Datatable pagination bootstrap


Datatable pagination bootstrap

Bootstrap, DataTables, jQuery As a developer who loves to spend more time with a beautiful object-oriented code rather than branding, DataTables is a wonderful tool for me, with an increasing list of extendable features. DataTables operates on the principle of progressive improvement, so an improved and interactive table will be presented to the end user if their browser has the required capabilities. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > IF (Omettings.oapi._fnpageChange (Omettings, E.Data.Action) {FNDRAW (Omettings); }};; $ (Npaging) .Addclass ('Pagination'). < < > < < < < < < < < < < < > < < > < > < < < < > < < < < < > < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > > < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > > > > < > > > > > > > > > > < < > < VAR ELS = $ ('A', NPaging); $ (ELS [0]). BIND ('Click.dt', {Action: "previous"}, fnclickhandler); $ (ELS [1]). BIND ('Click.dt', {Action: "Next"}, FnClickHandler); }, "FnUpdate": function (Omettings, FNDRAW) {var iListLength = 5; var opaging = ostings.instance.fnPagingInfo (); var an = olettings.aanfeatures.p; var i, j, sclass, istart, iend, ihalf = math.Floor (ilistlength / 2); if (optaging.itotalpages {}}} more events with autofinite events: {'Event' : {click ': () => {},' mouseenter ': () => {},' mouseleave ': () => {}}} Tip: Instead of online functions you can also use the functions names . A configured custom button may resemble this: {BTNREMOVEEVEVERows: {text ':' Remove File ", 'icon': 'FA-Trash', 'Event': () => {// do things to remove The lines}, 'Attributes': {'title': 'Remove all the lines that have an ID'}}} Default: {} Example: ButtonSalign attribute buttons: Data-Buttons Type: String Detail: Indicates how to align the Button toolbar. "Left", "right" can be used. Default: 'right' example: buttons Aligns PulsanSnSclass attribute: Class Type Data Buttons: String Detail: Defines the class (added after "BTN-") of the buttons tabe LLA. Default: 'Secondary' Example: Buttons Buttons PulsannotorStopore Midpector: Order Type Data-Type Buttons: Array Detail: Indicates as Custom Order of Toolbar Buttons. Default: ['PageSwitch', 'Update', 'Toggle', 'Fullscreen', 'Columns'] Example: buttons Order PulsansPrefix attribute: Data-button-prefix Type: String Detail: Defines the table code prefix. Default: 'BTN' Example: Prefer Prefix attribute attribute BancarBarbar: Toolbar Data Buttons Type: String / Node Detail: A jQuery selector indicating the custom buttons toolbar, for example: # Toolbar Buttons, Or a Dom Node. Default: Indefinite example: Toolbar attribute button buttons: Type of data cache: Boolean detail: set false to disable AJAX request cache. Default: True Example: Table cache cardView attribute: date-card-view type: Boolean detail: set true to display the card view table, such as mobile view. mobile. False Example: Attributed Viewing the tab: DATA-Checkbox-Header Type: Boolean Detail: Set False to hide check-fast Check-Tut in the heading line. Default: True Example: Attributed check box header classes: Type: String detail: the name of the class of the table. 'Tabella', 'border borders', 'table-hover', 'table-striped', 'table-skin', 'table-sm' and 'table-less' can be used. By default, the table is edged. DEFAULT: Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table table-Border-Border-Border-Border-Border-Hover Example: Table Classes Attributo clicktoselect: Dare-click-to-select Type: Boolean Detail: Set True to select the check box or RadioBox when you click the rows. Predefinite: False Example: Click to select Attributed Columns: - Type: Array detail: The table column configuration object, see Column Properties for more details. Default setting: [] Example: table columns ContentType Attributed: DATA-CONTENUTO-type: String detail: the contentType to request remote data, for example: application / X-www-form-urlencoded. Predefinite: 'Application / JSON' Example: Custom attribute Content type: DATA-CUSTOM SEARCH TYPE: Function details: The custom search function is performed instead of the integrated search function, accepts three parameters: Data: table data. Text: the search text. Filter: the filter object from the filter method. Example of use: customization function (data, text) {return date.filter (function (rigue) {return line.field.indexof (text)> -1})} default: Indefinite example: Custom Search Custom Attributed Type: Function details: the custom sorting function is performed instead of the built-in sorting function, accepts three parameters: SortName: the name of the type. SortOrder:Data: Row data. Default: Indefinite example: personalized order data attribute: data-data Type: Array | Subject details: The data to be loaded. If in the data is _ _rowspan or _ properties _colspan, then unite the automatic cells, for example: $ table.bootstraptable ({Data: [{id: 1, name: 'item 1', _name_rowspan : 2, Price: '$ 1'}, {ID: 2, Price: '$ 2'}]}) If if if if This feature, the data is necessary to ensure that the format is correct. Default: [] Example: DataField data attribute: Data-Data-field Type: String Detail: Input JSON key that contains the 'Rows' data list. Default: 'File' Example: Total / data field DataType attribute: Data-Data-Type Type: Special String: The type of data you expect from the server. Default: 'JSON' Example: Data Type DetailFilter Attribute: Data-detail-Filter Type: Detail function: Activate the expansion per line when DetailView is set to True. Returns true and the row will be enabled for expansion, false return and expansion to the line will be deactivated. Default function Returns true to allow expansion to all lines. Default: The function (index, row) {Return true} Example: Detail filter DetailFormatter Attribute: Data-detail-formatter Type: Function Detail: Format the detail view When DetailView is set to True. Return a string and will be added in the detailed cell, optionally make the item directly using the third parameter that is a jQuery element of the target cell. Default: The function (index, row, element) {return ''} Example: detailed display DetailView Attribute: Data-detail-view type: Boolean Detail: True set To show details View table. Default: False Example: Detailed display DetailViewalign attribute: Data-detail-view-Align Type: String Detail: Indicate how to align the detail view icon. "Left", "right" can be used. Default: 'Left' Example: detailed display aligned DetailViewByClick attribute: Data-detail-view-by-click type: Detail Boolean: Set True to activate or deactivate the details display, when you click on a cell. Default: False Example: detailed display DetailViewicon icon attribute: Type: Boolean Detail: True set To show the detail view column (plus / less icon). Default: True Example: detailed display icon Fuga attribute: Escape data type: Boolean Detail: Escapes A string for insertion in HTML, replacing &, , to, and characters a. Default: false example: escape escape table Attribute: Data-filter-options Type: Boolean detail: Define the options of the default algorithm filter, filteralgorithm: 'It means that the whole data filter must correspond, filteralgorithm:' O 'means that one of the specific filters must correspond. Default: {filTreatOlgorithm: 'It is} Example: FILTER OPTIONS attribute: DATAFOOTER-TYPE OF FIELD: String Detail: Defines the key of the page more object (from Data Array or JSON response server). The page of the page will can be used to set / define the hollespans plus page and / or value value. {"RIWS": [{"ID": 0, "Name": "Article 0", "price": "$ 0", "Quantity": 3}], "More page": {"ID" : "PAGE ID", "_ID_COLSPAN": 2, "Name": "Footer name"}} Default: Footerfield Example: Footer field attribute: Type of pague style: Function details: The style of the style formatter function, takes a parameter: column: the column object. Support classes or CSS. Example Use: FooterStyle (column) function {Return {CSS: {'' Font-Weight ':' Normal '}, Classes:' My-Class'}} Default: {} Example: Feature style attribute: Type of Data header style: Details Function: The formatter function in the header style, takes a parameter: column: the object of the column. Support classes or CSS. Example of use: Function HeaderStyle (column) {Return {CSS: {'' Font-Weight ':' Normal '}, Classes:' My-Class'}} Default: {} Example: height attribute style header: type of Data height: Number of detail: the height of the table, enable the fixed table header. Default: Indefinite example: table height icon attribute: Data-Icons Type: Item details: Defines the icons used in the toolbar, in the details representation. Default: {pageSwitchDown: 'Fa-Caret-Square-Down', PagineSwitchup: Update: 'Fa-Sync', Toggleoff: 'Fa-Togible-Off', Toggleon: 'Fa- Toggle-On', Columns: 'FA-LIST', Fullscreen: 'Fa-Freck-Alt', detailed: 'Fa -Plus', DetailClose: 'FA-minus'} Attribute Iconsize: Type-icon-type size: String detail: Defines the size of the icon, unfinished, "LG", "SM" can be used. Default: Example not defined: icon size of the icon Attributed: data-iconsprefix Type: String Detail: Defines the name of the icon set ('Glyphicon' or 'fa' for fontawesome). By default 'FA' is used for Bootstrap V4. Predefinite: 'FA' Example: Icons Attributed Prefix: DATA-ID-Campo Type: String Detail: indicate which field will be used as control of the control box/radiobox, is the counterparty to selecttemnemme. Predefinite: Indefinite example: field ID IGNORECLICKTOSELECTON ACTS: DATA-IGNORE-clic-to-Select-On Type: Function Details: Set the Ignore clicktoselect On items. It takes a parameter: Element: the clicked item. Returns true If the click should be ignored, false if the click should cause the line selection. This option is only relevant if clicktoselect is true. Predefinite: {RETURN ['A', 'Pulsante']]. Includes (Tagname)} Example: Ignore Click to select Loading Attributes on Loading Attributes: Loading data-character Size Type: String Detail: To define the font size of the text loading text, the default value is 'AUTO', it will be automatically calculated based on the table width, between 12px and 32px. Loading Character Size LoadingTemplate Attributes: Data loading template Type: Function details: to customize the type of loading by itself. The Paramers object contains: LoadingMesage: the local rotoparicingMessage Locale. Default setting: function (loadingMessage) {return '' + '' + loadingMessage + '' + ' Example: Loading template localization attribute: DATA-Locale Type: String Detail: Sets the local to Usa (i.e. 'ZH-CN'). Localization files must be pre-loaded. AllowsFallback location, if uploaded, in the following order: First attempt for the room as specified, then tries the local with ? ? ?,? ~ _?, ? "Translated into ?,? ~ -?, ~ and the code of Stainless Region, so search the short local code (ie "ZH" instead of 'ZH-CN'), and finally you will use the last local file loaded (or the default room if they are not loaded local). locals). Indefinite left or an empty string, use the last room loaded (or "IT-US" if located files are not loaded). Default: Indefinite example: Table local attribute Tenutmetidadadade: Date-Gaint-Meta-Date type: Boolean detail: set true to keep the following meta data on page edit and search: Selected rows Default lines: False Example: Meta Date Date Attribute: Type of data method: String detail: the type of method to request remote data. Default: 'Get' Example: Method MINIMUMCOUNTOLUMNS TABLE Attribute: Data-Minimal-Count-Columns Type: Number of detail: the minimum number of columns to be hide from the column drop-down list. Default: 1 Example: minimum counting columns Multipleslectow attribute: Date-Multiple-Select line type: Boolean detail: set true to enable the multiple selection line. You can use the CTRL + click to select a row or use Shift + click to select a row range. Default: False Example: Most Selected Line Paginist Attribute: Data-page-List Type: Array Detail: When setting the page owner, initialize page size selection. If you include the option 'All' or 'unlimited', all records will be displayed in the table. Tip: If the table has minor lines like the options, the options will be hidden automatically, to disable that function you can set SmartDisplay to False Default: [10, 25, 50, 100] Example: Pages list Pagenurt Attribute: Date- Page-number Type: Number of detail: When setting the page owner, initialize the page number. Default: 1 Example: Page Number Track attribute: Data-page-size Type: Detail of the number: When to set the page owner, initialize the page size. Default: 10 Example: attribute Page Size: Data-Page page Boolean Detail: Set True to show a folder toolbar on the bottom of the table. Predefinite: false example: Attributed Page of the table: Data-Pagination-Detail-H-Align Type: String Detail: indicates how to align the page detail. "Sinistra", "right" can be used. Default: "Sinistra" Example: Attributo Align Pagination H: H:Type: String detail: indicates how to align the paging. "Left", "right" can be used. Default: 'Right' Example: Align page attribute H: Data-page-Loop Type: Boolean Detail: set true to enable the continuous paging ring mode. Default: True Example: Page Loop Attribute: Data-page-Type Destor Type: String Detail: Indicate the icon or text to show in paging details, the next button. Default: '? ? ?,? ?' Example: Page paging PagePages AttraThe attribute attribute: Data-page page-page-by-side Type: Number of detail: the number of pages on each side (right, left) of the page current. Default: 1 Example: attribute of the number of paging index: data-page-parts type: detail array: These options define which paging parts should be visible. PageInfo Show which dataset will be displayed on the current page (for example, showing 1 to 10 points of rows). Pageinfoshort similar to the page, but only shows how many lines it has the table (for example, showing 54 lines). PageSize Show the drop-down menu that defines how many lines should be displayed on the page. Pagelist shows the main part of the paging (the list of pages). Default: ['PageInfo', 'PageSize', 'Pagelist'] Example: attribute page parts: Data-page-pre-text type: String detail: Indicate the icon or text to show in paging details, button previous. Default: '? ? ?,? ?' Example: page text attribute: data-page-later Type type type: Number of detail: Maximum next number of pages in a row. Default: 5 Example: numeric attribute of the page index: data-page-use-use-intermediate type: Boolean detail: calculate and shows intermediate pages for quick access. Default: False example: of the page number: Data-Pagination-V-align type: string detail: indicates how to align the vertical. top, bottom, both (put pay on top and bottom) can be used. default: bottom example: pagetion v align attributo queryparams: Data-Query-Params type:details: when you require remote data, you can send additional parameters by changing queryparams. if queryparamstipe = limit, the params object contains: limit, offset, search, sorting, order. otherwise, it contains: passize, pagenumber, searttext, sortname, sortorder. returns false to interrupt the request. default: function (params) {return params} example: query params queryparamstype attribute: data-query-params-type-type: string detail: set limit to send query parameters with resting type. default: limit example: type of query type rememberorder attribute: DATA-RICORDA: order type: Boolean detail: set true to remember the order for each column. default: false example: remember order responsazione attribute draw: DATA-RISPOSTA-GOSTALER type: function details: before loading the remote data, managing the response data format, the object of the parameters contains: res: the response data. jqxhr: jqxhr object, which is a super set of the xml objecthttprequest. for more information, see the jqxhr type. default: function (res) {return res} example: attribute rowattribute gsaller reply: DATA-ROW-Attributes type: function details: the function attribute line function forming, takes two parameters: row: the row record data. Index: the row index. supports all custom attributes. Default: {} example: Rowstyle attribute attributes: DATA-RIGHT-STYLE type: function details: function line style function, takes two parameters: row: the row record data. Index: the row index. Support classes or default css: {} example: search attribute style row: type of data search: Boolean detail: Enables search input. There are 3 ways to search: the value contains the search query (predefinite.) example: github contains git. the value must be identical to the search query. example: githuband github (research list.) comparisons (

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