Swagger yaml to pdf online


Swagger yaml to pdf online

Shows the swagger of the yam/Json exerted by Swagger-UI. This extension replaces the swaggering code in the pre-HTML in GitHub.Works completely offline. Demo - Easy to convert - Easy to expand/collapse - Supported sites. - GitHub - Supported by OpenAPI ver. - 2.0 - 3.0 - Supported ext file. - yaml - yml - json - Use 1. Install this app. 2. Open the swagger page in GitHub. - Try: https: oai/openapi-specification/blob/master/examples/v3.0/petstore.yaml=> 3. Click on this app icon. 4. Have a good development! With ETSI Forge Watch 271 Star 6.5k Fork 1.8k you can't do this action at the moment. You've signed up with another tab or window. Reboot to update the session. You subscribe to another tab or window. Reboot to update the session. We use cookies and similar technologies (cookies) to provide and secure our websites, as well as analyze the use of our websites to offer you a great user experience. To learn more about our use of cookies, see our Privacy Statement. 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Data Validators: Check to see if API queries and responses are lining up in the API description. Description Validators: Check the API description to see if openAPI is valid. Documentation: Render API Description as HTML (or maybe PDF), so a little less technical people can figure out how to work with the API. DSL: Writing YAML manually does not and maybe you don't want a GUI, so use a domain-specific language to write OpenAPI in your language of choice. Graphic Interface Editors: Visual Editors help develop APIs without having to memorize the entire OpenAPI specification. Learning: Whether you're trying to get documentation for a third-party traffic-based API, or trying to switch to design first in the organization, you're trying to get documentation for a third-party API, or are you trying to switch to design first in the organization, you're trying to get documentation for a third-party traffic-based organization. There is no OpenAPI at all, training can help you move your API specifications forward and keep it up to date. Different: Everything else that does things with OpenAPI, but hasn't quite gotten enough to justify its own category. Mock Servers: Fake servers that take document descriptions as input and then route incoming HTTP requests to sample responses or dynamically generates examples. Parsers: Downloads and reads OpenAPI descriptions so you can work with them in a programmatic way. SDK Generators: Create code to give to consumers to help them avoid interaction at the HTTP level. Safety: By poking around your OpenAPI description, some tools may look like for attack vectors you may not have noticed. Server Implementation: It's easy to create and implement resources and routes for the API. Testing: Fast run API requests and check the answers on the fly through command line or gui interfaces. Text Editors: Text editors give you visual feedback while you write OpenAPI, so you can see what the documents might look like. Various tools to transform in and out of OpenAPI and other API descriptions. Title Language v2 v3 GitHub Apimatic Transformer - Transforming API descriptions in and out of RAML, BLUEprint API, OAI v2/v3, WSDL, etc. SaaS - Create OpenAPI 3.x specs from HAR. TypeScript Go-swagger - Unmaintained v2.0 only the project is looking for a new chaperone, or probably a fork. Parser, the validator generates descriptions from code or code from descriptions! Go Google Gnostic - Compile OpenAPI descriptions into equivalent submissions to the Go har2openapi Buffer Protocol - Automatically generate OpenAPI 3.0 Spec using network queries, captured in one or more HAR TypeScript files JSON Schema for OpenAPI Schema - Because of OpenAPI v3.0 and JSON Schema mismatch, you can use this JS library to convert JSON Schema objects into OpenAPI Schema. JavaScript laravel-openapi - Create OpenAPI 3 specification for Laravel applications. PHP OAS RAML Converter - Converts between OpenAPI and RAML API specifications Node.js OData OpenAPI - OData 4.0 for OpenAPI v3.0 converter XSLT OData.OpenAPI - Conversion Edm (Edie Data Model) into OpenAPI 3.0 .NET odpapapa - OData 4.0 for OpenAPI v2.0 Converter Node.js OpenAPI Filter - Internal Components Filter from OpenAPI Descriptions Node.js OpenAPI Schema to JSON Schema - Due to the inconsistency of OpenAPI v3.0 and JSON Schema, you can use this JS library to convert OpenAPI Schema objects into the correct JSON Schema scheme. JavaScript openapi-to-postman - Converting OpenAPI 3.0 specifications into Postman Collection (v2) JavaScript format pyswagger - Customer and converter in Python that is safe for type, compatible with specifications. Python swagger2openapi - File update from OpenAPI v2.0 to v3.0, merging into one mega file or respecting $refs. Part of the os kit. es kit. / CLI to see if API queries and responses line up with the API description. Title Language v2 v3 GitHub Committee - Checking the intermediary for the server rack. This gem checks the query and response with the OpenAPI description. And convert a line of options to a specific Ruby object (for example, convert the datetime line to the DateTime class). Ruby Express-ajv-swagger-validation - Express middleware, which checks the body of the request, blanks, path parameters and query parameters according to OpenAPI Description Node.js express-openapi-validator - Automatic verification of API requests and responses to ExpressJS. JavaScript kin-openapi - Go Library to handle OpenAPI 3.0 Go specifications oas-tools - NodeJS module to manage RESTful API, Defined with OpenAPI 3.0 Description over express servers, including Node.js security checks OpenAPI Enforcer - Checking OpenAPI document, serialization, diserulation and verification of incoming queries and outgoing responses, as well as easier to build responses. You can even make a mock-up of the data. Node.js openapi-validator - Checks built-in JSON examples in OpenAPI JavaScript specifications openapi-psr7-validator - Using a phP-frame that supports PSR-7? Get a free check without writing a bunch of code, registering this average software and pointing it to the API description document. PHP openapi-spring-webflux validator - Friendly Catlin Library to test API endpoints with OpenAPI 3.0 or OpenAPI 2.0 Java/Kotlin openapi4j - Parse Document, API requests and responses with OpenPIA 3.x. Java openVALIDATION - Allows complex verification rules in special openAPI files using natural language. Java Render API Description as HTML (or maybe PDF), so a little less technical people can figure out how to work with the API. Name Language v2 v3 GitHub APIMatic Developer Experience Portal - Customized developer portals filled with language documentation, customer libraries, code samples, APIs and more. SaaS Apitive Studio is a platform for digital product managers and API consultants to develop the REST API with built-in layout and documentation. Angular 7.0, Java/Saas APITree - HUB for API management and exchange. Transforms OpenAPI v2/v3 files into beautiful API documentation. SaaS Bump - Bump creates elegant documentation and changes from OpenAPI specifications. Git diff, for your API. SaaS Kong Enterprise Edition - highly customizable developer portal with developer on board, integrated with Kong API Gateway Lua LucyBot DocGen - Create a customizable website with API documentation, console and interactive workflows, from the OpenAPI JavaScript MrinDoc OpenAPI description of the viewer's document. Viewer. Nexmo OAS Renderer Ruby OpenAPI rendering documents, use standalone or add to your application Rails Ruby oas-tools - NodeJS module to control RESTful API is defined with OpenAPI 3.0 Description over express servers, including Security Checks Node.js oas3-api-snippet-enricher - Enrich existing description documents with generated JavaScript code samples openapi-viewer - View and protest REST API, described with OpenAPI 3.0 Vue.js OpenDocumenter - OpenDocumenter is an automatic documentation generator for the OpenAPI v3 Scheme. Just provide a diagram file in JSON or YAML, then relax and enjoy the documentation. Vue.js RapiDoc is a custom element for viewing OpenAPI descriptions. The RapiPdf custom item is a custom item to generate PDF from OpenAPI descriptions. Custom Element ReadMe - Create beautiful, personalized, interactive hubs of SaaS ReDoc developers - OpenAPI generated API Reference Documentation React.js Restish - CLI for REST-ish API with HTTP/2, built-in content, negotiation, caching, and more that understands and can discover OpenAPI descriptions. CLI / Go Stoplight Documents - Create a beautiful, customized interactive API documentation created from OpenAPI, integrated with Stoplight Studio SaaS widdershins - Create a Slate/Shins markup from OpenAPI 2.0/3.0.x Node.js Writing YAML manually is not fun, and you may not want a graphical interface, so use a specific domain to write OpenPI in your language. The name Language v2 v3 GitHub BOATS - BOATS allows larger teams to contribute to OpenAPI's multi-file definitions by writing a Nunjucks tpl syntax in a hole with several important helpers to ensure stricter consistency, such as operationId: . Node.js CUE - CUE is an open source language, with a rich set of APIs and tools to identify, generate and validate all kinds of data configuration, API, database schemes, code, etc. CUE Spot is a short, developer-friendly way to describe your API contract. TypeScript Supermodel - Model your data with JSON Schema, freely link and remix models that are converted into different formats, including OAS v2/v3. SaaS editors Text give you visual feedback while you write OpenAPI so you can see what documents might look like. Title Language v2 v3 GitHub Atom/linter-swagger - This plug-in for Atom Linter will be lint OpenAPI, both JSON and YAML using the swagger-parser node package. JavaScript Kai'en-OpenAPI-editor - full full full use of eclipse editor for OpenAPI, also eclipse Marketplace. Java Senya Editor - JetBrains IDE plugin to show Swagger user interface as a preview, for visual feedback when editing. Java Swagger Editor - Design, describe and document the API on the first open source editor completely API based on OpenAPI. Node.js SwaggerHub is an API design and documentation platform to improve collaboration, standardize the development workflow, and centralize their API detection and consumption. SaaS/On-Premise NodeJS VSCode OpenAPI - OpenAPI extension for Visual Studio Code - new file templates, navigation, intelligence, code fragments. Any VSCode/openapi-lint - OpenAPI 2.0/3.0.x intellisense, validator and linter for Visual Studio Code Node.js Visual editors will help you develop an API without having to memorize the entire OpenAPI specification. Name Language v2 v3 GitHub ApiBldr is a web designer for The OpenAPI (swagger) and AsyncAPI specifications. Angular 9.0 / Saas Apicurio Studio - open source API web design through OpenAPI specification. Angular 7.0, Java/Saas Apitive Studio is a platform for digital product managers and API consultants to develop REST APIs with built-in layout and documentation. Angular 7.0, Java/Saas Flotiq - headless CMS with OpenAPI support - Visually identify the types of content, Flotiq automatically generates its own compatible endpoints OpenAPI v3, SDKs and Postman collections. Hackolade is the visual editor of OpenAPI v2/v3, from pioneer in data modeling to NoS'L databases. ReactJS JSON Designer - Visualization of JSON models from imported OpenAPI YAML. Edit models and export OpenAPI YAML. iOS/Swift OAIE Sketch is an OpenApi browser integrated editor with a side-view of the pit and interactive graphics. Vue.js Repre'en API Studio - Repre'en API Studio is an integrated work bench that puts API design first in focus for your entire team, harmonizes your API projects and generates APIs that click on client applications. Java Stoplight Studio - Stoplight Studio is a GUI/text editor with linting and mocking built-in straight in. It can work on a desktop with local files, and the browser is powered by existing GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket REPO. Desktop/SaaS whether you're trying to get documentation for a third party API based on traffic, or trying to switch to design first in an organization with no OpenAPI at all, training can help you move the API specifications forward and keep it up to date. Name Language v2 v3 GitHub Meeshkan - Mock HTTP API through a combination of API definitions, recorded traffic and code. Used for sandbox, as well as automated and research testing. Python Optic is a proxy that monitors the API and helps create an openAPI description online. cli Response2Schema - accepts any JSON response and generates an OpenAPI definition document with component diagram and default endpoint. PHP Swagger Inspector - Run a mock-up of queries in the web app and Swagger inspector your description of OpenAPI. SaaS fake servers that accept the description of the document as input, input, the route of incoming HTTP requests for example responses or dynamically generates examples. Name Language v2 v3 GitHub API Sprout - Easy, blazing fast, cross-platform layout of the OpenAPI 3 server validated by cli /Docker Apitive Studio - a platform for digital product managers and API consultants to develop REST APIs with built-in layout and documentation. Angular 7.0, Java/Saas Connexion - OpenAPI First structure for Python on top of the endpoint flask and OAuth2 Python support Fakeit - Create a server layout from the OpenAPI 3 specification with a random generation of responses and query verification. cli/Docker Falcon Heavy - framework for creating backends of applications and microservices with the help of api design-first workflow. Python Meeshkan - Mock HTTP API using a combination of API definitions, recorded traffic and code. Used for sandbox, as well as automated and research testing. Python Microcks is a platform for moking and testing APIs and microservices. Turn OAI contract examples into ready-to-use layouts. Use examples to test and validate implementations according to the elements of the scheme. Self-hosted/SaaS MockLab - SaaS platform to download specs to create a mock SaaS server OpenAPI Mocker - standalone nodejs-based OpenAPI 3 layout server, docker-friendly with check requests and auto load. nodejs Prism - Turn any OAI file into an API server with sneering, conversions, checks, and more. cli Sandbox - SaaS, a self-hosted or CLI tool for turning OpenAPI (and other) descriptions into a server layout where you can change behavior, simulate downtime, and any other nonsense you can think of thanks to a built-in code editor! SaaS/Java Unmock is an API integration testing library that intercepts outgoing requests and serves layout data based on OpenAPI descriptions. Node.js yii2-app-api - API code on the Generate Server side with routing, models, data verification and database diagram from the OpenAPI description. Based on The Yii Framework. PHP check the API description to see if it is valid for OpenAPI. Name Language v2 v3 GitHub BigstickCarpet/swagger-cli - Simple check of OpenAPI files, support for JSON/YAML and v2/v3 description documents. Node.js/CLI -openapi-validator - automatic verification of API requests and responses in ExpressJS. JavaScript oas-tools - NodeJS Module for RESTful API management, defined by OpenAPI 3.0 Description over express servers, including Node.js security checks OpenAPI Enforcer - Checking the OpenAPI document, serializing, deseralizing and verifying incoming requests and outgoing responses, as well as simplifying responses. You can even make a mock-up of the data. OpenAPI Style Validator is a customizable style validator to make sure your OpenAPI description follows yours Standards. Java, CLI OpenAPI Validator - Customizable and mitigating validator/liter for OpenAPI Node.js openapi-examples-validator - Checks built-in JSON-examples in OpenAPI-specifications JavaScript openapi-spec-validator - OpenAPI Validator Description Python openapi-spring-webflux validator - Friendly Cotlin Library to test API endpoints using OpenAPI 3.0 or OpenAPI 2.0 Java/Kotlin specifications openVALIDATION - allows for natural language specifications in openAPI specifications. Java php-openapi - PHP library for manipulation and verification OpenAPI 3.0 Description PHP Spectral - a flexible JSON/YAML facility with portable rules and custom features. CLI and TypeScript/JavaScript super-linter - GitHub Action in Storage Lins within CI/CD. Implements the latest version of Spectral. CLI/Docker poke around your OpenAPI description, some tools may look like for attack vectors you may not have noticed. Name Language v2 v3 GitHub 42crunch is a unique set of integrated API security tools that allow You to Discover, Praise OpenAPI Vulnerabilities, and Protect Against API Attacks. SaaS the Contract Security Audit API - Download the OpenAPI file, get a detailed report with located vulnerabilities, possible attack scenarios, and ways to fix them. SaaS oas-tools - NodeJS MODULE for RESTful API management, defined by OpenAPI 3.0 Description over express servers, including Node.js security checks StackHawk HawkScan - StackHawk is the target of an application vulnerability scanner built for developers to use in the DevOps pipeline. It uses a special file provided by OpenAPI v2 or v3 to detect the route and extensive scanning. SaaS generate code to give consumers to help them avoid interaction at the HTTP level. Name Language v2 v3 GitHub APIMatic CodeGen - Bring an API description (OAI v2/v3, RAML, Blueprint API, WSDL, etc.) to create fully functional SDKs in more than 10 languages. SaaS Flotiq - headless CMS with OpenAPI support - Visually identify content types, Flotiq automatically generates its own compatible endpoints OpenAPI v3, SDKs and Postman. Go-swagger Unmaintained v2.0 only the project is looking for a new escort, or probably a fork. Parser, the validator generates descriptions from code or code from descriptions! Go fencing - Principled generation of code from OpenAPI descriptions of Scala, Java, ... janephp/open-api - Create a PHP (PSR-7 compatible) client API based on OpenAPI specification. PHP oa-client - a flexible customer assistant for accepting and verifying calls to openAPI backends. For the site and the browser. Runtime lib - no need to generate code! TypeScript oazapfts! Creating TypeScript customers from this OpenAPI Document. TypeScript OpenAPI Customer Generators is a .NET Core command line program to generate highly typing api of customers in C-NET Frameworks and .NET Core, as well as in TypeScript for Angular 5, Aurelia, j'query, AXIOS and Fetch API. The template-driven OpenAPI generator to create documentation, API customers, and server stubs in different languages having disassembled the description of OpenAPI (community fork of swaggering codegen) Java restful-react - Generate React hooks with appropriate signature hooks type from descriptions Of OpenAPI

React (Typescript) Unchase.OpenAPI.Connectedservice - Expansion of Visual Studio for the generation of code httpclient (or C' Controllers) for the web service .NET easy to create and implement resources and routes for the API. Name Language v2 v3 GitHub @eropple/nestjs-openapi3 closely integrates with the NestJS app to display complex descriptions and expresses them in its openAPI document generated. He then submits the document through ReDoc and checks the input to match the specification. Node.js @nestjs/swagger - OpenAPI (Swagger) official module for NestJS. Use decorators to determine OpenAPI's endpoint documentation, options, and return types. Tightly integrated with the NestJS app. Ships with the Swagger user interface and serves as OpenAPI v3 specs. TypeScript @smartrecruiters/openapi-first - Initiates your OpenAPI 3.0 Express API app using medium-sized programs (parsators, validators, controllers, Default Settings) or custom ones Node.js API Platform - REST and Graph'L framework to create modern API-managed projects PHP BaucisJS - baucis-openapi3 - Create REST resources with perseverance on MongoDB and expose OpenAPI v .33 JavaScript BaucisJS - baucis-swagger2 - Create REST resources with tenacity on MongoDB and expose OpenAPI v.2 JavaScript contracts Falcon Heavy - framework for creating backends of applications and microservices through the API design workflow. Python Fusio THE PHP's open source API management platform LoopBack 4 is a highly-centric object-oriented platform, Node.js and TypeScript, to create ANIs and microservices with strong OpenAPI 3 integration. Serves swagger UI and OpenAPI 3 specs out of the box. Create code to interact with other OPENAPI-compatible APIs, or create new API endpoints based on existing OpenAPI specifications. TypeScript MicroTS - Take the OpenAPI description and create TypeScript projects through Docker. Node.js Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenApi - Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI is a plug-in for Mojolicious framework that adds routes and input/output checks to your Mojolicious application based on documents describing Perl oas-tools - NodeJS module for RESTful API management, defined by OpenAPI 3.0 3.0 through express servers, including Node.js security checks OpenAPI Enforcer Middleware - an express intermediary that makes it easy to write web services that follow the OpenAPI specification using the tools provided in the openapi-enforcer package. Node.js openapi-backend - Build, Validate, Route and Mock using OpenAPI specification. Framework-agnostic Node.js openapi-processor-spring - Generates java interfaces and model classes for Spring Boot (based on annotation, MVC and WebFlux) from openapi.yaml. Provides the ability to display types to customize the generated code. Grade-support. Java tsoa - Creates OpenAPI documents and provides free run time checks for your Koa, Express, happy (and more) TypeScript services Vert.x Web Api Contract - Create API endpoints with Vert.x 3 and OpenAPI 3 with automatic Java query verification, Kotlin, JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby, Ceylon and Scala Vert.x Web API Service Creating API proxy servers using the Java yii2-app-api - API code on the Generate Server side with routing, model, data check and database diagram from the OpenAPI description. Based on The Yii Framework. PHP anything else that does things with OpenAPI, but hasn't quite gotten enough to justify its own category. Name Language v2 v3 GitHub $oas (CLI) - Create OAS files from code comments and easily place them ($ npm set oas-g) JavaScript express-openapi-validator - Auto-check API requests and responses in ExpressJS. JavaScript Flotiq - headless CMS with OpenAPI support - Visually identify types of content, Flotiq automatically generates its own compatible endpoints OpenAPI v3, SDKs and Postman collections. laravel-openapi - Create OpenAPI 3 specs for Laravel applications. PHP oa client - a flexible customer assistant for accepting and verifying calls to openAPI backends. For the site and the browser. Runtime lib - no need to generate code! TypeScript OpenAPI Server Code Generator (oapi-codegen) - Creating a web service using the Echo platform ( from the OpenAPI v3 Go openapi-cli-tool - you can list certain paths of API and multifail package into one. Supports multiple file extensions. Python openapi-diff - Utility to compare the two OpenAPI specifications. Java openapi-examples-validator - Checks built-in JSON-examples in OpenAPI-specification JavaScript openapi-spring-webflux-validator - Friendly Library Of Catlin Check API endpoints using OpenAPI 3.0 or OpenAPI 2.0 Java/Kotlin openVALIDATION - allowing complex verification rules in openAPI specification files using natural language. Java php-openapi-faker - to generate fake data for OpenAPI 3.x requests, replies, and diagrams. PHP Restish - CLI for REST-ish API with HTTP/2, built-in out, content talks, caching and more that OpenAPI descriptions understand and can detect. CLI/Go loads and read OpenAPI descriptions so you can work with them through the software. Title Language v2 v3 GitHub BigstickCarpet/swagger-parser - Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0 parser and validator. You can also link multiple files into one through $ref. Node.js Kai'en OpenAPI Parser - High Performance Parser, Validator, and Java Object Model for OpenAPI 3.x Java kin-openapi - Go Library to handle OpenAPI 3.0 Go specifications Microsoft/ - C-based analysis OpenAPI and V2 .NET migration support oas-tools - NodeJS module for RESTful API management, defined by OpenAPI 3.0 including Node.js oas_parser security checks - Rube For OpenAPI 3.0. Ruby OpenAPI Object-oriented specification is an object-oriented approach to the generation of OpenAPI descriptions implemented in PHP PHP OpenAPI-TS - TS Model and utils for openAPI 3.0.x TypeScript contracts openapi3 - a client of the Specification OpenPIA 3 and validator covering both the description and the validator. Python OpenAPI3-Rust - Rust Serialization Library for OpenAPI v3 Rust openapi3_parser - Ruby implementation of the parser and validator for the OpenAPI 3 specification. Ruby openapi4j - Review document, API requests and responses verification with OpenAPI 3.x. Java php-openapi - PHP Library for manipulation and verification OpenAPI 3.0 Description PHP psx-api - Reviewing and generating formats of the API specification of PHP a swaggering parser - Swagger Parser reads the definitions of OpenAPI in the current Java POJOs. Java quickly execute API requests and check fly responses through a command line or GUI interface. Name Language v2 v3 GitHub Assertible - Import The OpenAPI specification to Assertible to create tests that check JSON Schema's answers and status codes at each endpoint. SaaS Chai OpenAPI Response Validator - Simple Tea Support claiming that the answers of http meet the OpenAPI specifications. Node.js Dredd is a Language-agnostic command line tool for validising the backend implementation document of the Javascript API EvoMaster, a tool for automatically creating system-level test cases for RESTful APIs using evolutionary algorithms and dynamic program analysis. Java/Kotlin hikaku is a library that tests whether the IMPLEMENTATION of the REST-API meets its specification. Kotlin joke-openapi - Extra Jest matchers for claiming that satisfy the specifications of OpenAPI. Node.js OpenAPI Enforcer - Check openAPI document, deserialize, and check incoming queries and outgoing responses, and simplify the creation of responses. You can even make a mock-up of the data. Node.js Restish - CLI for REST-ish API with HTTP/2, built-in out, content talks, caching, and more that OpenAPI descriptions understand and can detect. CLI /Go Schemathesis - Reads the document description and generates test cases that will ensure that your application matches its description. Python Swagger Inspector - Swagger Inspector is a free online tool for quickly fulfilling any API request, checking its responses and creating an appropriate Description of OpenAPI. Self-hosted/SaaS Tcases for OpenAPI - generates test cases directly from your API's OpenAPI v3 description. Creates tests that are performed using different test frameworks. Bonus: Semantic linter reports incompatible, unnecessary, or questionable elements. Java Unmock is an API integration testing library that intercepts outgoing requests and serves layout data based on OpenAPI descriptions. Node.js swagger json to yaml converter online. yaml to swagger converter online. swagger yaml to json online. swagger yaml to html online. convert swagger yaml to html online. swagger yaml to pdf online. swagger yaml to java online. swagger yaml to uml online

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