University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania

African Studies Center, Middle East Center, South Asia Center, Center for East Asian Studies, and University Museum Education Department

Summer Institute for Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey

K-16 Teachers

June 23-27, 2008

"Demystifying Stereotypes and Understanding Contemporary Cultures

in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East."

Application Form

(Deadline: June 2, 2008)


School Name & School District:……………………………………..…………………. Teaching Grade: …………………………………………………………………………

Contact Address: ………………………………………………………………………….


Phone:…………………Fax …………………. E-mail: …………………………………

You are required to type (double-spaced) and attach a 500-word essay addressing the following questions:

• Please discuss how you have covered Africa/Middle East/Asia in your teaching, and when.

• What are your motivations to teach about this area?

• How do you think this workshop will assist you in integrating issues concerning stereotypes of different cultures into your classroom?

• What are some of the challenges you have faced or anticipate in teaching this subject in your classroom (lack of resources, time, and knowledge; how to integrate into curriculum according to Standards, etc.)?

Selected candidates will be contacted by Monday, June 9. All selected candidates are required to attend all five days of the workshops and complete a simple lesson plan to be presented on June 27, with no exceptions. At the end of the workshop, each successful candidate will receive a $150 stipend, resources for the classroom and a certificate of completion. Workshop participants will be accredited in line with the Pennsylvania Act 48 Credit system. Teachers from New Jersey will also receive professional development credit.

Please mail, fax or e-mail application by June 2 to: Nicole Riley, Outreach Coordinator, Center for East Asian Studies, 255 S. 36th Street, 642 Williams Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6035; fax: 215-573-2561; e-mail: Call 215-573-4203 for more information.


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