Judaism Assembly – The Story of Moses

Judaism Play/Assembly – The Story of Moses


6 Narrators, Story Teller, Pharaoh, Pharaoh’s Daughter Moses, Moses’ Mother, Ten Plagues, 4 Slaves, God

Introduction: This week we have been learning about the Jewish Faith and we would like to share some of what we have found out with you today, as their beliefs share a common history with us.

Narrator 1: Jewish people trace their history back to one man called Abraham who lived nearly four thousand years ago.

Narrator 2: Abraham is important to Jews as he was the first person to propose that there was only one God.

Narrator 3: The relationship between the people of Abraham and God is told in the Jewish Bible – what we know as the Old Testament.

Narrator 4: Another very important person to Jews is Moses. He was the person that God trusted to give His Ten Commandments to.

Narrator 5: These resulted in the Covenant or promise between God and his people where they would worship God and He would care for them.

Narrator 6: We would like to share that story with you today. (sit down)

Storyteller: Our Story is about Moses, who grew up in the times when Hebrews were slaves in Egypt.

Pharaoh: Slave! Cook me my dinner… shine my gold… count my shekels hidden under the mattress (slaves scurry round)

Storyteller: The Pharoah was secretly afraid though that the slaves were trying to take over his country so he ordered all slave baby boys to be killed.

Pharaoh: Hmmmm. I’m worried. I think these slaves may turn against me. Go out and kill every baby boy you can find…. Then they can’t grow up and turn on me….NOW. (slaves scurry off – Pharaoh sits down)

Moses’ Mother: I can’t bear my baby boy being killed. I will hide him by the River Nile and hope he gets found by someone who will care for him.

Storyteller: Luckily for Moses, he was found in his basket by the Pharaoh’s daughter who took him back to the palace.

Daughter: Look I found a baby in the rushes. Will you look after him and we will bring him up as a prince? (Gives him to Moses mother)

Storyteller: So Moses grew up as a Prince but he never forgot who he really was.

Moses: I don’t like the way the Pharaoh treats the slaves. I can’t live here anymore. I will run away. (Gets bag and leaves. Burning Bush appears)

God (voice): Moses, this is your God. You must go back and free the Hebrews from slavery.

Moses: You are right, how can I just sit here why my friends suffer. (He rushes back) Pharoah LET MY PEOPLE GO!

Storyteller: Pharoah didn’t let the slaves go until….

Plague 1: Water has turned to blood

Plague 2: Frogs… there are frogs everywhere…

Plague 3: Lice…. Ahhhhh I have lice…

Plague 4: Flies… there are flies all over the city

Plague 5: All the livestock is dead… all the sheep and cows.

Plague 6: Boils…. Everyone has boils…

Plague 7: Thunder and lightening!!

Plague 8: Locusts everywhere…all the crops have gone.

Plague 9: Darkness has fallen across the land. We haven’t been able to see for three days.

Plague 10: (to Pharaoh) Everybody and everything’s first born has died… Pharaoh, you have to do something!

Pharaoh: Ok, ok... I will let the Hebrews free..... GO!

Moses: Thank you. Come on everyone, let’s leave, as quickly as we can.

Slave: But I have just started making some bread. Can we just wait until it is cooked?

Moses: No! There is no time. Pharaoh may change his mind. Take the bread as it is.

Storyteller: Pharaoh did change his mind and sent his army after them to bring them back. The army chased the Hebrews to the Red Sea. They were trapped. (Children waving cloths as the ‘sea’)

Slave 1: How will we get across the water? We can’t swim... its too far.

Slave 2: We can’t row...we have no boat!

Slave 3: We can’t fly... we don’t have wings!

Slave 4: We can’t wade... its too deep!

Moses: I tell you... God will help us. All I have to do is reach out like this (Lifts rod) and God will do the rest. (Sea parts, lets Hebrews through, closes against Egyptians)

Storyteller: Moses lead the Hebrews through the desert performing more miracles in order that they survived...... but people did not always behave as well as God hoped.

Moses: We need to stop here at Mt Sinai. God is going to speak to us. (Sounds of thunder)

God (voice): Moses, come alone up the mountain.

Storyteller: It was on the mountain that God told Moses ten laws which told people how to live. He wrote them on stone tablets and gave them to Moses.

Moses: These are the Ten Commandments given to us by God. If we always obey them we will live together in happiness and peace.

Storyteller: The people made a solemn promise to try and God kept his promise leading them to a wonderful and fertile land.

Narrator 1: The commandments affect all aspects of Jewish life including what they may and may not eat.

Narrator 2: They treat their scriptures with great respect, the most sacred being the Torah as it contains the revelations of God to Moses.

Narrator 3: Their most important day each week is Shabbat, starting Friday evening until Saturday evening. At this time they celebrate with special prayers and rituals.

Narrator 4: They have many festivals including Passover which remembers the time of slavery in Egypt and God’s deliverance of their people.

Narrator 5: They have a sense of belonging. First they belong to God, by keeping his Commandments. They also have sense of belonging to each other, as a world-wide family with its roots in the ancient past.

Narrator 6: Thank you for listening to our Assembly. We hope you enjoyed learning about the origins of the Jewish faith as much as we did.


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