Json to multipart/ form- data javascript


Json to multipart/ form- data javascript

Get API:Provides a JavaScript interface to access and manipulate parts of the HTTP pipeline, such as requests and responses. It also provides a global fetch() method that provides an easy and logical way to get resources asynchronously over the network. This type of functionality has been previously achieved using XMLHttpRequest. Fetch provides a better alternative that can be easily used by other technologies, such as Service Workers. Fetch also provides a single logical place to define other HTTP-related concepts, such as CORS and extensions to HTTP. The fetch specification differs from jQuery.ajax() in two main ways: The returned promise of fetch() will not reject the HTTP error status even if the response is an HTTP 404 or 500. Instead, it will be resolved normally (with the correct state set to false), and will only reject the network error or if something has prevented the request from being completed. By default, fetch() will not send or receive any cookie from the server, which will result in unap authenticated requests if the site relies on maintaining a user session (to send cookies, the startup option credentials must be set). GET Request//Smple GET Requestfetch(' ) .then(function(response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function(myJson) { console.log(JSON.stringify(myJson)); });/ /Note: response.json()returns Promise.POST request seigning a request with credentials includedTo have browsers send a request with included credentials, even for a cross-source call, add credentials: 'include' in the startup object you pass to the fetch() method. JSONFormData API Data Load: Provides a JavaScript interface to easily build a set of key/value pairs that represent form fields and their values, which can then be easily sent using ajax. Use the same format that a form would use if the encoding type was set to multipart/form-data. 4 minutes to read If you use the Fetch Browser API to make requests from a web page on the front to the back API, you may need to make requests that send data from a form on this page. The good news is that fetch supports this, but if you want to send the data to your API like JSON, you need to do some additional work. Let's take a look at what's involved. HTML Form Example In the following steps we will create three small pieces of JavaScript that will take the data entered by a user in these form fields and publish it to our API as JSON. <form action= id=example-form><label for=firstname><strong>Name:</strong><input type=text name=first_name id=first-name></label><label for=last-name> <input type=text name=last_name id=last-name></label><input type=submit value=Create new user></form> It might seem like a lot of code in the steps below, but most of it is comments to help you understand what's going on and why. Step 1. Listen when a user submits the form A send event is when the user clicks the submit button on the form or when they focus on a form field and press the return key on the keyboard. const exampleForm = document.getElementById(example-form); /** * We will define the function of the event handler 'handleFormSubmit()' in the next step. */ exampleForm.addEventListener(send, handleFormSubmit); The FormData API is natively supported by most modern browsers and provides an easy way to access values for all fields in an HTML way : you pass it a reference to a form element and it will do the rest for you. /** * Event handler for a form submission event. * * @see * @param {SubmitEvent} event */ async function handleFormSubmit(event) { /** * This prevents the default behavior of the browser that sends * the form so that we can handle things instead. */ event.preventDefault(); /** * This gets the item to which the event handler was attached. * * @see */ const form = event.currentTarget; /** * This takes the API URL from the form's 'action' attribute. */ const url = form.action; try { /** * This takes all fields on the form and makes its * values available through an instance of Form Data. * * @see */ const formData = new FormData(form); /** * We will define the 'FormData'. * * @see */ const formData = new FormData(form); /** * We will define the postFormDataAsJson() function in the next step. */ const responseData = wait for postFormDataAsJson({ url , formData }); /** * Normally you want to do something with the answer data , * but for this example we will only register it on the console. */ console.log({ responseData }); } catch (bug) { console.error(error); } } Step 3. Format the data as JSON and PUBLISH it to a URL with the fetch /** * Helper function for POSTing data as JSON with fetch. * @param {Object} options * @param {string} options.url - URL to POST data to * @param {FormData} options.formData - 'FormData' instance * @return {Object} - Response body from the URL that was posted to */ postFormDataAsJson({ url, formData }) { /** * We cannot pass the FormData instance directly to 'fetch' * as this will automatically format the request * body as multipart and set the Content Type * request header to multipart /form-data. We want to send the request body * like JSON, so we're turning it into a flat object and then * into a JSON string. * * @see * @see * @see */ const plainFormData = Object.fromEntries(formData.entries()); const formDataJsonString = JSON.stringify(plainFormData); const fetchOptions = { /** * The default method for a fetched request is GET, * so we have to to use the POST HTTP method. */ method: POST, /** * These headers will be added to the request and will say * to the API that the request body is JSON and that we can * accept JSON responses. */ headers: { Content type: application/json, Accept: application/json }, /** * The body of our POST request is the JSON string that * we created previously. */ body: formDataJsonString, }; const response = wait for fetch(url, fetchOptions); if (!response.ok) { const errorMessage = wait response.text(); throw new Error(errorMessage); } return response.json(); } Here is all the JavaScript code from previous steps put together without online comment: /** * Help function for POSTing data such as JSON with fetch. * @param {Object} options * @param {string} options.url - URL to POST data to * @param {FormData} options.formData - 'FormData' instance * @return {Object} - Response body from the URL that has been posted to */ postFormDataAsJson({ url, formData }) { const plainFormData = Object.fromEntries(formData.entries()); const formDataJsonString = JSON.stringify(plainFormData); const fetchOptions = { method: POST, headers: { Content-Type: application/json, Accept: application/json, }, body: formDataJsonString, }; const response = wait fetch(url, fetchOptions); if (!response.ok) { const errorMessage = wait for response.text(); launch new Error(bugMessage); } return response.json(); } /** * Event Manager for a form submission event. * * @see * @param {SubmitEvent} */ async handleFormSubmit(event) function { event.preventDefault(); const form = event.currentTarget; const url = form.action; try { const formData = new FormData(form); const responseData = await postFormDataAsJson({ url, formData }); console.log({responseData }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } const exampleForm = document.getElementById(example-form); exampleForm.addEventListener(send, handleFormSubmit); If the API is built with Express, you will want to configure your routes so that you can accept the JSON request bodies. You can use the middleware body-parser to manage this for you. It can be configured to analyze the JSON request body for POST/PUT/PATCH requests and then added as an object under a body property to the request object. This means it is available for any middleware or route drivers running after the middleware body spacer such as request.body. const bodyParser = require(body analyzer); app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.post(/user, (request, response) => { /** * In a real application, data from 'request.body' should be validated before use for anything, for example by inserting * into a database. */ const newUser = { first_name: request.body.first_name, last_name: }; response.status(201).json(newUser); This blog post was inspired by a question I received from one of my new subscribers, St?phanie. She had built a static front with and an API with Express and MongoDB database. St?phanie wanted to know how JavaScript might have on its front end to send data from a form on the page to its API, which would then save it to the database. Thanks for the question, St?phanie! St?phanie!

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