Acquisition Codes (AQD1, AQD2, AQD3)


Acquisition Codes and qualifications

(AQD1, AQD2, AQD3)

(Only first three shown in directory – some officers may have more qualifications on file 10 codes shown on )

1st Character

A - Acquisition

L - Surface Warfare Qual

J – Joint Qualification

D – Aviator/Aviation Qual

2nd Character

A- Program Mgmt

C- Contracting

D- Industrial Property Mgmt

E- Purchasing

G- Manufacturing

H- Quality Assurance

K- Business Cost Est & Financial Mgmt

L- Acquisition Logistics

P- Acquisition Professional Community

S- Systems Planning RD&E

T- Test & Evaluation Engineering

3rd Character

0- Not Certified

1- Level 1 (O-3 and below)

2- Level 2 (O-4)

3- Level 3 (O-5 and above)

M- Fully Qualified (Acquisition Professional Community – e.g. APM)



JS* - Joint Qual

D**- Pilot/NFO by TMS

IL# - Non DAWIA Certification


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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