1 - Academia Europaea


1. Medieval Art and Architecture in Limerick and south-west Ireland (Leeds, British Archaeological Association, 2011) editor

2. George Edmund Street and the Restoration of Christ Church cathedral, Dublin (Dublin, 2000).

3. Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, A History, (co-author): chapters III, V, XI, XVII, (Dublin, 2000).

4. Irish Round Towers (Dublin 2000).

5. Early Medieval Architecture, 272pp (Oxford, 1999).

6. Irish High Crosses (Dublin, 1996), revised edition of number 9.

7. Ireland and Europe in the middle ages: selected essays on architecture and sculpture, 335pp. (London, 1994).

8. Daniel Grose (c. 1766-1833), The Antiquities of Ireland, a supplement to Francis Grose (Dublin, 1991).

9. Irish High Crosses (Dublin, 1991).

10. The Cistercian Monasteries of Ireland (London and New Haven, 1987). [Awarded the Alice Davis Hitchcock medallion by the Society of Architectural Historians].

11. Architecture and Sculpture in Ireland, 1150-1350 (Dublin and New York 1971).

Articles and Papers

1. ‘Masons and their materials in medieval Ireland’ in Use of limestone in medieval buildings, ed., O.Vibeke (Ashgate, 2011), 209-26

2. ‘Style and Identity: early Gothic architecture in the archdiocese of Cashel’ in Medieval Art and Architecture in Limerick and south-west Ireland, ed. Roger Stalley (Leeds, British Archaeological Association, 2011), 89-110.

3. ‘In search of medieval sculpture: rockeries, walls and gateposts’ in Lost and Found, ed. J.Fenwick (Dublin, 2009) 179-87.

4. ‘L'architecture gothique dans les iles britanniques: orientations et perspectives de la recherche’, Perspective, Actualites de la recherche en Histoire de l'Art, La revue de l'Institut National de l'Histoire de l'Art (Paris), II, (2), 2007, 261-80.

5. ‘Artistic Identity and the Irish Scripture Crosses’ in Rachel Moss, ed., Making and Meaning, Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Insular Art, ed. R. Moss (Dublin, 2007), 153 – 166.

6. ‘The archbishop’s residence at Swords: castle or country retreat?’ in Sean Duffy ed., Dublin VII (Dublin, 2006), 152-76.

7. ‘Lapides Reclamabunt: Art and engineering at Lincoln in the thirteenth century’, Antiquaries Journal, 86 (2006), 131-47.

8. ‘Design and function: the construction and decoration of Cormac’s Chapel at Cashel’ in Ireland and Europe in the Twelfth Century. Reform and Renewal, ed. D. Bracken and D. O Riain-Raedel (Dublin, 2006), 162-75

9. ‘Gothic survival in sixteenth-century Connacht’ in The Modern Traveller to our Past. Festschrift in honour of Ann Hamlin, ed., Marion Meek (2006), 302-13.

10. ‘The abbey in its later Gothic context’ in New Survey of Clare island, Volume 4: the Abbey, ed. Conleth Manning, Paul Gosling, John Waddell , (Dublin, 2005), 135-46.

11. ‘The end of the middle ages: Gothic survival in sixteenth century Connacht’, Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 133 (2005), 5-23.

12. ‘Christ Church Cathedral’ in The Buildings of Ireland: Dublin, ed. Christine Casey (London and New Haven, 2005), 318-36.

13. ‘St Patrick’s Cathedral’ in The Buildings of Ireland: Dublin, ed. Christine Casey (London and New Haven, 2005) 602-18 [with Michael O'Neill].

14. 'Ecclesiastical Architecture before the Anglo-Norman Invasion', in a New History of Ireland, volume I, ed. Dáibhi Ó Cróinín (Oxford, 2005), 714-43.

15. ‘Solving a mystery at Cashel: the Romanesque painting in Cormac's Chapel’, Irish Arts Review Yearbook, vol.18 (2002), 25-9.

16. ‘The Architecture of St Davids Cathedral: Chronology, Catastrophe and Design’, Antiquaries Journal , 82 (2002), 13-45.

17. ‘Petra Fertilis: The Uncertain History of the Cistercian Church at Corcomroe’ in Irish Art Historical Studies in Honour of Peter Harbison, ed. Colum Hourihane (Princeton and Dublin, 2004), 175-89.

18. ‘A newly discovered Romanesque church on Devenish, County Fermanagh’, with Ann Hamlin, Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 61 (2002, published 2004), 83-97.

19. ‘St Davids: the Cathedral’, in Thomas Lloyd, Julian Orbach, and Robert Scourfield, eds., The Buildings of Wales: Pembrokeshire (London, 2004), 386-414.

20. ‘Architecture and Patronage in 15th century Adare’, Irish Arts Review, vol. 20, no 4 (Winter 2003), 110-15.

21. ‘Building the late Romanesque Cathedral’. Address given to the Friends of St Davids Cathedral 5th September 2002 in Friends of St Davids Cathedral, Report 2003 (St Davids, 2003), 27-34.

22. The Hunt Museum. Essential Guide (London, 2002): entries in catalogue.

23. ‘Sex, symbol and myth: some observations on the Irish round towers’, in From Ireland, Coming, ed., C.Hourihane (Princeton, 2001), 27-47.

24. ‘Monuments of the Dead. Irish Tomb Sculpture in the Middle Ages’, in Irish Medieval Figure Sculpture 1200 to 1600, exhibition catalogue (Hunt Museum, Limerick, 2000).

25. ‘Middle Ages’ in Sacred Places, The Story of Christian Architecture in Ireland, Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland and The Royal Society of Ulster Architects, exhibition catalogue, Belfast and Dublin, 2001, 6-9.

26. ‘The exploitation of the dome in Romanesque architecture’ in Domes, Papers read at the annual symposium of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain 2000, ed., A.Gomme (2000), 15-26.

27. ‘Hiberno-Romanesque and the Sculpture at Killeshin’ in Laois, History and Society. ed. W. Nolan (Dublin, 2000), 89-122.

28. ‘Confronting the past: George Edmund Street at Christ Church cathedral in Dublin’, in Gothic and the Gothic Revival, Papers from the 26th Annual Symposium of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain 1997. ed. F.Salmon (Manchester 1999), pp 75-86.

29. ‘Maritime Pilgrimage from Ireland and its artistic repercussions’ in Rutas Atlánticas de Peregrinacíon a Santiago de Compostela, Actas del il Congreso Internacional de Estudios Jacobeos, ed., Vicente Almazán, Brian Tate and Manuela Domínguez (Xunta de Galicia, Ferrol, 1999), 255-75.

30. 'Sculptured stone figure' and (with Sarah McCutcheon) ‘Architectural stone' in Waterford excavation report, ed. M.Hurley et alia, Waterford 1997.

31. 'The Tower Cross at Kells' in The Insular Tradition, ed. C.Karkov, R.T.Farrell, & M.Ryan ( New York, 1997), 115-41.

32. ‘The Rock of Cashel (Tipperary)’, in The Limerick Area: Proceedings of the 142nd Summer Meeting of the Royal Archaeological Institute,1996, The Archaeological Journal, 153 (1996), 308-314; ‘Athassel (Tipperary), Augustinian Priory’, Ibid., 315-19; ‘Askeaton, Franciscan Friary’, Ibid., 320-24; ‘Carrigafoyle (Co. Kerry)’, Ibid., 328-9; ‘Adare, Franciscan Friary’, Ibid., 331-34.

33. The Macmillan Dictionary of Art: twenty entries: Ahenny; Book of Kells; Cashel - architecture; Cashel - sculpture; Clonfert; Clonmacnois - architecture; Clonmacnois - sculpture; Cross - Ireland; Dublin, Christ Church cathedral; Glendalough; Insular art - introduction; Insular art -Irish sculpture; Kells; Kildare; Mellifont; Monasterboice; Romanesque Sculpture - Ireland; Skellig Michael; Tuam; William of Prene.

34. ‘Decorating the Lavabo: Late Romanesque Sculpture from Mellifont Abbey’, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 96C, 7 (1996), pp 237-64.

35. ‘Choice and Consistency: The Early Gothic Architecture of Selby Abbey’ in Architectural History, 38 (1995), 1-24.

36. (with Maurice Hurley) ‘Architectural stone’ and ‘Tomb slabs, sarcophagi and effigies’ in Excavations at the Dominican Priory St Mary’s of the Isle, Cork, edited by Maurice F.Hurley and Cathy M.Sheehan (Waterford, 1995), 97-109.

37. 'Saint Bernard, His Views on Architecture and the Irish Dimension' in Arte Medievale (Rome), II Serie, Anno VIII, n.1, tomo secondo, 1994, 13-20.

38. ‘In Search of Romanesque sculpture’, Archaeology Ireland, Winter 1994.

39. ‘Cistercian architecture’, in Atlas of Western Art History, ed. J.Steer and A.White (New York 1994), 102-3.

40. 'Ireland and Scotland in the Later Middle Ages', in Medieval Art and Architecture in the Diocese of St Andrews, ed. J. Higgitt (British Archaeological Association, Conference Transactions for the year 1986 (London, 1994), 108-117.

41. 'Scribe and mason: the Book of Kells and the Irish High Crosses', in The Book of Kells, ed. F.O'Mahony, Proceedings of a Conference held at Trinity College, Dublin 6-9 September 1992 (London, 1994), 257-65.

42. ‘St Bernard, his views on architecture and the Irish dimension’, in Hallel, A Review of Monastic Spirituality and Liturgy (Roscrea), 18, (1993), 4-14.

43. 'The Anglo-Norman keep at Trim: its architectural implications', Archaeology Ireland vol. 6, no. 4 (1992), 16-19.

44. 'Discovering the Antiquities of Ireland', Country Life, December 19th, 1991.

45. 'The Romanesque Style in Ireland' and 'Gothic Art and Architecture' in The Illustrated Archaeology of Ireland, edited by Michael Ryan, (Dublin, 1991).

46. 'Medieval Naturalism and the Botanical Carvings at Corcomroe Abbey (County Clare)', Gesta, XXXVIII/2, (1989), 65-74.

47. 'Gaelic Friars and Gothic Design' in Medieval Architecture and its Intellectual Context, ed., E.Fernie and P.Crossley (London, 1990), 191-202.

48. 'European Art and the Irish High crosses', in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 90C (1990), 135-158.

49. ‘Architectural review and proposed programme of restoration’, in The Restoration of Ardfert Cathedral (Ardfert, 1989), 19-27.

50. 'The early Gothic Choir of Pershore Abbey', in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (of America), 48 (1989), 351-70 (with M.Thurlby).

51. 'Sailing to Santiago: Medieval Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela and its artistic influence in Ireland', in Settlement and Society in Medieval Ireland, Studies presented to F.X.Martin, ed. J.Bradley (Kilkenny, 1988), 397-420.

52. 'The original site of St Patrick's Cross, Cashel', North Munster Antiquarian Journal, 27 (1985), 8-10 (published 1988).

53. 'A misunderstood Gothic masterpiece; the Cantwell effigy at Kilfane, Co. Kilkenny', in Figures from the Past, Studies on figurative art in Christian Ireland in honour of Helen Roe, ed. E.Rynne (Dublin, 1987), 209-22.

54. 'Irish Cistercian Churches 1142-1272', in The Art and Architecture of the Cistercian Order in the British Isles, ed. D.Park and C.Norton (Cambridge, 1986), 117-138.

55. 'Pèlerinage Maritime à Saint Jacques', in Santiago de Compostela, 1000 ans de Pèlerinage Européen, exhibition catalogue (Ghent, 1985), 123-8.

56. 'Irish Gothic and English Fashion', in The English in Medieval Ireland, ed. J. Lydon (The Royal Irish Academy and the British Academy, 1984), 65-86.

57. 'The Book of Durrow and the Book of Kells', Actes du Colloque, Litterature et Arts Visuels en Irlande (Société Francaise d'Études Irlandaises, Paris, 1982).

58. 'Three Irish Buildings with West Country Origins' in Medieval Art and Architecture at Wells and Glastonbury, British Archaeological Association, ed. N.Coldstream and P.Draper (1981), 62-80.

59. 'The Romanesque Sculpture of Tuam', in The Vanishing Past, Studies of Medieval Art, Liturgy and Metrology presented to Christopher Hohler, ed. A.Borg and A.Martindale (Oxford, 1981), 179-95.

60. 'The Architectural History of Mellifont Abbey', Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 80C, No. 14, (1980), 263-354.

61. 'The Medieval Cathedral of Christ Church, Dublin', Art About Ireland, I, no. 6 (1979), 8-11.

62. 'The medieval sculpture of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin', Archaeologia, CVIII (1978), 107-122. Reprinted in Medieval Dublin, ed. H.Clarke (Dublin, 1990), 202-26.

63. 'William of Prene and the Royal Works in Ireland', Journal of the British Archaeological Association, CXXXI (1978), 30-49.

64. 'The Romanesque and Gothic period', in Treasures of Early Irish Art, ed. G.F.Mitchell (New York, 1977), 187-96.

65. 'The Long Middle Ages', in The Irish World, ed. B. de Breffny (London, 1977, 2nd edition 1986), 71-86.

66. 'Contradictions in Medieval Style: the Cistercian Abbey at Boyle, Co. Roscommon', Country Life, May 1976, 1176-7.

67. 'Monastery on the Defensive: Kells Priory, Co. Kilkenny', Country Life, May 1975, 1344-6.

68. 'Corcomroe Abbey: some observations on its architectural history', Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, CV (1975), 21-46.

69. 'Mellifont Abbey: some observations on its architectural history', Studies, LXIV (1975), 347-367 (volume in honour of Dr Francoise Henry).

70. 'A Note on the Architecture of Pershore Abbey', Journal of the British Archaeological Association, XXXVII (1974), 113-4 (with M.Thurlby).

71. 'A Romanesque Sculptor in Connaught', Country Life, June 1973, 1826-1830.

72. Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin: the late Romanesque building campaign (Gatherum Series of Architectural Monograph, Ballycotton, 1973).

73. 'Wooden Corbel Heads at Devizes Castle', Archaeological Journal, CXXVI (1971), 228-9.

74. 'A Twelfth-Century Patron of Architecture: a study of the buildings erected by Roger, Bishop of Salisbury, 1102-39', Journal of the British Archaeological Association, XXXIV (1971), 62-83.

Reviews and minor contributions

75. Review of The Dublin Region in the Middle Ages. Settlement, Land Use and Economy by Margaret Murphy and Michael Potterton, Irish Arts Review, 27-4 (2010), 134-6.

76. Review of The White Mantle of Churches, Architecture, Liturgy, and Art around the millenium by Nigel Hiscock editor, Catholic Historical Review, 93 (2007), 904-5.

77. Review of The Formation of English Gothic by Peter Draper, Apollo, February (2007), 92-3.

78. Review of Art and Devotion in late medieval Ireland by Rachel Moss, Colman O Clabaigh and Salvador Ryan , Catholic Historical Review, 93 (2007) 930-1

79. Review of Medieval Trim, History and Archaeology by Michael Potterton, Irish Arts Review, 23-1 (2006), 136-7.

80. Review of Word and Image in the Book of Kells by Heather Pulliam , Irish Arts Review, 23-3 (2006), 138.

81. Foreword in Mary McMahon, St Audeon's Church, Cornmarket, Dublin: Archaeology and Architecture, Dublin, Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government (2006), xiii – xiv.

82. ‘Sex, Symbol and Myth: Observations on the Irish Round Towers’, Extractive Industry Ireland , the Irish Mining and Quarrying Society (2005), 25-9.

[An abbreviated version of an article published in 2001]

83. Review of Medieval Dublin V. Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 2003 ed. by Sean Duffy, Irish Arts Review, 22-1 (2005), 137-8.

84. Review of Romanesque and Gothic Metalwork and Ivory Carving in the Museum of Scotland by Virginia Glen , Antiquaries Journal, 85 (2005), 419-20.

85. ‘A Medieval Coincidence in Sutton (Dublin)’, Archaeology Ireland, 19-4 (2005), 7.

86. Review of Romanesque Ireland. Architecture and Ideology in the Twelfth Century by T. O’Keeffe, Irish Arts Review, 21-1 (2004), 124-5.

87. Review of Boyle Abbey and the School of the West by Britta Kalkreuter, Irish Architect, 189 (2003), 57.

88. Review of Treasures of the National Museum of Ireland ed. by Patrick F.Wallace & Raghnall O Floinn, Irish Arts Review, 19-3 (2002), 140

89. Review of The Golden Age of Irish Art, the Medieval Achievement 600-1200 AD by Peter Harbison, Irish Arts Review Yearbook, 17 (2001), 167.

90. ‘Larry Hoey’, obituary, Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 154, 2001, vii – x.

91. Review of God's beasts: identify and understand animals in church carvings by M.W. Tisdall, Antiquaries Journal, 80, 2000, 356-7.

92. Review of Castles in Ireland, feudal power in a Gaelic World by T. McNeill, Irish Arts Review Yearbook, 2000, (16), 1999, 159-60.

93. Review of The Irish round tower, origins and architecture explored (London 1997) by B. Lalor , Irish Arts Review Yearbook, 15, 1999, p159-60.

94. ‘Father Colmcille Conway’, Obituary, Tipperary Historical Journal, 1994.

95. Review of Medieval ring brooches in Ireland: a study of jewellery, dress and society (Dublin 1998) by M. Deevey, Irish Arts Review Yearbook 2000, 16, 1999, 160.

96. Review of Ancient Ireland by P. Harbison and Jacqueline O'Brien, The Irish Arts Review Yearbook, 14, 1998, 179.

97. Review of Norwegian medieval altar frontals and related materials, Acta ad Archaeologiam et Artium Historiam Pertinentia, vo. XI, Institutum Romanum Norvegiae, Roma, 1995, by Magne Malmanger, Laszlo Berczelly, Signe Horn Fuglesang (ed.), Peritia, 1995.

98. Review of Peter Harbison, Pilgrimage in Ireland - The Monuments and the People, Speculum, 69 (1994), 489-90.

99. ‘Investigating the Book of Kells’, Review of The Book of Kells, Ms 58, Trinity College Library Dublin, Commentary by P. Fox (ed.), Irish Arts Review Yearbook, 10, (1994), 1994, 94-7.

100. Review of The high crosses of Ireland by Peter Harbison, Irish Arts Review Yearbook, 10, (1994), 258-60.

101. Review of North Leinster, The buildings of Ireland, by C. Casey and A. Rowan , Society of Architectural Historians, Newsletter, 1994.

102. Review of Beranger's Views of Ireland by Peter Harbison, Irish Arts Review Yearbook, 9, (1993), 267-8.

103. Review of The cathedrals of Ireland by Peter Galloway, Irish Times, January 31st, 1993

104. Review of The follies and garden buildings of Ireland by J. Howley, Irish Times, 1993.

105. Review of An introduction to high crosses by H. Richardson and J. Scarry, Irish Arts Review Yearbook, 8, (1992), 266-7.

106. Review of Architecture and the after-life by H. Colvin, Irish Times, 1st February, 1992.

107. Review of Town and country by M. Girouard , Irish Times, 14th February, 1992.

108. Review of The Royal Abbey of Saint Denis from its beginnings to the death of Suger 475-1151 by S. Crosby, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 49 (1991), 440-1.

109. Review of The Work of Angels exhibition, in Irish Arts Review Yearbook, (1991), 186.

110. Review of The Book of Kells, facsimile, Irish Arts Review Yearbook, 7, (1991), 126-7.

111. Review of Iona, Kells, and Derry - the History and hagiography of the Monastic Familia of Columba by M. Herbert, American Historical Review 95 (1990), 1176.

112. Review: ‘The New Treasury at the National Museum of Ireland’, Burlington Magazine, 129 (1987), 556-57.

113. Review of Architecture of the Tigre, Ethiopia by R. Plant, Journal of East African Studies (1987), 99-101.

114. Review of Images of lust by A. Weir and J. Jerman, Antiquaries Journal, 67, 1987.

115. Review of French Gothic architecture by J. Bony, Art International, 27/4, (1984), .

116. Review of The architecture of Ireland by M.Craig, Art International, 26/4, (1983), 20-2.

117. Review of Romanesque sculpture by M.F. Hearn, Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 136 (1983).

118. Review of Carrickfergus Castle, County Antrim by T.E. McNeill, Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 135 (1982), 65-6.

119. Review of The architectural history of Canterbury Cathedral by F. Woodman, Art International, 25, no.3-4 (1982), 96-7.

120. Review of Irish art and architecture by P. Harbison, H. Potterton and J. Sheedy, Hermathena, 126, (1979).

121. Review of Exploring cathedrals by K. Hudson, Search, 2/1 (1979), 54-6.

122. Round towers, Review of The round towers of Ireland by G.L. Barrow, Irish Times, 25th September, 1979.

123. ‘When Christ Church was restored’, Irish Times, 1977.

124. Review of The Modern Traveller to the Early Irish Church by K.Hughes and A.Hamlin and The Monasteries of Ireland by D.Pochin Mould, in Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 130 (1977), 168.

125. Review of The architectural interpretation of history by J. Gloag, New Divinity, vol.7/1 (1976), 62-3.

126. Review of Irish medieval figure sculpture by J. Hunt, Journal of the British Archaeological Association, Third Ser., 38 (1975), 185.


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