Jquery check if string contains


Jquery check if string contains

Originally posted here! To check if a string contains at least one number using regex, you can use the \d regular expression character class in JavaScript. The \d character class is the simplest way to match numbers. // Check if string contain atleast one number /\d/.test("Hello123World!"); // true To get a more in-depth explanation of the process. Read

on . Consider we have a string with some numbers Hello12345World! like this, // String with some numbers const str = "Hello12345World!"; Now let's write the regex by wrapping the \d character class inside regular expression delimiters like this /\d/. // String with some numbers const str = "Hello12345World!"; // Regular expression const regex =

/\d/; At last, we can use the test() method in the regular expression and pass the string as an argument to the method to test if the string contains at least one number. It can be done like this, // String with some numbers const str = "Hello12345World!"; // Regular expression const regex = /\d/; // Check if string contians numbers const

doesItHaveNumber = regex.test(str); console.log(doesItHaveNumber); // true The method returns boolean true if present and false if not. See the example live in JSBin. Feel free to share if you found this useful . includes() , , , true

false.str.includes(searchString[, position]) searchString . position , searchString, 0. true, ; false. ,

. includes() . , false: ' '.includes(''); var str = ' .'; console.log(str.includes('')); console.log(str.includes('')); console.log(str.includes('')); console.log(str.includes('', 1));

console.log(str.includes('')); ECMAScript 2015 JavaScript. , : if (!String.prototype.includes) { String.prototype.includes = function(search, start) { 'use strict'; if (typeof start !== 'number') { start = 0;

} if (start + search.length > this.length) { return false; } else { return this.indexOf(search, start) !== -1; } }; } BCD tables only load in the browserString.prototype.contains Firefox 18 39, ?contains?. ?includes? 1102219 :

, , MooTools 1.2, Firefox 17. MooTools String.prototype.contains() , , . Firefox 17, ,

String.prototype.contains(), MooTools, . Firefox 17. String.prototype.contains() Firefox -- Firefox 18. MooTools 1.3 String.prototype.contains(),

- . , , MooTools 1.3 ECMAScript 2015 ( ). MooTools 1.5+ ES2015. Firefox 48, String.prototype.contains() .

String.prototype.includes(). Please log in or register to answer this question. Your comment on this answer: May 16, 2019 There's two common ways to check whether a string contains a substring in JavaScript. The more modern way is the String#includes() function. const str = 'Arya Stark'; str.includes('Stark');

str.includes('Snow'); You can use String#includes() in all modern browsers except Internet Explorer. You can also use String#includes() in Node.js >= 4.0.0. Compatibility table from Mozilla Developer Network If you need to support Internet Explorer, you should instead use the String#indexOf() method, which has been a part of JavaScript since ES1

in 1997. const str = 'Arya Stark'; str.indexOf('Stark') !== -1; str.indexOf('Snow') !== -1; In general, if you have any doubt about whether code will run in an environment that supports includes(), you should use indexOf(). The includes() function's syntax is only marginally more concise than indexOf(). Case Insensitive Search Both String#includes()

and String#indexOf() are case sensitive. Neither function supports regular expressions. To do case insensitive search, you can use regular expressions and the String#match() function, or you can convert both the string and substring to lower case using the String#toLowerCase() function. const str = 'arya stark'; str.match(/Stark/i);

str.match(/Snow/i); str.toLowerCase().includes('Stark'.toLowerCase()); str.toLowerCase().indexOf('Stark'.toLowerCase()) !== -1; str.toLowerCase().includes('Snow'.toLowerCase()); str.toLowerCase().indexOf('Snow'.toLowerCase()) !== -1; More Fundamentals Tutorials I have a shopping cart that displays product options in a dropdown menu and if

they select "yes", I want to make some other fields on the page visible. The problem is that the shopping cart also includes the price modifier in the text, which can be different for each product. The following code works: $(document).ready(function() { $('select[id="Engraving"]').change(function() { var str = $('select[id="Engraving"]

option:selected').text(); if (str == "Yes (+ $6.95)") { $('.engraving').show(); } else { $('.engraving').hide(); } }); }); However I would rather use something like this, which doesn't work: $(document).ready(function() { $('select[id="Engraving"]').change(function() { var str = $('select[id="Engraving"] option:selected').text(); if (str *= "Yes") {

$('.engraving').show(); } else { $('.engraving').hide(); } }); }); I only want to perform the action if the selected option contains the word "Yes", and would ignore the price modifier. $(function () { $('#btnCheck').click(function () { if ($('#txtword').val().indexOf('how') != -1) { alert('String Contains Word'); return true; } else { alert('String Does not

contains word'); return false; } }); }) Check textbox value contains word or not: how

Enter Text to Search: Below is the example of the String includes() Method.Example:

var str = "Welcome to GeeksforGeeks.";

var check = str.includes("Geeks");

document.getElementById("GFG").innerHTML = check;

Output:trueIn JavaScript, includes() method determines whether a string contains the given

characters within it or not.This method returns true if the string contains the characters, otherwise, it returns false.Note: The includes() method is case sensitive i.e, it will treat the Uppercase characters and Lowercase characters differently.Syntax:string.includes(searchvalue, start)Parameters Used:search value: It is the string in which the search

will take place.start: This is the position from where the search will be processed(although this parameter is not necessary if this is not mentionedthe search will begin from the start of the string).Return Value:Returns either a Boolean true indicating the presence or it returns a false indicating the absence.Examples: Input : Welcome to

GeeksforGeeks. str.includes("Geeks"); Output : true Explanation : Since the second parameter is not defined, the search will take place from the starting index. And it will search for Geeks, as it is present in the string, it will return a true. Input: Welcome to GeeksforGeeks. Output: false Explanation : Even in this case the second parameter is not

defined, so the search will take place from the starting index. But as this method is case sensitive it will treat the two strings differently, hence returning a boolean false.Since it is case sensitive.Codes for the above function are provided below.Code 1:

var str = "Welcome to GeeksforGeeks.";

var check =


document.getElementById("GFG").innerHTML = check;

Output: false Code 2:

var str = "Welcome to GeeksforGeeks.";

var check = str.includes("geeks");

document.getElementById("GFG").innerHTML = check;

Output: false Code 3:

var str = "Welcome to


var check = str.includes("o", 17);

document.getElementById("GFG").innerHTML = check;

Output: true Code 4:

var str = "Welcome to GeeksforGeeks.";

var check = str.includes("o", 18);

document.getElementById("GFG").innerHTML = check;

Output: false Exceptions :The

search will not be processed if the second parameter i.e computed index(starting index) is greater than or equal to the string length and hence return false.

var str = "Welcome to GeeksforGeeks.";

var check = str.includes("o", 25);

document.getElementById("GFG").innerHTML = check;

Output: false If the

computed index(starting index) i.e the position from which the search will beginis less than 0, the entire array will be searched.

var str = "Welcome to GeeksforGeeks.";

var check = str.includes("o", -2);

document.getElementById("GFG").innerHTML = check;

Output: true JavaScript is best known for web page

development but it is also used in a variety of non-browser environments. You can learn JavaScript from the ground up by following this JavaScript Tutorial and JavaScript Examples.

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