom search function is performed instead of the integrated search function, accept three parameters: Data: data table. Text: The search text. Filter: The filter object from the filter method. Example of use: customization function (data, text) {Return data.filter {Return Riga.field.indexof (text)> -1})} Default: Indefinite example: custom search custom attribute Sorting type: Details Function: The custom sort function is performed instead of the built-in sort function, accepts three parameters: SORTNAME: the name of the type. Sortorder: sorting. Data: Row data. Default: Indefinite example: personalized order data attribute: data-data Type: Array | Subject details: The data to be loaded. If in the data is _ _rowspan or _ properties _colspan, then unite the automatic cells, for example: $ table.bootstraptable ({Data: [{id: 1, name: 'item 1', _name_rowspan : 2, Price: '$ 1'}, {ID: 2, Price: '$ 2'}]}) If you use this function, the data is needed to ensure that the format is correct. Default: [] Example: From DataField Attribute: Date-Data-field Type: String Detail: JSON Incoming Key containing "Rows" data list. Default: "Rows" Example: Total attribute / Data data Attribute: Date-date Type Type: String Detail: The type of data you expect from the server. Default: 'JSON' Example: Data Type DetailFilter Attribute: Data-Detail-Filter Type: Details Function: Enable expansion per line When detailed is set to true. Returns True and the line will be enabled for expansion, return false and Expansion for the line will be disabled. The default function returns true to enable expansion for all lines. Default: Function (Index, Row) {Return True} Example: Detail Details Detail AttributeFormatter Attribute: Data-Detail-Formatter Type: Details Function: Format the view view When the detail is set to True. Returns a string and will be added in the details display cell, make it optionally directly using the third parameter that is a jQuery element of the target cell. Default: Function (Index, Row, Element) {Return '} Example: View detailed attribute: Data-Detail-View Type: Boolean detail: set true to show details Table view. Default: False Example: Detailed Display DetailViewalign Attribute: Data-Detail-View-Align Type: String Detail: Indicates how to align the details view icon. "Left", "right" can be used. Default: "Left" Example: detail view Align the detail ViewByClick attribute: Data-Detail-view-Click Type Click: Boolean Detail: set true to activate the details view, when you click a cell. Default: False Example: Details View DetailViewicon icon Attribute: Data-Detail-View-Icon Boolean detail: set True to show the column of the details view (plus / minus icon). Default: True Example: Detailed display Escape attribute icon: Type of escape Data: Boolean detail: Escape a string for insertion in HTML, replacement and, ? ? ?,? ? ",` and ?, ? , ? ~ Characters. Default: False Example: Fugue filter attribute Table: Date-filter-Options Type: Boolean detail: Define the default algorithm filter options, filteralgorithm: 'It means that all the data filter must correspond, filteralgorithm:' O ' It means one of the data the filter must match. Default setting: {filteralgorithm: 'It is} Example: Attribute Options Filter: Date-Footer-field Type: String Detail: String: The key image key (from data array or JSON server response). The most can be used to set / define more and / or bottom value page. {"Rows": [{"ID": 0, "Name": "Article 0", "Price": "$ 0", "Quantity": 3}], "More page": {"ID" : "PAGE OF PAGE ID", "_ID_COLSPAN": 2, "Name": "More page name"}} Default: Footerfield Example: Footer Attribute field: Type-Footer-Style Data: Detail function: The most style ? Page Formatting Page, takes a parameter: Column: the column object. Support classes or CSS. Example of use: The FooterStyle (column) function {Return {CSS: {'Font-Weight': 'Normal'}, Classes: 'My class'}} Default: {} Example: Attribute style footer: Type-Header- Style Data: Function Detail: The Function Function Header Style Accepts a parameter: column: the column object. Support classes or CSS. Example of use: The HeaderStyle (column) function {Return {CSS: {'Font-Weight': 'Normal'}, Classes: 'My class'}} Default: {} Example: Attribute style header height: height data Type: Particular number: The height of the table, enabling set table header. Default: Undefined Example: Attribute Height Table Icons: Data-Icons Type: Object: The Icons Defines Used in the Toolbar, Pay, and View Details. Default: {pageSwitchdown: 'fa-caret-piazza-down', pageSwitchup: 'fa-caret-piazza-up', upgrade: 'fa-sync', toggleoff: 'fa-cavicchio-off', toggleon: 'fa - Toggle-on ', columns:' fa-th-list ', full screen:' fa-arrows-alt ', detailopen:' fa-plus', detailclose: 'fa-minus'} iConsize attribute: data type- Icon-size: String Detail: Defines the size of the icons, not defined, 'LG', 'SM' can be used. Default: Undefined Example: IconsPrefix icon size Attribute: Data-icons-prefix Type: Detail string: Defines icon name set ('glyphicon' or 'fa' for fountawesome). By default, it is used for bootstrap V4. Default: 'Form' Example: An attribute prefix icons: data-ID-field Type: String Detail: indicate which field will be used as a value check / radiobox, its counterpart in SelectedTemName. Default: Undefined example: ID field ignoreclicktoselecton Attribute: Data-ignore-click-to-select-on Type: Detail function: Set ignore ClickToSelect on elements. It takes a parameter: item: the clicked item. Returns true if the click should be ignored, false if the click should cause the line to select. This option is relevant only if clicktoselect is true. Default: {. Return ['A', 'Button'] Includes (TAGNAME)} Example: Ignore Click to select on LoadingFontsize attribute: Load-font-size data Type: Detail string: To define the font size of the load text, the Default value is 'auto', will be automatically calculated based on the width of the table, between 12 pixels and 32px. Default: 'Auto' Example: Loading Size Loadingtemplate attribute: Load data-model Type: Detail function: for custom the type of load yourself. The object parameters contains: LoadingMessage: the formatloadingmessage room. Default: Function (LoadingMessage) {Return '' + '' + loadingmessage + '' + ' '+' '} Example: Loading Template Local attribute: Local data Type: String Detail: Set the local settings To be used (for example 'ZH-CN'). Localization files must be pre-loaded. It allows alternative rooms, if uploaded, in the following order: First attempts for localization as specified, then test the room with an _a translated into a -a and the top area topped, Look for the local function code (for example 'ZH' instead of 'ZH-CN' and, finally, will use the last local file loaded (or the default international setting if not local loaded). If left unfinished or an empty string, use the last room loaded (or "IT-US" if local files are not loaded). Default: Undefined Example: Local table MaintainMetataata attribute: data-maintain-meta-date Type: Boolean Detail: True set To keep the following metadata on page and search page: Selected rows Hidden default file: false false Maintain Method Meta Date attribute: Data method Type: Detail string: The type of method to request remote data. Default: 'Get' Example: Method MINIMUMCOUNTOLUMNS TABLE Attribute: minimum-data-count-columns Type: Particular number: the minimum number of columns to be hide from the descent columns. Default: 1 Example: Minimum MultiPleselectrow column count Attribute: -Multiple-Select-data row Type: Detail Boolean: Set True to enable multiple selection in a row. You can use CTRL + click to select a row or use turn + click to select a row range. Default: False Example: Multiple Attribute Select Row Pagelist: Data-page-List Type: Array Detail: When set up Property, initialize the page selection format list. If you include the option 'All' or 'Without limits', all records will be displayed in the table. Tip: If the table has minor lines like the option (s), the options are automatically hidden, to disable this function you can set False default SmartDisplay: [10, 25, 50, 100] Example: Page list pagenumber attribute : Data-page-number Type: Number of detail: when the property together layout, initialize the page number. Default: 1 Example: PageSize Page Number Attribute: Data-page-size Type: Number Detail: When set up Property, initialize page size. Default: 10 Example: Attribute page format: Detail Boolean :: Type data-page real set to show a layout toolbar on the low table. Default: False Example: Attribute layout table: data-page-detail-H-Align Type: Detail string: indicate how to true layout detail. "Left", "right" can be used. Default: 'Left Example: page alignment attribute H: Data-page-H-Align Type: String Detail: Indicates how to align paging. "Left", "right" can be used. Default: 'right' example: layout H aligned attribute: data-page-loop type: Boolean detail: Set True to enable layout continuous loop layout. Default: True Example: Loop attribute layout: Data-Type-Page-Next-Text: Detail String: Indicate the icon or text to show in layout detail, the next button. Default: 'A ?' Example: Page Pagination Page PagionPagesBySide attribute: Data-layout-pages-by-side Type: Particular number: The number of pages on each side (right, left) of the current page. Default: 1 Example: Index layout Number attribute: Data-layout-Parts Type: Detail array: These options define which pagination parts should be visible. PageInfo shows as a data set will be displayed on the current page (for example from 1 to 10 of 54 lines). PageInfoshiShorts Similar PageInfo, but only shows the table lines is (eg this 54 lines). PageSize Indicates the descent that defines how many lines must be displayed on the page. Pagelist shows the main part of the pagination (the list of pages). Default: ['PageInfo', 'PageSize', 'Pagelist'] Example: Payment Management Attribute parts: Type data-page-pre-text: particular string: Indicate the icon or text to be displayed in the layout detail, the previous button. Default: '? ? ?' Example: Text Paging Ability: Paging Data-Succession-Size Type: Special number: Maximum number of pages in a row. Default: 5 Example: Index layout Number attribute: data-page-use-intermediate Type: Boolean Detail: Calculate and display intermediate pages for quick access. Default: False Example: Index layout Number attribute: data-page-V-Align Type: Detail string: Indicate as alignment The layout. 'Superior', 'Bottom', 'Both' (put the pagination at the top and bottom) can be used. Default: 'Bottom' Example: V Page Align Attribute QueryParams: Data-Query-Params Type: Details Function: When requesting remote data, you can send additional parameters by changing queryParams. If queryparamstype = 'limit', the object contains params: limit, offset, search, order, order. Otherwise, it contains: PageSize, Pagenumber, search text, sortname, sortorder. Return false per stop request. Default: function (params) {{ Params} Example: query params queryparamstype attribute: date-query-params-type type: string detail: 'limit' set to send query parameters with restorative type. Default: 'Limit' Example: Type of QUERY TYPE TYPE RECOMMENDERORDER Attribute: Date-Remember: Order Type: Boolean Detail: Set True to remember the order for each column. Default: False Example: Remember order Attariglio attribute responsibility: Date-Response-Gostaler Type: Function Details: Before loading remote data, manager The response data format, the parameter object contains: RES: the response data. JQXHR: JQxhr object, which is a super set of the XMLHTTPRequest object. For more information, see the JQXHR type. Default: Function (RES) {RESTURE RES} Example: Rowattribute attribute Response Gsaller: Data-Row-Attributes Type: Function Details: The Funter Funter Funter Row Attribute function, takes two parameters: Row: Riga record data. Index: the row index. Supports all custom attributes. Default: {} Example: Attributes of RowStyle Attribute Attribute: Data-Right-Style Type: Function Details: The Riga Style Function function, takes two parameters: Row: Riga record data. Index: the row index. Support classes or CSS. Default: {} Example: Search attribute Style Row: Type of search Search: Detail Boolean: Enables the search input. There are 3 ways to search: the value contains the search query (default). Example: github contains git. The value must be identical to the search query. Example: github (value) and github (search query). Compare (, ). Example: 4 is greater than 3. Note: If you want to use a custom search input use the searchSelector. Default: False Example: Search Table SearchAcentneuTralise Attribute: date-searchaccent-neutralize Type: Boolean detail: set to true if you want to use the Accent Neutralize function. Default: False Example: Search Accent Neutralize SearchAlign Attribute: Data-Search-Align Type: String Detail: Indicates how to align the search input. "Left", "right" can be used. Default: "Right" Example: Search Align SearchHighlight Attribute: Data-Search-Highlight Type: Boolean Detail: Set to True to highlight the search text (using the HTML) tag. You can also define a personalized E.G. highlight error. For values with HTML or use a custom highlighted color. Default: "False" Example: Search Highlight SearchonenterKey Attribute: Data-Search-on-Insert Type-type: Boolean Detail: The search method will be performed until the ENTER key is pressed. Default: False Example: Search to enter the SEARCH SEARCHSELECTOR button Attribute: DATA-SEARCH-SELECTOR TYPE: Boolean | String Detail: If this option is set (it must be a valid DOM selector, such as #CustomSearch), the DOM element found (should be an element input) will be used as the table search instead of the embedded search input. Default: False Example: Search Seartor SearchText Attribute: Data-Search Type of text: String Details: When to set the search properties, initialize the search text. Default: '' Example: Search text searchtimeout attribute: date-search-time-out type: detail number: set timeout for search fire. Default: 500 Example: Time Out search SelecnemMame Attribute: Date-Select-Item-name-name Type: String Detail: The name of the radio or check box. Default: 'BTSELECTIm' Example: Attribute SERVERSOR Field ID: Data-Server-Sorting Type: Boolean Detail: FALSE Set to sort data on the client side, it only works when the sidepination is the server. Default: True Example: Sort Server Attribute: Show-Button-Icons Type: Boolean Detail: All buttons will show icons on it Default: True Example: Show button icons ShowButtonText button Attribute: Show Type type button: Detail Boolean: All buttons will show a text on it Default: False Example: Show button Text ShowColumns Attribute: data-show-columns Type: Boolean detail: set true to show the drop-down list of columns. We can set the switchable column option for false to hide the element of the columns in the drop-down list. Default: False Example: Basic columns and large columns ShowColumnssearch Attribute: Attribute: Type: Boolean detail: set True to show a search for column filter. Default: False Example: Search Search ShowColumnstoggoall attribute: Data-Show-columns-Toggle-All Type: Boolean Detail: Set True To show an active / lift check box. Default: False Example: Toggle Columns All Attribute: Data-Show-Extended-Type: Boolean Detail: Set True To show an extended version of the page (including the count of all lines with OUT filters). If you use paging on the PLS server side uses TotalNotFilteredField to define the count. Default: False Example: Show Extended Page Attribute: Data-Show-Footer Type: Boolean Detail: Set True To show the Row of the summary page more. Default: False Example: Show the Footer ShowFullScreen Attribute: DataShow-Fullscreen Type: Boolean Detail: Set True to show the Fullscreen button. Default: False Example: Exhibition Full screen attribute: Data-Show-Header Type: Boolean detail: set false to hide the table header. Default: True Example: Exhibition Attribute Header: Data-Show-Page-Switch Type: Boolean Detail: Set True To show the paging switch. Default: False Example: Shows the SHOWREFRESH attribute paging switch: Data-Show-type Rent: Boolean detail: set true to show the Update button. Default: False Example: Show update PhotasearchButton attribute: Data-Show-Polter POST Button: Boolean Detail: Set True to show a search button behind the search input. The search will be performed only if the button is pressed (for example to avoid traffic or load time). Default: False Example: Show the Attribute Search Button: Data-Show-Search-Clear-Button Type: Boolean Detail: Set True To show a Delete button behind the search input that will delete the search input (even all Filter filters If enabled))). Default: False Example: Show Search Clear Button ShowToggle Attribute: Data-Show-Toggle Type: Boolean Detail: Set True To show the switching button to activate the table / card view. Default: False Example: Show Activation Attribute Silensort: Data-Silent-Sort Type: Boolean Detail: set false to sort data with the loading message. This option works when the Sidepination option is set to "Server". Default: True Example: SYNTICLEElect attribute Order Silent: Date-Single-Select Type: Boolean Detail: Set True to allow the Selection of a single line check box. Default: False Example: Single Select SmartDisplay attribute: Data-Smart-Display Type: Boolean Detail: Set True To view the card display or view of the card. Default: True Example: Smart Display Accessible attribute: Date-Ordinable Type: Boolean Detail: set false to disable sorting of all columns. Default: True Example: Table Sortclass attribute Sortclass: Data-Sort-Class Type: String Detail: The name of the class of the TD elements that are ordered. Default: Example Indefinished: Sortname Class Class Attribute: Data-Sort-Name Type: String Detail: Defines which column will be ordered. Default: Unfinished example: Name Order Order Attribute Sortorder: Data-Sort-Order Type: String Detail: Defines the order order order, can only be indefinite, "ASC" or "DESC". Default: Example Indefinished: Sorting Name Order Attribute Attribute Attribute: Data-Sort-RESET Type: Boolean Detail: Set True to reset the type in third click. Default: False example: order Sortstable Attribute: Data-Sort-Stables Type: Boolean Detail: Set True to get a stable sorting. We will add the owner "_Position" to the line. Default: False Example: Order Attribute StrictSearch Stable: Data-Strict-Type of search: Boolean detail: enables rigorous search. Disable comparison controls. Default: False example: Search Rigct attribute: Data-Tead-Classs Type: String Detail: The name of the TAAD table class. Bootstrap V4, use modifier lessons. Light selection or. The dark one to make the taides appear light or dark gray. Default: '' Example: Attribute of the TEAD Classes toolbar: Data-Toolbar Type: String / Node Detail: A jQuery selector indicating the toolbar, for example: #Toolbar, .Toolbar or a DOM node. Default: indefinite indefinite Toolbaralign attribute Toolbaralign Custom: Data-Toolbar-Align attribute Type: String Detail: Indicates how to align the custom toolbar. "Left", "right" can be used. Default: 'Left' Example: Toolbar Align Totalfield Attribute: Data-Total-Field Type: String Detail: JSON input key containing "total" data. Default: 'Total' Example: Total TotalNotFilted Total / Field Attribute: Data-Total-Non-Filtered Type: Number Detail: This property has passed mainly via server page, which is easy to use. Default: 0 attribute TotalNotFilteredField: Data-Total-Non-Filtering-Field Type: String Detail: The field from the JSON response that you will use for lived management. Default: TotalNotFilled Example: Total not filtered attribute TotalRows Attribute: Data-Total-Right Type: Number Detail: This property has passed mainly via server page, which is easy to use. Default: 0 TrimonSearch attribute: Date-Trim-On-Search Type: Boolean Detail: set true to cut spaces in the search field. Default: True Example: Trim on the UndefinedText attribute search: date-undefined text type: String detail: defines the default indefinite text. Default: '-' Example: UNDEFINED TEXT UNIQUED attribute: Data-Unique-ID type: String Detail: Indicate a unique identifier for each line. Default: Indefinite example: GetRowbyUniqued attribute URL: Data-URL Type: String Detail: a URL to request data from the remote site. Note that the required server response format is different depending on whether the "Sidepination" option is specified. See the following examples: Without the server side paging with the default page server payment: Unfinished example: from the URL error management to obtain loading errors please use OnLoaderRor attribute: Data-Virtual-ClosciCi: Boolean Detail: set true to enable the virtual roll to display a virtual list ? ? ?,? ? "infinite". Default: False example: Large data attribute: Data-Virtual-Scroll-Item-Element Type of Height: Number Detail: if This option is not defined, we will use the height of the first element by default. It is important to provide this if the height of the virtual item will be significantly larger than the default height. This size is used to help determine how many cells They should be created when you initialize and to help calculate the height of the sliding area. This height value can only use Unit P X. Default: Non-defined visibleSearch attribute: visible-type search: Boolean detail: set true to search only in column / visible data, if the data contains other values that are not displayed, they will be ignored during the search. Default: False Example: visible search search how to get the current page number of datatable using jquery. how to get current page number in pagination jquery datatable


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