And introducing Docker on AWS - University of California ...

Angular 2 & Full Stack TypeScript

and introducing Docker on AWS

Graduate Studies Background

2012 Single monolithic ColdFusion website Almost no client side JavaScript MySQL and 2 Oracle DBs Only prod environment Campus Linux virtualization and other shared services

2015 Individual web apps running ColdFusion or Java + Spring Drupal CMS Client side JavaScript running either custom code, jQuery or Angular 1 MySQL and 3 Oracle DBs local, test, CI and prod environments Campus Linux virtualization and other shared services


Small IT team with limited resources Too many programming languages Too many server platforms Too many databases Unreliable or limited control over environment due to shared infrastructure

Goal: Simplify

Move infrastructure off of shared services Move to a single server platform Move to a single database type Move to a single programming language Break up monolithic web apps (not quite microservices but closer)

Solution (2016)

AWS Self service server and data infrastructure Automated server administration (patching, provisioning, ...) ECS Container Service (Docker) S3 object storage

JWT Simpler API communication for Service Oriented Architecture

PostgreSQL Cheaper Easier to manage; we don't even use most of the Oracle features

Full stack JavaScript (actually TypeScript) Sharing code between client and server Sharing code between projects Simplified tooling Single programming language to learn, update and master


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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